Group Prayer Schedule♡
Sunday, February 09, 2025 9:00 - 9:30 am EST. Topic: higher consciousness ♡ Sunday, February 23, 2025 9:00 - 9:30 am EST. Topic: imagination ♡ Sunday, March 16, 2025 9:00 - 9:30 am EST. Topic: miracles ♡ Sunday, April 06, 2025 9:00 - 9:30 am EST. Topic: balance ♡ Sunday, April 20, 2025 9:00 - 9:30 am EST. Topic: rebirth ♡ Sunday, May 11, 2025 9:00 - 9:30 pm EST. Topic: gratitude ♡ Sunday, June 01, 2025 9:00 - 9:30 pm EST. Topic: peace *To participate, sit quietly and focus your attention on coming together in love. Our energies will find each other. Together, we amplify these vibrations for the world. Prayer Themes∾Unconditional Love ∾Compassion ∾Forgiveness ∾Acceptance ∾Freedom ∾Peace ∾Joy ∾Abundance ∾Equality ∾Balance ∾Harmony ∾Imagination ∾Creation ∾Collaboration ∾Sharing ∾Light ∾Prosperity ∾Upliftment ∾Well-being ∾Ease ∾Flow ∾Togetherness |
The Power of Group Prayer
Prayer, meditation, or simply communing with the energy of the multiverse, not only benefits each individual, it also serves to raise the overall frequency and level of consciousness on the planet.
According to the unified field superstring theory in physics, waves of vibration flow from everything in the universe and are felt in the collective consciousness. A 1993 Washington, D.C. study proved the energy of group meditation lowered violence and crime by 23% during an 8-week period. By gathering as a group, with the intention to connect to, and share energies of peace, love, compassion, and forgiveness, a oneness network is created that acts as a portal to amplify vibratory coherence. When communing with others, these qualities are shared and intensified. Brainwaves synchronize, and the collective unifies to strengthen intention. This not only deepens individual practice, it supports going further into the unknown of self, which is the unknown of all. By attuning to each other’s infinite potential, we magnify, and imprint a higher consciousness of possibility. This opens space for new ways of being with each other based on vibrations of unconditional love and acceptance. When we give of ourselves to the other, when we share in experience as one, we have the potential to heal ourselves and humanity. Our consciousness can change the physical world. Our consciousness can assist others. Our consciousness can set us free. No one person is more deserving than another. The same energy of creation invites unique expressions of individuality to comprise the whole. We are all equally deserving. Intention. Freedom of expression. Unconditional love for all energies. Non-denominational affiliation with Spirit. Surrender for the highest good of all.
a prayer for you is a contemporary art experimentation with connecting energies over the field of consciousness. This website is a oneness network. It is activated with love, to ease the suffering of others, and also to grace the path of all light energy beings. Welcome. What helps one, can help many. Share your prayer. Surrender as one. The Maharishi Effect 1978 |