Guiding Principles
This is an energetic community that is governed by an intention to increase love and light on planet earth and beyond.
The Stars on the Other Side of the Sun Guiding Principles are: ★ Self-love increases love for all people and all energies. ★ We are all one. What happens to one is felt by all. ★ We clear and cleanse old programs and limiting beliefs to make way for new ways of knowing unconditional love and the power of the 'now' moment. ★ The galactic energies have started to work on your system already! By making this commitment, you have sent a powerful intention to the universe that you are ready to go deeper. Prepare for self-discovery. ★ To increase the effectiveness of each prediction, set an intention to receive. It's simple. All you have to do is relax, and let the love/light do the work. ★Gratitude is a never-ending, all encompassing, and intense feeling and expression that can be used at ALL times in order to move you energetic system into a space of receptivity and grace. We are so thankful for you. We are so honoured to have your energy amplify this exciting space of restoration and renewal. Inside, you will find a detailed energetic prediction for Monday - Friday, and an extended forecast to take you through the weekend. This information is for you to use as you like. However, we recommend some form of journaling, in order to track your progress and go deeper into your personal journey. Grab a notebook, take notes in your smart phone, or place 'sticky note' reminders around your environment. You will be guided to do what is right for you. The important thing is that you make the most of this guidance in order to realize maximum benefits. You will notice that each predication is accompanied by a specific crystal and sound frequency. These are meant to assist incorporation of the information into your system. Again, it is up to you how you want to integrate these offerings. Click here for a chart detailing the most commonly used crystals on the member site. In particular, they are chosen to increase connectivity with galactic beings. If you are interested in starting a crystal collection, this would be a good place to start. An audio file, containing a specific sound frequency, accompanies each prediction. These are short toning, but if you choose, you can put on repeat. It is recommended that you listen while reading in order to enhance the energetic experience offered by the Galactic guides. Be One and Be In Joy!
★ This is your portal into galactic light! ★ Your access point for the entire ascension library! ★ Choose your own adventure! ★ Light Worker's Unite! ★Activations, meditations, and visualizations await you! |