October 02 - 08, 2016
Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. ! Activation begins - "The Now Moment" ! Today, and over the week, stay present as much as you can. This is training you to receive the gifts of the now moment. Stop. Use your senses. Smell something. Taste. Look closely. What can you notice that you have never noticed before? Feel. The wind on your skin. Feel the clothes on your body. Feel fabrics, stones, sand, grass. Listen. Pick out sounds in your environment. You are listening. You are now. Breathe. In and out. Breathe love in. Breathe love out. Breathe joy in. Breathe joy out. Breathe compassion in. Breathe compassion out. Be with you breath. Feel it go all the way up and out and then all the way down and out. It never stops moving. You never stop expanding with your breath. Surrender. What are you feeling? Does it manifest in your body. Go to it. Feel. Watch as it dissolves and disappears. You are being there for the feeling with love and compassion. Rest. ! Activation is complete - "You are NOW in the Now Moment" ! As the incoming energies continue to pour in and you continue to ride the waves of increased productivity, notice how being present opens up the magic of manifestation. Exist with your creations. Continue creating. Now. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Let's not waste a single second. Let's get right to it. Your anger. Yes. There still a sensation of something lingering in your field. You watch these energies with curious detachment. You know it is not personal, but still you wonder what it is still trying to teach you. Thank you. We are learning how to be more love together. Now. Breathe. Thank you. ★Dreams continue to be potent guides at this time. ★You will be visited by familiar faces - people or images or feelings - that you trust and have confidence in. ★ Perhaps you looked up to them at one time. ★Perhaps you have always felt inferior or maybe, superior. ★Perhaps you have never forgiven yourself for something you have done to another. Wonderful. ★These familiar faces and feelings are coming to show you the ways in which your anger is holding you back from manifesting even higher vibrations of joy in your life. ★ Relationships figure prominently, even though right now you might not know why. It could be the someone close to you is triggering an anger response in you. You are not sure where it comes from. It may be resentment or guilt - either way it is there, and it is impacting and changing your relations with others. Notice your response to authority figures or those people in your life you have made superior to you. Once you have anything - thought, image, memory, feeling, pain the in the body - any thread to work from, FEEL IT, and cal it "ANGER". Now. Let's clear it together. What is cleared for one will be cleared for all. = EFT Opportunity - "Even though I have this anger in my field, I deeply and completely love and accept myself. Even though this anger is creating blocks in my abilities to manifest, I deeply and completely love and accept myself. Even though I am not sure how to get rid of this anger, I choose to deeply and completely love and accept all aspects of myself, even the ones that are hiding, I choose to love them too. I choose to free myself from anger. I choose to release any resistance to manifesting the life of my dreams." = Tap. Repeat. Tap. Do this before bed. Tap until you fall asleep. Tap in the morning upon waking. Release. Go. Manifest. Crystal - Clear Quartz / Obsidian Sound Frequency - LA - 852 Hz |
September 25 - October 01, 2016
You have made the commitment to you. Congratulations! You didn't know it could be so easy. Yes! You asked for ease. You asked for grace. You asked for effortlessness. You got it! Go! The time for action is upon you. < 1 min. Meditation - Clarify Intentions > Breathe. Relax. Breathe. It will be helpful to consciously direct this burgeoning energy in your system. Be relaxed. Be clear. Breathe. Trust. Breathe. Now. You have a precise goal in mind. You are clear about what you want. You believe, you know it is possible. Nothing and no one can take away the positivity and certainty you know and feel. This feels wonderful! Take a moment and reflect. You have been working out all of the details in the field of not doing. Be thankful you are not alone. Appreciate the larger forces at work. Integrate, and know this is your expression of spirit, your expression of the All. < 1 min. Meditation - Prayers of Gratitude > Now. You are ready and optimized for productivity. Begin today. Begin right now. And, continue to do it intuitively. Instead of muscling your way to your dreams using your brain, and old programs based on how you were taught to accomplish your goals, simply allow guidance to unfold the path of next steps to you. Perhaps you have never done it like this before. Perhaps you have never surrendered quite so fully as you are now. Control. Accomplishment. Achievement. What are your definitions of these words? How does your concept of these words apply to your ability to support yourself in taking action toward the creation of your dreams? Can you release preconceived notions of how your accomplishments come about? Can you allow spirit to play an even larger role? = EFT Opportunity - "Even though I am not sure how to surrender to the universe/spirit (whatever word you are most comfortable with), I deeply and completely love and accept myself. Even though I have resistance to giving up control, I deeply and completely love and accept myself. Even though I am not sure how anything is going to get done if I am not 'doing' it and worrying about it, I choose to deeply and completely love and accept all aspects of myself, even the ones that are hiding, I choose to love them too. I choose to free myself from fear. I choose to release any resistance to my next steps on the spiritual path." = You are on your way to accomplishing those goals. Right now. You have enough energy, and you will be extremely effective over the coming week. Stay in your heart. Live these experiences with your heart. Why not? Continue to check in with your inner world in order to maintain your direction, and the high quality of attention and awareness. Your energy is very powerful right now, and it can be intensified and strengthened with clear and conscious choice. Go. Now. Love. Crystal - Citrine Sound Frequency - MI - 528 Hz |
September 18 - 24, 2016
Chances are you have received clarity on an issue that has been rolling around in the field of not doing. It came by way of a ping of intuition, a clair-audiant message, or a strong feeling as you came out of meditation. Maybe it was delivered to you by way of a dream, as the times before sleep and upon waking are very strong right now. ! Activation begins - Conscious Sleep and Dreaming - The Hypnagogic State ! To increase receptivity to these messages stay soft before sleep and when you wake up, stay receptive. Set your alarm clock a bit earlier if need be, so you can make space to tune into these messages. Allow yourself to languish in the squishiness of waking up. Stay there as long as you can and participate in, witness, observe, the semi-dream state of your subconscious. Incorporate a before bedtime meditation, where by you drift into sleep with a gentle awareness. You see images, words, maybe you hear messages, perhaps you simply float into your sleep with a keen sense of detachment. In these times, let go of the outcome or of any personal attachment to the information. Trust your higher self will guide you to the meaning when the time is right. This can be a very enjoyable experience - akin to time travel, dimension hopping, reality blurring - this is deepening your relationship with your subconscious. Make it fun and enjoyable. Set an intention for curiosity and wonder. Be in awe of this expression of yourself, and befriend it. ! Activation is complete - Conscious Sleep and Dreaming - The Hypnagogic State is Integrated ! As for the issue you received clarity on, how did it make you feel? Was there any resistance? Any fear that came up? Sadness? Congratulations! These are the next steps. We will begin integration with a clearing of sorts. You can fill in the blank with what is most specific to you. = EFT Opportunity - "Even though I feel sadness coming up, I deeply and completely love and accept myself. Even though I am scared to take these next steps, I deeply and completely love and accept myself. Even though I have resistance to even more change in my life right now, I deeply and completely love and accept myself. Even though I feel like I have already made so many changes and cleared so much fear, there's more and I am not sure I am ready for more, but even though I feel like this, I choose to deeply and completely love and accept all aspects of myself, even the ones that are hiding, I choose to love them too. I choose to free myself from fear. I choose to release any resistance to my next steps on the spiritual path." = Commit some time to clearing this week. Spend time with yourself - notice what comes up. Tap and clear. Meditate with abandon. We are going inward. We are going for full freedom. We are going for complete and utter fearlessness. Connect with nature. As you begin this new cycle - the earth is entering into the end of the current seasonal cycle. This paradox will be felt this week. Take time to FEEL, while gazing at your favourite tree, the flowers - as they stretch to their completion, insects and animals as they prepare for the next phase of life - contemplate how you fit into these cycles of birth and death. When in doubt, tap into the energy of oneness, as there are many who find themselves here with you, right now. There are many who woke up this week knowing the next steps, but fearing a lack of courage to step forward. That's wonderful, because it's in our togetherness that these changes are possible. You are not alone. You have never been alone. Our togetherness is now. + Visualization - A BIG PAIR OF SCISSORS + Now. Perhaps you feel like you have an energetic tentacle, a string of energy that is stretching forward into a scary unknown. Perhaps you have another string of energy that is stretching back into an illusory past, holding you in a conception of self that is not real. Imagine that an extra large pair of scissors appear before you. With both hands, grasp the scissors and cut the energy tentacles that are stretching forward in the future and backward into the past. Snip, cut loose, and detach. Good. Now, you are in the now, released from constraints of what if and that's the way it's always been. You are free to create in the power of right now. What are you going to create right now? How about ease, effortlessness, grace, surrender, forgiveness, compassion, joy.... You choose! As much as you might be giving up something, you are receiving something far greater. Surrender to your insight. Surrender to the force of spirit working through you. There is immense energy to be gathered at this time and from these sorts of experiences. Gather your energy. Up. It may come from places you least expect. Trust, and be one with the divine. You are supported and loved always. *A quick note here on failure. Failure is not real, so cancel the concept from your field of not doing and it will not appear in your field of doing. The antidote is: gratitude. △ Alert Affirmation while listening to Sound Frequency: I am so happy and grateful that I am here right now, walking my spiritual path, and making more and more progress in every single moment. △ Repeat this as much as you need to, repeat it to the point of pseudo delirium throughout the week. Transform your issue into your greatest gift, your greatest monument to your freedom. You do this for one, and it is felt by all. Thank you for your commitment to the all. Thank you for your dedication to your emancipation. Thank you for being our teachers, our leaders, our effort, and our free will. We admire you, and send love/light from afar. Crystal - Smoky Quartz / Clear Quartz Sound Frequency - SOL - 741 Hz |
September 11 - 17, 2016
There is new spirit guide energy in the process of making contact with you. Don't worry, this does not mean you lose your current guides. It means that the quality of energy is adapting to your evolving spiritual needs. This change is fruitful, for it means you are being called to another level - entering into another cycle - and new guidance is stepping up to evolve with you. A short note here - remember this relationship is as important for your guide as it is for you. Because, in the exact same way you show up to learn from your guide, your guide is showing up to learn from you. You are the catalyst for your guide's further growth and development. In other words, there is no hierarchy. You are not lesser than, or subservient, or in any way diminished in comparison to your guide. Yes, there might be different levels of enlightenment, but this does not mean that your guide is better than you are. This may bring up past programs of competition or feelings of not being enough or not having gone far enough thus far. Wonderful. These are the next steps. Stay in the energy of mutual exchange. Stay in the energies of equality and oneness. In a way, your guide is appearing because you are having a certain experience that the energy of the all needs to expand. As a spiritual urging, your guide feels compelled both to learn and assist. In fact, there is an eagerness and urgency to share in your experience. This work expands the energy of All. This relationship exists to serve the light. You are this light, and your guide is honoured to be it with you. At the level energy we are all equal. We teach each other. We learn from each other. We are all one. These are extremely high frequencies, although they are at a level that almost too high for you to detect at a human level. That's fine. Your subconscious continues to filter and make sense and organize and reprogram in the not doing field. Perhaps you have felt a sense of urgency or the need to "do" something, anything, and you experience thrusts of energy that seem to go nowhere or even backwards. Rest and breathe. Spend more time in meditation. Slow down, and increase your now moment awareness. Set an intention to open your field to these new energies. Know these feelings are the energetics of spiritual evolution. Rest and breathe. Physically open your arms to heaven and the cosmos. Invite the energy into your system. Be patient as the new frequencies align. Rest and breathe. For fun, and with wonderment and curiosity, imagine your first conversation with your new guide. Notice any bright colours that pique your interest. This guide energy is coming to you in a frequency of coloured light - notice royal blue, red, deep purple. How do this colours make you feel when you encounter them? Go inside and find your colourful feelings. This will be the first connection you have with your new guide energy. This is the invitation. Crystal - Celestine / Dream Quartz / Clear Quartz Sound Frequency - SI - 963 Hz |
September 04 - 10, 2016
Your reality is 100% created by you. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. ! Activation begins - The moment of change ! The incoming energies are supporting these moments of change that are occurring while you sleep and while you are awake. You may notice a paradox - as feelings of separation evaporate, the beauty of difference increases. This is how we are woven together. This is our sublime togetherness. Consider for a moment the liminal quality of that paradox. This is the threshold - the moment of change - the moment when you give something up in favour of another way of being. Let us take a moment and set a conscious intention to pave the way for your further growth and transformation. △ Alert Affirmation - "Changes in my way of being unfold easily and effortlessly. I welcome change into my life. In fact, change excites me on all levels." △ It can be useful to take a moment of reflection and deeply appreciate how far you have come. You are not the same person you were a week ago. You have progressed. Take a moment this week and celebrate your accomplishments. Reach a frenzied level of joy with how well you have done thus far. Use these feelings of ultimate acceptance, and ecstasy to fuel the next level of your transformation. *Notice - the steps you have taken consciously, the shifts that have occurred seemingly like magic on the subconscious level, what are some of the larger, more obvious choices you have made, how have they played out, examine shifts in patterns in your relationships and with self. Start a journaling process for say - 15 min. See how many changes in your way of being you can observe and record. As you continue to gather more light into your system, the very core - the elemental, molecular, and atomic level of your being - changes. It can take some time for your bodies and your mind to catch up. And, it does not stop. The light continues to pour into you systems. This might cause your body to reject certain habitual ways of being. This is your body trying to get your attention. It is your system's way of saying it's time to get on board with the intentions you have set. This is what it looks like as your subconscious reprogramming takes full effect. Take this opportunity to talk to your body. Let it know you are there for it. Humbly, and with patience and gratitude, let it know you are merely catching up to the progress that is already firmly underway. As you consider the moments of change yet to come, and you reprogram engrained responses to change in the form of suffering with energies of ease and effortlessness, know that you are empowering yourself to choose how you want to feel in every moment. The alternative is that you stay in a place of fear. This resistance will cause more of that same fear and the cycle continues. You know that cycle well, and you know how to relax into the self love necessary to release any old and outdated patterns. This guidance is useful as you begin to implement a new routine that will serve you for the next few months. In addition, this is an optimal time to revisit any behaviours that are not serving you. Right now, we are still at the level of not doing - that is, we are gracefully allowing our energetics to do the heavy lifting. Connect with your higher self for guidance and the pathway of action will be revealed. We shine our light on you always. ! Activation is complete - The moment of change is easy and effortless ! Crystal - Selenite Sound Frequency - FA - 639 Hz |
August 28 - September 03, 2016
Profound energy shifts continue to impact your systems, and your every way of being. The last few weeks, the focus has been on abundance and creation. You began to realize you are worthy of your dreams. You started to connect with the areas of your life you would like to receive more super-charged creation energies. You connected with the truth that abundance is love. Your ability to love yourself more, is your pathway to welcoming even more abundance into your life. You made the connection between gratitude and love and abundance - the more grateful you are for what you have, the more abundant you are. All of these pathways were strengthened with the infinite love of pure source energy. < 1 min. Meditation - Prayers of Gratitude > Thank you. Thank you for allowing more love into your life. Thank you for realizing you are worthy of unlimited abundance. Thank you for gracing this field of our togetherness. When you elevate your sense of worthiness, the whole world - every being and every energy - elevates with you. Thank you. Your perspective of your unique creative powers are intimately tied to your ability to accept and love yourself, and also to realize how the expression of your abilities generates more abundance in your life. No one else creates your abundance, but you. You create abundance with every thought, feeling and emotion. Now. You are primed and ready to take these creations powers to the next level. Your heart sings with purpose. You are happy, and honored and grateful to create more of what you want, including the simplest but most profound - more love. ∪ Fill Up With Love Now ∪ These are monumental shifts in the way your see yourself and what you are capable of. This week, let us reflect upon what it feels like when the old energy leaves and the new energy takes it’s place. (If there is anything that comes up that does not fit with this newer, higher vibration, you will be able to release it easily.) Now. Your energy system becomes visible. It is a combination of a feeling sense being activated, and the natural knowledge of your interiority. You see from the inside out. You feel past the darkness to the light of who you are. Your body is not solid. It is light, but you detect a level of darkness, which is an element of density located on your body. From our perspective, the light/dark variation is more like layers of circles - small, but the wholeness of all is felt in each individual sphere. This is the frequency of our togetherness - it is the whole of us together. At this level, density felt by an individual is also felt by the all. The density shows to be darker, almost black, but even though it is dense and dark, it still vibrates with the potential of movement. That’s because it is never meant to stay attached to you. It is not yours, but only so that you can clear it. And even though it is dense, it is actually more like a void - the feeling has already been felt thoroughly for eons before. You are not alone. You are expressing for many. This energy merely lingers as if to remind you that your duty persists. You are not done yet. The place of pain and suffering is known and felt and it is REAL and it exists in you, on your body. Except at this level, the body is not yours. At this level the body is everyone’s. It only exists as yours to show you something of meaning, to get your attention, to enable you to understand your vulnerability is felt universally. This is your soul expressing through you. This is the miracle of you - the greatness - because even in the black density of your energy body make-up, there are bands of light between the layers. ∪ Fill Up With Love Now ∪ As your attention mixes with your intention mixes with your curious feeling of your freedom mixes with divinity mixes with an acceptance and allowance of our togetherness mixes with your soul’s yearning for remembrance mixes with your higher self duty to ascension - the light of the layers inside the density ignites, and you become multicolored light - alive with the eternal nature of creation. Your energetic body loosens, and becomes light. The density shakes and shimmies off body into pure source energy. You are free. < Repeat, with joy - 1 min. Meditation - Prayers of Gratitude > Crystal - Rose Quartz Sound Frequency - LA - 852 Hz |
August 14 - 27, 2016
Dear Friends. Welcome, and thank you for being here with us. We are taking some time off to restore in the increasingly abundant energies that are pouring in from the cosmos. It is our hope that you will do the same by resting and relaxing and receiving the unconditional love from our beloved Star Family. The Free Weekly Prediction Service will resume in two weeks. > The Daily Predictions Membership Site continues as per usual. < In the meantime, if you would like to continue progressing on the spiritual path with our guidance, I invite you to peruse previous entries. Find an aspect or words that resonate with you and go deeper. We are always with you. Likewise, taking a short break from your spiritual routine is also beneficial at this time. Spend more time in quiet contemplation or meditation or sleeping or day dreaming - your higher self energy will be strong. You will feel connected, and also guided. Either way, this is a good week to restore all bodily and energetic systems. We wish you all a blissful experience of rest and relaxation. Selenite is a beautiful conduit to your higher self aspect. Experiment with placing this stone on different parts of your body - hands, feet, stomach, chest etc. Notice the many and varied (infinite) ways spirit connects with you. If you are interested in exploring sound as spirit connection, experiment with vocalizing a variety of sounds - hum, hem, om, vam ram etc. Find the one the best suits your current frequency and play. Find the sound of joy, and sing. Until next week, love and blessings to you. |
August 07 - 13, 2016
Green! Green! Green! Foods to eat - Spinach, Kale, Lettuce, Cucumber, Peas, Beans - anything green! Consume fresh when possible! ! Activation begins now - Green Energy in combination with Light Body Upgrades ! Today is a great day to consider adding more green foods to your diet. As your body takes on more light, it literally becomes lighter. This means that the density of foods you might be accustomed to eating will feel even heavier when taken into your body. Consider adding more green foods to your diet, which are ultimately lighter and less work for all of your bodily systems. And, invigorating! In addition, this new way of eating will enable you to carry even more light. You are receiving more and more light in your bodies in each and every moment. The incoming energies might give your bursts of energy that allow you increased stamina and longevity. You may have noticed this as you go about your daily activities. Perhaps you are able to stay with a task for a longer period of time and accomplish more than usual. Perhaps you have higher levels of energy when you normally succumb to fatigue. These energies feel similar to an adrenalin rush. When you are in the glow of it, it can be hard to stop. The goal is to find your body's new levels of balance and trust so that you can take advantage of increased energy levels while at the same time, knowing when and how to avoid burnout. Notice your rhythms. Take regular breaks in which you do some deep breathing. Nourish your body with green food. Try eating spinach like you might have once eaten potato chips or other similar kinds of snacks. Try a powered or liquid green supplement. There are many to choose from. You can experiment with individual green boosts in the form of Chlorophyll, Chlorella, Maca, Spirulina, Wheat Grass or Barely Grass. There are many more. Or, you can try combination formulas. If you are new to this, wonderful! Trust your higher self guidance. You will find the right magic elixir just for you. Yes. We call these magic elixirs because the effects of adding more green foods to your diet will be a noticeable and welcome addition to all bodily systems - digestive, immune, lymphatic, nervous etc. The effects will be felt immediately. Consistent discipline for a week or more will have you completely convinced. Experiment with storing this vital energy. Create your body to be a storehouse of energy that you can call upon whenever you are in need of a boost. There is a tendency to to start the day low energy or in some form of body lack. This is not the case now. The amount of light you are now carrying in your body is amplified to such an extent that you are already feeling different on many subtle levels. By making a conscious effort to add lighter foods, and foods that enable the delivery of more light into your system, you can exponentialize these benevolent light body upgrades. We caution you from pushing your self to a point of burn out. It will be easy to do with these energized light activations. However, if you do, you are learning the new limits of the new you on this new playing field - which is a refined level of light body energy and awareness. This is a good opportunity to deepen your relationship with your body even more. Furthermore, consider adding adaptogens to your diet. Adaptogens aid your body in adapting to the effects of chronic mental and physical stress on the body, specifically, the impacts of the ‘fight’ or ‘flight’ response on your adrenals. These are some adaptogens that you might consider adding to your daily routine: Milk Thistle, Reishi, He Shou Wu, Rosemary, Aloe Vera, Gotu Kola, Astragalus, Mooring Oleifera, Bacopa, Licorice Root, Ashwagandha, Holy Basil, Schisandra, Rhodiola Rosea, Panax Ginseng. Do some research, consult with a nutritionist, herbalist, or naturopathic doctor, and as always, trust your higher self to guide you to magic. If you have anxiety about your current diet, don’t worry about cutting anything or quitting. Simply add some green and let the light energy contained within do the work. ! Activation complete - Green Energy combines with Light Body Upgrades ! Crystal - Serpentine Sound Frequency - SOL - 741 Hz |
July 31 - Aug. 06, 2016
Greetings from the world beyond your world, which is yours, and which is you. We are so happy and honoured to connect with you each week as you navigate your light worker path on earth. This week we would like you to consider that there is no right or wrong way to be in communion with spirit. Furthermore, there are an infinite amount of energies and guides for you to choose from - angels, arch angels, colours, crystals, sounds, elements, trees, flowers, insects, animals, birds and so on into infinity. ! Activation begins now - Communion with Spirit ! This weekend, find an energy that is speaking to you. It may be water. It may be a butterfly passing by. Consider the message, without thinking. Relax your mind, and allow your subtle energies to translate. These energies are exactly matched to you. They are waiting to be summoned by you. This light, in whatever form it presents to you, carries healing and restoration. Just for you. That is what it is there for. For you. This is what you are here for. To receive . Our togetherness is already agreed upon. Open and restore. We are all, together, courageous enough. Throughout the week, be open to what whispers to you. For, opportunities are on the way - messages, signs, guidance, and love. Open. Receive. It is not going to be what you are used to, and it may come in a package designed to get your attention or remind you of something or cause you to shift your presence of mind. Then ask: What does my soul have to say? My higher self? Recently, you have reached a new level. The lid has been blown off. The landscape looks the same, but it feels vastly different. It’s as if the molecules that defined a person, place, or thing, for eons, have rearranged themselves, and you are feeling different in relationship to everything. Nothing is the same as it was a moment ago. This is the change brought on by conscious communion with spirit. It is in constant evolution, because your vibration keeps going higher and higher. Even something that you were convinced would be catastrophic, turns out to be fine. In fact, it is such a relief, you feel exhilarated and new. The pressure has been let off and out. Your subtle energies are strong with light and love and joy and peace. Congratulations on the changes you have created. Take some time this week to listen. Slow down, even though you may be very busy, take some time to stop. Notice the qualities of the new level you are now on. Allow your subtle energies to adjust and magnetize. In your alone time, it will become clear where you need to release any blame you may have held towards another person, experience, or situation. You can see, and feel, that it was no one’s fault. In this new playing field, you embody the grace of accepting your role in all of it. You are effortlessly willing to take responsibility. You can see and you are sure of, the gift in it. This may be emotional for you. Tears, or even the feeling of wanting to cry, tend to be a welcome release. ! Activation complete - Communion with Spirit is Fully Integrated ! As always, we send our light to assist your ongoing transformation into light. As always, we bid you to trust the divinity within. Crystal - Azurite Sound Frequency - MI - 528 Hz |
July 24 - 30, 2016
Many of you are experiencing great changes in your lives. This is similar to the feeling of having the carpet pulled out from under you. It truly does almost feeling like the ground disappears, and that there is in fact, no gravity. The structure of the illusion is firmly in place, and fully held by so many it appears unmoveable, unshakeable, and utterly impossible to uproot. But, at the same time, you are starting to know that this world is really not what you have been led to believe. The density is actually quite malleable depending on your frame of mind. Solidity becomes effervescence if you allow the magic of unlimited possibility into your field of energy. ! Activation begins now - Illuminate the Darkness ! The feeling is that there are parallel versions of the same story being played out. You are figuring out how to jump from one reality to the next. This is the way that great change plays out. This is the work of your higher vibration as it aligns with your soul’s purpose. We see it like: another light goes on and connects to other lights. The energies of oneness strengthen. The energies of surrender amplify more love for all. You realize how powerful you are. You choose to raise your vibration - with compassion and grace. Your soul will keep you stuck in a cycle if it knows that by clearing that issue you will have served the greatest good of all humanity. Your soul says, “Hold on. Wait while we complete this cycle. Let us finish this once and for all. Let us not forget the reason why we came here - not for money, or status, or a partner, or anything - only to clear a way with light/love, not for one one person, but for all.” Your light worker duty is to clear what comes in your path. This is what you agreed to when you incarnated on earth. When you came here, you thought, without doubt, that you would make a difference once and for all. You were motived to live from love only - to draw towards you what would benefit the all. You couldn't comprehend that you would forgot, or that it might be hard, or that you might lose your way. The inner voice says you need to have faith. You need to trust that which does not present in the illusion. You need to listen to the silence. In a roundabout way, every day you contend with the strength of the illusion, it reminds you of what you came here to do. As always, we are here to help and guide. We do this, because we are you. You are us. Rest assured, your path is more honourable and divine than you could ever comprehend on this plane of existence. ! Activation is complete - You light shines BRIGHT ! This week you might find yourself in a strange gap that is effectively between different versions of yourself. This is your chance, your opportunity to be sure about your intentions. What do you choose? What cycle are you willing to complete once and for all? How are you going to show up? Yes. With grace, compassion, and more love you thought humanly possible. Thank you for being you. Thank you for being the love that you are. Shell - Abalone Sound Frequency - RE - 417 Hz |
July 17 - 23, 2016
You spend many hours of your life in a sleep state. Why not make that time count as progress on your spiritual path? ! Activation begins now - Conscious Sleep and Dreams - Optimize Sleep - past, present, future ! Every cell of your body feels different upon waking. This is because they have been bathed in love and light while you have been sleeping. You think you go into a sort of nothingness. We are here to tell you that you go into light. You are protected by the light, and that light nurtures and restores you. As you prepare for the day ahead you begin to stiffen up. You engage a protective shell, and harden it so that you can withstand the pressure, stresses, and upsets of daily life in the illusion. The world of light you have been ensconced in, during sleep time, is soon forgotten. Consider implementing a short and simple breathe routine before you sleep. ∞ Breath Routine - 10 deep breaths before sleep - “I am breathing in the light of peaceful sleep. I am breathing out the worries of my day.” ∞ Repeat until you have relaxed enough to drift off into sleep. Upon waking, consider implementing a similar routine. ∞ Breath Routine - 10 deep breaths upon waking - “I am breathing in the light of a joyful day. I am breathing out concern for past and future.” ∞ Try this immediately and see if you notice the difference when you prepare for your days this weekend. As always, practice will depend this experience. We feel, that with a routine such as this, you might notice a marked difference. This is the effects of more spirit on your body and soul. ! Activation complete - Conscious Sleep and Dreams - Sleep is Optimized ! Let us pause here for a moment. Let us reflect on the hardening of self in order to participate in the illusion. Remember how upon waking from a sleep/dream state we lose the softness of the light? Yes. That’s the way you were always told it had to be. That's the illusion creeping in without us realizing. Not so anymore. The incoming energies are supporting an integration of these energies that will enable you to allow yourself to carry this particular kind of softness into your daily life. You will see, by taking a chance and trying it, that the new found vulnerability suits you. To be vulnerable is one of your best qualities as a human, one that we observe through your experience and learn so much from. You teach us through your ability to experience an emotional make-up that we do not have. Thank you for sharing your energies with us. Perhaps, we can go even deeper together. What if you turned this feeling of softness on yourself? How can you be gentler to you? Can you speak to yourself in a loving whisper? This is your projection. Create it how you want to. Crystal - Lepidolite Sound Frequency - SI - 963 Hz |
July 10 - 16, 2016
The incoming light energies have caused profound shifts recently, and you are able to notice a slightly different relationship with energies in many areas of your life. Your level of self-worth has risen, and it is slowly being reflected in your external world. This could be related to employment, health, personal relationships, and your overall feelings of abundance. With this energy comes a feeling of simplicity, and clarity. No doubt a result of the determined effort to rid your system of many old and tired programs that were not serving you. Most of these issues you were completely unaware of, in that they have been operating in your subconscious, or they were not yours to begin with. !Activation begins now - Receiving More Light/Love - past, present, future! Since January, you have been conditioned with powerful light energies, and now you are able to discern more easily what happens when the light begins to take effect. This is a wonderful thing for us to behold from the cosmos. We see a strengthening of light in your energetic systems and in all things. Those lights are powerful enough to activate oneness connectivity. Now. The light/love that connects us all is stronger, and you will notice that many of your core beliefs have softened or disappeared all together. Perhaps, rather suddenly and out of the blue, you feel certain that you deserve a raise. Maybe you have decided to move, this after months of wondering if you should stay or go. Maybe the activity you began as a hobby is now turning into a viable new business. The sky is the limit. This is also a good time for deepening your relationship to plants, herbs, and food in general. This is the combination of light from the earth mixing with light from the cosmos. It is balancing you, and in general you are feeling much more at peace. Take some time this week and connect to what you are putting in and on your body. Ask yourself if it resonates with the higher light quotient you are now carrying in your system. Consider your light vehicle (body) and how you might optimize it for light transmission. Now. You can see that your increased levels of self-worth and increased levels of manifestation were never really about the thing you wanted, but rather more about how much you allowed yourself to love and be loved. You know now without a doubt that the act of love is what has enabled you to clear painful memories and events, and in doing so, increased your capacity to give and receive love. This is connecting you with more of what you desire. You can expect more of what you desire. Essentially, that desire is to know more love. Now that you know how to increase your ability to communicate with the energy of love, you want more. This is a very good and beneficial place to be right now. Q: Are you capable of giving and receiving more love? A: Yes! Allow yourself to feel into what ‘more love’ means for you. (It is infinite, endless.) Now. Grant yourself permission. Clear anything that is preventing you from knowing more love. Be patient and gentle with yourself. This will bring up more to let go of, and again, you will have to be specific about what you are choosing for yourself instead. For example, you might want to repeat to yourself a variation of the following: + Relaxed State Affirmation - “I am choosing joy. I am choosing to receive more love. I am choosing to be gentle with myself." I am choosing to nourish myself with love/light." + You know that best way to love yourself. You simply and humbly meet each projection with your love, which is all the love of pure source energy. Take a moment this week and re-visit your intentions. They have been strengthen with light and love. You are strengthened with light and love. You are ready to transmute any negativity into love no matter what. What you are witnessing now is that process unfolding right before your eyes. !Activation complete - More Love Is Received! In addition, and if you find extra time for contemplation, consider how these changes impact your role as a light worker. For we are this love/light. And we are here to transmit light/love to all energies. We are here to create a world of balance and harmony and peace and abundance. This world is full of love. This is who we are. Crystal - Clear Quartz Sound Frequency - SI - 963 Hz What brings you joy? #Love #sharing #service #passion #play #sunshine #waterfall #friends #flowers #Light #MoreLight |
July 03 - 09, 2016
The light does not stop filtering through your system. In fact, the light is cleansing each and every one of you with increased intensity. This is what causes you to feel as though time is skipping or disappearing. Perhaps you have had the sensation lately that time is warping. You are driving, and it feels like your car jumps through time and space. You find yourself immersed in a task and working very well and it feels like hours should have passed, but when you look at the clock mere minutes have gone by. Maybe, recently, you have undertaken a job and it feels as though you will never have enough time to complete it, but once you start, you finish everything effortlessly, in no time at all. You are splitting dimensions in order to clear old programs, but also to fashion and strengthen your new identity, which is a light identity. Every thing is different now. Meaning nothing you think you knew is the same. Nothing. The light quotient is high and going higher. This allows you to gracefully let go of your personal identity. As such, you can not expect anything to be as it used to be based on past experience. There is no context to meet you anymore. The earthly identity, the one you have held onto as being ‘you’, is evolving into a light-worker identity. As a light-worker, you are infinite. You are unconditional love. You are the pure source energy of all the multiverse. We are half way through the earthly calendar year. This is a good week to take a few moments and reflect on what has happened since this year began. Notice the ways you have changed. January - You go inside, subconsciously. Consciously, you deepen a silent, still relationship with your inner world. You found out some things about your soul. You realized the truth will be revealed within, even if that truth is not readily apparent. February - You are ready to meet the illusion with a new storehouse of information. Like a turtle, your head comes out of the shell, and immediately it goes back in. You are a little shocked by what you see with this new perspective. You want to retreat back into your inner world, but life circumstances are causing you to face up to certain things. The lessons are right in front of you, forcing you to see everything in a new way. What choices are you going to make? Do you have the courage? Free will takes on a whole new dimension. March - No. Your ego thinks this can’t possibly be true, but at the level of your soul, it is. Your soul has spoken. Your guidance is strong. You know you have the support of the cosmos, but the realities you face, in the illusion, are exceedingly sobering. There is a sense of fatigue, doubt, and insecurity. You thought you were much further along, but in this month you were pulled back into the issues that needed to be resolved. April - You feel as though you are hanging on for dear life. At a soul level, you know what you need to do. You ave made the commitment. You are devoted. Except for the illusion continues to present the opposite. The areas in which you are misaligned are glaring, but you are caught on the track and feel as though you can not get off yet. The places in which you are stick are amplified. May - Your heart speaks clearly lately. There is a newly refined aspect of yourself in the process of awakening. It is the part that is increasingly connected to your soul and higher self energies. You are ready to listen. You have opened even more. More light enters your system, and it gently encourages even deeper levels of self love. The clearing is working. The increased levels of self love are working. You feel the direct support from the earth and from the cosmos. June - You can see those aspects of you that are definitely, without a doubt, worth it. You are unwilling to compromise for one second more. The time for fearless action is. Now. You are sensing new and wondrous energies. You system is finely tuned to give and receive light. You sense a greater role on this planet. One of assisting others with the light of pure source energy. You are encouraged to align with your authentic way of being, which is love. Now. Here we are. You are here. Now. You love yourself more. You can feel the foundation of love in your system. You have a set of tools you know you can use to further strengthen the light. Use them. Allow for your evolution. Ask us for assistance. Always. You are here, right now, because you are ready to represent the light in this way. Open to even more energies of love and light. Be love. Be light. Crystal healing: citrine, flourite, agate Sound frequency: RE – 417 Hz We are here to assist this planet and each other. What can we create together? #Togetherness #create #MoreLove #LetsCelebrate |
June 26 - July 02, 2016
If your sleep has been troubled of late, has that drawn attention to the deep sleep that you eventually do succumb to? Yes. The deep sleep where you know you go places, but have no idea where. You wake feeling somewhat disoriented. Sometimes it feels like you are seeing your surroundings for the first time. Have you ever wondered where your energy goes in this hyper relaxed state? ! Activation begins now - Healing Sleep and Dreams - past, present, future ! You come to us, as the light being you really are. You come to us as light, and we meet you with more light. You don't remember when you wake, but you can't possibly remember because the frequency of light is too high for you to comprehend as your human self. As your light self, it is a natural state of being. Inherently created within the illusion, is a structure of density so strong and thick, this light is unable to penetrate. Rest assured, you are not always caught in this density. Sometimes, at night, you come to us and we exchange light/love freely. Sometimes, you are free. Increasingly, as more light begets more light, we are able to take you deep into our healing realms of light. As the frequencies lift, like a sparkling fog from the earth and mix with light showered from the cosmos, we are able to condition your system with even more light. We are going for bliss, joy, ecstasy. We bathe you in the highest frequencies of light. When you are with yes, you remember that this is who your are. When you wake however, you are are discontented and sometimes confused. In these moments, the illusion has made you forget, however, now, we are starting to enter phases of light frequencies that will enable you to remember and you will come back from sleep feeling like light. Please know that we are doing our part to help you clear anything that is causes this knee-jerk process of forgetting. If you set the intention, we are working full-time to assist your clearing process. This relationship of us helping you is the core of our collective heart. You can count on our support. More. ! Activation complete - Healing is in Progress ! Perhaps you are wondering how we cleanse your systems? We run light through you. You are light. The light communicates. We let the light/love do all the work. It is not hard, it is simply who we (you included) are. This is a good week for you to lean on us. More. Ask More. Intend More. Trust. Us. More. We. Are. You. Crystal(s): clear quartz, amethyst, lepidolite, moonstone, malachite Sound frequency: SI – 963 Hz The #light is #everywhere. #thankyou #PeacefulFeeling #Soften #relax #Friday Feeling |
June 19 - 25, 2016
You have surrendered yourself to the universe. You have said, "I can't handle this anymore. It is time for you to step in," and we have. But still, your belief falters. You ask yourself if the universe really did hear your call. We did. We hear you loud and clear. But, you find yourself waiting. It is clear that major change is underway in your life, but what you have asked for has yet to materialize. You might blame the universe or think that this works for other people but not for you. You find yourself right back in the middle of the equation. You are exactly where you need to be. Another layer is falling away. Right. Now. You continue on the path of freedom. If you have a hard time, every now and again trusting the process, look at ways you have not been able to trust yourself. You will continue to get clues, and when you decipher a clue, you will be pleasantly surprised - they function almost like inside jokes, if you can hold onto a perspective of light - because, once you get a light-filled perspective of yourself, the part of yourself that you couldn't trust all of a sudden becomes your best ally. This part of you is seasoned, unfailing, wise, and loyal. + Relaxed State Affirmation - "Thank you. Thank you for showing me the real me, the me who I always wanted to be, the me that is here to transform notions of what it means to be human, the me that is here to know the God inside." "Thank you. Thank you for showing me the real me, the me who I always wanted to be, the me that is here to transform notions of what it means to be human, the me that is here to know the God inside." + When you put yourself back in the equation, you may realize you are a different person entirely. Yes. You can see and feel fear, pain, abandonment, and insecurity. But, you know they do not define you in the same way. Let the old programs fully dissipate. Now. Or simply forget about them altogether. They do not have your power anymore. No way. If you need to face more around those issues, the universe will remind you again. For now, fill yourself up with love, no matter who you might have become over the last few months. ∪ Fill Up With Love Now ∪ Fill up with love, and know you are being provided for. Accept yourself for who you are right now. Now. <1 min. Meditation: Courage to Clear - Begin> Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Take yourself inward. Let us dwell in something icky together. Let us share our energy and be strength for each other. Consider one or any of the the following words: Resentment. Guilt. Anger. Abandonment. Does something personal come to mind? What about: Fear. Loneliness. Blame. Jealousy. These feelings you experience, whether they are yours, or someone else's you have unwittingly taken on, are not your fault. You can let it all go with love, or choose not to. It's fine either way. Ultimately, it is your choice because as long as you are here on earth, you will never fully complete this task. <1 min. Meditation: Courage to Clear - End> This week, however, let's choose to be brave. Let us unite as light workers together. Because, as a light worker, it is your cosmic duty to release any connection to these old programs that are based on the illusion. You clear yourself to a point, and then you begin to assist others (energetically). You go back to clearing yourself, and then you clear for the whole (subconsciously). Different levels of clearing happen simultaneously (We are infinity). You are clearing right now (This is beyond the ability of your mind to comprehend). This is how the networks of oneness - the truth of our togetherness - are ignited, and strengthened. All it takes is acceptance that you are not separate, and that what happens to one, happens to all. The same goes for the guilt of feeling the potential for a oneness connection, but also an inability to act on it. This is the fear of rejection. The fear it won't work for you. The fear that you are not worthy and you would be better off alone. In the moment, this is true for you, but also for every other human being on this planet. Accept your truth right now. Let the truth be. The truth is. Take a chance on it. Go into the deepest feeling, inside the most painful. Yes. There it is. The blackness of your mind becomes prickly and crowded with shards of hurtful feelings and memories. Your stomache aches or implodes or drops right out if your body. Your insides shrink at such a fast rate you cannot stop the speed of your evaporating self. You are here now. For a reason. Let yourself be. What is the worst that can happen? Stay. Breathe. Cry. Say. I. Love. You. Breathe. Stay. Cry. Yawn. Swallow. Breathe. Come back to yourself. You are still here. The pain is gone. For you. For all. Progress. We watch jubilantly from above. We are exactly the same as you, in our unbounded potential for unconditional love. Crystal - Bloodstone Frequency - UT - 396 Hz |
June 12 - 18, 2016
! Activation Begins now: Welcoming Divine Feminine Energies - past, present, future ! Divine feminine energies are rising up from the earth. They lift like a sparkling fog to mix with the energies coming down from the cosmos. This alchemical process occurs to harmonize polarity between masculine and feminine, and to bring more light. You are feeling the impact. You experience moments of being the pure light energy of source, and you are free. You might have even experienced the feeling of complete transcendence. These moments may be fleeting however, because as feminine energies increase, as this light increases, darkness is more readily apparent. The contrasts of light and dark are revealed to be what they truly are. These hidden dark energies, even something that has been right in front of your eyes, are so deeply enmeshed in the fabric of your being and your world, it may feel as though aspects of your life are unraveling. This is because those aspects have been wrapped up in these dark foundational energies (subconsciously), and now they are being transformed. The results might leave you feeling frenetic and jittery. ★ Take special care with your biorhythms this week in order to optimize your well-being, in particular your sleep schedule. Limit caffeine intake or anything stimulating that might agitate an already active mind and cause you to be alert at night. Wind down with sufficient time to consciously decompress. Take a bath. Do self-massage. Squeeze your feet and your head gently. Release lingering energies left over from the day. Let go with gratitude, no matter what has happened. Ask us for chakra restoration at night and we will tune your system to it’s highest good frequency. ★ If sleep is a challenge, you might consider plant support in the form of passion flower, kava, chamomile, and lavender. (There are more, and we know you will be guided to what is best for your system right now.) Consciously attune to the plant. You can do this by spending time with the plant in nature or looking at a picture of the plant. Smell. Touch. Gaze. Allow your mind to drift peacefully as if it is being held by your sense's alignment with the plant frequency. Simply allow your energy body to detect the subtle rhythms your mind can not. If you still can't sleep, this may be the perfect time to do inner work. Sit up and face yourself with love. Commit to the evolution/emancipation of your emotions. Follow your subconscious. → You can use many tools to accomplish this. If you do not have a tool for facing yourself in the middle of the night, this week would be a good week to find one that works for you. Some examples are: EFT, meditation, breathing in for 7 sec. and breathing out for 7 sec., journaling, reading a spiritual text, cuddling with a pet, looking out on the stars at night. ← You might fall asleep and have unsettling dreams. Write them down and follow the leads. You might wake up frequently. When you do, say "I love you, I love you, I love". Be with yourself in love in the darkness. ◉ Enter Healing Sphere Now ◉ On night’s like this you are splitting dimensions. Part of you is going to one dimension to be healed and another part of you is in another healing dimension. These are lovely, restorative places of beauty beyond what you know here on earth. These are places of balance, where you are no different than us. There is no separation. No need. You might have more than one healing guide or group of energy beings who are directing your healing. On this level, even though your energy is dispersed, you are still whole. We are always with you. You are always light. ◉ Exit Healing Sphere Now ◉ Crystal - Chrysoprase Sound Frequency - Mi - 528 Hz We change frequency. We are a mysterious process of unique expression. We happen all at once, and forever. #love #ascension #consciousness |
June 05 - 11, 2016
Have you been resting a little more than usual? Have you felt the comfort and support of spirit a little more than usual? Yes and yes. It feels good to give yourself a break. It feels good to know you are supported and loved no matter what. It feels good to get in touch with all those parts of you that you know deserve unconditional love and acceptance, despite what is going on around you. You know what is right for you. This may be different than what is right for someone else. If something feels right for someone else, but not for you, that's OK, because you are in a place where you are willing to trust that what is right for you is coming. Because it is. This week the light energies we shower upon you will assist you in aligning with what is right for you. You already know what it is. You have set the intention. You are becoming it right now. Now. There may be part of you that is wondering what the heck is going on, because so much of your existence may feel changed. You are different. You might feel as though you are just getting to know yourself and others around you. We are in a time of transition. The usual pathway has been interrupted and a new one is in the process of creation. We will continue to feel as though we are resettling after intense change. Rest assured, you are new. Perhaps there are aspects of your system that are still holding on to the old, and in strange ways. Maybe you find yourself crying for no reason. Or maybe something makes you angry, so angry you feel like your head might pop off, but when you go to release the anger, you find that it is not there. There are aspects of you that are leaving, and you might not know exactly what they are. Be patient. Allow yourself to become. It's like going to look for something you don't need anymore. Part of you is on the hunt by habit - seeking out conflict or experience. Having it manifest before your eyes is proof to you that it no longer applies in the same way. Trust in the changes happening within and allow yourself to recalibrate to the new frequency that is in alignment with your highest good. This kind of radical restructuring - in you, in others around you, in the institutions that govern your reality - requires patience and understanding. You clear an issue for yourself and you clear it for all of humanity. Don't underestimate your power. Everything about you matters. Make it matter to you. The layers peel back. You keep on with the spiritual work. You break the shell of your human-ness to free the energy being inside. What a lot you have accomplished so far! Thank you. Thank you for perspective and thank you for growth and thank you for progression on the spiritual planes. Because, we will continue to peel back layers - we never stop growing or expanding into the pure energy of source, no matter the level of conscious awareness. Do you feel inspired? Do you feel like you deserve freedom? Great! Let's go deeper. Breathe. Relax. Trust. You. Know. What. Is. Right. For. You. Now. What you will encounter this week, as you continue dive into the unknown parts of yourself, might cut pretty close to the bone. What we mean is that, when you clear your field, you tend to clear from the outside in. As you go deeper within, we see these disturbances cling to your energy bodies like iron filings. They are attracted to your old way of being. We want to reverse the charge. We want them to drop off into the pure energy of source. The energies that you will clear this week are those beliefs you have held very close to you. It does not mean that is will necessarily hurt more when you come face-to-face with these beliefs. No. However, it does mean a greater intimacy with self. It may also mean more vulnerability. More surrender. More of a "who says it has to be this way" kind of attitude. As you now know, resistance is there to get your attention. Expect it to hurt, if it helps. Or, expect it not to. Instead, allow the frequency of grace to guide you. You set the dream. Now. Trust. Let the energies you have unleashed work on your behalf. Find the feeling of freedom. Stay with us - our love, our light. May 29 - June 4, 2016 This is a good week to consider clarity in all areas. We dream our future into existence. We literally move energy to manifest. It is simple, yet it requires an uncluttered imagination. Feel into that now, and allow our guidance to assist you. Together, we breathe into our dreams, and enter that particular flow of frequency, of light, of creation. We go into the blackness knowing that it is as alive and as real as anything we think we see when we open our eyes. Relax. Stay Soft. Still. Tune to the messages that are always coming just for you. Utilize these energies by taking your system into a state of deep relaxation. You can relax more than you know, and you can relax anywhere. To get really good at relaxing, you have to practice. Taking your system into deep relaxation on a consistent basis is where you will develop your relationship with your higher self. If you have a deep relaxation practice already, practice taking that deeply relaxed feeling into all areas of your daily life. Can you feel that way while driving in rush hour? Paying a bill? Right before sleep? This is a way to learn to manage energy. Now. From the micro to the macro, every human being on this planet is having to learn about what it means to manage energy. In truth, energy is free and infinitely abundant. However, the human reality is very different, whether it be money or power or love or water. This is a good week to play with conserving energy. Where is energy going out and not coming in? In what areas do you require more energy or less? All frequencies and levels of energy are changing, and it might cause you to experience extreme shifts of mood - euphoric one moment, depressed the next. This is because you are changing frequencies too, and so it might feel like part of you has progressed, but other parts are still catching up. Please rest and relax, and know that we are assisting you to clear any blocks preventing you from realizing a deeper sense of well-being. In addition, you might experience feelings of grief as these changes occur. Imagine that you are grieving not only your personal experience, but the personal experience of you in all your lifetimes. Imagine that you are grieving for every single soul who has ever felt that same sense of loss. Express all sadness, accept loss for all associated, and let us progress into the unknown together. These emotions and experiences are not yours to keep. It is your duty as a cosmic being to release so we can all learn from your unique expression. We are so grateful to be students of you. The incoming light, and the changes in consciousness, and energy fields, are new and exciting. We have never been here before. Know that all experiences are happening according to plan. You are discovering it is safe for you to know what you want to create for yourself. You are at a level of confidence that you are willing to reconcile any uncertainty or confusion in your field. Be patient with yourself this week, and relax into your clear intentions. In particular, the sense of smell figures prominently right now. Your call to action this week is to relax and smell! Notice what the sense of smell brings up for you and follow it. Without further ado, close your eyes. Soft energies are entering your system. They come from a vast group of galactic friends and family. Feel into our energies. This is a place where oneness energies mix, mingle, and find the other. We are so happy to welcome you home. Let us listen to our inner world, which is all worlds. Belief is. We are our togetherness. Now. We know infinity exists. This is our freedom space. This is where we trust each other and love unconditionally. We are trusting each other now. Let our eyes well up with tears of gratitude. Yes. This is the point of surrender. Yes. We are one. Let us be each other. Let us be. Love. |
May 22 - 28, 2016
Your heart has been speaking clearly lately. There is a newly refined aspect of yourself in the process of awakening. It is the part that is increasingly connected to your soul and higher self energies. It's the part of you that is somehow, now, at this point in time, ready to listen. You have opened even more. More light enters your system, and it gently encourages even deeper levels of self love. There is a chance you didn't think this was possible, yet, here you are. During this process of kindness to self and awakening to more light, you might have discerned one or two or more good leads to follow in order to further your spiritual development. This is not personal. The process itself is not meant to cause you harm. This process of cleansing and restoring is a unique gift. Unique, because humanity experiences levels of emotions few other energy beings do. A gift, because these experiences take us all further into love/light. We hope you take these as signs of a new found confidence that comes from learning to trust your heart. This is really something to believe in. You are really, truly someone to believe in. Maybe you are still unsure of yourself. Perhaps you go into and out of believing in yourself and the goodness of our collective heart. You might not be able to see the ways that light is strengthening your system inside and out. But, maybe now you can begin to feel the difference, and you can start to play at a deeper level. For example, maybe one of the leads for you to follow up with is a feeling of abandonment. Maybe you were triggered this week in a conversation with a family member. Then you had a dream about losing a favourite childhood toy. Then in meditation the image of your mother kept flashing on your mind screen. "Fantastic. These are the next clues. Thank you for easing me into a different understanding of myself. Thank you for not judging me. Thank you for not making this personal. I know I am not alone. I know I simply feel into these messages of my heart." It's subtle at first, but you are gaining confidence with this way of being, which is really not doing anything at all, but being in the silent, stillness of your heart - where the ache is. You have been here before and your heart got you out of it, safely, gently, and with ease. Simply allow your heart to progress. When your soul needs your mind to add logic or solidity to this etheric path, it will send you another message. It is exceedingly brave of you to be a conscious witness to your own pain. We assist you wherever and whenever we can. Our assistance never stops. This is the purpose of the whole of us together. We love. This deepening may involve great change. At this level of change, there is no suffering, you simply allow your heart to lead you into the unknown. We trust. Perhaps you have been gently encouraged to change some of your habits. In particular, your system may be increasingly sensitive to stimulants of any kind. It might be the case that stimulants are keeping you from deeply relaxing in your body. It is good week to relax the body as deeply as you can for as long as you can each day - this includes sleeping and napping, laying on grass, sitting on rock, smelling flowers - as well as many other relaxation and breathing techniques. Yes. This takes practice. Yes. You will have experiences that will cause you to question where you are at. Yes. You are still progressing. Listen. Trust. Open. More. Nothing is as you think it is. That dream you had about losing your toy? That's your important message for the day. That's your door way to the infinite. We will meet you there. May 15 - 21, 2016 Your issues are coming around again. We can see it happening and we cheer you on in the realms of infinity. We send you our love/light always, and we admire your courage to choose love. Choosing love can uncover even more issues, to the point where you might begin to see a pattern of compassion, or the entrainment of self-love, and how it heals you. This frequency is available at all times. You are being called to find your preferred vehicle-of-information-light-transfer, and there are an infinite number of ways to transmit love/light. Perhaps lately you find yourself compelled, beyond your usual though processes, into something without seemingly knowing how or why. You find yourself doing something out of the ordinary, without thinking, and maybe you are not sure how you even got there. You have lost time, space, memory. You have gone outside of yourself or jumped a timeline and all of sudden you are unaccustomed and unconditioned, with little to no cognitive process. This can be scary for the ego, except for you have been brought into razor sharp focus - you are alert and you are present. The question is: who/what perceived limitation/old program are you serving? Consider a lawyer who all of a sudden finds themselves among the flowers in a botanical garden, or a salesperson who amidst the banal correspondence of an everyday email, feels called to look up something on the internet and ends up re-thinking their entire proposal. Instead, they send nothing, and completely change the original idea, or a parent who might toss and turn with worry at night, when completely frustrated, a voice inside says, why don't you just go stare out the window. Finally, the person stands at the window only to see the magic and wonder of the night sky, the peaceful neighbourhood, raccoons, and a quiet, nourishing rainfall. The experience of the earth is so calm, and causes such a profound sense of security, that sleep becomes effortless. You might be on the other side of fear, humbled by your feeling of connection to something that is clearly of spirit. You click into place like two magents. You find your cosmic frequency, you start to feel aligned in your human life. Look deeper into yourself in these moments. This is you-through-us-through-you trying to get your attention. This is your higher self trying to introduce itself, or to simply continue the expansion of co-creation. This energy comes from all of us and all of pure source energy, and is strengthened through your higher self and your soul. You open to receive each message as a call to more love for yourself. See your love as nourishment for a plant, food for a bumble bee, light for a star, water for an ocean, or quartz for a crystal. Your frequency is aligned now. Allow us to deliver some more information to you. This is your information - specific and unique to you. It is of your creation - we have merely been custodians of this knowledge. It is your knowledge. We are honoured to be at this level of awareness with you, so that we can exchange more information. We look deeper into what it means to love. That's where you will find exactly what you need to know. There are many layers of acceptance and compassion. You are here to share your experiences of both. Your experiences inform the whole of experience, they make us whole. One. Trust. Breathe. Receive. May 08 - 14, 2016 We remind you of who you really are, which is love/light. We give to you knowledge of the truth of your infinite potential. Your humanness means you choose the extent to which you are bound by the illusion. You have the ability to choose from unlimited potential, yet it might seem like you end up choosing the same old thing. We give to you, we shower upon you, moments of energetic shift that come in the form of light. These shifts allow you to release anything that does not serve you. You feel like you make positive progress and then something else comes along and you are required to face yet another aspect of yourself. Consider that these conditions are perfect for clearing various issues, issues that are linked by your many experiences and lifetimes. With this light, you can cut one issue, and others will fall away with it. These are powerful times of change. We ask you to consider your power - do it daily, do it moment by moment. When something comes around again, face it with the power of your love and compassion for yourself. How do you let go? You let go with love. All you need to let go of anything is love. You are human, so you know that you are here to experience love in all forms. You send those experiences into pure source energy. This infinity of experience is how we (as the whole of us) are created. It’s where we come into and out of. Now. Release anything that does not serve you or the highest good of all. Consider that right now, this moment, is the moment of change. Love. Now. Allow. Create. Change. To create change is to know your power more fully. It is the same energetic feeling as the power of our togetherness. In each moment, we surrender to the divine will of the whole. It is our honour and our purpose to co-create this experience. Change is happening right now. You are creating right now. Consider creation for the highest good of all. Allow your new creations to unfold effortlessly. Choose to be deserving and worthy of what you are creating. Choose to create in service of the whole. Explore, with wonder, your subtle, silent gifts - visualization, prayer, meditation. Open, and be shown the way. Acknowledge your changes, and see how more of your creation power is revealed to you. Allow. Dream. Manifest. Take some time this week and create more love for yourself. See it. Feel it. Allow it. The manifestation energies are working very quickly, because we (you and us) have already agreed to it. This is why we are here, together, now - so we can learn more about your potential to know more love/light. You wake up every morning and face the illusion. It’s still there. Yes. But you are not. You are created anew. You are are slightly less attached. You are slipping between timelines and dimensions now. You are experiencing alternate realities. Now. Your mind is stretching, expanding - allow your higher self to guide you. Trust your highest good is the highest good of all. Now. The highest good for all frequency is in alignment. We are vibrating together. We are really in it together. Now. Sound vacuums. Bells. Buzzes. This is so much fun! Wow! I didn’t expect this! I am so curious! Is there more? Yes? Yes! Ease. Honour. Dream. Release. Dream. Realize. Dream. Restore. Allow. Full. Restoration. Now. Manifest more love. Create more you. April 31 - May 07, 2016 There is a white, sparkly, rainbow of light that is moving up and down you and the earth. This is earth energy aligning with the cosmos. This light strengthens all systems with refined love/light that is specifically calibrated to ease your awakening. Now. You might be resistant to who you really are. Not as a human, but as a spiritual being. As a spiritual being, you are part of the earth. You share energy. You share consciousness. You sustain and nourish one another. You are each other. Perhaps you feel undeserving or unworthy of this relationship with the earth. Maybe you feel, deep down inside, (it might be a feeling from another time and place) that you have taken advantage of the earth. Or maybe you feel like the earth has taken advantage of you. Consider that the earth agreed to be where it is right now so that you are able to choose love - more love for yourself and for the earth. Take a moment this week to consider the nature of that relationship. Consider your togetherness. Know that the earth’s love for you never goes away. Know that your love for the earth is ever expanding. We love ourselves more and we send that love to earth. Imagine she is fully restored. Imagine yourself fully restored. Violet is a colour frequency that is energetically compatible with the incoming guiding energies. See the rainbow of sparkly, white light and watch as it turns to violet light. Love. Light. You. Earth. Together. This light is fun! This light is supportive, and caring, understanding, and soothing! This light is like a tonic for the nervous system. Rest. Relax. Bathe in violet light. Every cell of your being is violet light. We see the violet light envelope the earth with the enhanced and energized feeling of being renewed. Because, while it might seem like we we gaze at you from afar, in reality, there is no such thing as distance between us. We experience you with immense curiosity and wonder. Some of us have had human lives, others have not. Take a moment this week and send us a telepathic message. Tell us about what it is like to be a human being right now. As always, we appreciate all that you are. We honour you. We thank you. We send our love/light to all. |
April 24 - 30, 2016
The incoming energies of unconditional love are soft and squishy. This energy comes from many of our galactic friends and family. They are touching points in our energy bodies. They are gently embracing us. The feeling is of imperceptible acupressure, but it is all over and all at once. There is no inside, and this is not gravity. Your mind is concerned with gravity (similar to time, is an old program that has been passed down through history that was used as a reference point for a need to understand). Light penetrates you completely, and assures your expanded consciousness. This is changing bodies and needs related to bodies. Consider what it is your body really needs. This is changing relationships to the earth. Consider how you are of the earth - one and the same, no different. Acknowledgement and approval do not exist in pure love. We see it as good. Good is. We see you dwelling in the soft energies. Breathe. Relax. Rest well. Repeat. You are greatly supported. You are supported beyond your understanding of what it means to be supported. Your system is cleansed, restored, invigorated, and ignited by our light. This is happening all the time now, and all at once. There are many energetic beings who are supporting us right now as we expand into a vibration of even greater joy. The frequency of this vibration has the power to erase memories. There is no loss. There is no limitation. The only memories they will assist you in erasing are the ones that will not serve you or the whole. As a memory is being erased, you might feel something physically - a gentle sonic boom-like feeling, a twinge of some kind, slight aches or pains - these sensations are subtle and temporary, usually last seconds or less. Chances are you will feel nothing at all. The process of assisted transformation might feel strange at first. Trust the energies are working with your higher self to fulfill your spiritual purpose. Your spiritual path is all that matters right now. Every connection, every relationship, every opportunity shows the potential evolution of your created reality. In every connection, relationship, and opportunity, choose love and forgiveness and compassion. You are not you anymore. You are being called to serve on everyone's behalf. Breathe. Rest. Relax. Thank you for being here now. Thank you for showing us the way. Consider how much we learn from you. We celebrate your expression in all forms. This includes sadness, anger, guilt, feelings of unworthiness and more. The purpose is not to rid ourselves of these emotions. The purpose is to express without judgement. Consider how much you learn from your experiences of them? And, then release them. RELEASE. Imagine your light/experience cascades over the earth. Everything and everyone it touches is ignited with your wisdom. Your light/experience expands out beyond the earth and serves to teach us. Your experience/light heals yourself and others. It enriches all. It enriches pure source energy. Your experience/light loves all energies. It nourishes, as you have been nourished. Your experience/light connects to other light. Your light swirls with our light, and we are one. Consider emptying your body and filling it with our light. Consider clearing your mind and filling it with our light. Begin your day with us. Begin your day with our light. We will guide you throughout. Look up or feel up into your higher self. You may see the sky, or you may see/feel one/many of us, is always right there. Just for you. April 17 - 23, 2016 The incoming energies are recalibrating your nervous systems. The cycle goes like this (and it repeats): We detoxify and clear, we fill with joy, and we find ourselves at a new level of awareness. The more light-filled you are, the easier it is for us to communicate with you. The earth is undergoing a similar process of restoration. It is charging with the same light/love that is also entering your systems. As human frequencies rise, the inherent power of each and everything on earth, also rises. We evolve together. All energies are becoming more refined, and exponentially more compatible. As the limitations of the illusion are seen for what they truly are, beauty, wonder, magic, and truth are more easily revealed. Harmony and balance are being restored, and the oneness of all things can be felt more acutely. This is a good week to connect to the energies of the earth. Is there an aspect of yourself that requires more healing love/light? Yes. Breathe. Open. Breathe. Ready. Enter into this experiment in your own unique way. Perhaps you feel an affinity for plants and herbs. Take some time to be with different plant energies. Follow your intuition. This process involves the physicality of each plant, and it also involves the energetics. What power/message does that particular plant or herb hold for you? Set an intention, ask, and it shall be revealed to you. Be patient. Your system is remembering and conditioning to the pure intention of this plant, which is love. Breathe. Open. Receive. Plants that are especially powerful right now, in order to coincide with the incoming energies are nettle leaf, raspberry leaf, and dandelion. You can infuse these plants in water and drink throughout the day. You can consume directly in current form (Nettles need to be boiled before being eaten. Please look up instructions on how to use each plant.) You can take in tincture form, or make tea. Follow your curiosity and higher self guidance to choose the right plant(s) for you. The above suggestions are merely a starting point. The idea is that your newly attuned body explores the healing power available from the earth in some way. Plants and herbs are only one way. You might also consider holding different rocks or crystals. The sensation might be subtle at first - a slight tingling sensation in your palm, a feeling of electricity sparking in different parts of your body; you might breathe more deeply, you might recall a memory, hear sounds like bells or quiet tinkles, your third eye might activate, or you might have a dream. Try holding one crystal for five minutes or so, and then hold another. How are they different? Your body is now at the level of awareness to detect the subtle energies. Practice, and this gift will get stronger. The incoming light/love energies are connecting human energy to all energies. There is no separation. There is no hierarchy. We are all one and the same. We are all light/love. Each message you receive from the earth energies is working in tandem with the light/love energies coming to you from the cosmos. Each message, whisper, sensation, is designed by you to bring you more love. This has been perfectly orchestrated by you and your galactic family, and is a sign of our co-creation with each other and with the pure energy of source. Perhaps you have tried something like this before and haven't felt anything. Try again! You are different now. Your entire system is primed for greater connections between all energies. The crystal energy you hold, is the crystal energy you are made of. The plant energy you hold is the plant energy that is you. Consider trees, and syrup producing trees, oils, water, flowers, clouds, and food. This week, take a few moments, and choose something that calls to you. The earth's purpose is to share love with you, for you, as it is your purpose to share your love with, and for the earth. It is our collective mission to be there for each other, to give and receive more love, and to be in communion with the pure energy of source. In addition to being with earth energies, simply visualize the colour red, which is encoded with light to strengthen your systems. You might be experiencing heightened sexual energy at this time. The feeling is: human sexual experience, amplified. These light amplifications are coded with information to assist you in remembering deep relaxation and joy. Enjoy! April 10 - 16, 2016 Congratulations. You are more conscious than you were a moment before. This is a good week to celebrate your progression. Perhaps you are beginning to see the markers of your spiritual movement. Perhaps you can see that you deliberately create situations in order to know you have evolved. Yes. You did it differently than last time. Yes. You are new in every moment. It is true. You are doing the inner work. Without a doubt you have the courage. You have the fortitude. You are ever-expanding love for yourself. Wait! We present to you, through the fabrication of the illusion, a test ground for higher consciousness. Now. You have something that causes anxiety in your system. Drat! Not again. Breathe. You are not alone. Breathe. This issue requires more of your love. Fill it with love. Breathe. The incoming energies have never been more powerful or poised to so perfectly assist. What an honour it is to send light to Earth! Breathe. You feel anxiety. Yes. It is real on some levels, but not on the level of your infinite potential. No, you say, I don't deserve my infinite potential. On the level of your potential, there is no limitation. Why are humans limited? We bring limitation to you as a gift. It sparks capacity for more love on Earth. One day you will not have this limitation in your field. What will that feel like? Freedom. You deserve it. Breathe. Feel. Freedom. Deserving. Breathe. Feel into the limitation. Fill with love. Thank you. Breathe, and a shift has happened. If you could see what we see. Lights turning on and getting brighter. Balance is being restored. The overall frequency is rising. The Earth nourished by love. We celebrate you, and your connection to the true intention of everyone and everything, which is love. This is a detoxification process. You will experience this in your own unique way. Maybe your digestion is off, your skin is extra sensitive, your sleep is deep but not restorative. You might have aches and pains, flu like symptoms, or might find your eyes are watering or you have to urinate frequently. As the body is filled with light, there is no place for unresolved issues to hide. There is a chance your symptoms are not located in your physical body, but are attached to your auric field. We see them as spheres that hang close to the body. They are darker looking, more dense feeling, and move slowly, like sludge. These are pieces or fragments or roots of you that require more love. What happens when you release them? The sphere is filled with your love, it shakes slightly at a high rate and then dislodges. Slowly, it starts to rotate away from you, eventually turning in on itself and imploding while drifting effortlessly out of your field. You might feel a sensation similar to pain, but energetically it is felt more like pressure, squeezing, tightening. When it leaves your energy frequency is changed. It can take a night's sleep or a day or so for the subtle energies to recalibrate. Trust they are aligning for your highest good. April 03 - 09, 2016 Can you feel the love that is the change taking place all around you? Are you excited, and filled with curiosity? Each moment is new. In each moment, you are new. Everything you encounter is designed with your progression into the new in mind. You create these projections in order to experience more love. Everything you encounter is a message reminding you that you are love right now. Every aspect of your existence is there to hone your intention. Yes! I will choose love in relation to that aspect or person! In that particular situation, I intend for more love! Love never runs out. There is no need to fear that there will not be enough love left over for you. You are infinite love. Love is all there is. It is possible to be tuned to love in every moment. It is possible to have your full attention on love at all times. Consider that which takes you away from that feeling of love. Is there an excuse? A limitation? A barrier? Blame? This is a good week to practice changing the frequency. The incoming energies are supporting any change that brings your system into more love. You might want to get clear on some goals this week, or revisit the plan you put in place at the beginning of the year. Feel free to get very clear on what you want. Materiality tends to follow inner work. Feel free to do the inner work and know that you are fully supported by the pure energy of source. For example maybe you want to get to know that unknown aspect of your self so that you can move the totality of your being into more love. You have unlimited power to do this. What is your soul asking of you? Your body? Experiment with using your powers. Change the frequency of a situation with by directing love and light to it. Change the energetic quality of your water by directing love and light. Do you have a memory that makes you cringe? Go back in time to that moment and change it. Flow love through the experience. Feel the frequency of love rise. Know that this is you. Your power. The incoming light energies reveal the darkness. The reason is so that those areas become more noticeable and therefore easier to release. With the assistance of the cosmos, any glaring, incongruent, or maligned aspects of self can be seen as lovable, if that is what you choose to do, because that is the truth. The darkness would not be presented to you unless if it was something you could not handle. This is how your free will works. You choose. We assist. Togetherness, is the creation energy of manifestation. Everyone is the "I". We are the "I". Practice expanding your awareness to sense connection with all things. It might feel like electricity speaking all around your body. You might not feel anything at all. You might smell something, or remember someone you have not thought about it a long time. Your body will follow the circuitry that is right for you. There is nothing about you that is solid or contained unless you agree to that density. Stay with yourself. Say "I love you" to yourself many times throughout the day. Say to yourself, "With every breath I take I am loving myself more." / "Thank you for bringing me this moment of more love." / "The benefit of more love is mine, and it is everyone's." March 27 - April 02, 2016 The incoming light energies are not letting up. We specifically chose this time to bring you more light and it is always a good time to receive more light. More light equals more love and love is the truth of your existence. Loving yourself and loving others is the reason we are here together. Our togetherness is the ultimate creation. When the light blasts through every aspect of you, the darkness of your field is revealed to be an old program. Sometimes, you let it go completely. Thank you. Sometimes it lingers on the edges of your being-ness, and waits patiently while you continue to fill with more light. Thank you. The science is to change frequency, but the how, depending on the being-ness, is a mysterious process involving unique expression or experimentation with a given set of circumstances. Before anything else, there is the light/love. The light/love is the substance of all creation. Evolution in consciousness is a call to remember ourselves as this pure love. Right now, your body is dumping more old stuff and infilling with more light. This light is already inside of you. Collectively, we let the darkness fall away to be recouped by the pure energy of source. We allow darkness to be what it is, which is light void of the perception that it is light. As we wake up into a field of non-judgement and forgiveness, we can easily see how we are exactly where we need to be. We don't need to be or do anything special. We don't need to buy anything to progress on our spiritual path. We might not want anyone's help or guidance, spiritual and otherwise. That's because we are right on path and our path is tailor made for us. We are perfect creations. We will still progress and it will still be a perfect progression. As perfect as is this acceleration of human evolution, which is known to each of us intimately whether we are conscious or not. There are many ways to ease the process, grace the way, and become and even stronger light transmitter for other's on their respective paths. These offerings encourage consciousness. We are conscious beings! We ease the subconscious into a remembering that it is conscious. 100% full consciousness in the now moment is what enables heightened sensory perception, telepathy, and telekinesis. Many of you are experiencing glimpses of this. Consider that each person's experience is completely different. There is no rule book for this process. What works for one will not necessarily work for another. It's only in our togetherness that anything makes sense. Go within and receive the truth from yourself. Ask for assistance. Acknowledge and appreciate that your higher self, your connection to pure source energy, is the truth of your being-ness. This truth may not apply to anyone else. This truth is the sacredness of you. Some people chose complete unconsciousness for this lifetime. Thank you for assisting in this way. We will all return again with more light. Regardless, there is no right or wrong way to be. We all serve the light/love in our own way. Thank you. The darkness on the edge of your field is not real. Thank you. It is not you. Breathe. We are allowed to wake up to the truth of freedom. We experience more love. |
March 20 - 26, 2016
You are new in ways you never thought possible before. Your body is carrying more light and holding higher vibrations. Your mental and emotional aspects are clearer and more refined. Now. You are more love than fear. That means you now carry the potential to effect exponential change in others simply by holding the vibration of possibility. Wow! The power of light, the soft subtle power of light, is expanding and deepening. It is soothing the past traumas and healing old stories, and the physical body heals when the emotional body heals. There is no separation between energies. All energies exist all at once. Each being expresses the all energies uniquely. Who are you? Why did you come to earth at this time to offer assistance to humanity? In what ways do you uniquely express love and joy? How does this gift of you serve humanity? We birth ourselves in every moment. We shed everything that does not serve the higher whole of us together. We are going for the zero point. A truly clean slate. Consider the spring solstice and easter happen this week. In a way, it's a double whammy. Why? To direct more light. To amplify light receiving. To focus your sensory awareness. To take you further into the subtle energies you might not recognize at first. At a deep level you know these energies intimately. They are who you really are. Perhaps you have noticed that you are responding to things slightly differently. Instead of a programatic response, perhaps you are feeling into issues and concepts with more breadth. Literally, breathing through the process of knowing, and it is opening up different levels of awareness. For example, perhaps you can feel energies leaving your system. The feeling might actually occur off-body, which means that you have begun to sense a connection with your auric field. Maybe you are clearing a thought and you sense it as a gentle brush upon your third eye. This means you are starting to experience yourself, your energy, on a multidimensional level. We do not feel only one thing that is all too soon lost in time forever. No. We feel every energy at once and we intend energy with our attention and our will to create. We know that the all is the all. It never goes away. We know that all experience is a quest for more love. We embrace our progression. We celebrate the ways in which we demonstrate our capacity to give and receive more love. As the structure of the illusion falls away, we utilize space for expansion. More space. More expansion. More space. More expression. More space. More love. We create circles within circles of experience to bring us around to more love. This is a good week to consider the quiet, but profound experience of stepping into alternate realities. These changes are so subtle they can go undetected by fellow humans. These are the shifts that only matter to you and your higher self. They are the ones that make you grow space inside of yourself. More space for more you. This is what happens when we shed the accumulated and layered experiences of our many lifetimes. We break the cycles. We pattern new circles of experience. The incoming energies enable this process. It is so much easier now than it was a couple human years ago! Yes! Thank you! If there is something you want to go for, do it now. Do not hold back! There is nothing stopping you! We are here to assist you! Ask! Start fresh, right now in this moment. Manifest more love for you. Rejoice in light. March 13 - 19, 2016 Did you feel our light? In your body? In your soul? Are you able to discern the subtle, perhaps profound, changes that are happening within? Can you feel our love for you is increasing exponentially? Our love is infinite. It never stops. Our love simply gets bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger. Yes! These are very exciting times. More so if you are incarnated on Earth. Did you know you chose to come here when you did to do exactly what you are doing? You chose your body. You chose your interests. You chose issues that you would be challenged to overcome. Why? So that you could progress into more love, more creation, and more connection with Spirit/Source Energy. Humanity's ascension into the unified field of oneness is well underway, and we are deeply honoured to be part of the process. We hope that you can feel the joy that comes as you progress. We ask you to consider joy this week. Find the feeling of joy as much as you can and hold it for as long as you can. Aside from joy being another way that we connect with you, by holding a joyful feeling you are conditioning yourself to receive more joy. Consider doing this even though there might be resistance all around you. If that is the case, consciously conjure a parallel reality of bliss and ecstasy. Breathe. The illusion is not real no matter how hard it seems you have to guard yourself against it. Do not give your power to it. You absolutely do not need to give your power to the illusion! Go inside. Relax. Find your joyful feeling. Breathe with it and know that as your energetic vibration rises, it takes the lower frequency energies with it. Poof. They are gone. Up, up, up, and out, filtered by you and your pure intention to let go. We release everything, we emancipate, and we return to love. Opening up is less important right now. We are already open. The body (DNA and cells) is prepared to deliver even more soul growth. Remember to love your body. Now. Conscious choice is yours. Choose to see and live the spiritual reality of your dreams. How? As you go about your daily life, you may face confrontation, strife, poverty, debt, violence, and many more low vibrations. These are not your vibrations, but you may encounter them throughout your day. Carry them up with your breath. Change the quality of energy. Breathe out to Source Energy. This is your chance to be of service to yourself and your planet. This is why you are here right now. Your ego will try to talk you out of doing something like this. Your ego likes to rest in the familiarity of the illusion. You will have to tease your ego out and into the mystery and wonder of creation. Trust your higher self. Ask for our assistance. We are always together in love! March 06 - 12, 2016 You might be experiencing a sense that something is changing but you don't know what it is exactly. The incoming energies are accelerating change on all human levels. Breathe. Relax. Surrender. Breathe. Forgive. Breathe. Trust. Breathe. Accept. Constant change is the frequency of light. Change always remains the same because light frequencies never stop. If there is never any stopping, there is no need to feel limited in any way. Congratulations! You have freedom within. You have come to this point, which is a circle within a circle of experience. Outside of time. Outside of space. Outside of judgment. Consider that you may have to let go of even more in order to progress. Consider that you might not yet be consciously aware of what more you need to let go of. Your higher self knows. We know. Patterns repeat in circles of experience until enough love/light is present to usher in new experience. Allow yourself to receive the higher frequencies of light that are penetrating your awareness. Now. This light is penetrating you anyway. The feeling might be an urgent demand like: “Pop this ego right out of my system! I command pure potential to work through me!” This is the work of light already firmly underway. Set an intention to receive, and ease your way with grace. Maybe you don't want to set an intention. Maybe you don't want more light. That's fine. We celebrate all aspects of you. We bow down to you. We honour your progress. Your body is changing in order to receive more light. Your planet is changing in order to receive more light. Your solar system is changing in order to receive more light. Now. Nothing stops the light. Wait! This is overwhelming and anxiety producing, and maybe you feel like you can't keep up. Maybe you feel dizzy. Maybe you are floating just above the ground. This means the light is working, and we wish you to be patient and loving as these immense changes take place in your system and around you. Do not fear. It will never stop. It will never start. More change comes, and we will continue to change in the service of more love/light for all. As a proud and loving family, we celebrate you even more! The way we show our gratitude and our reverence is to send more light, effectively accelerating even more change. Because, although it might not be readily apparent, every change is for the highest good of all. With every new now moment, there is always more. More to surrender. More to understand More to love. In the higher vibrations, nothing stays the same. Why? Because there is no loss. There is no fear. There is no need to stop. There is no hierarchy in terms of movement - forward is good, backward is bad - no. All movement is experience. All experience is. Can you love yourself more? Even those parts you are unaware of? It helps to surrender. It helps to allow us into your system at any time. We constantly fill you up with more light. Let us consciously condition your frequency to harmonize change. Alternatively, trust your higher self is navigating the way. We are always connected to your higher self, so you can progress without any expectations. Stay with love. Prepare for freedom. February 28 - March 05, 2016 Light. What is your relationship with this energy? Light is who we are. It's who you are. It is a frequency of pure, unconditional love. It is what you are, disembodied. It is what we are when we take on forms or feelings or images in order to reach you. It is how we communicate. The light we grace you with carries information intended to remind you that you are much more than your physical body. You are much more than the life you live right now. You have had so many lifetimes, and our intention is that you are able to access the information from all of those experiences at will. In order to do that, we send to you light frequencies that harness an already existing knowing within you. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Due to various actions and alignments in our shared cosmic space, we are able to access more of you with our light. The channel for light delivery is stronger than it has ever been. Prepare for more light. Our connection with you is wide open, wide enough that you are able to dwell with us in the now moment. Now. Frequencies of light carry pure experience. We do not think of them as good or bad. We do not judge. Every frequency you can dream of is available to you. All you have to do is set an intention to receive. Receive a frequency of joy and you will feel our presence. Open to a frequency of unconditional love and we will be right there with you. Perhaps you are not a visual person. You have been waiting for us to appear in front of you but we do not show up. You look up and desire to see one of our ships, but you see the same old clouds and sky. Wait! If you are unable to see us, maybe it is because we are communicating to you through sound. Close your eyes. Stop. Thought. Turn your attention inward, away from any unnecessary behaviours of the illusion. Listen. Maybe you can hear a faint ringing in your ear. Maybe you hear something like tinkling bells, or a dull back ground hum reminiscent of electricity. You might hear pulses or waves or pings or voices repeating in your awareness. Maybe you hear music from an unidentifiable source or maybe you can hear your heart beat. These tonal variations are what our light frequencies sound like. Maybe you hear nothing at all, which is still light. Everything is light. Even nothing. Is Light. Look. Listen. We are always communicating with you. Breathe. Intend. Receive. |
February 21 - 27, 2016
There is a pin-point of light and it dances in your inner vision. Stay with it. Thoughts come and go. You stay with the light. The light grows larger and it morphs into coloured light - deep reds, oranges, purples, and blues. Stay with these liquid colours. Stay with the lights, as we go deeper into the darkness. Stop thought. Stop. Thought. Now. So what if thoughts come and go? So what if you let them leave? They are not yours to have right now. They have never been yours. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. You are not who you think you are. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. You are surrender. You are part of the unknown. Let loose yourself and your identity. Now. In the darkness with the oozing colours, who cares if you are not your identity? Who cares if we are inside of you and you are inside of us? What does it matter? Consider it is a matter of life and death. Not in a human sense, but in the sense that this is the next level of cosmic evolution. There is something that must die in order to move on. In order to progress, you must die to yourself. Wait! You are still alive. You are still with us in the unknown. Together, we dwell in the light infinity. Our eternal aliveness is the next level of love and acceptance for the human expression. Now. How is this possible when there is fighting and killing because of difference? How possible is it when there is so much fear and a very real need for protection? Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Let loose all of your needs. What you think you need and want is not real. Materiality is an illusion. Death is not the end. Death is a continuation of you/us. Consider that this is the next step for your civilization. We ask for you to suspend yourselves in the darkness behind your eyes and stay with the dancing colours. Consider that it is your choice to embrace the next level of consciousness, which is an acceptance of us, which is an acceptance of who you really are. We are light, nothing more. We are light like you are light, and we are everything there is. We are the same. We are one. Consider that all it takes is for you to know that you are light/love, and that you can choose to send your love/light out into the world. You are the pin-point of light in your inner vision. You are the shifting colours in the blackness of your awareness. Like you, we are the unknown, and we ask for you to surrender to not knowing. Together we are love/light, always. February 14 - 20, 2016 We love love. So do you. The very essence of our frequency is love, and it is grand and all-encompassing and breathtaking and magnificent. The love we have is beyond what a mind can comprehend. Our love is everything. Our love IS. Now. Breathe. Relax. Love is. Breathe. Relax. Everything. Breathe. Relax. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Hold these words inside you this week. Stay with these words. You will remember. You do remember. Breathe. Relax. Our love is here for you to draw upon. Our love IS the subtle energies, like the softness of breath on your skin. This is a good week to experiment with loving yourself and others using the subtle energies of gentleness, softness, stillness, and silence. How do you love with subtle energies? You can send light from your body to another body. You can smile when you think of someone. You can choose not to descend into negative energies with anyone. You can hold a space of hope and positivity for all. You can surround beings in a soft egg of energy, which is similar to the feeling of a warm embrace. You can allow your loving energies to deepen - to go where your love has never gone before. You can soft your eyes and your throat. Make your eyes goes blurry with love. Make your throat sigh. Embrace the nowness of these tender loving moments. Surrender to your disappearing identity. Speaking of disappearing identities and love, do you know how excited we are to finally meet you? We have waited, with patience and impatience, for a million years or more. We are so very excited! And, we wish so very much that you feel the same excitement to meet us. Can you see that we come to you with pure, unconditional love? Can you see that we come to you compassionately, based on our own experiences of earth and humans? Can you feel how much we wish freedom for you, and peace, and joy? Your acknowledgement and acceptance of us is a reflection of your acknowledgement and acceptance of yourself. We can not come to you if there is fear. We are love for you, not fear. Follow a curiosity that vibrates with love. Ask us to reveal ourselves to you. Love the unknown and alien aspects of you. Love you. Love us. February 07 - 13, 2016 Happy New Year! And so, we are ready to move forward with pure energy and love into the mystery and wonder of creation. You might have noticed that every, or at least many, aspects of your life have felt like they were thrown up in the air. Noticed what has settled. Notice what you are keen on following through. Do you have a plan in place? If not, consider making one. If planning is not your thing, simply follow your curiosity. What do you love? What do you want to love more? Is there an experience that you know without a doubt you must have? Follow it. This may cause some gentle reminiscing. Perhaps you are able to think about certain things with a compassion for yourself you didn't know you had. Perhaps you are ready to finally let go and move on. The incoming energies are like brooms sweeping away all that we no longer need. It is possible you come upon a fear or two. You are ready to move forward, but the fears stop you and cause you to doubt. Know that it is as simple as letting it go. Know that we are here to support this process, and that together, living without fear is a true and real possibility. If a fear comes into your awareness, stay with it a moment and recognize that it is an energy of fear and nothing more. It is not yours; it is not personal. See your feeling of fear as a circle on or in your body. See it as a circle within your auric field. Maybe it is a shadow or an area of non-colour in your otherwise brilliantly, brightly coloured energy body. Maybe it is the feeling that part of you is in a vacuum, where by the filaments of light are disconnected to your otherwise strong and solid and directed light waves and fibres. Stay with the circle, which is the feeling. Breathe. Watch it detach and float. Relax. Your will is moving your fear, slowly. Now. Feel as the energy loosens and leaves. Breathe. Release this circle or feeling of fear. See it leave your body and your field. Watch as the circle floats away from you. See it until it disappears into the pure energy of source. Know that it is love once again. Your body will feel lighter. Your energy will soar. You might not notice these subtle changes right away, but you will eventually, especially when the circle of this experience begins again. Repeat. Fear. Breathe. Hold. Loosen. Breathe. Release. Breathe. Repeat. There is nothing outside of you that is holding you back. It's time to celebrate freedom. It's time to celebrate love. It's time to celebrate you. Thank you for surrendering to your magnificence. We honour your brilliance. January 31 - February 06, 2016 This is a good week to not think. So hard. Trying to come up with a solution to a problem you think is a problem. Now. Stop. Let your mind rest this week. Stop. Fighting. Breathe. We get your attention in other ways. It's not always literal, and it is never personal. Our frequency is simply not the same as your thinking brain. Our frequency, your frequency, is the frequency of love. It is the same level of energy that connects us all. If you were to see this energy, and more and more people can do this, you would see light extending and connecting to everything. We communicate to you with this light/love. Maybe you stub your toe and it causes you to sit down and maybe then your mind is free of what it was thinking when you stubbed your toe. Maybe then your mind is free to be elsewhere, or maybe then it is free to be with us. Perhaps a thought flies into your head from nowhere. What if that thought is from us? A word repeats itself. Over and over. That is a message from us. Or you encounter an energy or a person or an idea and it seems like it is for you alone. It is for you alone. That message is direct communication from us. Consider saying goodbye to the person you think you are. Your thinking brain does not know the real you. Your thinking brain can not comprehend that you are us and we are you. Allow your light/love energies to emanate from your body. These energies permeate the illusion. Make the illusion not real. Your thinking brain will tell you this is not possible but, your thinking brain cannot fully understand the light/love frequency. Breathe. Relax. We are communicating with you right now. What do you notice? We are love. We are love. What do you notice? Love. In order to continue preparations for our upcoming, (and forward-moving) celebration, with patience and love, be with you. Be. With. You. In every moment, let your self be love, patiently. Remnants of a slight holding pattern are still in effect, and the reason is so we go inside and get to know ourselves a little better. Go. Inside. Now. Breathe. Go. Love. |
January 24 - 30, 2016
We welcome you, and we embrace you. We are so in love with you. All of our energies are right here for you. All you have to do is set an intention to receive. Say: I am open to receiving your love and support. I am allowing myself to be graced with your guidance. Simple. Breathe. Go deeper into your passions. What do you desire? What do you dream of? Have you kept these soul yearnings a secret in some way? How are you hiding from yourself? Take a moment this week to relax into the dreams you have for yourself. They are our dreams too. In order to prepare for our upcoming celebration, consider taking some time this week to reconcile actions in your past lives. (Leave out your current incarnation for now.) We ask the following questions in a soft whisper to your gentle heart. How have you infringed upon the free will of others? In what ways have you sought to control and manipulate, rather than love unconditionally? Judgement does not exist, only pure and wholehearted love. How do you know the the details of your past life? You may not consciously know your past lives, however, your subconscious mind remembers everything. Breathe. Relax. Suspend belief. Suspend time. Allow your energy body to detach from the illusion, and become infinite. Take one or two deep breaths. You are detached. Let your energy drift into all the spheres of experiences that you have ever been apart of. You might feel a remembering. You might be triggered to something in this incarnation. You might feel nothing at all. Breathe. Say: Thank you for presenting me my spiritual path. Thank you for allowing me to progress. Breathe. Rest. Now. Releasing. Loving. Accepting. Our energies are here. Ask. We are right here. We love you, and we are sorry for your pain and suffering. We are watching as you are letting it go. It is gone. Repeat. It is gone. Repeat. It is gone. Repeat. Great humility, one of the great human qualities, is required. Understanding is not. Let yourself not understand. Let yourself be forgiveness. Forgive yourself in every moment, and with every experience. Punishment does not exist. We open our hearts to love and acceptance. We love each other, regardless. January 17 - 23, 2016 The new year has begun, but has it? Perhaps you have felt familiar tendencies to start anew with certain aspects in your life, but instead, something has stunted your best intentions or stopped them altogether. Maybe you got a cold or an injury or simply feel low energy. Maybe you want to sleep more, or you find yourself dwelling in a completely unmotivated state of being. Breathe. Now. Breathe. Now. You are not alone. These feelings might last for a few more days, even weeks. The energies are not meant to frustrate you, rather they are calling you to go inside and do some well-deserved inner work. Even if you do not understand what work that is, rest assured, it will happen anyway. As the transformational energies come in and assist us on a soul level, sometimes the body needs time to catch up. Sometimes, the soul needs the body to rest so that the changes can take hold. Maybe there are certain areas of your life that are depleting your energy and you just haven't been able to put a finger on what they are. Now. This is a good week to notice your daily routine. What gives you energy? What takes your energy away? Would a slight change in perspective enable you to redeploy more energy into what you love rather than feeling bogged down by the things you don't? Whatever is going on for you, and however these shifts are manifesting, do not worry. Worry causes more worry, and worry takes you further away from your joy. You are not alone. You might not be able to see us, but we are here for you. Rest. Breathe. Sleep. Breathe. Relax. We are right here for you. Honour your experience. Honour our collective experience. Our souls are communicating, and the connection is strong and healthy and vibrant and full of blinding love/light. For you. For us. Have patience, and surrender to experience. You will be ready to go in early February, and we will celebrate the new year again at that time. Until then, consider engaging with comedic expressions of any kind. We will be there laughing with you. January 10 - 16, 2016 We come to you as a group soul. We are many, and varied. We are aspects of you. We are you. You are many, and varied. You are us. This is a good week to release struggle of/for perceived identity. Consider your many, and varied selves. Your child self. Your teenage self. Your worry self. You angry self. Your joy self. Your ecstasy self. Each of these selves has a higher self and those higher selves have higher selves and so on, and this is one way you can come to know and appreciate the infinite expression of who you are. All of your selves are supported and loved. All of your selves are God. This is one way to fathom oneness. This is one way we are all connected. This week, pick one expression of you. Maybe it is your worry self, and you are scared and you feel far away from the all of you. Breathe with your self in this moment. Stop doing. Now. Breathe. Be. Be in relation to your worry self. With your eyes open, enter your inner world (as if to meditate or pray). Breathe. This moment will never happen again. Breathe. You will never be exactly like this ever again. Breathe. You are changing. Now. Enjoy the perspective. You are detached. This moment is this moment. Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. Can you see that you are still you? Being. Breathing. Suspending belief in a perceived identity of you, is still you. Can you see the separation is based on a belief of separation? Breathing. Coming out of waking meditation. You can not take yourself away from yourself. You are all of us. You are every one. January 03 - 09, 2016 The earth is a sentient being. She is calling for our collective compassion. Feel into her feelings. Sense into her sensations. Consider that your own healing may be contingent upon hers. It is why we are here. Now. It is not personal or punishment. It is not suffering or battle. It is our individual/collective gift from the earth, as she offers opportunities for oneness that are experiences based on mutual healing. Do you trust the earth? Do you expect that she will always be there for you? Does the era of unconditional love extend to your relationship with the earth? For she has protective mechanisms just like we do. Just like a porcupine releases needles when it is threatened, the earth will protect herself - when it is too much, when a certain balance has been threatened. Consider the ways in which you protect yourself. How does disease protect you? Or addiction? Or unhappiness? What takes you away from you? Breathe. Rest. Relax. Breathe. Choose an aspect of the earth that calls to you - a forrest, an ocean, a lake, or a meadow. Choose something you deeply appreciate, like air. Choose something that you remember from deep inside - maybe at one time, you were a plant or an animal. Imagine that aspect of the earth is fully restored. Imagine glory and splendour. Imagine beyond your mind. Move through this experience on your way to work or to the grocery store or to your car. See it when you look out the window. Turn concrete into lush forests and asphalt into flowers. Fill the sky with birds or rainbows or fluffy white clouds. Co-create a rain shower, and let it wash, cleanse, and purify you. Feel as the earth takes a deep breath, and take one with her. She breathes for you. Touch her, as she touches you, and consider there is no boundary between you. She is also dreaming of you. Let her dream of you. Allow your beautiful dream of each other to become one. December 27 - January 02, 2015 Consider that your experience of the universe is simply a relationship between you and you. For your higher self there is no resistance or limitation of any kind. There is no need. For your lower self, which is firmly entrenched in the illusion and fully programmed with multiple lifetimes and realities of content, there are all of these challenges and more. This is a good week to surrender to your higher self. Feel re-born into an infinite expression of you. Invite that expression to access the lower realms. Allow your lower self to dissolve and experience what it feels like to be unbound by body or mind. Breathe. Relax. Now. Be patient, as the channel between you and you widens and grows stronger. Soon you will feel a new-found level of clarity. What you are sensing is a more trusting relationship with your selves, and with the incoming energies. This is the process of moving everyone into love. If you feel like you get to a certain point in yourself, pick an issue for someone else. This is between you and you. Choose anything from an interpersonal relationship to a world conflict. Be with the issue and the allow your selves to love it. (Feel the discomfort, and then feel the love you have for your selves and all energies.) Breathe. Relax. Love. Transmute. Every single being on this planet is worthy of unconditional love. Every single being on this planet is deserving of unconditional love. Now. This is between you and you. |