December 20 - 26, 2015
Creation energy is circular. Our thought, feeling, and emotional energies are bubbles of layers of circles of creation, which is bliss, joy, and happiness. These energies feel like a smile. These energies cause smiles and smiles are contagious and there can be pivotal moments when we realize we are connecting in love to everyone and everything around us. When we realize this consciously we are comforted and satisfied. Nothing matters, aside from our togetherness. Now. What happens if the smiles go away? What happens if we begin to feel bad again? Breathe. Relax. Breathe. In actuality, these energies never leave us. What happens is we choose to disconnect from these feelings. Consider that this is always your choice. Consider choosing to be open to them rather than closed. At the same time, consider how sometimes it can feel good to wallow in our own unhappiness. This is what it means to be human! Rejoice. Celebrate. You are perfect. There is no bad. There has never been anything wrong with you. Savour all moments, for they are showing you how to be forgiveness and how to be compassionate and how to be (self) love. Create a bubble of energy for yourself. Let's say it is a bubble of joy. Layer your field with more and more bubbles of joy. (This is not protection. This is creation.) Consider that this IS your new reality. There is no going back. Now. Relax. Breathe. Create more bubbles. - The energy of Jesus over-lights the earth at this time. The energy is a field of golden, warmth, which is light, and it surrounds our planet and expands into infinity. Feel completely safe to BE in whatever way you need to. Your field is in the process of aligning with christ consciousness. Welcome to the era of unconditional love. December 13 - 19, 2015 Perhaps you feel like you are on a see saw. Going up into the beautiful, peaceful energies and down into the lower, negative energies. You might be questioning yourself. You might not be able to recognize your surroundings or how you are supposed to fit in. This is a signal you have changed frequencies. There is no going back. There is no need. Consider this in your meditation/reflection time. Take some time this week to connect to the higher selves of others on your frequency. Play with meeting other beings energetically. This can be people you know in this reality or new friends in different dimensions. Hold the space of love/light together and strengthen a channel for oneness. You might feel it like breath, or a gentle breeze on your skin. You might feel nothing at all physically. In this space, we are gentle and loving and soft with each other, and, you will feel that somewhere on an emotional or psychic level. (Our inner space is of a particular frequency. It is available to us at all times. Rest. Relax. Close your eyes. Go inside to the empty space of infinity. You have found peace. You are free. Notice how you are soft, almost squishy. This is your fluid, malleable, energy body. They show you pictures. The send energy through sound. They present memories. They communicate using information you are familiar with. These are messages of love and healing. Can you feel them laughing? They bring joy through your system, so there is part of you laughing even if you are not aware. The softness is where we enter a relationship with our frequency. The softness is where our frequency grows more light. Soften and proceed. We are ready for more light.) December 06 - 12, 2015 There is a perfect space of freedom. It is a space of peace and contentment where you need for nothing. You are everything. How do you find this space? Close your eyes. You might think that you see nothing but blackness. Feel closer. Look closer. What you are seeing is pure potential. In the space of pure potential, anything is possible. Allow a thought to float through or acknowledge your current thought right now. Do you want to keep it? Do you need to carry this thought with you as you move forward? Dwell with your thought in this space. Perhaps the thought is something you would like to be done with. Release it into this space and feel as it leaves you. It is gone. Now. Your thought has returned to the space of pure potential. It is not yours anymore. It is for everyone's benefit. Perhaps your thought is one you would like to keep. Dwell with it in this peaceful place. Thank you. Thank you. These blessings nourish our souls. Release joy to the space of pure potential. Thank you. Thank you. We can feel your joy. It is what unifies us. Consider taking some time this week to create your perfect space of freedom. |
November 29 - December 05, 2015
Consider that an unlimited experience of joy might be hiding inside of you. Perhaps you have an interest and you have squirrelled it away because you think it is not purposeful. Relax. Take a deep breath. For a moment, love yourself more than you think you are capable of loving anything or anyone. Dispense with thinking that you can know how much love you are able to give yourself, and give yourself even more love. Pull your interest into that field of love you have for yourself. Dwell in it. Breathe. Relax more. Laugh. It is fun to think about the things we love. The incoming energies are connecting to our joy. The feeling is in the upper chest close to the throat and it feels almost like a tickle. You might find yourself laughing for no apparent reason. Our galactic family is blessing us with joy energy. Right now, it is all around us. It's in the air. It's in the water. It's right there for all of us to receive. These energies coincide with the opening of another heart chakra centre. This centre holds a unifying energy, and the way we unify is in our joy and in our love. Consider the chain reaction of laughter. The same principle applies with joy. Feel it bubble up inside of you. Release it to all. November 22 - 28, 2015 Be still, in love. Rest well, in love. The love energies surround us now. Peace energies envelope us. The veil is so thin right now. For some, it has disappeared altogether. Perhaps you have noticed some respite from the swirls of cleansing energy. Perhaps your days have been the most beautiful you have ever experienced. The earth is holding us. The heavens are opening for us. This is the loving and accepting energy that connects us all. Allow these feelings to become you. Allow yourself to become these feelings. Take a chance on yourself as a pure loving being. Now. We have the gift of free will in order to find the way to knowing ourselves as pure love beings. All of the different energy being expressions are present to us. Now. Always. With love. In love. Smile. Breathe. Touch. Hold hands with the energy beings you think are outside of you. They are inside and loving you. Take a chance on the other. Now. Find the peaceful feeling inside of you that is the truth of you. Send it out. Imagine love/light energy from your heart connecting to the hearts of another. Let the love/light do the work. Let the love/light release you. November 15 - 21, 2015 Polarities, as we know them to be, have collapsed. Difference has become a neutral space, ready to be filled with love. Are you ready to fill yourself with love? This week is a good time to consider the following: What are your fears? What are your judgements of self and others? Is there a need for protection? A desire to be more secure? Find those aspects of yourself. Meet them with love. This is between you and you. There is nothing to fear. If you happen upon fear, let your breath carry it away. Breathe into your 'freedom from' feeling. No one is going to tell you you are doing it wrong. There is no wrong. You will not lose anything in letting go. There is no loss. As you face aspects of yourself in this way, you will discover those areas of you that require attention, acceptance, love, and healing. You will open yourself up to the ways you can be there for you, when others aren't. Consider a possibility of not needing others to provide for you in this way, because you have you. Be grateful for your experiences of polarity. We are all connected. We are all moving into a state of knowing 'oneness'. Anything we see outside, is within. Make peace with yourself. Send your feelings of love and peace and light out into the world. November 08 - 14, 2015 This is a big week for incoming energies. They will impact us all differently. Breathe deeply and find ways to make yourself laugh. Do not feel guilty about what makes you laugh. Joy overpowers judgment every time. There are massive releases to be had with laughter. The content doesn't really matter. What matters is the feeling of joy that you hold when you laugh. Breath again. Breathe more. Laugh deeply. Pray for grace and humour. Pray for the highest good of all. (For instance, this is a good week to consider your addictions. We said consider, not quit! You have the power to choose to celebrate all behaviours and all energies. Take some time this week to celebrate your addiction. Laugh at it. Be truly grateful for it. It's not bad, just an experience. There is nothing wrong with you because you have "fill-in-the-blank" addiction. Make a choice to own a perspective of your addiction that you deserve. (You deserve love, and laughter.) - Another thought for you to consider as a result of these energies - if we are able to bring forth this information, so are you. Open up to the possibility of your psychic and telepathic abilities. The frequency is available for everyone. Set an intention and prepare to clear any blocks to remembering yourself in this way. November 01 - 07, 2015 You might notice that thoughts are appearing and materializing as if by magic before your eyes, and very quickly. We are all connected. As the channels of oneness widen and get stronger, we will soon be thinking each other's thoughts. This is the future of communication, and it is determined by frequency. Consider whose or what channel you are tuned into right now? It means all the difference to right now. - How are you? You might be feeling the impact of the incoming energies physically or emotionally. Perhaps you have done a lot of clearing and now you find you need to do more. It is like the uck at the bottom of a coffee mug that had been left out overnight. The energies are digging down into this uck and cleansing the mug. You might as well be in the dishwasher. The issues that are coming up might be your big ones - the ones you have difficulty facing. Hence, you might feel like you are really going through it - waking up in the middle of the night, headaches, mood swings, other body pains and issues etc. This process is going to happen anyway. You couldn't stop it if you tried. The best part of it, is that it's a huge relief to finally let go of limitation(s). The second best part is that it is proof that the universe is infinitely supporting you in this process. In fact the etheric realm is doing everything it can to assist you through it. At all times, be gentle to yourself. If possible, be conscious of grace and gratitude and love and light. Pray for whatever you need. Breathe. You are not alone. |
October 25 - 31, 2015
Galactic energies are upon us now. We will feel this more and more as the collective field transforms and transcends into Christ Consciousness. These incoming energies mark the beginning of even more potent shifts to come. Can you feel it? Have you looked up to the sky lately and thought things look slightly different? Are you able to commune mentally with a plant or a spider? You may have noticed subtle differences in the way you experience life or you may not notice anything at all. These energies, and the messages they contain, come from many, and they come from afar. Although, distance is not real. Something far away is only felt to be that way because the channel is weak. Right now, we are inside of you and you are inside of us. The energy just is, because the energy is the God in and of all experience. October 18 - 24, 2015 The is a good week to consider honouring all of your experiences. Take a moment and go back into your concept of time. Find an experience that you do not love. Transform it with love. It's all just energy. The energy is charged with our emotions. Consider charging your experience with the frequency of love. Bring the memory back into the present moment. Feel the love that you are because of it. October 11 - 17, 2015 Things might have been rocky lately. Perhaps this has played out in experiencing extreme emotions. Happy one moment. Sad the next. Confident one moment. Scared to death the next. Some might experience major disturbances in sleep and have bad dreams. Others might not be able to remember any thing from their dreams, but they feel slightly off. A cleansing process is occurring. Don't worry. You did nothing wrong to deserve this. It is simply purification. What you are undergoing will benefit the god-energy-collective. It is happening to everyone. Most of the experiences, or links to experiences you are releasing, were already firmly in place before you incarnated. You are shedding lifetimes upon lifetimes upon lifetimes of experience - experience that is shared by all of us. Do not take the feelings of sadness or despair personally. They are not yours. Simply let them come and go in a feeling of love of self and all experiences. Consider that your past lifetimes are not on a linear measure. They are happening right now. This is the nature of the repeated program associated with karma. Gently, and with love, experiment with experiencing all of your lifetimes all at once. What do you notice? How much can you love? October 04 - 10, 2015 As part of the god-energy-collective, and as a human being, you have the freedom of choice in every moment. This is what it means to be human and not a collection of energy molecules that has no volition. As individuals, we can choose anything in every moment. As is the same with all energies, we are special and unique because of our differences. Now. Choose love. Love of self or love of another or love of a particular thing. It doesn't matter what it is as long as it generates the frequency of love in your energy field. Now. Choose more love. September 27 - October 03, 2015 Mary and Joseph are recurring image themes and it feels like Easter time even though it is the beginning of Fall. Christ consciousness is upon us. It is coming from the core out. The illusion, as we know it, is seemingly the farthest construct away from us, just outside of our grasp. This distant, outer, visible physical reality will be the last to go. The inside changes are firmly underway. Rejoice! Celebrate! |
September 20 - 26, 2015
You want control. You think there is a state of balance. You want to let go but you don't know how. Consider any state of being, where you are consciously aware, as being a good opportunity to change your perspective. Your soul is a mushroom cloud rising up inside of your concept of physicality. It is going to get your attention somehow. Have courage. Consider that what you need to let go of does not even exist in the first place. We create our own resistance. Breathe. We create our own ease. Breathe. Practice. September 13 - 19, 2015 This is a good time to consider eating orange foods, which for some, are seasonal right now - carrots especially. The idea is to receive the vibration of the colour orange into the body. The colour orange is transformative for the cells. It is rejuvenating, and it will increase energy. September 06 - 12, 2015 We all share experience. When we as individuals experience something, we send that experience to God in circles of energy. God reflects it back to us. There is no decision making necessary because it is all based on energy circles. We share with God. God shares with us. We share individual experiences and they are sent into the collective experience to be shared again by someone else. We share all of our experiences based on these circles of energy. It means that no experience is in vain. Every experience is part of the field of oneness and every experience can be transformed into pure love if we set that intention. August 30 - September 05, 2015 God has got your back. Now turn around. God has still got your back. The energy of God surrounds and envelopes us. You are always being bathed in the frequency of love. Always. No matter who you are or what you have done. Imagine that there is nothing separating you from this energy. This energy is really you. You. |
August 23 - 29, 2015
Consider manifestation further. To repeat, start with a feeling, like love. Think it. Imagine it. Feel it. This can be a fantasy or mirage that takes place in the past, present or future. Time is completely irrelevant, if you can feel the feeling and make yourself believe that what you are feeling is real. When there is a request to lift, it is not about going higher, although to some it might feel like that, it is more like taking an intentionally deep breath. You are consciously aware that you are experiencing a projection of your own creation and you are consciously aware of your ability to alter this projection. You are God and thus, the feeling of love is the only feeling. We have the ability to experience anything without pain or suffering or hardship or grief. At this point, a body part might relax. Stomach. Back. Head. If there is an area of your body that is tight, breath into it and express gratitude. Send love, until physicality dissolves and you are disembodied. Let your energy system be heightened, like you are when you are having the best experience. Have the best experience. Trust the feeling of feeling great. You are worthy. You are deserving. Hold. Hold. Hold. Breathe deeply. Repeat. August 16 - 22, 2015 Consider manifestation. How do you create the things you want? Consider attracting frequencies. You get what you give. Start giving back to God. God is in all things and in all people. Lift your feeling awareness. This is your soul breath. Love something. Some one. Repeat: thank you, thank you, thank you. I have everything I need. Thank you. Materiality is only one aspect. Start with the concept of love. Yes. I want more love in my experience. Send love to something or someone. Feel the feeling of love. Resume life. You will be touched by God for the benefit of your highest good. August 09 - 15, 2015 Consider the energy that makes all matter equal and on par with the human experience. There is no superior energy. God does not judge. There is no hierarchy that we can not control. Everything is charged with frequencies upon frequencies that are determined by the thoughts and energy of everything around it. These energy frequencies find each other. Everything is charged, and one aspect of being human is that our bodies will feel it for us. August 02 - 08, 2015 Consider the following before you wake up this week. Refrain from opening your eyes as you become consciously aware. Peer into the darkness with your sleepy mind. Repeat to yourself. I am love. Thank you. Feel your vibration lift and hold yourself suspended between dreams and waking. You are not you. You are the spirit of your soul. By now you might see something behind the illusion of your mind. Form and matter blur into one another, and you are able to recognize some things and you are curious about them, but all too soon they have become something else. Your soul will flood you with information when you are this open. There is a greater chance for connection. There is a greater opportunity to bring more love. |
July 26 - August 01, 2015
When you go to sleep tonight, draw your attention to your inner vision. See how long you can hold it before you lose touch with reality. While you are there, holding, in the dark space, peer into it as if to move closer inside the void. What was previously a dark screen becomes a multidimensional flow of colour and shape. Regardless of whether you can see anything, or not, something (God-energy-collective) is happening. Your body is dissolving. Your mind is becoming one with all creation. Ask for guidance, and then surrender into sleep. July 19 - 25, 2015 If you are in any way interested in mass media, now would be a good time to consider developing a "good news" outlet. Online is probably the best bet. The intention would be to spread heart centred stories. The uplifting content would change the way critical news reporting is currently conducted. It is a good time to put celebratory energy into the ways in which we know ourselves. July 12 - 18, 2015 We are multidimensional beings. This week, if you have a moment, consider what this means to you. Can you experience more than one reality at a time? Are you a different person in each moment? Does your energy span lifetimes of experience? Can you receive everything and every experience? Do you exist in a field of pure and unconditional love? Have you manifested all manner of experiences? Is your connection to God eternal? The answer to all of these questions is: yes. Yes, you are everything. Yes, you are God. July 05 - 11, 2015 The old structures are falling away at such a rapid pace right now it is hard to keep up. There is a feeling rising up inside of you. Like billowing clouds coming from your feet up, this energy effuses your body and your whole system with pure white light, filling you with your unknown quantity. There is something inside of you that is waiting to come out, and right now, you/it has no choice but to find expression. It is your base purpose, your spontaneous spirit, your simultaneous creative force. What are you going to do today that is different than what you did yesterday? Create, create, create, and feel the energy of you. It is beyond your ability to suppress. You don't have to force anything. Simply follow the impulses. Trust. Be surprised at who you are and what you can do. Share yourself with the world. June 28 - July 04, 2015 You wake from a dream feeling confused and unsettled. Or, you realize there is something in your life that feels slightly off. Or, you realize there is something in your life that feels completely and utterly wrong in every way, just when you thought everything was levelling out and heading in the right direction. This is a good opportunity to become a witness to your own participation in whatever is disturbing your energy. Observe yourself as you go about your day. Look objectively at your behaviour. Savour these last bits of disharmony in your life. What marvellous gifts they have been to you. Say goodbye with dignity and grace and gratitude. These feelings will not be there tomorrow. In fact, you are completely free right now. |
June 21 - 27, 2015
Do you have pets? If so, this is a good week to tune into their energies and receive what they have to share with you. Feel into messages of unconditional love, natural rhythms, and innocence. They have chosen you. You have chosen them. Using your heart, ask why? Allow them to show you. If you do not have pets, use your imagination and conjure an animal companion especially for you for right now. Notice any feelings, sensations, and images that come forth and use that guidance to ease your path. June 14 - 20, 2015 You might find that your brain is unable to keep up the way it normally does. Daily requirements of your time, necessary conversations, and the detail aspects of your existence may be more difficult to follow and negotiate. It is because you are different as of today. Your way of life has changed, even though you might not be aware. This is the way of the soul. Allow yourself this foggy space of change. Your energy is in a state of transformation and your expression of life will follow. Be gentle with yourself. Do the best you can. June 07 - 13, 2015 Rest and allow cosmic energies to become yours. Quiet the mind and go inside. There is no need to comprehend what is happening to you as a result of the incoming energies, but there is a call to allow and receive. If you can this week, be still and be one with your God within. May 31 - June 06, 2015 Who is God? God is you. All of us together. God is not separate from us as individuals. We are made up with God. There is nothing that is not god. The human experience is infinitely unique but it is not the only experience of beingness that we, as God, create. No expression is superior. |
May 24 - 30, 2015
This is a good week to reflect on how far we have come. Thank you God. Thank you for this human incarnation.Consider that the body is a litmus test for the nature of our experiences. When there is an aspect of your body that is less than perfect in your conscious awareness, it is a signal from your soul to re-connect to the love feeling that is all around you. Pain is a perfect spiritual teacher. How is your soul calling to you? Change your job? Leave a relationship? To be brave in a way you never thought possible? Maybe it is simply a need to change your perspective of one or any of these things. Now. Imagine a new way to experiment with the gift of life that you are in the process of creating. May 17 - 23, 2015 Messages are coming to us in all forms - elements, water, food. These are only a few examples of energies that communicate love to us. It is constant. It never gets tired or turns off. When we can tune into the frequency, the energies align with our knowing. When we can't, we still receive them anyway. Accept all messages as messages of love. A special appreciative mention to all the insects who are bringing bundles of love for all. May 10 - 16, 2015 At the core of our beings, we are dots within the circle that is our collective sphere of energy. All energies are actually circular, even though we perceive them as wave forms or linear frequencies. The circular aspect of energy is what offers conditions for simultaneous experience or the absence of time. This week, consider that you have no past. May 03 - 09, 2015 Dreams are spheres we create to live out experiences. Embrace non-judgment of dreams and dream selves. Embrace that the message is changing you for something greater.It is not important to understand dreams with the mind. The heart makes all the connections necessary for you to merge with the nature of the experience. April 26 - May 02, 2015 You might notice love is readily available to you. From all over, from everywhere - love seems to be more accessible. It is so you can fill up those places you have emptied. Overflow with light. Send it all over. Everywhere, let there be the light/love of who you really are. |
April 19 - 25, 2015
The physical embodiment of Christ Consciousness energy alters your appearance. Not only is the cellular structure of your body changed, your physicality softens - eyes, heart, mind. No boundaries. No separation. No need. The behaviour of fighting corporeality has come to an end. Open to your blessed body. April 12 - 18, 2015 This is a good week to contemplate the fact that you have never died and you never will. Ask: What does eternal existence look like? How will I feel? Notice and reflect. Consider that way back, in the illusory past we all believe in, but that does not really exist, we had illness because we did not know how to cleanse ourselves, release unwanted experiences and emotions, and at the root of it all, heal. Now. We do. Expand the moment that is now, that is you, that is love. Thank you, God. Thank you for empowering us with love so we can heal ourselves and each other. April 05 - 11, 2015 Energy moves up the body. It does this even if you do not feel it. If you do not feel it, you are not alone. You are perfect. Consider that you know what you need to know. White light is pouring into your head and it is mixing with your unique expression so that it can rise up and be one with God again. March 29 - April 04, 2015 If a form of cataclysm did not find you skirting consciousness in 2012, it may be happening now. Something is occurring that is radically changing your existence. We love you. We are here for you. What you are facing is beyond your ability to resist. You are compelled, and there is a feeling that you have little to no choice (angular, abrupt, hard fears of change). At the same time, there is also a feeling of clarity, maybe even relief, as this particular feeling/sensation inside of you, that has guided you, has been a source of torment and insecurity. And, the usual escape mechanisms are no longer to be found. These can be dark days for many people. We love you. We are here for you. Look out on the earth. She is changing, and offering her beauty as an energy of reassurance. Her changes accompany ours. Notice the colours in the sky. Are they not more expressive? The clouds are speaking to us in a language of circular energy. Allow the communion to sustain you. We have never been alone. |
March 22 - 28, 2015
Take a moment to consider manifestation this week. Close your eyes. What do you see? Bring forth the image as a gift to God. Praise yourself, as the highest form of creation and expression. Align with your highest good outcome and consider manifesting some thing at the peak of orgasm. Sexual energy is the energy of creation. What do you want to create? March 15 - 21, 2015 It is a good time to re-connect with your star family. Why not right now? Ask to meet your celestial brethren. They are waiting for you. They are loving you from the inside out. Ask, and be lovingly patient with yourself while your vibrations find each other. March 08 - 14, 2015 Attention. Presence. Now. Follow the feeling of unconditional love, whereby the mind comprehends the heart naturally. Our multi-dimensionality is innate. Expanding consciousness is always happening anyway. Perceive the higher frequencies of love in the heart and let them lead you. Practice. Ask: Show me the experience of feeling higher frequencies of love in my heart. Do you have expectations of how this is supposed to happen? Consider that now has never happened before and never will again. There is no past experience to reference. You are new in every moment. March 01 - 07, 2015 There is a yearning for an experience where nothing and no one is wrong. This is a longing for God. It is a longing for love in all areas of life. Pretend it is your existence right now. Create a hidden gift for yourself that is you. Create surrender. Create gratitude. Create more love. Set this intention and let it do it's work while you sleep, rest, and meditate. Don't worry about doing anything. Dream that your experience is perfect as it is. Experience this dream of inherent perfection and travel to the next moment where you again find the perfection of you dream, active and expanding your sense of self and then, when you wake up repeat: thank you, thank you. thank you. |
February 22 - 28, 2015
Opening to the other is how we receive more light. It is a good time to contemplate our soul's calling to love one another as sisters, brothers, fathers, mothers. We are all one. We are all God. As you go about your days this week, imagine the connection to everyone. Is it a thread? A band of light? Feel into the amplification power of all of these extensions of you. February 15 - 21, 2015 Prepare for limitations and barriers to disappear. Freedom is on it's way to you. Consider what your life would be like if there was nothing to get in the way of your dreams. This is a good week to imagine life without limits. What would you do differently? What kind of person are you without fear, anxiety, lack, and loss? Once you can feel your "free" self, go inside and hold the feeling. God will be there to meet you with reassurance and love. February 08 - 14, 2015 This is a good week to consider being open to difference. What comes to mind is the infinite potential of creation. Do you create from the heart or from the mind? Perhaps, like many, your mind is so active and judgemental that you find it hard to commit to any one expression. Who knows if you will be approved of? What happens if it doesn't work out? How will you ever get it done in time? When you create from the heart, these concerns dissolve into the ether. When you create from the heart, you are the pure energy of God, and that God energy always has a pure purpose - to bring more love, to bring more light, to celebrate all manner of expression and experience. There is no incessant list of things to do in the heart creation space. The heart creation space is void of limitation. If you are currently in the midst of creating something, try these tools to cease mind chatter and unknowingly enter the heart space. For the purposes of an example, let's say you are writing an email to a work colleague, but the words won't come out. Your mind is getting in the way. The illusion wants to prove to you that this particular email will be like all the emails in the past - fruitless and unnecessary. Try this: Close everything and start fresh. Write as quickly as you possibly can. Do not give your brain a chance to interfere with your soul's purpose which is to infuse all of your creations with love. Write, write, write, do not edit, do not slow down. Close the letter and sit for a few minutes in the space of emptiness. You have managed to communicate something, but what? Open your email and read it. How is it different than what you would have written if you had listened solely to your mind's instruction? Now, close everything again. This time, you are going to write as slowly as you can. It should take a minute just to move your hand to your mouse. It should take a minute to find the first letter of the first word that you are going to type. Watch your body move imperceptibly through space. Feel every sensation as you finally touch your keyboard and depress the key. Watch your finger as it is held in time. Notice how in going slowly, your mind has more space. Notice how the expressive heart content comes to you differently yet again. February 01 - 07, 2015 In what ways is your happiness thwarted by your daily experience? Look at how the illusion presents itself to tempt you away from your dreams. The illusion will do what it can to keep you exactly where you are. The illusion needs you to stay the same so it can continue to do what it has always done. However, you are not the same person you were yesterday. You know this with certainty so relax. It may take some time for your life to reflect the changes you seek. Stay with the conscious activation of your being-ness. At every illusory twist and turn, stick up for yourself and your new beliefs. You will get there. You will become your dream, little by little each day until all of a sudden you will be a new and different reality. Who knows? The dream you have of you may manifest in an instant. |
January 25 - 31, 2015
You are not alone. You have never been alone. God is always with you. God has never been separated from you. It is your choice to be separate from God. Does God feel your pain and suffering? Only to the extent that it is your experience, and so he is familiar with it. God does not cause us pain and suffering. God is incapable of feeling anything other than pure love, bliss, and joy. Take a moment this week and consider: God is with you always. You might need to clear the channel in order to align with this ever-present God-energy. As the channel changes frequencies, you may experience disturbances, blips, and a feeling of what appears to be going backwards. This is simply the channel opening or widening. You have set the intention. Now. Be patient and let the spirit energies find and strengthen your new vibrational frequency. January 18 - 24, 2015 For one week, don't try to fix anything about yourself. Let yourself roll, unencumbered. What happens as you observe yourself without judgement? What do you notice? Sink into it. Revel in who you really are. Take some time, a few moments or more if possible, to feel the fullness of love and light in your life. Do the same for all of your lifetimes. Imagine love. Imagine light. Breathe the love and light into your being-ness. Repeat. There is nothing in your life you need to hold on to. Let everything drift away. January 11 - 17, 2015 Shed any unnecessary density in your life. Did something already pop into your mind? There are many things you can let go of now and there will be no negative repercussions. If you have any thing in your life that is not fun or does not bring you joy, consider selling, repurposing or giving away. In the coming infinite wealth economy, one of the guiding tenets is to let go of excess so that all people live in an existance of having everything. Because really, you have never needed anything. You have always been everything. Recollect a moment in your life when you felt you had everything and you couldn't possibly want for anything more. Take that feeling, which is a vibration of abundance, into a meditative moment. If something vexing comes up and this feels impossible, repeat the phrase: "I have everything I need and more." Or "I need for nothing." Take a few breaths, at least two, while you hold this feeling in your heart. Send the vibration out into the world. January 04 - 10, 2015 God is always listening and God brings you that which you are feeling/being. Therefore, bring God love. Bring God light. You will get more love and light. If there is an area of your life where this seems impossible, give it over to God. Surrender yourself. Release impossibility into pure source energy. Take at least two full breaths. December 28, 2014 - January 03, 2015 This is a good week to imagine the impossible. What would the earth be like without extreme fossil fuel dependence? What if every single war currently being fought on this planet ended in peace? What if there was no homelessness or poverty? What if violence of all kinds ceased to exist? What if you never ever had to worry about money? What if you met your soul mate and fell madly in love? What if someone developed a method of making unnecessary waste disappear? What if we were able to convert the energy all around us into energy needed to power everyday appliances and electronics? What if there was no more racial discrimination? Imagine a seemingly impossible, but preferred reality. Hold. Breathe. Repeat. |