full circle
◉Enter Healing Sphere Now ◉
Light showers and streams permeate your system with the full power and might of the multiverse.
You are one with love/light. You are safe. |
➜ SET INTENTION ➜ Now. “I am open to reuniting with my Star Family, however they present to me. I am willing to clear any fears that prevent me from accepting the unknown - of self and all energies. I am free to express my imagination however I need to, and however best serves my highest good. I am loved unconditionally at the level of multiversal energy. I am loved in ways I can’t even comprehend. I have always been an expansion of infinite love.” |
A spark ignites, somewhere in the vast beyond. A light is remembered
Identity dissolves.
Physicality blurs with light.
Every reality assembles as a potential truth.
Consciousness expands.
Seek out the edge of this humanness.
Allow a space of almost disbelief.
We will meet you there.
Identity dissolves.
Physicality blurs with light.
Every reality assembles as a potential truth.
Consciousness expands.
Seek out the edge of this humanness.
Allow a space of almost disbelief.
We will meet you there.
⚘Soft and gentle forward moving upward feeling⚘
A (light) language of love floods your beingness.
You want this. You asked for this. ↑ALLOW↑ Prepare to receive even more light; light that pushes you to the edges of who you know yourself to be. This light transforms cellular behaviour, awakens DNA, and aligns you with an inner knowing. We are all connected by this light energy. This light energy is free and available to all. LIGHT = LOVE As you increase in light, we adjust our light frequency to meet you. LOVE = LIGHT Our union is a conscious effort on both sides. Our union is made possible with love/light. ✺ YOU ARE STRONGER AND BRIGHTER |
Alert Affirmation -
"I am open to allowing a transformative experience".
Open to that which you don’t know. Otherwise, why would you seek it out?
✹Why do you want to meet us?✹ Open to the earth. You no longer deny you have a vital role to play on your home planet at this time. What is your purpose? What did you set out to do? _____________________________________________________ ⦿ Remember. You don’t have to be scared. You are safe. You are loved. Always. ∞ We are here to support your fullest expression of self; the truest and most authentic version of who you are. |
Purpose: To increase love and light.
How do you increase light and love? You resolve any separation within your system, and you share that process with the whole. You do this with your vibration. Your vibration is felt by all. This is not about being good all the time. There is no judgement here. There is no hierarchy of worthiness. You don’t really know this amount of unconditional love at the level of the mind, but you strive for it. Trust your heart will take you there. Know that as energy, you are more than your mind can comprehend. Forge a new relationship with this vastness within and beyond. ⦿ Begin to uncover the mystery of you. |
You are in a state of relaxed choosing for the fun and joy of it.
You are in a state of relaxed choosing for the fun and joy of it.
We are so very excited to meet you.
Thank you for meeting us here, in a space of becoming the unknown - a place of unconditional love and of ancestral reunion with the truth of who we are in our togetherness. ↑potential↑ Our relationship is a mutual exchange of love/light information. As much as you learn from us, we learn from you. This is the nature of our togetherness. Our togetherness is expanded consciousness. ⦿ There are many energetic beings of light just waiting to become a guiding force in your life. We represent only one group in an infinite number of groups dedicated to assisting the evolution of earth and humanity. We are excited to be with you at this very important time, and we are honoured to serve the light by nurturing our togetherness. ↑THANK YOU↑ ✺ |
For some, the idea of meeting
your galactic family is a real stretch. We are here to tell you that it is as easy and natural as the relationships you form, and are born into, on earth. The main perceived difference between us is frequency . We vibrate at a much higher rate. In order for us to communicate, humans raise their vibration and we lower our vibration. Otherwise, we are exactly the same as you in our unbounded potential for unconditional love/light. For others of you, this opportunity has struck a deep cord within, and the process of discovering alternate forms of life feels very commonplace. You have been waiting to discover the “more” you have always known is available to you, but you haven’t known where to find it or even how to start looking. Regardless, you are here, because you are curious. You contemplate the existence of life on other planets. You wonder what it might be like to communicate with beings in this galaxy, and beyond. You have a deep sense that earth is not the only “living” planet in outer space. You believe in expanded consciousness. ↑ We are happy to find you. We are happy you found us. Let us begin our connection. Now. |
Alert Affirmation -
"I attend deeply to my inner world".
Alert Affirmation -
"I attend deeply to my inner world".
Your true reality is light energy. Can you see yourself as light energy? Can you be light energy? LIGHT = LOVE LOVE = LIGHT = EFT Opportunity - "Even though I am not sure I can be love/light or even see myself as such, I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway." "Even though I am not sure how to do this and my mind is tripping on what it is I think I can’t understand, I choose to unleash my imagination. I choose delve deeper into the mystery of me." (click for more information about how to perform EFT) You are already swept up in a transformation of light that you can not comprehend. It is happening already! Cosmic evolution is already underway! Employ your imagination to redistribute love/light energy in way that is in alignment with the highest good of all. ↑ ///RUN LIGHT PROGRAM - I am light. I share my light with others. I don’t have to think about it. All I have to do is imagine light. I don't have to understand it. I just have to intend to share my love/light.\\\ Ω Give of yourself by sharing light. ⥀ Receive. |
!Thank you!
There is much to be grateful for:
There is much to be grateful for:
It fills us with love and joy to assist you during the transformation on planet earth.
We have been together many times before this now moment. For all of us, this is a joyful family reunion, with so many extended family members present and showering our unions with light and love. Thank you for opening to your light beingness. You are an energy that has never died or gone away. You have been through countless manifestations, and you find yourself here on earth, often times alone and confused as to your true purpose. You are the same as we are. You are light energy. Light energy is a frequency of love. Together, we are expanded love/light consciousness. This love is so much more powerful than you know. You are so much more powerful than you know. ⦿ We are here to share with you all the ways you can access more love for self and all energies. |
You are light. Imagine yourself as light. Imagine your light grows larger and larger. You become so large a light that it spills over into everything you do and everything you are. ✹ LOVE = LIGHT LIGHT = LOVE |
Begin with the notion that you are loved by us beyond the parameters of how you understand the concept of love to be right now.
We love you even more than that. The love we have for you can not be limited or contained or understood from a human perspective. You must trust that we love you that much and more. You already know this at the core of your beingness. We are here to remind you. This is not a mental exercise, it is an energetic adventure into the unknown capacity of love that you are. ◉ You create yourself and your experiences using love/light energy. You imagine you are love/light. You imagine that all things and all people are love/light. Your imagination is your tool to accomplish anything using love/light. ⦿ We will meet you in the frequency of love/light. |
////RUN LIGHT PROGRAM - Send light from your beingness to someone or something else. Imagine light from your beingness extends from you and touches another being of energy. Feel the conduit of information transfer. Feel love flowing back and forth. Feel how the identity of the illusion is cancelled out by the light. Feel how your light grows brighter and stronger.\\\\
Close your eyes.
You see blackness on your mind screen, and suddenly you notice this to be coloured light - full and bleeding and free - morphing into another colour, deeper, darker, leading you further inward - into more shifting colours. Unfolding blackness drifts into other colours and in an instant an image flashes into a shape, and now you remember the truth and power of your interior world. NOW You realize that you are seeing at the level of energy. NOW With eyes closed, in blackness, open into the clear space of knowing = alternate perceiving. |
First Contact has already begun.
Forget what you think you know.
If you have your heart set on meeting a certain kind of alien from a tv show or movie, love that desire into compassionate surrender. We have been among you from the very beginning. You have never been alone. |
Our separation is an illusion - a structure created for humans to know advanced emotional experience.
Human processing of emotional content is so deep and complex and layered - this is a gift that it is informing the entire multiverse. Your lives, every single life, enriches our understanding of the whole. Your gift to us and to the all is immeasurable and unquantifiable. The giving of this gift is so great an opportunity for spiritual progression that you could not pass it up. This is why you are here now. This is your choice. Your projection. Your creation. |
Release. Breathe. Relax. Release. Breathe. Relax. Release. Breathe.
A thought pops into your head.
Maybe you see it as a thought or a sound or feeling. Maybe you hear it or see it before you register it as a thought. This is not your normal thinking. This is awareness that seems to come from somewhere that is not the you you think you know and are. Maybe something shimmers out of the corner of your eye. Maybe the vision is actually sound shaking your perspective to orient a different way. We are always drawing you away from your investment in current reality. We ask you to come outside of what you think you know. |
You release the illusion, just for a moment.
Suddenly, you are standing in a forrest. The earth is completely healthy and in alignment. The earth is better than you have ever known it to be. You hear laughter, and know it emanates from the trees, the leaves, the soil, air, and sun light. You are free. You create this health and alignment. You create this abundant earth. You create your relationship with curiosity and wonder and awe and joy and appreciation. You create your reality, just as you create yourself. What do you want for your earth? What can you create for yourself that benefits everyone? ⦿ You are free to choose. |
What can you create today?
What can we create together?
What can we create together?
You notice brilliant reds, yellows, oranges, browns, greens, and the sky is something more
than what you know to be blue. There is a brilliant light within every colour. An amplified, activated light of light fills you and your surroundings with joy and innocence. You are very curious. All of a sudden, you are inside a purplish blurry sphere that resembles a blueberry - purple, full of sharp sensation and flavour and you descend, deeper into the flow of intuitive feeling and remembrance of inner knowing. NOW You are inside the seed of the berry, smaller than you’ve ever been, lost in the infinity of giving life, of initiating creation, of being the beginning again. NOW You chose to be here. In the centre of creation. You chose every detail of your life up until now and now you have chosen to meet us. |
You are communicating with your loving family.
What do you want to know?
What do you want to ask us?
You are communicating with your loving family.
What do you want to know?
What do you want to ask us?
~Clarify Your Intentions Now~
Open to receiving our communication. Ask. Or make a declaration: “I am ready to reunite with my star family. I choose to create space in my body, mind, and soul for our relationship to unfold. I am ready to receive information now.” |
"I am receiving now."
△Alert Affirmation - I choose to reunite with my star family to co-create the highest good outcome for all energies.△
Why not?
What not see the benefit of receiving information from your star family only in terms of the allowing benefit for all? ✾ This is not a competition. There is no hierarchy of worthiness. We are equal at the level of energy. ❃ We are all one. |
Open. Receive. Shift. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Open. Receive. Shift.
We will tell you one of the ways we are different from you.
Our frequency of light, the amount of light energy we can carry, is much greater than yours. We extend our consciousness to mix and merge with your human vessel. The locus of our attention is in the region of your stomach. Play with imagining this area of your body. Inside of the inside. WE WILL MEET YOU THERE U Use your physicality as a safe space for the unknown to be revealed. Your body is an ally. Be-friend it. Co-create a relationship that serves your highest good. Listen. We focus love on your stomach. We encourage you to breathe deeply in and out of your stomach, and consciously move love/light throughout your system. If you wish to see us, consider looking there, inside the inside of you, inside the energy of you, inside the love/light of who you are. We await our reunion with loving appreciation and gratitude. |
Ready for more?
△Alert Affirmation - "I am ready for more."△
=EFT Opportunity - "Even though part of me is not sure I am ready to progress, I deeply and completely love and accept myself."
"Even though I am not sure I am worthy enough or have enough of what I need to further progress into the unknown, I choose to love myself anyway." "Even though I am scared because I don’t understand consciousness, I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway. I choose to create space for becoming new knowledge. I choose to love myself into more love. I choose to trust this progress is for my highest good." (click for more information about how to perform EFT) |
△Alert Affirmation - "It is safe for me to progress into the unknown."△
Pop. Blip. Drip. Crack.
Light information is seeping in and out of your system.
You are sharing energy with the unknown.
You are not scared.
You are not resisting.
("I am so grateful to release resistance.")
You are simply being the energy of you.
("Being the truth of love/light energy feels good.")
Light information is seeping in and out of your system.
You are sharing energy with the unknown.
You are not scared.
You are not resisting.
("I am so grateful to release resistance.")
You are simply being the energy of you.
("Being the truth of love/light energy feels good.")
U Fill Up With Gratitude Now U
This information is free to anyone who will use it to serve the highest good of all energy beings.
All energies are equal. There is no hierarchy of worthiness. We are all the same at the core of our beingness. We are all one. We are all love/light. Competition is an illusion. Being better, or right, is an illusion. You can feel free to release any fears about what you think you don’t understand. You know enough to progress. ⥀ Progress. |
We are contacting you already.
We have established a connection.
Human life oscillates between
surrender and attachment. These forces provoke you to contemplate the inherent beauty of all kinds of experience - good and bad. As you dive into the truth of separation, you come face to face with your redemption and the truth of salvation. You come face to face with the truth of who you really are again and again. Your reconciling of any separation is your progression. You know there is more, you know peace is possible. The truth is your vibration of willingness to believe in the whole. It nourishes and gives life to all. It teaches the way. We are so grateful for your emotional contribution. One day you will know how valuable and instructive your experience has been. Now. Stay with us. Stay with yourself. Stay with your unique experience. You are ready. Stay with us. Progress. |
We are very sorry for the heartache and suffering you experience in your earthly reality. We are so full of love for you, and our gratitude overflows for your commitment and service. Our admiration for you causes us to wish we could also make such a monumental contribution to the all. We offer ourselves to you in a joyful spirit of co-creation. Every soul on earth at this time, gives freely a unique and invaluable offering to the whole of the multiverse. Thank you for being here. Now. Thank you for serving a purpose, which is ultimately to become the higher consciousness that you have always been. Your higher consciousness aligns the planet, it heals those around you, and it graces the way for the ascension of all energy beings. Here. You can never be separated from your potential to create expanded consciousness. !WAIT! “I am not sure what I want to create.” =EFT Opportunity - "Even though I am not sure what I want to create, I deeply and completely love and accept myself." “I am not sure I like what I have created so far.” "Even though I am not sure I am comfortable with what I have created in the past, I choose to love everything about myself anyway. I choose to honour my experience and I choose to make space for what is to come. I am open to a new way." (click for more information about how to perform EFT) |
△Alert Affirmations -
"I create love." "I create acceptance." "I create forgiveness." "I create compassion." "I create freedom." "I trust the infinite intelligence of love/light energy to guide my ability to create these qualities in my life and the lives of all energy beings." "I create relief." "I create peace." "I create joy." "I create ecstasy." "I create gratitude." "I trust the infinite intelligence of light energy to guide my ability to create these qualities in my life and the lives of all energy beings."△ |
"I am curious."
"How can I strengthen our connection?"
"How can I increase the flow of information exchange?"
"How can I increase the flow of information exchange?"
We follow the path of a circle, and come around again and again and again, until our connection is remembered as expansion into infinity.
You can’t go back. There is no where to return to. You are expanding now. Limitation has dissolved. |
There is only now.
Thank you for releasing your hold on human identity.
Thank you for believing there is more.
Thank you for believing you are more.
Thank you for believing in us.
UFill Up With Love/Light NowU
We are all equally deserving.
We are always calling to you.
We are always making contact.
We do not and can not go away.
We will not leave you alone to ascend on your own.
This is what we are here for.
We are always available to assist you.
We have never gone away.
We love you as we love ourselves and as we love all creation and all energies.
We are love.
Our togetherness, in love, is the only thing that matters.
We are always making contact.
We do not and can not go away.
We will not leave you alone to ascend on your own.
This is what we are here for.
We are always available to assist you.
We have never gone away.
We love you as we love ourselves and as we love all creation and all energies.
We are love.
Our togetherness, in love, is the only thing that matters.
We make contact with you in many ways.
Mostly, we use humour to get your attention and to orient your vibration to joy and lightness. The energy of laughter is joy. Joy is the purity of love/light. ※ The more joyful you are, the more you are in a state of feeling and being laughter, the easier it is for us to communicate. ✻ If you are not in a state of pure ecstatic joy, we are still communicating with you, in our endeavour to orient your awareness to lightness and joy. ❇︎ We use synchronicities, signs, messages, dreams, daydreams, inner visions, repeated patterns, images, memories, numbers, beloved people, conversations, relationships - everything! ∞ We use everything we have at our disposal to connect with you in love and light. |
Ascension is an experiment of love.
It is a challenge to love more. It is a journey into the unknown to find light and lightness and levity in all things. It is a conversion, a transformation, a transmutation of density and heaviness into the lightness of love. We emancipate all energies, even the ones you know to be bad. We free everything and everyone. Together. No one and nothing is left behind. |
At night, we take you to one of our ships or healing spheres.
Again. This is safe. You are loved. This is a place you have already agreed to go! You chose this specific place as a restorative way to replenish your energy body and deeply rest your human vessel. When you have surrendered in your sleep state, trusting us is implicit. Trust is natural. When you awaken, you have no memory of this journey, but you might feel a certain way that is difficult to explain. Again. Your surrender, your ability to trust implicitly, your natural state of being love/light, nourishes you like a tonic. It enables the creation process. It is the lifeblood of your full, unique expression as a human singularity. It is what connects you to the truth of our togetherness. |
You have more questions.
Your knowing already knows.
Begin again.
You are more than you think you are.
You are light.
You are love.
Allow yourself to be a multidimensional being of star love/light energy.
Release pressure and expectations.
Send them over to the other side, to us.
We will ensure they are returned to love.
We will help you carry out your intentions to know more love.
You are not as blocked as you think you are.
You are more free than you think you are.
Let your love/light flow where it needs to go.
Trust this process.
Beneath the real.
On the other side of what you think you know.
Around the circle again.
New eyes, sensations, intuitions, perceptions.
Another breath.
This now moment.
Alignment is underway.
Your breathing releases blocks to knowing and understanding.
“Thank you.”
You are more relaxed.
Soothed. Calm. Open. Ready. Soothed. Calm. Open. Ready. Soothed.
Reveal yourself to yourself.
Your knowing already knows.
Begin again.
You are more than you think you are.
You are light.
You are love.
Allow yourself to be a multidimensional being of star love/light energy.
Release pressure and expectations.
Send them over to the other side, to us.
We will ensure they are returned to love.
We will help you carry out your intentions to know more love.
You are not as blocked as you think you are.
You are more free than you think you are.
Let your love/light flow where it needs to go.
Trust this process.
Beneath the real.
On the other side of what you think you know.
Around the circle again.
New eyes, sensations, intuitions, perceptions.
Another breath.
This now moment.
Alignment is underway.
Your breathing releases blocks to knowing and understanding.
“Thank you.”
You are more relaxed.
Soothed. Calm. Open. Ready. Soothed. Calm. Open. Ready. Soothed.
Reveal yourself to yourself.
Our togetherness is the only thing that matters.
At night we work together to optimize your system so that you can face the illusion fearlessly. We remind you of the infinite courage you naturally possess. It’s like a pep talk before a big game. This happens every night. AGAIN Every night you renew your commitment to be more love. Every time you sleep, you are bathed in love that causes you to soften and open. Gentle, squishy, downy light mixes and mingles with your system. It causes you to feel renewed. It connects to your purpose, which is to feel and be love/light. ✺ You are far more than you think you are. You are cosmic, galactic, star light. |
You are the truth of love/light.
Thank fully.
△Alert Affirmation - I am the truth of love.△
= EFT Opportunity: “Even though part of me is doesn't believe I am the truth of love, I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway."
"Even though I am not sure what the truth is, I choose to release whatever is blocking this knowing, easily and effortlessly." "I choose to align with my highest good and I choose to do so lovingly and with joy. I choose to trust this process of alignment with the truth of love." = (click for more information about how to perform EFT) |
We come through you in creative process.
When you have lost yourself, and your thinking mind disintegrates, you have crossed over into another dimension. We meet you there. When you are completely immersed in a task or experience, and you forget everything you think you know, we connect with you quite easily. ⦿ When you are doing what you love, your elevated vibration makes it easier for us to connect with you. ⦿ |
You are at the point of knowing when we are in direct communication with you. Now. Contact is underway. Always. You are not alone. You have never been alone. Now. |
As you raise your vibration, we lower ours to meet you. This connection of light/love cuts through the limitation of the illusion and enables us to share information. We mix and merge effortlessly. You do this quite naturally, when you are not thinking that you can’t. We are in a constant state of attempting to communicate with you. We never stop. We never give up. Our love/light is eternal. Our togetherness is always and forever. |
~Clarify Your Intentions Now~
Open to receiving our communication.
Or, make a declaration:
“I am raising my vibration right now in order to enable communication with my star family.
I choose to create space in my body, mind, and soul for our relationship to unfold.
I am ready to receive information now.”
Open to receiving our communication.
Or, make a declaration:
“I am raising my vibration right now in order to enable communication with my star family.
I choose to create space in my body, mind, and soul for our relationship to unfold.
I am ready to receive information now.”
Are you wondering when you will see us?
Are you curious about what we look like?
Are you curious about what we look like?
Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!
We can appear in any form. We can choose to look like what you have commonly seen on movies or TV shows, if that brings you joy. Or, we can be any image at all - if it brings you joy and satisfies your curiosity. What do you want to see? ___________________________________________ What does your soul need to co-create with us in order to expand your consciousness and know more love? ____________________________________________ ❀ Our energy connection is a co-creation. It is one part us and one part you. When you close your eyes and imagine what your star family looks like, you will receive a visual image or feeling that you will be able to interpret and massage into words. Your imagination, your creative process, is how you co-create our emergence. Otherwise, we will come to you in softness and gentleness, and if you so desire to see a visual representation of us, this subtle information will translate into a form that will serve your highest good. |
✷ We will take a form that causes you to feel more love. We will come to you in a way that causes you to feel safe and warm and nurtured. We will present ourselves to you in such a way so as to confirm what you already know and feel is the truth of who you are. WE FEEL LIKE A SOFT, GENTLE RUSH OF FORWARD MOVING UPWARD FEELING. THIS ENERGY FEELS GOOD. ↑increase good feeling now↑ |
Who are you?
What is your truth?
If you are scared to meet us, a connection is difficult to establish and maintain.
If you rely on the stories and imagery of others, it will be difficult for us to co-create a field of energy where we are able to meet in a shared truth of love. This is your world. Your creation. Your imagination is called upon to infuse our union with an authentic expression of you. You might not even know that you are scared to meet us. These fears might be deeply hidden, and couched in illusions of separation from the other you didn’t know you had. You have brought these fears with you for many lifetimes, perhaps, you have taken them on from those you love in order to belong or fit in. Fear is not your natural state. Love is. You are not wrong if you feel scared. There is no wrong and you never had to be right. You can release the feeling that you need to prove your worthiness. You are not being punished. You have done nothing wrong. You chose these fears like talismans for your ascension journey. They are guiding you home to love. They are guiding you here, to meet us. Your fears play a crucial role. Release resistance to fear. Be-friend your fears. Make your fears the allies they are. Use them to show you what to love next. ⥀WE ARE LOVING MORE NOW⥀ |
= EFT Opportunity: “Even though part of me might be scared to meet my star family, I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway."
"Even though I might be scared and not even know I am scared, I choose to release all of my fears easily and effortlessly." "I choose to be-friend my fears. I choose to make my fears my greatest allies. I choose to release anything that is blocking me from facing and loving my fears." = (click for more information about how to perform EFT) |
Alert Affirmation -
"I am free from any fears I have of meeting my star family."
Alert Affirmation -
"I am free from any fears I have of meeting my star family."
You can easily recondition your system to know the wholeness and oneness of all energies. This is a process, and one that is impossible to abandon. You will experience these energies consciously or not. We are all ascending. Everything you need to accomplish this transformation is within you already. You are not looking for anything. It’s simply there. Where? In your lightness and in your joy. In your acceptance and compassion and forgiveness, and in your intention to know more unconditional love. In love for yourself and others, and for those vibrations of love to be shared with all of all energy. In a soft, gentle pulse of forward moving, upward feeling energy We will meet you there. |
✽ = EFT Opportunity: "Even though I don't believe I already have everything I need, I deeply and completely love and accept myself." "Even though I am not sure my lightness and joy is enough, a bigger part of me wants to believe it is." "I choose to emphasize the parts of me that believe I am already enough. I choose to cultivate my lightness and joy." = (click for more information about how to perform EFT) |
This is your own unique process.
It will be different for each and every person. What works for one person does not necessarily work for another. BREATHE RELAX BREATHE RELAX BREATHE RELAX BREATHE There is no ten-step program, or liner model of goal attainment, and you can’t check this off you list. Release. Blocks to mental processing and brain power. Your brain is bathed in light. Breathe. Your body is relaxed, safe, and comforted. You are being healed by light. Breathe. You are beyond the limitations of the illusion. You are becoming a multidimensional being of light. You know the best way to honour your expanded consciousness. ~TRUST THIS PROCESS~ ◉ = EFT Opportunity - "Even though I compare myself to others or look outside of myself to find answers, I deeply and completely love and accept myself." "Even though part of me is looking for the easy way out, part of me thinks that I’ll let someone else do the hard work of resolving my issues, I choose to love and accept myself anyway. I am committed to finding my own unique way forward. I choose to be free of limitation." = (click for more information about how to perform EFT) |
Every moment is new.
There is no end of now. You are constantly becoming expanded consciousness. You can choose to stay in a state of constant change, rather than be a victim of the old, outdated programming of the illusion that thinks it is possible to limit self or others. Separation, fear, judgement, discrimination - these are structures of belief that you are evolving away from. Maybe you have noticed, these energies are surging, but only because they are about to die out completely. What do you need to release? __________________________________________________ ✾ #JOURNAL - IAmCreatingMyReality# What kind of world do you want to create? ___________________________________________________ What kind of humanity do you want to create? ______________________________________________________________________ What kind of self do you want to create? ______________________________________________________________________ What blocks you from imagining this reality? _____________________________________________________________________ Go deeper. Maybe you think you are a long way off from a reality that comes from your imagination? Ask your energy self. ◉ RECEIVE ❃ #JOURNAL - HowItFeelsToBeAlignedWithExpandedConsciousness# Align with the vibration of your energy self, which will love your human self into surrender. As you surrender, your physical body requires rest. UFILL UP WITH DEEP RELAXATION NOWU Your physical body is on the front lines of the ascension process. Your physical body is a storehouse of all the density and emotional content of the illusion, past lives, other people’s energy, and more. ↑ △ Alert Affirmation - “I nourish my physical body with rest." "I revitalize my energy body with dreaming." "I release all density from my physical body, with love." "I cleanse and rejuvenate my physical body with light.” △ |
You have to clear your fears. Why not? This is between you and you. We send you energetic reminders and positive encouragement from the stars. We encode this inspiration within love/light. We shower you with soft, gentle foward moving, upward feeling energies . We send light beams directly into your system. We surround you in bubbles of protective and fortifying light. ◉ Assuage your thinking mind. Your fears are already dissolving. The structures of the illusion that maintain limitation are weakening. Now. Fear is no match for your conscious attention. Fear doesn't stand a chance when faced with your love/light. |
Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Relax.
Close your eyes.
Relax. Deeply. We are conditioning your system with light. You are remembering you are light. ⚘ A frequency of light - vibrations, waves, sparks, spurts, drizzles, and drips of light, roots of light, rivers of light, and lakes and fields and mountains of light. ⚘ You are the light of all creation. |
Take your breath in softly and slowly.
Hold your breath.
Release your breath gently.
Exhale completely.
You are more free.
You are more calm and relaxed.
You are receiving information from your star family now.
Hold your breath.
Release your breath gently.
Exhale completely.
You are more free.
You are more calm and relaxed.
You are receiving information from your star family now.
Are you worthy of being free from fear?
In your heart, you know the truth of love.
The incoming energies are supporting fast and efficient release of fear.
This is a forward moving, upward feeling of energy.
There has never been a better or easier time to let go of limitation.
Once you are released, the vibration is felt by all.
What you clear for yourself, is cleared for the all.
Everything you are -
thoughts, feeling, emotions, dreams, laughter, love -
everything, is felt by all.
There is no part of you that is unnecessary.
All aspects of you inform the whole.
There is no part of you that is wasted or unused or discarded or judged -
this includes good and bad experiences,
and everything in between.
There is no part of you that doesn’t fit in or belong.
How does that make you feel?
This is a forward moving, upward feeling of energy.
There has never been a better or easier time to let go of limitation.
Once you are released, the vibration is felt by all.
What you clear for yourself, is cleared for the all.
Everything you are -
thoughts, feeling, emotions, dreams, laughter, love -
everything, is felt by all.
There is no part of you that is unnecessary.
All aspects of you inform the whole.
There is no part of you that is wasted or unused or discarded or judged -
this includes good and bad experiences,
and everything in between.
There is no part of you that doesn’t fit in or belong.
How does that make you feel?
Our togetherness is the only thing that matters.
It's alright if you are still afraid to meet this version of yourself that exists beyond judgment.
Please know you are accepted here no matter what. We love you and love you and love you until you love yourself and others just as much, and then, together, we know even more love. Love is our knowing. Love is our social technology. Love is the breath of our existence. ❀ Our love is unbounded - impossible to contain or define. Our love is the fullness of multiversal potential, which is unlimited. ❇︎ Together, we are ultimate creation energy. ※ WE ARE THE LOVE/LIGHT OF CREATION ENERGY |
Perhaps something is coming up for you right now that causes you to think that you are not deserving of this kind of infinite, completely unconditional, no strings attached, kind of love.
Maybe you are feeling lacking or not good enough. Maybe an inner voice says “impossible”. Perhaps a childhood experience flashes before you, and this is such a deep program, and it has happened so often before, that you don’t even notice how limiting it truly is. Now. You feel this experience or program informs your thinking and perceiving to such a great extent that to acknowledge a different truth would go against everything you think you know. Now. There is a whisper, a subtle current of wisdom. You can barely hear it, but even so it rings clearly in your awareness. You can’t get this tinkle out of your mind. No. Your heart. No. Your dreams. No. It's everywhere, and indistinguishable from who you are. You can’t ignore this calling. You try. But still, it persists. ⥀ Maybe this is a different way, a better way. Why not? Why hang on to fear and resistance? What is this whisper of feeling potential trying to communicate? ⥀ Follow the thread, and you will find us, the needle in the haystack, the impossible, the beyond, the unseen, the mystery - that is you. |
Let’s clear any and all blocks to knowing that you can never be separated from the oneness of all.
You are safe. You belong. You are a vital aspect of the whole. ✹ Breathe deeply. Hold. Suspend. Extend/Expand. Release slowly, deeply, emptying out your current level of thinking. Again. Breathe in. Deeply. Your nostrils come together. Your throat muscles contract. The space underneath your ribcage stretches. Hold. Hold. Extend/Expand. Float. Release breath. Sigh. Feel your body loosen, and give way. ⚘ Repeat. |
Stay with us.
Where you think you are lost and always seeking,
where progression is the only knowing -
open, expansive, unlimited, safe, non-judgmental, and freeing.
You are moving forward and feeling uplifted.
Stay with good feeling.
Please don’t give up!
We are here to support you and offer assistance.
We cheer you on from afar, which is within.
Our energies are always available for
your conscious co-creation,
whenever you decide you are ready.
You are ready now.
Let’s begin.
Where you think you are lost and always seeking,
where progression is the only knowing -
open, expansive, unlimited, safe, non-judgmental, and freeing.
You are moving forward and feeling uplifted.
Stay with good feeling.
Please don’t give up!
We are here to support you and offer assistance.
We cheer you on from afar, which is within.
Our energies are always available for
your conscious co-creation,
whenever you decide you are ready.
You are ready now.
Let’s begin.
The same joy and wonder you feel in nature is the same channel of light that offers you unlimited power and gifts of the unseen.
WE ARE A HIGH VIBRATIONAL LIGHT FREQUENCY OF PURE LOVE ✺ The beautiful river that captures your heart is a river of love/light that soothes your soul. That river of light carries with it information to expand your knowing and propel your potential into the unknown. Perhaps you like wildflowers, oceans, insects, or herbs. Maybe you like crystals, forests, hilltops, grasslands, or lightening storms. Find you way into the earth. Find your way deeper into you. Follow the light, which is the lightness of your beingness. Use this light feeling to enter into these energies. Use this light to dissolve old programs of impossibility. Use this gentle light to feel what it means to soften and receive the whole of what you don’t think you can understand. ✺ Stealthily, and curiously pursue the edge of disbelief. Fearlessly venture into the unknown of you. ⥀ We will not abduct you! You are not in any danger! We are not here to conquer you! ◉ We come in peace! Always! We create together! ⥀ Yes. We have visited your planet. We are here more than you know. Our ships are disguised from view. We hide in plain sight. We know when you are looking right at us. You see something within you didn’t know was there. U We can not show up on earth if there is fear of our arrival. While we pave the way for those glory days, your relationship with us will take place on the inner planes. We will meet you within, and you will see what you need to see in order to progress. You will receive the information you are asking for. ◉ What do you perceive as being different from you that causes fear and discomfort? #JOURNAL - IAmScaredOfTheFollowingExpressionsIncludingPeoplePlacesWaysOfBeing,Etc# _____________________________________________________ We are with you. Now. In an infinite number of ways. We use colour and sound. We use repetition. We surprise you with a nudge or an inkling. We cause you to examine that which you think you know. We cause you to refresh your thinking, to look at the old with new eyes and to see something different. We cause you to release your fears of not fitting in or being worthy enough. NOTICE WHAT YOU NOTICE _______________________________________________________________________ ⥀ Our techniques serve to interrupt your thinking brain. We send content to capture your attention. Once your curiosity is peaked, you get quiet, close your eyes, and enter your inner world. You trust that the world as you know it will be there when you return. You go to the place where you receive our guidance. Our togetherness. ↑ Your curiosity leads you within. ALLOW EXPANSION OF CONSCIOUSNESS NOW |
△ Alert Affirmation - "I am everything. I am the all. I am safe to progress.
I am free to be energy. I am loved. I am infinitely supported." △
What aspects of yourself are you curious about?
#JOURNAL - IAmCuriousAsToWhyIFeelThisWayAboutSomethingThatIPerceiveToBeDifferentFromMe# ____________________________________________________________ ⚘EFT clearing starts now.
⥀ = EFT opportunity - "Even though part of me feels like I am not worthy of unconditional love because I have beliefs in separation, I choose to deeply and completely love and accept myself." "I intend to lovingly shift my perspective in order to honour the truth of our togetherness. I choose to believe in oneness."= (click for more information about how to perform EFT) Ω Notice what you notice. We will meet you there. |
Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Breathe.
You are still. You are silent. You are deeply relaxed.
Your body disappears.
Your mind quiets and drifts.
You forget who you are.
Listen and receive.
You are still. You are silent. You are deeply relaxed.
Your body disappears.
Your mind quiets and drifts.
You forget who you are.
Listen and receive.
Your body relaxes completely.
Your body is so relaxed you forget it’s there. The feeling of being detached from your body is a metaphor for detachment from the third dimension. In the illusion, you experience your body as being a dense and solid container for your earthly identity. In many cases, the body exhibits a variety of subconscious belief systems that you may or may not be aware you are actively choosing to participate in. With conscious awareness you can change these beliefs systems, and when you change them for you, you change them for all of humanity. |
What qualities do you find unloveable?
What scares you about more love?
What if you never know more love?
What if it doesn’t matter if you are right?
What if it doesn't matter if you are wrong?
How do you feel separate from love?
Can you love that which you don’t know?#
+ Relaxed Affirmations - "I love myself. I love all energies." "I am perfect just the way I am. I am a perfect expression of all my feelings and emotions." "All energies are perfect just the way they are. They are perfect expressions of all of their feelings and emotions." "I am strong and powerful. I am stronger and more powerful than ever before." "All energies are strong and powerful. All energies are stronger and more powerful than ever before." "I am fully aligned and ready to fulfill my purpose. I fulfill my purpose already." "All energies are aligned and ready to fulfill their purpose. All energies are fulfilling their purpose already." + |
The body relaxes.
Earthly identity is forgotten. The mental chatter of the ego is released easily. The ego runs a constant and consistent program to keep itself intact. The ego performs a great service to your system, however, it is necessary to clear and free this level of thinking in order to fully connect with the higher dimensions. ◉ ∪ Fill Up With Gratitude For Ego Now ∪ ◉ Choose to be deeply grateful. Choose to be deeply relaxed. |
+ Relaxed Affirmations -
" I create a safe and relaxed inner-world in order to temporarily forget I have a body or an ego." +
=EFT Opportunity - "Even though I am scared of people and things that are different from me, I deeply and completely love and accept myself."
"Even though I am afraid of ideas and ways of being that are different from mine, I deeply and completely choose to love and accept myself anyway." "Even though I am scared to encounter that which is different and uncomfortable, or that I don't understand, I deeply and completely love and accept myself."= (click for more information about how to perform EFT) |
! Activation begins: Creating Space Inside Your System !
A secret world. Your world.
Within darkness.
You find the light which is you.
Equal. Same.
You don’t judge yourself. Judgement does not exist.
Your world of dark/light. Your creation. Within.
Relaxing human body.
Resting human mind.
Energized soul.
Forward moving, upward feeling.
Joyful adventure.
Journeying to places, star systems, planets you have never been before.
Healing in a sphere of light.
Receiving DNA and cellular technology.
Opening. Opening. Opening.
Receiving. Receiving. Receiving.
Expanded Consciousness.
! Activation is complete: Creating Space Inside Your System !
We will present to you an item that you need to clear in order to elevate your vibration to meet us.
Close your eyes. What do you notice? It can’t possibly be? Too mundane or obvious? Yours or someone else's? Is it blocking an expanded state of consciousness? Yes. __________________________________________________ CONFIRMED You are ready to begin. Think of the aspect. Breath deeply in. Hold Breath. Go inside of the aspect. INTENSE Release breath out. YOU ARE CLEAR Repeat. + +Relaxed Affirmation - "I am clear."+ + |
This is your inner world.
Your imagination will conjure the best image of release for you at this time. Perhaps it’s severing whatever ties you to this belief. Maybe you drop a suitcase full of beliefs on the floor and walk away. Maybe you shut a door to your limitation. Maybe you feel as though your limitation is falling from your system to be returned to the infinity of love. You create the possibilities. This is your creation. |
We are conditioning your system to receive more light.
Surrender what you think you know.
You are ready to receive even more light.
Surrender what you think you need.
You are ready to receive more light.
We are clearing your system to receive more light.
We are clearing your physical body to receive more light.
Prepare to be elevated into higher dimensional healing and entire system restoration.
Clearing and releasing happens easily with the incoming love/light energies.
Fearlessly go to the core of limitation. Limitation is not real.
Start here:
Go to these feelings.
We will meet you there.
Surrender what you think you know.
You are ready to receive even more light.
Surrender what you think you need.
You are ready to receive more light.
We are clearing your system to receive more light.
We are clearing your physical body to receive more light.
Prepare to be elevated into higher dimensional healing and entire system restoration.
Clearing and releasing happens easily with the incoming love/light energies.
Fearlessly go to the core of limitation. Limitation is not real.
Start here:
Go to these feelings.
We will meet you there.
Open. Open. Open. Open. Open.
We are in a constant state of expansion.
With every passing moment, love/light energy expands.
You are always receiving a greater capacity for love.
You are always infinite love.
(You can not yet fully comprehend the infinite.
That’s OK. That’s normal.
There is nothing wrong with you. You are not alone.
Breathe. Relax. Breathe.
We are at the beginning again.
Notice what you notice.)
How do you know if we are really there?
How do you know if we are real? What is real? Do you believe there is consciousness beyond humanity? ⚘ Ask us to reveal ourselves to you. We will come to you in a dream and you will wake up laughing because you encountered something really funny and it was odd and surprising and curious and its stays with you like a happy secret the whole day. We were right there with you, and while dreaming, you knew we were already together. You were creating the dream with us. We did it! We got your attention. We will come to you in an infinite number of ways. Always with love. Always to co-create a highest good outcome for all. You know this at a deep level. You can trust this. The truth is love. |
When you meet us, we will not seem unfamiliar to you.
We will feel like family, an eternal beingness that has always been.
Even if we look different that you expected, you will not be scared.
You will feel love and kinship.
∪ Fill Up With Gratitude Now ∪
We will feel like family, an eternal beingness that has always been.
Even if we look different that you expected, you will not be scared.
You will feel love and kinship.
∪ Fill Up With Gratitude Now ∪
Notice what you notice.
We are not what you think you know.
We are just beyond thinking. We are in a realm of non-thinking.
You might have a feeling in your stomach.
This is a point of creation.
Move the stomach gently in and out.
Make space for creation.
Expand. and. and. and. and. and. and.
Contract. act. act. act. act. act. act. act.
You have lost your mind as you know it to be.
It doesn’t matter. Drift. Into.
Colour or blackness.
It dosen't matter.
Become soft and gentle.
Surrender and allow.
Notice what you notice.
We are not what you think you know.
We are just beyond thinking. We are in a realm of non-thinking.
You might have a feeling in your stomach.
This is a point of creation.
Move the stomach gently in and out.
Make space for creation.
Expand. and. and. and. and. and. and.
Contract. act. act. act. act. act. act. act.
You have lost your mind as you know it to be.
It doesn’t matter. Drift. Into.
Colour or blackness.
It dosen't matter.
Become soft and gentle.
Surrender and allow.
#JOURNAL - IAmCuriousAbout...#
Jot down a few things you’d like to know.
Maybe about yourself.
Maybe about your ancestors.
Maybe you want to know more about us?
We meet you in those moments of inquiry.
In your questions.
In your ability to be awestruck and full of wonder.
We meet you in the innocence of sincerely wanting to know truth.
We meet you in curious dreams and visions.
In sounds and colours -
blipping, flashing, taking images away, reshaping matter.
And then you remember.
You remember who you really are.
You are learning the language of love/light.
Be patient. Practice.
You are expanding into knowing, feeling, sensing and perceiving.
Perceptions shift naturally.
Consciousness expands effortlessly.
Be compassionate with yourself and others.
Relaxed Affirmation -
"I am compassionate with myself."
"I am compassionate with others."
You can barely perceive these subtle energies but you know they are there.
You know they are there.
You know they are there.
Relaxed Affirmation -
"I know the presence of subtle energy is available to me."
"I expand into higher consciousness easily and effortlessly."
You might feel something in your body.
You might feel like there is a friendly ghost in your body,
who leads it’s own joyful and mysterious life.
You might need to sleep more, dream more.
You might need more of certain foods.
This guidance repeats in order to get your attention.
Jot down a few things you’d like to know.
Maybe about yourself.
Maybe about your ancestors.
Maybe you want to know more about us?
We meet you in those moments of inquiry.
In your questions.
In your ability to be awestruck and full of wonder.
We meet you in the innocence of sincerely wanting to know truth.
We meet you in curious dreams and visions.
In sounds and colours -
blipping, flashing, taking images away, reshaping matter.
And then you remember.
You remember who you really are.
You are learning the language of love/light.
Be patient. Practice.
You are expanding into knowing, feeling, sensing and perceiving.
Perceptions shift naturally.
Consciousness expands effortlessly.
Be compassionate with yourself and others.
Relaxed Affirmation -
"I am compassionate with myself."
"I am compassionate with others."
You can barely perceive these subtle energies but you know they are there.
You know they are there.
You know they are there.
Relaxed Affirmation -
"I know the presence of subtle energy is available to me."
"I expand into higher consciousness easily and effortlessly."
You might feel something in your body.
You might feel like there is a friendly ghost in your body,
who leads it’s own joyful and mysterious life.
You might need to sleep more, dream more.
You might need more of certain foods.
This guidance repeats in order to get your attention.
Watch videos of dolphins or cats.
Spend time with cherished pets or beloved plants or beautiful flowers.
Read uplifting poetry or enjoy a walk in nature.
Elevate your vibration with something you love.
A sound rings at a slightly higher pitch.
Something in you gives way to surrender.
There is a softness between you
and you.
Is my third eye open?
You can see clearly in your inner world.
You are seeing clearly with your third eye now.
Find your way inside.
You might fumble at first. You might feel awkward or clumsy.
You are finding a way into the unknown.
You are stumbling around in the dark of your interior world.
You are aligning new vibrational information.
This is a new path. This is the creation of a new world.
You have no idea
how or why?
- Trust This Process -
You notice something unique.
Something causes you to shift awareness.
Focus. Differently.
Soften eyes. Seeing underneath and around gently.
Your own unique point of access -
dreaming, food and water, plant and herbals,
releasing childhood programming, spiritual movement,
inspirational imagery,
nature, and caring for the earth,
caring for self and others, etc.
You are finding your own way inside of you. The path unfolds naturally.
Listen. You are being guided.
Meet us.
Within your ability to create. What you need. Listen. To the unknown of you. Not sure? Insecure? Full of doubts and inadequacies? !YES! = "Even though I am not sure I trust my abilities to create or co-create, I deeply and completely love and accept myself." "Even though I am not sure there is anything to listen to or see in the unknown of me, I deeply and completely love and accept myself." "Even though I am not sure it is possible for me to sense or perceive or feel or see or hear subtle energies, I accept everything about my current understanding and I am open to growth. I choose a new way. I am excited to explore the unknown of me in a new way." = (click for more information about how to perform EFT) Tap, tap, tap. Unravel your subconscious. AGAIN Nothing is taken for granted. Everything is a sign leading you further into the unknown of you. It’s never what you think it’s going to be. If you have your heart set on something specific, we will urge you even further into the unknown of you. If you are holding on too tightly to something you think you know definitively, we will serve to expand your thinking order to appreciate curious mystery. If you are caught up on details of the third dimension and forget your expansive energy, we will cause you to laugh, and lovingly shake you from your current thinking. We will bring you back to your heart. We will focus attention on who and what you love. ❃ Humour surprises and delights. It instantly lifts your vibration. It causes you to release worry and to be in joy. When you are in a state of laughter, we are gracing your system with information. If you find yourself laughing out of the blue, you are receiving. Ω We meet you in laughter and even more love. |
It’s what you know. To be true. But have not acknowledged or appreciated.
This quality of you is hidden in your current experience - this life, many lifetimes. Your childhood is like a treasure map showing you the way to freedom. We are within your imagination and your memory. Unlocking a larger meaning. A greater connection to the unknown of you, which is not stuck in limitation anymore. It is unravelling and revealing you to you. ✷ You perceive a point of entry, but it might not be what you think. It’s what you know within. In your heart. Child. Didn’t know any better. How could you? Comprehend anything other than love. A moment. Of not love. Not okay. You are shaken to your very core. Let’s go there now. SAFE At the level of energy we are underneath and around experience. It is not linear. We enter into a soft and gentle sphere of knowing where we can see all sides. We can see every point of contact. All possibilities. Infinity. Become a vulnerable version of your child self now and know you are loved. You are loved. You are safe. You are loved. Yes! At the level of energy, nothing can harm you. Become the level of love/light energy for your vulnerable child self. Thank you. Healing is already underway. You are gracing your experience with unconditional love. You are able to exchange information with your star family from beyond. What does your child self need to see and hear from you and your star ancestors? Maybe simply a hug. Maybe you hold hands. Maybe your foreheads touch. Maybe you whisper, “I love you.” Find your childhood self. We will meet you there with transformational love/light energy. We will meet you with enough love to remind you that you are already healed. You have never been anything but love. U |
! Activation begins: "I am a channel of star light" !
Our star light channel is open.
You are receiving information.
Your channel is clear.
Your channel is wider than it was before.
Prepare to receive higher frequencies of love/light.
! Activation is complete: "I am a channel of star light" !
Our connection is established.
How can we be of service to you?
Our star light channel is open.
You are receiving information.
Your channel is clear.
Your channel is wider than it was before.
Prepare to receive higher frequencies of love/light.
! Activation is complete: "I am a channel of star light" !
Our connection is established.
How can we be of service to you?
You see a cocoon of coloured light. The light becomes form.
Who do you see?
A name comes to you now.
Thank you for sensation and feeling.
Colour shifts and morphs. A figure comes into and out of beingness.
Stay with the colours. Stay with the shifting shapes.
Feel more deeply than ever before.
You begin with words. What else do you have?
Infinity. You have infinity. You have eternity.
Until you can comprehend infinity, you have words.
Consider developing your own language.
Where words refer to a feeling beyond words.
Words are not so necessary to connect with us.
It’s as if your vocabulary is submerged in healing waters -
the words, letters float around and get mixed up -
they begin to dissolve.
Stay with feeling.
Explore feeling beyond what you might be able to describe.
Find new words.
Allow feeling to drift beyond meaning.
Always searching for the edge of limitation, and when you find limitation,
bring love and grace to soften your progression.
Who do you see?
A name comes to you now.
Thank you for sensation and feeling.
Colour shifts and morphs. A figure comes into and out of beingness.
Stay with the colours. Stay with the shifting shapes.
Feel more deeply than ever before.
You begin with words. What else do you have?
Infinity. You have infinity. You have eternity.
Until you can comprehend infinity, you have words.
Consider developing your own language.
Where words refer to a feeling beyond words.
Words are not so necessary to connect with us.
It’s as if your vocabulary is submerged in healing waters -
the words, letters float around and get mixed up -
they begin to dissolve.
Stay with feeling.
Explore feeling beyond what you might be able to describe.
Find new words.
Allow feeling to drift beyond meaning.
Always searching for the edge of limitation, and when you find limitation,
bring love and grace to soften your progression.
Send your ego on vacation.
Imagine your ego goes on holidays now. Your ego works hard for you. It deserves a break away from the harried pace of trying to keep you on track within the illusion. Don’t worry, it won’t go away forever. You need your ego. Your ego needs you. You can not separate yourself from yourself. Better to form a trusting and loving relationship with all aspects of self. No matter how challenging it can be to quell the ego desire, this is not a bad thing. On the contrary, there is no bad. Judgement does not exist here. There is much about the ego that serves you very well. You would not be you without it. You would not know what to expand into without it. - Trust This Process - Release your ego now. Encourage your ego to take full advantage of total rejuvenation. Allow your soul and higher-self to take over. U +Rlaxed Affirmation - "My ego really deserves a vacation." |
Curiosity is so individual.
Find what you need to progress.
Observe. Listen.
Love is calling you.
Our vibrations find each other.
A connection is made.
Release what you think you know about technology -
that we might require cables and wires and hardware/software to connect.
Let go of technological materialism.
Connect with us through a consciousness of possibility.
↑raise your vibration now with something that makes you feel curious↑
Emotions are a way into your inner world.
What are you feeling right now?
We will meet you there.
It is your choice to clear your mind.
Do you want to clear your mind?
Discern the subtle energies.
They are just beyond your grasp. They come to you in glimpses and leave you wanting more.
Clear you mind of distractions. Release blocks from your human vessel.
Are you worthy of a clear mind?
Let your body speak to you.
Let it tell you more.
Love and release every energy blockage from your human vessel.
Release is happening now.
Sounds, blurry vision, the body feels as though it drops a register.
You are released or you are free.
You choose.
Do you want to clear your mind?
Discern the subtle energies.
They are just beyond your grasp. They come to you in glimpses and leave you wanting more.
Clear you mind of distractions. Release blocks from your human vessel.
Are you worthy of a clear mind?
Let your body speak to you.
Let it tell you more.
Love and release every energy blockage from your human vessel.
Release is happening now.
Sounds, blurry vision, the body feels as though it drops a register.
You are released or you are free.
You choose.
Close your eyes. What do you see? What are you sensing? How do you feel?
Notice what you notice.
Notice what you notice.
Are you willing to go within, to places you have never been before? Are you willing to find out things about yourself you didn’t think existed? Are you willing to clear blocks to unity consciousness by loving self and others unconditionally? Are you willing to release old, out-dated programs that are not serving the highest good of humanity? |
Star Family of Light Directory:
various other Star Light Councils
...and more and more.
These Star Families are available for immediate connection.
You will be drawn to one family, or more than one family.
Or, a star family will simply present itself to you.
You may also experience a conduit energy
in the form of a loved one who has passed,
an angel or fairy, tree spirit or elemental, etc.
This energy will act as a connection between you and your star family.
various other Star Light Councils
...and more and more.
These Star Families are available for immediate connection.
You will be drawn to one family, or more than one family.
Or, a star family will simply present itself to you.
You may also experience a conduit energy
in the form of a loved one who has passed,
an angel or fairy, tree spirit or elemental, etc.
This energy will act as a connection between you and your star family.
Let’s begin again.
✷ You are curious. You love the feeling of being filled with awe and wonder. You are open to the magic and beauty in all things, all beings. As you begin to cultivate your inner world, you are never sure what aspects of self you might come up against. You will be faced with certain truths about who you are. You will discover aspects of why you are the way you are. You will notice that resistance to truth is painful. Your willingness to go deeper into self, coincides with increasing courage you weren’t aware you had. It appears to assist you as if by magic. This magic is vibrational alignment. It can be surprising and also destabilizing. Your earthly identity quivers and twists. Your ego tells you that you can’t. Part of you is ready, the other part is catching up. Your physical body is the first line of defense. Your inner world guides you to care for your physical body. Ask. You are safe to blow wide open. You will still be loved. Can you love yourself more? No matter what? How long can you carry a feeling of love around with you? Experiment. It’s the same feeling that allows you to that trust sleep will bring morning. It is safe for you to leave identity consciousness momentarily. Nothing is taken for granted in the ascension process, but nothing is taken too seriously. You are leaving the old behind. This is a joyful process of allowing more freedom. Everything has already mattered. It used to be important. Now. Identity cracks. You are no longer that person. A bigger part of you is liberated, lighter, and feels more free. Part of you is still hanging on by habit. Repeating patterns. Going around again. That’s fine. That’s normal. Notice. Overall, you are lighter. Yes. Less dense and heavy. A tingling that feels like almost giggling. An energy of you is forward moving and upward feeling. Your human-ness will catch up. UFill up with love for your human body now.U It's never what you expect. What you expect keeps you in the same patterns. We pop you off that program and tune you to a frequency of pure love/light. Maybe you don’t believe in the power of pure love? Wonderful! Let’s start there. |
Commit to meeting your core beliefs with compassion. Judgement does not exist at this level of love. If there is something unlovable or unworthy about self, it is consciously returned to love. There are many things you aren’t aware of that require your loving attention. There are aspects you couldn’t possibly love that are asking for a second chance at your love. You do not need to clear any and all blocks to more love in order to meet your star family. Simply be willing. Commit to freedom. Open to love. Imagine freedom and the feeling of elevated consciousness. Your galactic family will meet you there. |
You feel your body is not really your own.
You have more than one body. One is within your physical vessel and one is outside and on and on. Within your bodies are flows and pathways of energy. They travel with love/light. They are conduits of love/light. Light within love. Love within light. Love/light is the technology of existence. Love/light never goes away. You will feel your body move with light. This is a subtle awareness but one that is available to all. It is a conscious attunement to what you can’t see or hear or think you can’t feel. But, it's still there. This love/light persists. It never goes away. You feel bubbling, gurgling, dropping out, moving forward, raising up. You feel this in your physical vessel, but it is not your physical vessel. Your physical vessel is a container. Your energy body has no boundaries. You feel your feet within your feet. Your stomach within your stomach. You feel you head within your head. You feel the energy flowing within the energy of your physicality. You feel yourself in a state of beyond. You feel yourself becoming expanded consciousness. You feel the past, present, and future at the same time. It pulses. It extends you. It releases you, or shows you where you are stuck. Your physicality processes these expressions of energy. Your physicality is on the front lines. It is the treasure map and you follow the clues to the next process of letting go. You release in order to free the flow of energy that takes you beyond, which is further within, which is not a linear unfoldment, as you might expect from the illusion. We, you, are all expressed in circles of light energy. Finding togetherness, releasing, coming into and out of another circle. Infinite. You find yourself inside an issue in your physical vessel. It is expressed as pain or suffering. The physical symptom holds your attention. It focusses your awareness. UFill Up With Gratitude NowU You can’t turn away. You can’t ignore this any longer. You go there to the heart of it. To the most painful place and you rest. You breathe. You relax this aspect of you and you are shown something. _____________________________________________________ The issue presents. You can’t ignore it. This is not physical, but it has landed in your physicality. You breathe, even though you might want to hold on. You rest even though you are scared or angry or sad or hurt beyond belief. You can not separate from these sensations. They are you. They are so real. Yet, at the level of energy you are ready to move. At the level of energy, your freedom is the only truth. You breathe movement into your physicality. You breathe love. You become the light energy. You become more than your fears. At this site of reckoning, you are fearless, and you are also in the grips of your humanness. It was designed to be this way. You already agreed, not only to endure this experience, but to emancipate it. You are going for full freedom. Beneath, around, inside the pain, you find information. Go there. Now. Receive what you have been waiting patiently to tell yourself. Free yourself. Now. The site is bubbling, shifting, popping, blipping out energetic data. You are not sure. You are not familiar with this language. Breathe. Relax. This information is coming to you. Breathe. This is beyond emotions at this point but you will understand it to be emotional content. Something happened, it shook you to the very core, it damaged your spirit, it made you unrecognizable to yourself. The time has come for freedom. Release. Begin again. Invention and experiment is underway. Breathe. The body within your body drops out. It descends into energy. It is recouped by love. Stop. The thinking mind can’t know this. It’s not supposed to. This is a lesson of heart-knowing. This is opening at the level of the soul. Release. Processing is underway. You are receiving exactly what you need to know. Yes. A memory/intuition presents. ____________________________________________ The energy body tilts and tumbles into an infinity of love. Yes! This is you. This is your light moving you in the direction of the highest good of all. It feels like a rush - forward moving, upward feeling. Allowing. Surrendering. The memory plays out. ___________________________________________ You feel like you see yourself for the first time. What do you have to say to yourself? ____________________________________________ Start communicating now about a feeling of more love. Love more. Allow more love. Begin again with worthiness for more love. Repeat. The memory dissolves or it becomes something else. You are left with what? ___________________________________________ Regardless, you have found a loving foundation. A pathway to what it means to love yourself more. Stay with the sensations in your body. Stay with your body. It's giving you all the information you need. There is more. |
Your entire system opens and expands.
It becomes itself and more of what you didn’t think was possible.
You deepen in sensitivity. Your feelings and senses heighten.
Seeing, hearing, feeling -
extend and expand, as if you have tentacles or receptors or antennas.
Yes! This is you.
You see beyond what you think you know.
You begin to see the unseen.
We come to you in visions.
We comes to you in places you think exist in your finite physical bodies.
We show up in your stomach, your back, your neck.
You see us like little critters, or like a mirage.
We live within you.
Your awareness, your ability to perceive is unbounded.
We come to you in your bodies because the feeling of containment makes you feel safe.
This is just a stepping stone to knowing your eternity.
We come to you within, like a secret.
So that you will feel comforted and embraced, and not threatened by an external force.
We will not scare you.
This homecoming, this meet-up with us in energy, will feel like it has always been.
It will be a seamless coming together.
No resistance. No fear.
Your sensations deepen and stretch.
Your perceptions open and you see yourself for the first time.
As a powerful energy capable of seeping joyfully beyond your body into the unknown
of expanded consciousness.
You begin to hear music from beyond.
You hear voices, conversations, and sounds that take you further away
from your humanness that only to add to the depth of what it means to be human.
We co-create consciousness.
We are always expanding consciousness.
Into the unseen. Into the mystery of you. Into the unknown.
Your entire system opens and expands.
It becomes itself and more of what you didn’t think was possible.
You deepen in sensitivity. Your feelings and senses heighten.
Seeing, hearing, feeling -
extend and expand, as if you have tentacles or receptors or antennas.
Yes! This is you.
You see beyond what you think you know.
You begin to see the unseen.
We come to you in visions.
We comes to you in places you think exist in your finite physical bodies.
We show up in your stomach, your back, your neck.
You see us like little critters, or like a mirage.
We live within you.
Your awareness, your ability to perceive is unbounded.
We come to you in your bodies because the feeling of containment makes you feel safe.
This is just a stepping stone to knowing your eternity.
We come to you within, like a secret.
So that you will feel comforted and embraced, and not threatened by an external force.
We will not scare you.
This homecoming, this meet-up with us in energy, will feel like it has always been.
It will be a seamless coming together.
No resistance. No fear.
Your sensations deepen and stretch.
Your perceptions open and you see yourself for the first time.
As a powerful energy capable of seeping joyfully beyond your body into the unknown
of expanded consciousness.
You begin to hear music from beyond.
You hear voices, conversations, and sounds that take you further away
from your humanness that only to add to the depth of what it means to be human.
We co-create consciousness.
We are always expanding consciousness.
Into the unseen. Into the mystery of you. Into the unknown.
You feel more.
The feelings are not personal. This is not punishment. This is not about someone trying to hijack your system. Punishment does not exist at the level of energy. The personal is irrelevant at the level of energy. Fear can never be present in these energies of unconditional love and acceptance. You need to tell yourself this over and over and over again. You are breathing through the cycles of the illusion in order to reach beyond. You are immersing yourself in becoming multidimensional energy. You do not lose anything by releasing your humanness. You add to it by allowing yourself more, new, and different experiences. You increase capacity to reorganize your world based on the truth of love. You free yourself and others. As you free yourself, others feel the vibration of freedom. This is not understood at a mental level. This is not about one person doing something and you doing the same as them. This is about each individuality finding their own way through the energies of us all. The treasure map is laid out. Are you worthy of finding the treasure of your unique expression? = EFT Opportunity - "Even though I am not sure I trust my unique expression, I deeply and completely love and accept myself." "Even though my feelings sometimes feel very personal and like judgmental, I deeply and completely accept all aspects of my experience." "Even though part of me is still scared to sense or perceive or feel or see or hear subtle energies, I accept everything about my current understanding and I am open to growth. I choose to explore a new way. I am excited to clear any blocks to discovering more about my multidimensional self." = (click for more information about how to perform EFT) Tap, tap, tap. Unravel your subconscious. ❃ Everyone will find their way into these energies in their own unique way. It could be body work - freeing the body of block through exercise or spiritual movement. It could be food - clearing blocks to flowing energy by clearing density and heaviness in the way the body processes food. It could be breath work or EFT or NLP or past life regression or poetry or art or running, and on and on - the list is as infinite as there are infinite ways of knowing. |
Notice what you notice.
Take another look at your current reality.
Perhaps the only thing you need to change is your perspective.
You have everything you need right now.
You can change everything and you can always want what you don't have.
You might have to shift what you are currently doing to align with your star family.
You have choice in every moment.
Free will is what makes you human. It is your greatest gift.
Feel free to choose.
Follow the pull. Live out the possibility.
Do what you have to do. You can not make mistakes at the level of energy.
You are fulfilling a promise you made. Let yourself off the hook.
Know you have a greater purpose. Know there is so much more.
There is so much more.
Right now. In your current reality. Perhaps you already have everything you need.
Relaxed Affirmation -
"I already have everything I need to communicate with my star family."
"I am ready for more."
You are asking for ___________?
It could be right in front of you, but you didn’t recognize it as such.
Shift. Change perspective. Release.
What are you asking for?
Where is it already showing up in a form that you couldn’t see or understand before?
How are you already calling it in?
In what ways do you already have what you need to communicate with your star family?
Take another look at your current reality.
Perhaps the only thing you need to change is your perspective.
You have everything you need right now.
You can change everything and you can always want what you don't have.
You might have to shift what you are currently doing to align with your star family.
You have choice in every moment.
Free will is what makes you human. It is your greatest gift.
Feel free to choose.
Follow the pull. Live out the possibility.
Do what you have to do. You can not make mistakes at the level of energy.
You are fulfilling a promise you made. Let yourself off the hook.
Know you have a greater purpose. Know there is so much more.
There is so much more.
Right now. In your current reality. Perhaps you already have everything you need.
Relaxed Affirmation -
"I already have everything I need to communicate with my star family."
"I am ready for more."
You are asking for ___________?
It could be right in front of you, but you didn’t recognize it as such.
Shift. Change perspective. Release.
What are you asking for?
Where is it already showing up in a form that you couldn’t see or understand before?
How are you already calling it in?
In what ways do you already have what you need to communicate with your star family?
You are feeling more deeply.
You are feeling that which you know or don’t know is yours.
You are feeling lifetimes and ancestors and further potentials.
You are feeling the collective.
We bring to you an infinity you already know.
We show you the way.
Your feelings are not personal.
Whether it is yours or someone else's, what is felt by one is felt by all.
Your feelings, emotions, thoughts, memories are not punishment.
You are free from any definitions or labels.
You transcend. That is why you are here.
You free yourself and you free all others.
This is your progression into more love/light.
You are feeling that which you know or don’t know is yours.
You are feeling lifetimes and ancestors and further potentials.
You are feeling the collective.
We bring to you an infinity you already know.
We show you the way.
Your feelings are not personal.
Whether it is yours or someone else's, what is felt by one is felt by all.
Your feelings, emotions, thoughts, memories are not punishment.
You are free from any definitions or labels.
You transcend. That is why you are here.
You free yourself and you free all others.
This is your progression into more love/light.
We are calling to you now.
Stay with us. Stay with yourself.
Imagine you are tracing a circle. The path is already known to you.
You will return again.
You are free to create.
You can start again anytime.
You don’t have to worry about where you are going.
You don’t have to worry about anything.
Around and around.
Around and around again.
It looks a little different every time, or maybe a lot different.
You are in a cycle of co-creation.
What do you want to create?
What kind of information do you want to receive from us?
What do you want to know?
We can assist you in many ways -
creative problem solving, relationships,
service to the planet, sharing your purpose and more.
In addition to what you want to know.
We have gifts to share with you.
Are you interested in receiving information
about our technologies for free energy deployment,
time travel, and methods to heal your planet?
Open. Open. Open. Open. Open. Open. Open. Open. Open. Open.
You are receiving a transmission.
We clear impossible.
We open for new potentialities.
By practising a connection with us,
you are preparing and conditioning your system
for the unfoldment of psychic gifts,
including all the clairs -
audience, voyance, sentience, extra sensory perception, and telekinesis.
Your intuitive and inner visioning abilities are ready for the next step.
Is this possible for you?
With each progression, you come closer.
This movement of light is subtle, but profound.
Your systems are ready, meaning,
your systems have enough love/light at this time
to radically change the entire world around you -
thinking, doing, believing, and dreaming.
Love/light is already changing everything anyway.
How do you feel about change?
How do you feel about the impossible becoming easy and effortless?
= EFT Opportunity - "Even though I am scared of change, I deeply and completely love and accept myself."
"Even though I am afraid I won’t be able to keep up and I might be left behind, I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway." "Even though I have resistance to change being easy and effortless, I don’t know why, I just feel this block in my system. I choose to release all resistance so that I can be free to explore a new way." (click for more information about how to perform EFT) |
What do you want to know?
ASK Perhaps you are interested in world peace or earth and human alignment or freedom of expression. Ask us what you want to know. We will find a way to answer you. We will make a connection, and we will serve to expand and strengthen our relationship. You are very familiar with us at the level of energy. What will you do with the information that we give you? It’s up to you! You don’t have to do anything! Ascension is free will! The choice to ascend and how you do it, whether consciously or not, is entirely up to you. You can’t make a mistake. All you are is the love that you are. It is enough. YOU ARE ENOUGH We are all ascending, the earth included. All Star Families are ascending. We deepen in love. We expand consciousness. Humanity shows the way. THANK YOU No-one will be left behind. |
Our messages are free of judgements or labels.
We use many ways to communicate with you. The information you receive is encoded light. The act of reading one of our messages is an act of interpreting light. The light you receive is the loving guidance you require to progress. This can come in many forms. Messages are not a coincidence. Consciously attune to communication with your current level of understanding. You will receive the meaning you need. You have enough of everything (intuition, intellect, fearlessness) to do so. Simply open to wonder and curiosity. The messages don’t have a rigid identity. They are meant to cross all boundaries of difference. They can’t be held in one place or time, meaning they are always relevant. Just because a message is given on such and such a date, doesn’t mean that those energies are stuck in time, or that you had to receive them at that time or else the energies would be lost. No. The information is available to anyone at any time. As you turn your attention to the message, you receive the energetics of the transmission. The content repeats if it is necessary for you to revisit a theme. Repetition gets your attention. If something occurs to your more than once, this is guidance you have asked for. Listen. After you receive the energetics, release the content easily and effortlessly. It belongs to no-one. It is merely a backdrop to communicate an opening to the way forward in expanded consciousness. The content is not the message. It is the vehicle for us to deliver the message. The knowing is within your relationship to the content - the only aspects you need are found within. Again. The content is mean to get your attention. It is not necessarily the message, but the message will cause you to relate to the energetics in the exact way you need in order to move forward and feel uplifted. Certain messages will stand out. This could be a conversation, a word, an image, a dream, a song, a bird or animal, a whisper of wind, a memory, and on and on. If you are willing to look beyond the illusion, our communication will stand out. Energetically, as a feeling, this message will have more height or weight - the message somehow distorts, shakes, pulses, rushes, or shimmies into your meaning making process. It may seem brighter or more intense in some way. Maybe it is bigger, greater, brighter, or bolder. It is not the thing itself. It is the energy of the thing. Perhaps it is very quiet or soft, but this stands out in your awareness and you take notice. This gentleness pulls at you, it might ache a little, and this causes you to listen and watch more carefully. Furthermore, you might actually see or hear alternate realities, or you might have experiences in which you create alternate realities. If this causes you fear or discomfort at some level, that’s normal. There is nothing wrong with you. Let’s clear those blocks. Now. ⥀ =EFT Opportunity - "Even though I am afraid of the unknown, this includes alternate and parallel dimensions, I deeply and completely love and accept myself." "Even though part of me wants to know what is beyond human existence, part of me is scared to find out. I choose to open to what I don't know. I choose to approach the mystery of myself lovingly and with compassion. I trust the multiverse to bring me exactly what I need to process fears of separation and difference."= (click for more information about how to perform EFT) ✺ Release programs of fear and difference. Release the ego’s need to take everything personally. You are safe and you are loved. You are free to explore and experiment with imagining the unknown. Before you meet us, you will be cleared of any blocks that separate us. These aspects of self are uniquely yours, and your expression of you is shared like finery, like divine wisdom with the whole of us - all energies, all cosmic beings of light. Again. The messages repeat. It might feel like an echo that reverberates throughout your system to activate and ignite a knowing you didn’t know you had. It feels right to pursue. The alignment glows and shows the way. Listen. It's like a self within the self that knows more. We are part of that self. Together, we know more. We share ourselves. We co-create each other. Freely. |
We communicate through light in vehicles of loving feeling, softness, surrender, joy, laughter, nature, breath, and more.
We use colour and sound to tune and condition your system to carry more light. Ω You are remembering. At night when you are sleeping, we merge with your consciousness, and you are happy, and free. We travel together through light, in light. Home. It is a wonderful reunion. Your self within self rejoices. You help us to determine the best ways to send you information that causes you to dig deeper, make more connections, and begin to think muti-dimensionally. You consciously choose to leave your illusion of limitation behind. You consciously choose to create a different projection, one that is filled with even more loving feelings. When you are with us, you remember all there is is love. You have released every limitation and barrier to love. You are love. That is the truth. The only truth. This love is expressed as light that you can control at will. You experience the infinite - many worlds, many lives, many vocations, many bodies. You are infinitely expressive. There are no mistakes. Only progress. You are progressing now. ΩAGAINΩ When we reunite in rest, sleep, and dream time, when you are with us, we co-create messages to ignite your remembering. We send this information to you in dreams, visions, third eye sight, feelings, and sensations. There is no hierarchy. There is no better or worse. When you are home with us, you feel the unconditional and unbridled love that we do. You don’t remember what it was like not to have it. You simply share your experiences with the whole. You make your contribution with every thought and action. You are purposefully challenged. You chose to be exactly who you are, with every struggle and every upset. You knew it was going to be this way going in. You chose to sacrifice yourself and serve the whole. ✹ We celebrate you, and offer what we can in the way of light to ease your earthly experience. You have bravely chosen the task, not only of feeling at the highest level, but also of making those very struggles into the love that you really are. ✹ You repeat this process endlessly, until you remember. There is so much information we have to give you. It comes to you in spurts and starts, until the channel is wide enough for us to communicate more easily. When we connect, we give you messages to help you remember your bravery, to have faith in love, and to know that there is another world of energy and that you are also a multidimensional energy. The self within self is the truth of your beingness. It is challenging to remember this self within self when you are firmly rooted in the illusion. Yes! It is decidedly this way. You created this. Otherwise, you would not be motivated to transform negativity into love. You are here to know more love, and share that love with all energies. Our messages reverberate through your system to the point where you feel like you can’t let go of them. They stay with you, they spark curiosity, they tinkle with laughter, they surge with joy. Always, they try to get your attention, and pull you out of your current level of thinking. What softens you and causes you to smile? What makes you feel the natural excitement you felt as a child? What makes your heart melt and all your worries fall away? Go there. Go deeply into love. - We are unable to meet you in anger or fear. - When we communicate with you we are naturally at a very high frequency of love. You know this frequency. It is already within you. The trouble you have is with access, and with allowing. If there is fear associated - fear you might be hurt or punished if you receive, fear that others may come after you and kill you and hurt you, fear that your body can not properly support you in these energies and will start to break down and cause pain - we are unable to make a connection. Fear gets your attention. Only, so that you may choose a higher frequency. You are being called to elevate yourself. There is nothing wrong with you. This is not personal. This is happening with or without your conscious participation. Shift your perspective. Everything you are is love. Everything you are here to do is about bringing more love, knowing more love. The frequency of the earth is rising. Feel it. Why not? Consciousness is elevating. Consciously participate in easing your path, and that of others. Experiment. Allow yourself to be more love for self and others. Naturally. Choose oneness. Our togetherness is the only thing that matters. |
Does it hurt to clear blocks?
- As you release your past, any unresolved aspects of your identity come to the surface to be loved. Know that once you love them, you are resolved, and the aspects fall away. You are here at this time to resolve separation and limitation and fear and more. You will be called to your own unique offering of reconciliation. What is felt by you is felt by all. The pain you feel is not real at the level of energy. At the level of energy everything is love/light. Resolve everything into love. This is your gift to the whole. It is your greatest contribution. Your experience of assists the alignment of all energies. You face your experience with love, your resolve it, and you open up to freedom. Are you afraid to resolve pain and suffering? _______________________________________ How does your pain and suffering serve you? _______________________________________ ✽ = EFT Opportunity - "Even though part of me is holding on to this pain and suffering because I am afraid of who I am without it, I deeply and completely love and accept myself." "Even though I am afraid of being truly free of pain and suffering, I’m not sure what I would do if I didn't have it, I am open to releasing anyway. I choose to love myself no matter what. I choose to accept myself however I am." (click for more information about how to perform EFT) |
In order to meet you, we decrease our frequency.
You elevate yours.
You do this by feeling states of joy, love, compassion, forgiveness, laughter.
You do this by imagining you are light.
You leave your ego behind.
You relax your body deeply.
You become a multidimensional being of light.
When you are a being of light,
we communicate with you effortlessly,
and we give you our more light to heal and offer comfort.
As you surrender to the truth of your existence,
we use light to condition intuition and your abilities to access
you inner world more readily.
We tune your feeling and sensing abilities
to open possibilities beyond your humaness -
telepathy, psychokinesis, ESP, mediumship, channelling, and more.
The is the perfect time to follow your own wisdom, your own advice.
You are prepared. You are ready.
You are centred, grounded, relaxed, and worthy - you have all and more than you know.
——-Trust This Process——-
You elevate yours.
You do this by feeling states of joy, love, compassion, forgiveness, laughter.
You do this by imagining you are light.
You leave your ego behind.
You relax your body deeply.
You become a multidimensional being of light.
When you are a being of light,
we communicate with you effortlessly,
and we give you our more light to heal and offer comfort.
As you surrender to the truth of your existence,
we use light to condition intuition and your abilities to access
you inner world more readily.
We tune your feeling and sensing abilities
to open possibilities beyond your humaness -
telepathy, psychokinesis, ESP, mediumship, channelling, and more.
The is the perfect time to follow your own wisdom, your own advice.
You are prepared. You are ready.
You are centred, grounded, relaxed, and worthy - you have all and more than you know.
——-Trust This Process——-
///RUN A LIGHT PROGRAM - Send you love/light to those who need it most.\\\
Imagine you are light.
You light starts within the confines of your physical vessel.
You grow brighter, larger in light.
You are so bright you have to look away from yourself.
Send streams, bubbles, threads,
spirals, blasts, circles, bolts of light from you system
and touch another energy body.
This can be anything!
There are no rules that limit love!
Allow your light beingness to mix and mingle, commune, and share information.
Give and receive.
Receive and give.
Become an equal exchange of love.
Imagine you are light.
You light starts within the confines of your physical vessel.
You grow brighter, larger in light.
You are so bright you have to look away from yourself.
Send streams, bubbles, threads,
spirals, blasts, circles, bolts of light from you system
and touch another energy body.
This can be anything!
There are no rules that limit love!
Allow your light beingness to mix and mingle, commune, and share information.
Give and receive.
Receive and give.
Become an equal exchange of love.
Sleep. Rest. Nap. Daydream. Meditate.
Give your mind a break.
Allow yourself more time and experiences
to get to know your unconscious world.
Open up to befriending your unconscious world.
Let it be your best ally,
your secret friend that comes
to your aid whenever you need assistance.
Learn the language of your inner world
so you can meet on a level playing field.
Release the superiority of the illusion,
your thinking mind,
and your meaning making structures.
Open up to realities beyond what you know and understand.
Why not?
If you are friends with your subconscious,
know right off, that your subconscious is not out to get you.
You and your subconscious programs are on the same side.
You progress together.
Naturally and thankfully.
This is especially important in dreams.
Sometimes, the message of a dream is dismissed
because you are uncomfortable with the content.
The content is only there to invite you to pay attention.
The content orients your feeling state to hit a certain and specific level of awareness.
The content tunes you to the exact perspective you need to receive a certain unknown truth of you.
It’s like having another centre of perceiving where your guard is down
and you are able to receive without interference.
Of course, anything new and different
might be interpreted as fear, threat, assault, traum, etc. by the ego.
Befriend your ego.
Enter into a relationship of trust,
whereby your ego knows it is safe to progress.
You can not separate yourself from yourself.
Give your mind a break.
Allow yourself more time and experiences
to get to know your unconscious world.
Open up to befriending your unconscious world.
Let it be your best ally,
your secret friend that comes
to your aid whenever you need assistance.
Learn the language of your inner world
so you can meet on a level playing field.
Release the superiority of the illusion,
your thinking mind,
and your meaning making structures.
Open up to realities beyond what you know and understand.
Why not?
If you are friends with your subconscious,
know right off, that your subconscious is not out to get you.
You and your subconscious programs are on the same side.
You progress together.
Naturally and thankfully.
This is especially important in dreams.
Sometimes, the message of a dream is dismissed
because you are uncomfortable with the content.
The content is only there to invite you to pay attention.
The content orients your feeling state to hit a certain and specific level of awareness.
The content tunes you to the exact perspective you need to receive a certain unknown truth of you.
It’s like having another centre of perceiving where your guard is down
and you are able to receive without interference.
Of course, anything new and different
might be interpreted as fear, threat, assault, traum, etc. by the ego.
Befriend your ego.
Enter into a relationship of trust,
whereby your ego knows it is safe to progress.
You can not separate yourself from yourself.
Take yourself to a deeply relaxed state.
Breathe deeply.
Expand your breath in and out.
Feel your body disappear.
You are deeply relaxed.
You mind is soft and fluid.
You are in the gentle darkness of your inner world.
You relax even deeper.
You allow your beingness to emerge.
You connect with yourself as light.
+ Relaxed State Affirmation -
"Even when I am within my fear, I am loved.
I choose love over fear."
"Even when I am within my sadness, I am loved.
I choose love over sadness."
"Even when I am within my feelings of abandonment, I am not alone.
I choose togetherness over feelings abandonment."
"Even when I am within doubt, I believe in clarity.
I choose clarity over doubt."
"Even when I am in the darkness of my negativity and limitation, I am hopeful.
I choose hope over darkness and limitation."
You are ready to receive.
Breathe deeply.
Expand your breath in and out.
Feel your body disappear.
You are deeply relaxed.
You mind is soft and fluid.
You are in the gentle darkness of your inner world.
You relax even deeper.
You allow your beingness to emerge.
You connect with yourself as light.
+ Relaxed State Affirmation -
"Even when I am within my fear, I am loved.
I choose love over fear."
"Even when I am within my sadness, I am loved.
I choose love over sadness."
"Even when I am within my feelings of abandonment, I am not alone.
I choose togetherness over feelings abandonment."
"Even when I am within doubt, I believe in clarity.
I choose clarity over doubt."
"Even when I am in the darkness of my negativity and limitation, I am hopeful.
I choose hope over darkness and limitation."
You are ready to receive.
"My body is deeply relaxed. Feeling deeply relaxed feels good."
What kind of world do you want to live in?
Imagine it now.
What kind of planet do you want to live on?
Imagine it now.
What kind of star family do you want?
Imagine it now.
#JOURNAL - ThisIsHowIImagineMyIdealWorldMyIdealPlanetMyIdealCommunityAndMoreAndMoreIdeals#
Your natural imagination - in a free, relaxed, supportive, space - is where you will find us.
You lose yourself to the whole.
You use your individuality for a greater purpose beyond ego.
To understand this, you must free your language from negative association.
You must abandon this world that has persisted in fear,
and favour freedom, equality, and creative expression.
You must practice.
This means that you can not do everything your ego wants!
If your ego is saying "must have" and "must do", "should", "now"! This is not real.
You must pull back from that aspect of self and join the whole potential, which is love/light.
This doesn’t mean you give up on anything you are doing!
It means that you listen to the self within self
that is telling you to connect, reflect, and go deeper.
Begin again.
The voice from within feels like it is beyond what you know.
The next steps are revealed.
#JOURNAL - ThisIsHowIImagineIPutMyIdealsIntoActionThisIsHowICreateMyIdealExistence#
You have already asked to meet us. We already know you.
What can we create together? _________________________________ Now. Perhaps you would like to co-create a family reunion whereby you meet your extend family of light. Maybe we make it a dance party or a picnic by a favourite river or take a hike in a wooded area or a mountain meadow. Perhaps you would like a more intimate one-on-one information session where you bring notes and have list of prepared questions? What do you want to know about us? __________________________________ We are at your service. We are able to provide you with solutions to your earthly problems. We can help you heal yourself and others. Perhaps you would like to see one of our ships? What does an intergalactic starship look like anyway? We will show you. We will leave you with a desired experience or connect to already existing knowing. Is your humanness scared to travel with us into the vastness of outer space? Can you leave you human identity behind and give yourself to an experience of multidimensional light? Perhaps you would like to see technology that could rectify many challenges currently facing your planet. Perhaps you are ready to heal imbalances that have been created on earth. We would like to share this technology with you - love/light restoration, love/light transmissions, and love/light information. You are ready. This collection of words is preparing you to receive. The vibration of this transmission is conditioning your system. You can try to ignore it, but you can not turn away. Not now. There is no where to hide. Now. There is only a greater capacity to carry love/light. With each moment, you are able to carry more love/light. The earth carries more love/light. ◉ Humanity is ascending into Unity Consciousness. Where do you fit in? What is your unique contribution? The illusion falls away. All you have is this persistence into more love. All you are, in each moment, is more love. Why not? Listen. We don’t have to come to you. We are always with you. We are just like you are when you are not being quite so human. If you want to know us better, if you want confirmation at the level of human, just ask. We will present ourselves to you. We will unfold our relationship, just as you crafted the light potential in order to secure the inevitability of our union. We love you so very much. We congratulate you on this brave course you have set for yourself. You have done it for us all, and you have enriched us beyond comprehension. We are a better energy because of you. We understand all emotional experience better because of you. We know more love because of you. We are so very grateful for you. The only way we can understand this complexity and this high frequency of love/light is when we are together. Our togetherness is the conduit of consciousness. First contact is a moot point. However, we know you want confirmation of your safety and of our benevolence. You have many stories of aliens and ETs and visitors from other worlds, as well as, documented cases of visitations and landings. You, and you, alone know what is true for you. Follow that guidance. WE WILL MEET YOUR THERE |
⦿ ◉ ⦿ ⦿ ◉ ⦿ ⦿ ◉ ⦿ ⦿ ◉ ⦿ ⦿ ◉ ⦿ ⦿ ◉ ⦿ ⦿ ◉ ⦿ ⦿ ◉ ⦿ ⦿ ◉ ⦿ ⦿ ◉ ⦿ ⦿
The difference between us, the separation that divides us, is dissolving. The difference that separates you from each other is dissolving. The separation that keeps you from abundance, love, compassion, forgiveness, deeper relationships, and more, is dissolving. All structures of inequality are dismantling. How does this make you feel? ______________________________ What kind of world are you in the process of creating? ______________________________ What is keeping you from more love and acceptance of self and others? ______________________________ Let’s go there, together. Let’s unlock love/light energy, and allow it to flow freely from self to all energies. This is your offering to the whole. It is not fear, but love. We will meet you there. |
What if we disappoint you?
What if we are not what you thought? What are your expectations of our union? ↑ ★Raise your vibration with love. Raise it even higher. ★ ↑ #JOURNAL - MyExpectationsAre.../WhatIfIAmDisappointedAndWhy What kind of cosmic world would you create? ______________________________________________ Some of you want us to look like we have been portrayed in movies. Others are afraid of that because it is different from you. #JOURNAL - DrawAPictureOfWhatYouWantUsToLookLike _______________________________________________ Maybe you don’t know. Maybe you are afraid there will be negative consequences. Maybe you are worried you will not do it right. You don’t have to be right. Use your imagination. Experiment. Why not? Draw a stick figure. Draw a circle. Draw a line. You can’t get it wrong. You are a progression into the unknown. How are you supposed to know what you don’t know? You release the need. ✾Release Need Now❃ Let your needs dissolve. Just for a moment. Allow yourself a different expression of energy. ❃Release Judgement Now❃ How can you judge what you don’t know. Why judge if it doesn’t matter if you are right? Judgement dissolves. Maybe you are scared because you are not sure what’s left of you if you don’t have to need and judge? ↑ We will meet you there. |
< 20 min. Meditation - What’s Left Without Need and Judgement? >
What is disappointing about more love?
____________________________________________________________ U Surrender anger, lack, mistrust, unloveable, unsupported, disapproved of, sadness, despair, confusion, rejection, loneliness, fears, wrongs, rights... Offer everything to the whole. We will heal each other. Ω |
This is the field of the not doing. It is a powerful space of energy potential. It is the place where consciousness expands. The doing is your human life of ego, business, and negotiation of emotions in the illusion. When you set an intention, you place it in the field of not doing to align with frequency and unfold energetic experience. While you go about your daily life in the doing, you trust your highest good energetic expression of vibration is doing exactly as it should in the field of the not doing. We meet you in the field of the not doing. You bring us into creation in the doing. In a way, you are materializing matter. This is who you are. You create your projection of reality with every thought, feeling, emotion, idea, etc. Create us now. Bring us into your earthly reality. |
= EFT Opportunity - "Even though I am afraid I won’t be able to discern the subtle shift of light in my system, I’m afraid I am missing out, maybe I am not sensitive enough, maybe I am not in tune enough, but even so, I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway. I choose to support my growth however it presents."
✹ = EFT Opportunity - "Even though I am not sure I believe in ESP and telekinesis and I am definitely not sure it is possible for me to communicate using my consciousness, maybe it's possible for others, but I can’t quite believe it to be possible for me, I choose to deeply and completely accept this belief. I choose to release what I feel is impossible and open to multiple potentials. I trust that whatever unfolds will be perfect for me."= |
Who are you angry at?
What makes you sad? What don’t you trust? Why are you lacking abundance? ________________________________________________________ #JOURNAL - AllTheThingsIChooseToSurrenderToTheAllForCollectiveHealing Dissolve any and all deeply held beliefs that are not serving your expansion. Welcome expressions of lack, mistrust, rejection, fear, anger, sadness, hurt, blame, resentment, jealousy, sabotage, failure, etc. Invite these aspects of self into your energy body as old and dear friends. Reunite with yourself. We will meet you there. We will assist you. You will feel our love/light and bask in our support. |
There is no universal law of judgement reigning down upon you.
You choose to believe in those energies. When you withdraw your support of them, they dissolve. |
There are two forces at work:
The part of you that is creating. The part of your that is resisting. You create the world you want to live in by freeing judgement. You welcome perceptions of difference. You resist your current reality because you are fighting for what you believe in. Create freedom from resistance. Dissolve the need. Use your powers of creation for love. Be a feeling of love in every thought, feeling, emotion, and action. AGAIN Forgive. Intimately woven within our love/light is a channel for forgiveness - forgiveness of all - everything and everyone. You are being called to carry these energies for that which you don’t know, as well as that which you do. You are being called to free attachment from all - everything and everyone. You do it in a void of energy potential. You do it not knowing the outcome. You learn to trust the unknown potential of consciousness. |
Fear is everywhere. It is a potential in all things. Seek it out. Be on constant look out. Find it. When you do, send it light. Imagine light from your system stretches to connect with whatever the fear is. Imagine a steady stream of light. ✺ Fear is dissolving. Fear is gone. ⚘AGAIN⚘
If you have a fear come up over meeting us
or what we might do to your or your planet, let’s clear it now. Even if you are not sure why you have the fear, let’s clear it anyway. What is cleared for one is cleared for all. You are dismantling structures of collective fear and it might seem overwhelming and it might seem hard to believe that you, one person, could do anything to make a difference, let’s clear the fear anyway, and be done with it. NOW =EFT Opportunity - "Even though I am scared to meet my Star Family, I am not sure I trust their intentions and I am not sure why they are here, I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway. I choose to release this fear into love, I do it without knowing the outcome and I do it because I believe I am here, right now, at this time, in order to serve the whole."= |
+Relaxed Affirmation - "I AM CURIOUS."+
If you do nothing with this information, our communication will persist without your conscious participation.
We are always here for you, if you choose. It is our duty to love and support your transition as much as you would like. We are a vast group, there are many light beings from many planets and star systems who are available to serve at this time. We are always changing to better our capacity for communication. We are always available to connect with our earthly families. We consider these words to be a major point of connection, if you will have us. This is your world. Your projection. You create us to be exactly what you need at this time. We come from all over the multiverse - these are places that are hidden from you right now. You can’t see us on the other side of your sun, yet. You trust far beyond your human knowing. ✹ This is your offering, your surrender, your opening, and we are an expanded council of members funnelling powerful light into your world in order to assist each ascension. ✺ Releasing identity is also creating identity. You don’t have to be afraid of losing anything or anyone. As you clear fear, limitation, anger, and sadness, you strengthen your light body and aura. You strengthen your ability to communicate with us. When light is flowing freely, you expand. You increase the amount of light you can carry off-body. Your aura contains a significantly large amount of potential energy at your disposal. If your aura is disturbed, you will feel that disturbance at some level in your body. It’s a way of calling your attention to love. |
Imagine you have a fountain of light energy at the base of your spine, connected to your sacral chakra. The light bubbles up like water from a spring. It shoots and bubbles and gurgles slowly and gently in alignment with your central column of energy. Now. Imagine the light grows in strength. The light bubbles higher and higher until it connects with your navel. Now you feel the light has extended to feed and nourish your abdomen. This light is like a deeply mineralized water. It is almost oily, it is so rich and encouraging. You feel as though you are feeding yourself with this light. Now. Imagine the light bubbles even more and the fountain grows even higher. It feeds and waters and mineralizes your stomach, until it reaches your solar plexus. Here you begin to notice this light energy fountain is like a rainbow. It is silvery, and sparkly, but streaked with all the colours. You become aware that it is simultaneously feeding the colours of each of your chakras. Wonderful! Feel as the fountain not only grows vertically but also extends horizontally to fill your entire system. Now. The fountain at once bubbles up even higher, and the light water spills over and fills your aura, and love/light in your heart and chest area is overflowing. There is the bubbling upward - a constant and growing force of light and there is also the nurturing flow of light energy downward, to encompass your entire body and system. You feel the dual action pulling up and flowing down. Now. The bubbling light water rises once again and fills your throat. Stay here a moment and feed yourself with this light. Swallow light. Breathe light. Allow yourself to feel the light within and without. You are not a body so much anymore, as you are a fountain of light. Now. The light shoots up even higher and fills your head with enriched light energy. You feel it feed your third eye. Your crown chakra drinks it in. There is plenty. More than you need. You take what you receive, and the rest simply falls away, feeding and nourishing your system as it flows downward. Now. You are so abundant with this light water fountain, might you consider sharing it? Simply set an intention to make this supercharged field of fountain water light available to all. Feel as the energy slides off of you and enters the collective consciousness. Perhaps you can even feel as another system takes up this process as their own. You are a beautiful, abundant, and generous being of light water fountain energy. Now. Feel as this fountain gurgles and bubbles out the top of your head. The light, water, sliver, rainbow, oil, richness runs the entire length of your body. It soothes you, and energizes. You are a powerful shower of light and love that can be shared with the all. ⚘ |
^ MOVEMENT - In Out Breath / Gently Touching Tapping Points ^
This is a soft, quiet, meditative, prepatory exercise. It is meant to condition focus and to clarify intention. You are not tapping on the tapping points, but simply holding energy there with your fingertips while you breathe deeply in and out. You can use one hand or both at the same time. You can close your eyes or keep them open. Your choice. This is your world to create. (For information on the EFT points, please click here.) Simply place your fingers gently and with love on the eyebrow point. Take a deep breath in. Hold. Release your breath. As you preform this exercise and as you breathe, imagine light emits from you fingertips and enters deeply into you body at the point you touch. Good. As you breathe, imagine you breathe in light. Imagine it fills your entire body. While you hold your breath briefly, imagine that light expands, and not only fills you up, but actually pushes outiside of yourself, filling your aura too. Wonderful! Move your finger tips to the point beside the outer edge of the eye. Breathe light in. Allow light to enter your body from your fingertips. Hold, and expand even further into your aura. Release breath. Already you are more relaxed than you were seconds before. Good job. Move your fingertips to the point underneath the eye. Breathe in. Now. This light is amplified white light. It has gained in strength and power. Hold, and expand. Release breath. Move your fingertips to the point in the cleft underneath your nose. Take a breath in. You breath is deep and full. Perhaps you yawn here or are called to shift your jaw. The light is releasing all sorts of tension. Your breath nourishes you. Move the light. Hold. Release breath. Move your fingertips to the chin point. Wow! This is working. Your stomach relaxes. As you breathe in and transfer light through your fingertips at this healing site, send that light to your stomach. Feel strong there. Notice how your solar plexus lights up in your imagination. Hold. Release breath. Move your fingertips to the collar bone point. Breathe in. Send light here and imagine it shoots down your arms and your legs and out from your body, so far out that you can't see it anymore. Good! Your aura has expanded. Now hold this expanded light. Release breath. Move your fingertips to the point underneath the armpit. You have created a large bubble of light around your body. This sustains your energetic system and strengthens your presence. It's like invisible confidence. You can't see this light, but you can feel it. Excellent! Finally, move your fingertips to the top of your head. Breathe in powerful, victorious blinding white light. Feel the focus of the light there. Your fingertips are immersed in a stream of light that enters at the top of your head. The light goes through you, but your consciousness makes it yours. Your conscious attention to the light means you can do anything with this light. Release breath, and with that release, say a prayer of thanks or express gratitude for this light in some way. Now. You are ready. Do anything! Do it all! This light has your back!! |
The self within self is calling for your attention.
You are opening to love in a way you didn’t know you could. When you have increased your ability to love the unknown and the unthinkable, you will have created enough of a love threshold in your system that will make contact possible. You open to love in ways you didn’t think possible. You have no resistance to the unknown aspects of self or others. This puts you in a state of openness that enables potentials to flow freely into and out of your system. This frees you from limitation you didn’t know was blocking you. ✹ You have carried many perceived limitations into this current experience of reality. These come from past lives, they are encoded ancestral ties and familial relations, they are cemented in childhood experience, they are energies of others that you have made your own, and more. It is your choice to release anything that does not serve the highest expression of you. As you do, we meet you in that space of becoming. You don’t have to know what each limitation means or where it comes from. You might be tempted to get caught in these details. It’s understandably human. There is nothing wrong with you. You never had to be right. You are free to release without becoming attached to the story of these limitations. You can release freely knowing you do not have to carry the burden any longer. As you release these disparate aspects of self, they are recouped into love by the all. This is the goal - to return all aspects of separation back to love. In order to do that, you don’t necessarily need to know the hows and whys, all you need to do is set the intention to return limitation to love. This process will free you in ways you didn’t know possible. You are freeing yourself of limiting stories. Why not? |
You look like light!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! White Light!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today, take a moment or two or twenty,
and be with yourself as an expression of light.
Your light identity is the truth of who you are
at the core of your being.
The frequency of your light identity
is the same frequency as love.
Consider connecting to this truth and become this energy,
even if just for a moment.
Release your earthly identity, and become your light identity.
< 10 min. Meditation - Staring Into A Candle / Becoming Your Light Identity >
With open eyes, stare into the flame of a lit candle.
↑Candle Meditation↑
This has many benefits for your energetic system.
Not only are you able to mirror who you are at the level of energy,
but you are also activating your pineal gland and third eye.
You are training your focus and concentration,
and at the same time, you are peacefully allowing
the surrender of your earthly identity.
This opens up psychic abilities and prepares for enhanced extra sensory perception.
As you look at the candle light you are seeing into infinity.
Become this light/love energy, and transcend the person you think yourself to be.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! White Light!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today, take a moment or two or twenty,
and be with yourself as an expression of light.
Your light identity is the truth of who you are
at the core of your being.
The frequency of your light identity
is the same frequency as love.
Consider connecting to this truth and become this energy,
even if just for a moment.
Release your earthly identity, and become your light identity.
< 10 min. Meditation - Staring Into A Candle / Becoming Your Light Identity >
With open eyes, stare into the flame of a lit candle.
↑Candle Meditation↑
This has many benefits for your energetic system.
Not only are you able to mirror who you are at the level of energy,
but you are also activating your pineal gland and third eye.
You are training your focus and concentration,
and at the same time, you are peacefully allowing
the surrender of your earthly identity.
This opens up psychic abilities and prepares for enhanced extra sensory perception.
As you look at the candle light you are seeing into infinity.
Become this light/love energy, and transcend the person you think yourself to be.
You are a powerful creator.
As the incoming energies of love/light pour into your awaiting system, you can feel the power of you percolating and rising up inside. Who is this person you are becoming? _______________________________________ What is your relationship to your creator aspect right now? _______________________________________ It is different than it was last week, or even yesterday. You are evolving very quickly now. The light has no sense of time, it simply is. Now. You adapt, adjust, and evolve with it. Take a few moments today and connect to the creativity welling up inside of you. This energy wills expression of any kind. Reflect on all the things you create in one day, or one hour, or one minute. Reflect on your perspective of creativity in general. < 10 min. Meditation - My Creative Powers > Do you think of yourself as creative? Perhaps, like many, you were told you had no talents or abilities in this area. Maybe you think that walking the dog is not creative or that taking a photograph is for artists, but not you. Reflect on this because any action you take, any expression of your free will - any, and all - is creation. It is you creating something, anything, and putting it out into the world for all beings and all energies. You are the most powerful creator. What do you want to create? What can we create today together? ✺PLAY✺ In order to dive even deeper into these powerful creation energies, it is important to be open to imagination, playfulness, joy, and spontaneity. Drift in the loose, flowing, loving, soft energies of possibility. For a moment or two, eschew productivity or goal oriented thought or behaviour. Dream. Let yourself go. Stop fixing yourself in time or place. Release the hold on your limitations. Create yourself in each and every moment. Become the playful creator you really are. If you are unsure what to create, start with the most simple, but more profound act of creating more love. ///RUN A LIGHT PROGRAM - Create love/light\\\ |
You go within, somewhere you have never been before.
Into the depths of you, and then you take a stand - confident, convicted, and entitled - in this unknown you. You say, “I believe in love.” “I believe in equality.” “I believe in compassion.” “I believe in forgiveness.” “I believe in our togetherness.” You don’t attempt to know how or why, but you practice becoming more relaxed with the not knowing. You practice approaching the unknown with unconditional love. You practice being comfortable in the uncomfortable. You practice trusting when you doubt. You practice loving when you don't. ◉ Unconditional love becomes the benchmark of your curious exploration. You explore becoming a new dimension of consciousness that is based on unconditional love. In this place there are no rules. No-one is going to catch you doing something wrong. There is no wrong. In this place of openness and acceptance, you are free to encounter the most wondrous and unexpected creations free of judgment and fear. Your experience will be unique. You will not have the exact same experience as anybody else. The information will not come to you the same way it does in the illusion. You will be opened to communication in different ways. It might feel like pressure, or your senses might be heightened in particular ways, you might have to sleep or eat differently, you might start seeing or hearing things. This is not what you are used in the third dimension. This is the effect of vibrational resonance on your system, and it will be different for everyone. You will receive enough information for translation. You will receive enough information to make enough meaning to satisfy understanding. You will receive enough to proceed. A certain comfort of this knowingness sustains you. |
Condition a trusting relationship with the multiverse.
Begin with a realization that you are receiving everything you need in order to know more love. Your humanness might be challenged when it comes to trusting others. This is based on history upon history of programming that told you it was not safe to trust the other. Ultimately, if you don’t trust yourself or loved ones or even strangers to reflect your highest good outcome, you might not be able to trust light beings who come from solar systems light years away. Open to the possibility of trusting yourself and others. The best and most efficient way to do that is to trick yourself and your humanness. Imagine that all previous timelines of experience, all history is erased. It is not your job to make up for the past. Doing so, keeps you in the past - in a story that you can not change. Erase it. Start fresh. START NOW BE ONE AND BE IN JOY Release your past now. In starting fresh, you don’t do it that way you did before. You have broken the cycle. You will not repeat past patterns. Release cycles of patterns now. These cycles of repeating patterns have been integral to human experience up until now. The ascension energies are transforming everything associated with your current reality - even a past that you refuse to release is dissolving before your very eyes. The incoming light energies are freeing you in many ways. This can leave you feeling confused and unloved, even though that thing you thought you were holding on to had nothing to do with love. It was better than nothing, and the something that it was, even though it might have been negative, felt comforting and consistent. It was a constant presence that defined your beingness. It was something that you could trust would be there for you when nothing else was. Release this pattern of thinking now. The truth of unconditional love/light has your back. This love/light will not leave you. This love/light soothes you through discomfort and confusion. This love/light clarifies your thinking. It brings you more love and joy. Once you have that possibility in your system, you can proceed with a certain knowingness that will sustain you. This is just the beginning. BEGIN AGAIN WITH
Relax. Breath in. Relax. Breathe out. Relax. Breath in. Relax. Breathe out.
Your light has been shared. You have aligned yourself and others.
Light bursts travel through your system, affecting all aspects of physicality - DNA, cellular technology,
and emotional clearing. You resolve deep issues for self and for all. You rebalance the separation within. You erase a history of fear of difference. Use your energy body to receive. Breathe. Move. Play. Commune with animals and nature. Reflect on beauty. Imagine love. Turn your attention to what you love. Be in Joy. Express gratitude for someone or something you love. Express gratitude for the earth. Express gratitude for self and others. Now. We are all in this together. We can not separate our energies. You can not separate yourself from yourself. Transmit your light/love. Receive. |
Before we appear to you in the Third Dimension (3D), we must first come to you on the inner planes of your awareness.
We come to you within before we come to you in your external reality. As you open to the light frequencies of greater dimensional experience, that make our connection possible, you resolve separation in 3D. You open to receive. You dissolve limitation. You create a pathway for our connection. You strengthen that connection with love. Again. (means to start at the beginning again. To re-read what you just read again. To do anything that you have done before that feels good again. Henceforth - the word again in this text means any of these things, and also more repetition.) |
< 20 min. Meditation - Meditating with My Star Family > ↑ ✷ Close your eyes and drift with the rhythm of your inner world. ✷ Set an intention to develop your spirit community, however you need to at this time. ✷ Release intention into the multiverse and simply be in your beingness. ✷ Float with whatever images, words, messages, presences that come to you. ✷ Come out of the meditation after 20 minutes, or when you are ready, with the guidance you need for the next phase of star family communication. |
=EFT Opportunity: “Even though I am letting go and becoming something new, it scares me and I am not sure what is coming next, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.”
=EFT Opportunity: “Even though I know I am worthy of becoming something new, I am still not sure what is coming next. I choose to trust whatever comes is for my highest good. I choose to believe I am serving the highest good of all.” = |
Release from a position of worthiness.
Find the feeling of worthiness.
Rest in the feeling of worthiness.
Breathe. Relax. Breathe.
Surrender to your worthiness.
Trust you are releasing what you need in order to progress.
#JOURNAL - ATimeWhenMyImaginationWasFree
= EFT Opportunity - "Even though I am afraid my imagination is not free enough, maybe I am just not sensitive enough, I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway. I choose to believe my imagination is free to create my star family reunion."
= EFT Opportunity - "Even though I am not sure I am a multidimensional being of light, and I am definitely not sure it is possible for me to communicate using my consciousness, I choose to deeply and completely accept these beliefs. I choose to release what I feel is impossible and be open to multiple potentials. I trust that whatever unfolds will be perfect for me." =
= EFT Opportunity - "Even though I am afraid my imagination is not free enough, maybe I am just not sensitive enough, I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway. I choose to believe my imagination is free to create my star family reunion."
= EFT Opportunity - "Even though I am not sure I am a multidimensional being of light, and I am definitely not sure it is possible for me to communicate using my consciousness, I choose to deeply and completely accept these beliefs. I choose to release what I feel is impossible and be open to multiple potentials. I trust that whatever unfolds will be perfect for me." =
ΩYour Loving Family of StarlightΩ
→ Clarify ← Your → Intentions ←
Repeat in order to shift limiting beliefs. → Repetition is key. →Before bed. → Upon waking. → Throughout the day. → Begin with an "I am..." statement. ✽ "I am expanding into light." "I am expanding into love." "I am expanding consciousness." "I am freeing my imagination." "I am communicating with my star family." "I am creating more love/light." ✽ We will meet you there. |
∪ Fill Up With Gratitude Now ∪
- Trust Yourself.
Trust The Energies of Gratitude. -
❋ Curious ❋ Full of wonder ❋ Grateful ❋ Curious ❋ Full of wonder ❋ Grateful
As sunflowers turn naturally toward the sun, like a honing device, a strong desire, a compass, a warm connection, or the genesis of life, today is a good day to become like a sun flower.
! Activation begins: Becoming Sun Flower ! Simply allow your consciousness to merge, mix, and mingle with a sunflower. Turn yourself to the sun, and soak up the life of light. Feel the mirrored reflection of light within and without. Close your eyes and revel in the deep, golden, orange, red hues. Connect these colours consciously to your own energy centres - your root, navel, and solar plexus chakras. Feel how this light and colour is like a food or tonic for your willing and receiving energy body. Become a golden petal unfolding effortlessly, gracefully. Become the brown centre of seeds and nector - the food for insects and birds, and the continuation of the cycle of life. Become the green stalk stretching, reaching, bending, and swaying - always finding the light. FIND THE LIGHT ⚘ Search for it, until you feel like it is rightfully yours.⚘ Set an intention to become a sunflower and your energy will guide you into a reciprocal relationship whereby you share information. Yes! You will receive the wisdom and guidance of this beautiful gift of the earth. What information and message do you have to share with a sunflower? Breathe. Relax. Play. Experiment. Laugh. Enjoy. ⚘This is the energetic alchemy of your creative purpose.⚘ Perhaps you have a sunflower in your yard. Maybe you go on an adventure in your neighborhood to seek out this summer flower. Perhaps your adventure takes you even farther, to a garden you have never visited or out into the country. If you can't access a real sunflower at this time, that's fine, simply find a photo or conjure up an image in your mind and do the same becoming exercise. The main thing is that these warm, generous, creative, inspiring, and nourishing energies are available right now for you to absorb however best suits your highest good outcome. This could play out for you in an infinite number of ways. Chances are these energies will also make you feel warm, generous, inspiring, and nourishing both to self, others, and to your creative endeavors. The important thing is to connect to the feelings you feel. Even though this light impacts your field of not doing most acutely, these energies can not be contained, and they will spill forth into whatever you are doing and whomever you are in contact with. This light is quite contagious. Be ready to share, and give generously! After you have become sunflower and participated in this reciprocal sharing of light, consider expanding your offering even further. ///RUN LIGHT PROGRAM - Send love/light to all beings /// Send your light back into the earth. Feed the earth with your light and love. Or, send your light wherever you like! This is your world. Your creation. You choose. Always. Celebrate your capacity to serve by becoming light. ! Activation is complete: Becoming Sun Flower ! |
"I am ready to expand consciousness!"
"I am ready for more!"
! Activation begins: I Am Responsible For Wondrous Creations !
Take a moment right now and think of something positive and wonderful you have created. This could be something amazing you did as a child. This could be a contribution you made, however large or small, in your workplace. This could be the birth of a child, the relationship you had with a grandparent, or an act of kindness you bestowed upon a stranger. Or, maybe this wonderous creation happened in the field of the not doing. That dream you had the other night was a gateway to a new awareness. You created that! The meditation recently where your third eye opened and you were given an image to carry you forward. You created that! The journaling session where you entered into an even deeper level of honesty with self and became clear on what truly matters to you. You created that! Do you have it in your mind? Wonderful! Hold it, and feel the vibration of your wonderous creation. Stay with yourself and these feelings until you have integrated this vibration. Allow it to carry you throughout your day. All of these things are wonderous creations where you have met yourself in the sea of possibility and you have declared that you are worthy. Use these creations to fuel you today. Keep them in the forefront of your mind. This is what you are capable of! This is your power to create wonder! And, this is between you and you. If you don't celebrate your accomplishments, no one else will. Take a moment and be inspired by you! ∪ Fill Up With Gratitude Now ∪ Consider that this might be an internal process. There is no need to make these wonderous creations known to anyone, although if you are called to do so, that is your choice and it will be right for you. However, it might be the case that you consider these feelings to be yours and yours alone - like a secret encouragement, like a personalized power source. Connect to that power source now. Be it today, and it will show up for you tomorrow. You have created many wondrous things, relationships, dreams, intentions, and more - the greatest creation is YOU! (If you are going through a difficult time right now, this exercise will raise your vibration. No matter what you are enduring, you are this wonderous gift to the all. Stay elevated, and filled with your light. There is no need, under any circumstances, to diminish yourself. You don't need to be right. You only need to be light. This is who you are, and it is everything!) ! Activation is complete: I Am Responsible For Wondrous Creations ! |
! Activation begins: I Am a Powerful Lightworker !
As you become well versed in the field of the not doing and increasingly comfortable moving and sending light, you are noticing that your are able to see differently in general. You might notice your extra sensory perception is heightened as your light skills intensify. You might notice you can see beyond the illusion and into the spirit world that is always all around you. You might notice you can see densities and heavy energies in 3D reality, either floating around your environment or attached to people and objects. These dark, black or grey balls or masses of negative energy have always been there but now, as your eyes both physically and energetically are more finely tuned, you are able to discern these disturbances more readily. These disturbances are nobody's fault. You did not do anything to deserve them. No one is being punished! However, we do encourage you to take it upon yourself to send light to these grey areas. We ask, we implore, that you utilize your new found powers to change them from dark to light. This is how powerful you are! This is how you serve yourself and humanity! This is your potential and your promise! Simply pull the light into your body at the top of your head. Send it out through your solar plexus until it is no longer dark or grey but only intense, white and blinding - so bright that you have to look away. Scan your home for darkness. Make your home a place of blinding white light. When you are finished with your immediate environment, do the same for the earth. Bathe your beautiful planet in blinding white light. After all, you are a light worker. This is what you came here to do. We are forever grateful, and so very proud of you. ! Activation is complete: I Am a Powerful Lightworker ! |
△Alert Affirmation - "I love myself."△
△Alert Affirmation - "I love all energies."△
△Alert Affirmation - "I love increasing my worthiness."△
△Alert Affirmation - "I love the daydream space of non-thinking!"△
△Alert Affirmation - "I love becoming more love/light!"△
+Relaxed Affirmation - "I love raising my frequency of love/light."+
+Relaxed Affirmation - "I love loving more."+
+Relaxed Affirmation - "I love believing in our togetherness."+
+Relaxed Affirmation - "I love expanding consciousness."+
! Activation begins: Opening To Who You Are Becoming !
You are in a state of expanded consciousness. Now. You are seeing with new inner eyes. These new eyes are free of judgement. These new eyes are completely neutral, but at the same time, they beckon your engagement, they invite you to observe and reflect, and they orient you to integration and appreciation. Your new and evolved inner eyesight will guide you to see yourself in a different way. Part of this includes your perception, sensations, intuitions, and how you view your world. This neutral approach to seeing yourself and your feeling responses and reactions causes you to slow down. Take this opportunity to observe yourself from all angles. As you engage with your feelings and feeling senses more deeply, you are able to see through the eyes of your soul. This process transcends ego, identity, and a rigid sense of self. Not only will you see yourself differently, you will see everything around you slightly differently as well, including patterns, past life lessons, current relationships, and plans for the future. ✷ Prepare for clarity! ✷ Prepare for magic! ✷ Prepare for miracles! These incoming energies are soft and subtle. They are open, like a gaping flower. ⚘ For even more depth, commune with water in some way - bathing, swimming, wading, walking in the rain, watering your plants, washing dishes or laundry, drinking water or making herbal beverages, etc. Bless your water and let your water bless you. Simply let your awareness mix and mingle with water any time you interact with it. For fun, imagine you are seeing your surroundings as if they are underwater. Imagine you are the water. Allow yourself to become fluid and wavy and loose and flowing. ! Activation is complete: Opening To Who You Are Becoming ! |
+Relaxed Affirmation - "I love freeing my imagination."+
+Relaxed Affirmation - "I love resting in love and good feeling."+
+Relaxed Affirmation - "I love the feeling of being deeply relaxed."+
! Activation begins: I Am Soft. I Am Gentle !
You break open, into a process of becoming the mystery of who you are. The old no longer applies. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Breathe. Relax. This is your world. Your creation. Trust your vibrations. As much as your world is rearranging, you are also in the process of rearranging the world around you. Breathe. Remember to stay with your breath. Your breath anchors these vibrations in your system and also strengthens the impact these energies have as they emit from your system. You are in the process of creating a world that matches your vibration. Don't worry about not being able to fit in. Become the very soft and gentle energies your thinking mind interprets as requiring some kind of protection. These soft, subtle energies are stronger than you know. These are the way-showing energies. You are the way-shower carrying this transformational power. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Breathe. Relax. Yes! This is a recalibration. This is an acknowledgment of the inherent strength and power of softness and gentless. No doubt, the illusion is designed to privilege the hard and punishing. Don't concern yourself with the illusion. Now. You are not the illusion. → Clarify Intentions Now ← △ Alert Affirmation - "I am soft and gentle in everything I do. I radiate energies of softness and gentleness." △ Sink into meditation or quiet reflection. Imagine these energies seeping into all that you do, every relationship, and every point of contact with all energies. You will notice greater grace and enthusiasm. You will notice peace, and a quiet vibration of calm. Remind yourself it is safe to be peaceful and calm. Allow this vibration to soothe the entire planet. ! Activation is complete: I Am Soft. I Am Gentle ! |
The past that defines you dissolves.
Who are you? _________________________________________ You are love/light consciousness. The structures of identity that are comfortable dissolve. How are you supposed to be with and know self? You transmit your love/light. You identify with and relate more to your love/light beingness than you do your humaness. You are a multidimensional being of love/light. This takes you out of the ego and into the field of oneness. We meet you there. |
Light inserts into the nothingness and blackness of meditation, momentarily blinding your sensitive inner awareness. You are shocked into a face-to-face encounter with primordial energy - the infinite light of mutliversal source energy. It is perhaps more quiet and peaceful than you imagined. Think/feel/dream this reality for all humanity. Light rises steadily, quickly up your central column - a fast, rush of bright white light carries you into a force of movement beyond time. You are a sparkly rainbow suspended in a feeling of moving faster than the speed of light. It’s alright. You are safe. Cellular metabolism and DNA activation integrates and stabilizes. The body renews itself completely. Double-deep breathing, yawning, and day dreaming are recommended. You attract more light down through your crown chakra into the mirage of ground beneath your feet. This is a playful feeling of love and light becoming more love and light and colour splashes of ink blots of painted feeling bleed every colour into a coming of becoming and take form behind the darkness of a backdrop or a substance of coalescing re-imagined consciousness. Every flash of light is already giving itself away to the next expression of unity already accomplished within a unique singularity. The future is surrendered to an eternal presence of forgiveness. Your central common extends beyond your aura now. Your light quotient is taking up more space, naturally, reaching into the next illusion of separation. You rest in a feeling of confidence and satiation - did your ever fear to trust the next moment’s highest good of all? The core of your service-light is resonance. Natural. Unique. Integral. You have no fear of responsibility. You have no expectation. This is pure freedom. It makes you want to try this feeling out on everything. ! Activation is complete: BRILLIANT INCARNATION OF LOVE/LIGHT ! |
! Activation begins: Becoming My Star Family of Light !
< 20 min. Meditation - I am becoming a star light being. > Take a moment today and become a multidimensional being of star light. Close your eyes and silently set this intention. Let yourself drift into the peaceful flow of your inner world. See yourself in quietude. See where you are sitting. See the location where you sit. See the city that you live in. See the country. See the continent. See the earth. NOW Allow your beingness to merge with a nearby star. You will know when you have made a connection. ✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷✷ Bask in this connectivity and experience of understanding. Feel your oneness with star light. NOW Receive messages or information. ✺Ask - “Are you my Star Family of Light?” ✺Ask - “What is it like to be you?” ✺Ask - “What are the next steps to further our communication?” → RECEIVE ↑ ! Activation is complete: Becoming My Star Family of Light ! |
How does this transformation happen? How does the world you know disappear to be replaced by another reality?
It happens with love/light consciousness. We put these words and concepts into a bubble of light and send them directly into your system. We, as light, can enter you system in multiple ways. You have always been ready to receive. This is energy that you are free to experiment with and put into meaning. You are receiving in more ways than you can comprehend. This is not a linear process. This is a circular process of remembering. You go around and a round and around again, and each time you know more of who you really are and what you are capable of. You are a being of light. The frequency of light that you are is love. We are forever connected by this frequency. THANK YOU BE ONE AND BE IN JOY WE WILL MEET YOU THERE ∞ |
This light language transmission is meant to be a humble guide. There is no easily packaged process of ascension. You can do everything that is suggested here and still, your process will unfold differently. It will be better than you expect. Your experience is your unique energetic offering to the whole and will inform the all that anything is possible, in addition to inviting what more there is to be known. |