Meditation is an effective way to communicate with your Star Family.
Deep breathing and breath work can achieve the same effect.
Breathe deeply into your lower abdomen.
Stretch, massage the breathing muscles underneath your ribcage.
This is a point of entry. Your inner world might be beyond you, but it feels right and good. It feels like an unknown part is an offering, a gift - hopeful, full of promise, and sustaining.
Your breathing muscles expand and contract to open energetic feeling and perceiving.
You will be called to breathe even more deeply.
Breathe more deeply now.
Move your breathing muscles to expand and contract.
Feel this an entry point. An open door to you inner world.
Your body as you know it disappears.
The stomach that used to be is now, a void.
What comes and goes.
You are releasing through this gateway.
You are receiving.
Your body becomes accustomed to feeling deeply relaxed.
Your body takes you there.
Your body teaches you to program a deeply relaxed feeling without the intervention of your thinking mind.
You are your energy body:
staring out a window
reflection in nature
commune with the earth
Repetitive movement that you do without thinking,
allows the mind the drift and dream -
washing dishes, etc.
Anything in water -
washing dishes,
swimming, etc.
Water is a great conductor of the electromagnetic field.
Nature - communing with the earth to share energies -
observing insect and animals,
gardening, etc.
The feeling you have when you go “awww” -
cute cat pictures,
adorable beauty of any kind,
something that causes your heart to melt.
Soften. Open.
Occupy the thinking brain with an activity so that your mental functioning can take a break.
Gently release delta brain waves of the day-to-day performative in order to enter into alpha, theta, and gamma. These are the states that make contact happen spontaneously.
Relax into something you love, and drift.
Deep breathing and breath work can achieve the same effect.
Breathe deeply into your lower abdomen.
Stretch, massage the breathing muscles underneath your ribcage.
This is a point of entry. Your inner world might be beyond you, but it feels right and good. It feels like an unknown part is an offering, a gift - hopeful, full of promise, and sustaining.
Your breathing muscles expand and contract to open energetic feeling and perceiving.
You will be called to breathe even more deeply.
Breathe more deeply now.
Move your breathing muscles to expand and contract.
Feel this an entry point. An open door to you inner world.
Your body as you know it disappears.
The stomach that used to be is now, a void.
What comes and goes.
You are releasing through this gateway.
You are receiving.
Your body becomes accustomed to feeling deeply relaxed.
Your body takes you there.
Your body teaches you to program a deeply relaxed feeling without the intervention of your thinking mind.
You are your energy body:
staring out a window
reflection in nature
commune with the earth
Repetitive movement that you do without thinking,
allows the mind the drift and dream -
washing dishes, etc.
Anything in water -
washing dishes,
swimming, etc.
Water is a great conductor of the electromagnetic field.
Nature - communing with the earth to share energies -
observing insect and animals,
gardening, etc.
The feeling you have when you go “awww” -
cute cat pictures,
adorable beauty of any kind,
something that causes your heart to melt.
Soften. Open.
Occupy the thinking brain with an activity so that your mental functioning can take a break.
Gently release delta brain waves of the day-to-day performative in order to enter into alpha, theta, and gamma. These are the states that make contact happen spontaneously.
Relax into something you love, and drift.
Crystals |
As sensitivity to subtle energies increases, you will begin to feel different frequencies transmitted through the earth and the elements.
Crystals, stones, and minerals are one way to play with being able to detect different sensory patterns and energetic signatures. They communicate using intention, thought, colour, emotion, and sound. As you align with the energetic frequency of the crystal, you welcome this vibration into your system. Begin by following what you love. You will be guided to the crystal that is most appropriate for you. It might be the stone's depth of colour or shine or shape or weight that attracts you. Your relationship to the earth is unique. Let your system show you the way. Experiment by holding different stones. Look at images of stones and notice what comes up for you. It is no coincidence that we are drawn to crystals for their incredible beauty and harmonious aesthetic properties. Simply by looking at a crystal and appreciating colour and composition, energetic systems can benefit and be transformed. As you tune into the subtle energies of each crystal, you will have the awareness that the crystal is actually communicating with you. Practice treating it like a sentient being - ask it questions, and receive answers or intuitive prompts. Listen. It might not be what you are expecting. Throw out your expectations. Co-create with your stone by programming your crystal to amplify a certain vibration. Maybe this is love, abundance, or worthiness. You choose. This is your world. Practice, and you will learn to subtly discern the vibration of different stones. Open to receive, and you will be given actionable intuitive next steps for progression. Hold the stone in your hand. Place stones on different parts of your body. Breathe. Relax deeply. Allow you energy body to take over. |
Brain Wave States
Beta Waves: 13-30 Hz Alert, active, focus and concentration, conscious thinking. You are most likely in a Beta brain wave right now. Alpha Waves: 8-13 Hz Relaxation, daydreaming, detached awareness, hypnogogic visioning, the link between conscious and subconscious minds, state just before sleep and before waking. When you stare peacefully out the window you are most likely in Alpha. Theta: 4-8 Hz Meditation, spiritual experiences, higher states of consciousness, state of young children, creativity, happy emotions, REM sleep. When you are dreaming you are in Theta. Delta: up to 4 Hz Slow wave sleep, can occur during continuous attention tasks, the bridge to the Jungian notion of the “collective unconscious”, characteristic in infancy, shown to be more predominant in women. Occurs during very deep sleep. Gamma: 25-100 Hz Our sense of conscious awareness, transcendental states of consciousness, and feelings of oneness. Practiced meditators can reach the Gamma state. Mu brain wave frequency: 8-13 Hz “Mirror neuron” system - our ability to learn behaviour by watching others. |
Inner Visions
Close your eyes. You are immersed in blackness. Colours come into and out of being. Images start and stop, shift and disappear.
You will receive information and messages here - on your mindscreen. You might see words spelled out or pictures or specific memories or fears. This information is always moving you toward more love. Your mindscreen is available to you when you close your eyes, rest your body, and allow your inner world to unfold. The blackness comes alive with unseen energy. Colours, shapes, figures - you will see what benefits your highest good at the time. You will see something that is more closely related to our world than yours. You are seeing at the level of energy where nothing is solid and everything is projected light energy. What you see and hear and feel in this state is not necessarily the same way you see and hear and feel in the Third Dimension (3D). The information you receive from your Star Family may be heightened in some way or hyper-coloured or really loud sounding or a simple, poignant feeling you can't ignore. This is our way of communicating with you. It is non-linear. There is no hierarchy of importance. Every message matters. You are not wrong if you don’t perceive them. We repeat our guidance. If necessary, we change our tactics. Anything to get your attention. You might see a very vivid replay of an event in the past or future. Maybe you are reminded of a favourite song or a beloved animal comes into your awareness. Perhaps you detect a fragment of an idea, and all you have to do is employ your creativity and the outline for a project unfolds before you. Detach from any outcome. Allow your inner world to blossom without the interference of your ego. Stay open to the possibility that messages can come in many forms. There is an infinite number of messages we are sharing with you. |
Imagination |
Co-create projections with us. What do you want to see?
What do you think we look like? Draw an image. Describe us in written form. Be gentle with yourself, and playful. Imagine the energies of consciousness mix and mingle and merge with your own. Feel as you tune to the unseen, subtle energies. These feelings will amplify and get stronger. Notice what you notice. Perhaps you have a vision on your mindscreen. Later in the day, an image or story confirms your previous feeling. This is a transmission. You might have a distinct feeling that you are not alone. We are present in that moment. Contact is underway. This could be an intuitive hit, a gut feeling, or a dream you can’t stop thinking about. As you play with your imagination and allow your inner world to unfold, you will be inspired to create more. |
Find visual imagery that sparks your imagination. Collect a series of pictures or inspirational texts that fuel your imagination.
Immerse yourself in curiosity and a sense of wonder in the dolphin energy. This could be videos of dolphins or cats, this could be your favourite place in nature, this could be doing your favourite activity. You might have no idea why you are being called to this material. The reason will be revealed. This content will be a jumping off point for communication. It will raise your vibration to a place of joy and you will receive. Often times, energies from the higher realms will piggy back each other’s frequencies in order to find the right fit with yours. Does a particular colour keep popping into your head? Do you tend to focus on one colour over others when you look around your environment? When you close your eyes to find your still, silent space, is there a predominant colour that fills your mind screen? Coloured light is an access point to communication. In addition, colour can be used to strengthen chakra energy centres in order to communicate through those access points. Your feelings and emotions are conduits for connection to your inner world . What causes you to feel joy / wonder / bliss / abundance / worthiness? Follow these feelings with an intent to amplify good feeling and you will enable communication with your star family. |
Nothing is what you think it is. Everything is a message of love. You create your reality in conjunction with the energies all around you. There is no separation between energies. There is no individuality that isn’t at the same time connected to the whole. We are all one.
We are the same. Frequencies of light. When you project a loving relationship with us, we use that channel to project energy directly to you. Synchronicity is an unconscious awareness. It comes to you as a message you can’t ignore. It’s “of course!”, “Why didn’t I think of that!”, “This makes sense in a way I couldn’t see on my own!”, or “This can’t just be a coincidence, it has to mean something!” Yes! The unlikely. The impossible coincidence. This is not luck or chance. This is a direct message aligning you to possibility. What will you choose? In these moments, you are being shown a potential future. This is organization of energy based on seemingly uncontrollable forces. However, this is no accident. These are frequencies of energy that attract each other by vibration. When your vibration matches that which you seek you are destined to meet. If you set a direct intention to manifest something, synchronicity is the indirect force of those attracting energies. If you want to meet your star family, it will be so. |
Your dreams build a bridge between your subconscious and conscious minds. They are conduits for communication from beyond.
Every message you receive in a dream is a message of love. Every scenario and situation you create in your dream state holds actionable information. ✹Optimize Your Dream State for Star Family Reunion Take notice of your dreams. At first this will be the nature of the content and the experience, who was present, and what they represent to you. Eventually, this information will translate seamlessly into discovering inner knowing or awareness. Do not judge your dream self. No matter what you find yourself doing in your dream. The content is not meant to disturb you necessarily, however sometimes, content or people are used as a way to get your attention. You will see familiar people or situations simply to contextualize the message. The content is a way inside and underneath you. It is meant to orient you perspective. As you unpack your dream upon waking, take a few moments and sink into the information. Allow your inner knowing to process the information. Practice staying neutral. This is not strictly a brain activity. This has very little to do with the cognitive functioning of figuring it out. It has more to so with surrendering to the heart and allowing your inner knowing to come to the surface. The information you receive will resonate very differently at the heart level than it does at the level of the mind. The ego will try to get involved with a complicated process of meaning-making that is largely based on your belief systems and your past experiences. Relax, and trust your energy system is deciphering the message perfectly so as to deliver awareness to your mental body. This will enable you to recognize the next steps in your spiritual progression. Allow your higher self to guide you. The ego will get caught up in fear of the unknown. As always, relax your ego with unconditional love and the promise of infinite possibility. Nothing is set in stone. Everything is constantly evolving. Your dreams will teach you how to perceive your world from your heart. Before sleep, ask for something to be revealed to you.
✷Ask to spend time with us in the higher realms, and learn more about our unique existence. ✷Ask to be healed in one of our super-charged spheres of transformation. ✷Ask for a solution to a problem you are grappling with. ✷Ask to be shown what you look like as an energy being. ✷Ask to see a future or past event. ✷Ask to connect with a certain person or to relive a favourite childhood memory. We will assist you. We are assisting you now. Upon waking, the content might seem random or coincidental. No. Shift your belief. Have faith in synchronicity. Have faith in our vibration. What did you intend before sleep? Yes! Connection is made. Perspective is opened. You are seeing with new and different eyes. Consciousness is expanded. In order to dream, you have to sleep.
Take a moment to assess your current sleep patterns and schedule. Take stock of your use of stimulants or alcohol or anything that might prevent you from entering into a nice, deep sleep. Consider taking up a relaxation ritual before bed that involves something like: a warm bath, massage, gentle exercise, breathing, meditation, journaling, etc. Find what works best for you. This is your dream time. Your time for restoration. As you begin to see the benefits of connecting to your energy world in this way, you will want more. Be encouraged that by changing a few simple patterns in your life, you are opening yourself up to worlds beyond your imagination. Try it tonight. We will meet you there. ☞ AWAKE TO LOVE ☛ Day and Night ☞
In order to be sure that you are love both day and night - tonight as you go to sleep prepare to wake yourself up in the middle of the night to test this hypothesis. In addition to this being an interesting opportunity to check in with your system when it is supposedly on shut down for sleep, this is also a preparation exercise for your lucid dreaming practice. Set your alarm to wake you up at least 5 hours after you have already been sleeping deeply. You will want a total of at least 7 hours of sleep, so that when you wake up after 5, you still have two hours to languish in dream time, journalling, meditation, relaxation and/or perhaps you wake up and go right back to sleep. This is an experiment to pave the way for new experiences. You will be guided by your higher self and whatever is appropriate for you will transpire. You receive the most restorative sleep during the first five hours. Yes! You can actually do this exercise without compromising the deep, healthy sleep that your require. In fact, you might find that you actually feel energized when you start to co-create with your nighttime subconscious expression. As you tend to it, it tends to you, offering valuable information about your healing process and creative expression. Once you awaken in the middle of the night, if possible, try not to move too much or open you eyes. Try to stay in the beautiful space between sleep and waking. Perhaps you have a lingering dream you can hold onto. Perhaps you have other visions coming through the third eye. Maybe you hear things. Maybe images, thoughts, and words flash upon your mind screen. Take note. Now. Sit up. Grab your dream journal and write whatever comes to mind. Remember this act solidifies your experience and it conditions your subconscious into an act of remembering. Write until you have written all you need to. Lay back down. Set an intention as you go back into your dream state. Maybe you set an intention to go lucid. Maybe you ask to be shown the next steps on your path to healing. Maybe you are curious about the best way to heal a relationship. Close your eyes. Sleep. Dream. If you are unable to get back to sleep. That's wonderful! Allow us to enter your system and show you what you need in order to deeply relax. However, maybe you are awake for a reason. Maybe you are still receiving love. Maybe you are facing the aspects of yourself that require more love. Maybe you are just being in love. Be in love. Progress into infinity. ! Activation begins:
Conscious Sleep and Dreams - Lucidity ! Before you say you can't or you won't or this is not you or no way this is possible - STOP. YOUR. THINKING. MIND. Your soul is saying, "Lucid Dreaming? Why not?" ☁️ Today is a very good day to consider going lucid in your dreams. We are speaking of your night time spiritual path here, but consider that the metaphor extends to your daily practice in the illusion. When you are at one with your subconscious, the effects are felt both day and night. If you are conscious about going lucid at night, you will naturally become more conscious about becoming lucid during the day as well. A lucid dream happens when, inside the dream, you are aware you are dreaming. You are conscious. You are able to change your dream, and many other things too. This is a process for some. For others, it will happen quite quickly and easily. For now, the first step to become lucid in your dreams is to set an intention to enter into a deeper relationship with your dream state. Consider dovetailing an intention to become more conscious of your dreams. A great way to do this is to connect with your dream state before sleep and upon waking. #JOURNAL - Dreams/Innervisions/AwarenessesUponWaking AndWhenFallingAsleep # Consider journaling about deepening this relationship before sleep. Repetition is key here. A couple sentences to create the dream state will suffice. You are rewiring your subconscious here, and you are setting the stage for what is going to come. Examples might be, "I am going lucid in my dreams tonight." OR "I am a lucid dreamer." OR "Even though I don't know what to expect from a lucid dream, I am open and willing to experiment." You might want to write as if you are already lucid and create an imaginary dream sequence. Again, your imagination is a key component. If you are unsure what to write. Tune into your higher self and you will be guided. Commit to writing down impressions from your dreams upon waking. There are many benefits to this practice but for now, you will get to know what your subconscious is trying to tell you. Dreams are always trying to get our attention and guide us to the next steps to Star Family communication. Try this over the next week or so. Get to know your subconscious - patterns, signs, images, people and what they represent to you. Within this light encoded information are the clues for you to go further into your dream journey. As always, any fear - subconscious or otherwise - that comes up will guide you to love. Breathe. Love. Open. ! Activation is complete: Conscious Sleep and Dreams - Lucidity Is Integrated! |