December 07, 2018
Recent portal openings offer a whole new set of energetic guidance. Today is a good day to ask if there are any new or returning guides who are available to offer their services to you at this time. ! Activation begins: Spirit Guides ! This could be angels, ascended masters, devas, fairies. spirit animals. deceased loved ones - the guidance available to you is limitless. Delve into infinite. intelligence and state your query. You might be surprised at who shows up. ⭐️This is a gentle reminder to stay open to what and who presents. These energies are transmuting polarity head on. Your new guide might not be who/what you think.⭐️ It is possible that your new guide might be someone you thought was an enemy or somehow against you. This causes you to reflect on the truth of inseparability. Even though you thought you had done wrong or made a mistake or offended someone or that they did the same to you, you are being shown the foolishness and falseness of these perceptions. It is a humbling process, but also deeply relieving and gratifying. You have never done wrong. You are truly free of this suffering. For the most part, this processing will feel soothing to the point of joyousness. However, it might bring up some stuff that you think/feel you can’t handle. Maybe you think you are not ready or that you are not evolved enough. That’s fine. This lesson will not go anywhere until you are ready. ⭐️Take a few deep breaths. ⭐️ In fact, you might set an intention right now to allow your conscious breathing to guide the releasing for you. You could simply agree that your mind, and the way it has a tendency to replay the old stories, is not your best assistant for this kind of clearing. ⭐️You might want to consider your new guide instead.⭐️ What is coming up? Who is you new guide? ⭐️Can you give it over to this benevolent energy to clear on your behalf?⭐️ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are clear. You are free. You are even more supported than before. Thank you. We are all one. Our togetherness is all that matters. ! Activation is complete: Spirit Guides ! ●◉● Join us for the New Moon Meditation. Take a moment on Friday night to reflect on and gather up your intentions for review and declaration. Notice what you notice. Write your thoughts down or make a mental list that you can return to over the next few weeks. This is will help ground the thinking mind with soul action. You are worth soul action. You are more than your thinking mind. ●◉● Crystal - Selenite Sound Frequency - SI - 963 Hz NEW MOON GROUP MEDITATION DECEMBER 07, 2018 @ 9:00 pm EST Theme: SPIRIT GUIDES NEW MOON GROUP MEDITATION |
December 06, 2018
◉ Enter Healing Sphere Now ◉ ! Activation begins: Worthiness ! ***********************MESSAGE FROM THE PLEIADIANS********************* You stand within a sphere of healing light. You create this potential for yourself. We show up to assist, and to intensify the light. This light cleanses you. It absolves you. It dissolves every single story of low self worth that has been running around your subconscious mind. This light strengthens you. It empowers you. It heals you. You are releasing anything - big or small - that no longer serves you. This includes false senses of self and ego dominance. Your soul and higher self take the lead. You consciously surrender and offer thanks. + Relaxed State Affirmation - "Thank you" + You are not alone. We are always with you, bathing you in healing light. Turn your attention to the healing light. It protects your system so that you can be vulnerable. Nothing else is allowed into this healing sphere - only love and more love and more love. Turn your attention to us. Focus on the healing light. You are opening. You thought you knew what needed to be healed, but you are shown so much more - this is total energy body, spiritual healing - the physical vessel will follow. This is higher self/soul/energy body integration with the physical body. You are worthy of so much more. + Relaxed State Affirmation - "I am worthy of so much more" + Breathe in your worthiness. Breathe out your worthiness. Breathe in every single being's worthiness. Breathe out every single being's worthiness. You are filled with healing energy. You are deeply relaxed. You are cleansed and fully restored. You are overflowing with light. ////RUN LIGHT PROGRAM - Send love/light to all energies\\\\ We heal together. We heal as one. ! Activation is complete: Worthiness ! ◉ Exit Healing Sphere Now ◉ ****************************MESSAGE RECEIVED***************************** Crystal - Labradorite Sound Frequency - LA - 852 Hz |
December 05, 2018
Opening, opening, opening - to allow a deeper healing process to occur, to allow what you thought was impossible to come into being. ! Activation begins: Compassion ! Your dreams are coming true! U Fill Up With Gratitude Now U You are soft, supple, pliable, and vulnerable today. Your entire world looks different. You are filled with gratitude that you are able to be a witness to the wonder of your life’s teachings. You are humbled, especially by your relationships. Today is a good day to feel those conscious connections acutely. You have precious people in your life. You are surrounded by fellow warriors of light. You are particularly thankful you do not have to go at it alone. Gratitude is not the right word. Rejoice! Celebrate! Be in joy! You can’t help but reflect on your meaningful relationships when in this state of mind. Kinship. Mutual respect. Compassionate response. Unconditional love. There’s so much more you want to know and experience. There is so much more you want to go through with your fellow light beings. You set an intention to be more honest and fearless. What do you have to lose with this much never ending love and support? The only choice is love. Polarizing energies continue to be unified and harmonized. You step firmly into your role of assisting this process without a shred of resistance. The pathway is clear. Now. What is love? What is not? Progress into a dream of more love for all. The choice is yours. The love is ours. ! Activation is complete: Compassion ! Crystal - Celestite Sound Frequency - FA - 639 Hz |
December 04, 2018
⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇ONENESS GRID⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈ Every little thing that comes up at this time signifies your freedom. You might think anger or anxiety or resentment or blame or ill health or fatigue is a sign of a low vibration. Not necessarily with these highly refined light/love upgrades. These energies are simply moving density through your system. They are, in actuality, harbingers of freedom and potential. You are in a state of high-intensity light detox. Massive clearing is underway. This is prepping you for what is to come and it is also fulfilling your preincarnative duty. You chose to be exactly where you are. It’s true that whatever you are going through might not fit into what you had planned in your daily life. Your daily life can not comprehend the immense light that is currently gracing your system. It feels like you are being thrown off when really you are being thrown on. This is the only way to stay awake to your purpose. This is the only way to achieve the level of light intelligence that you seek. Your humanness needs to stay relaxed. This is an ever present guidance for now and the next while. By staying relaxed, your system can better integrate the light. By staying relaxed, you will be better able to consciously clear whatever comes up. In particular, pay attention to where you feel a need to respond in anger. You are not really angry, but you have agreed to move these energies through your system with compassion for the all and with an intention for all to be relieved of suffering. Your feelings are not just your own. This is so far from personal. You are most likely clearing childhood and past life programming. You are doing it because you can. Stay with it. Trust the process. Something is going to trigger you, if not today, in the next few days. How will you respond? Will you get angry, as part of you might think you are entitled to get or will you be able to recognize your role in dissolving anger and transforming with love. Whatever you choose is progress. Even an angry response is progress, for you will be given clarity for the future. This will be a light bulb moment and you will literally be filled with light. Darkness dissolves. Density is returned to love. Be one and be in joy. ⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉ONENESS GRID⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇ Crystal - Black Tourmaline Sound Frequency - UT - 396 Hz |
December 03, 2018
Issues of abundance and worthiness are brought into sharp focus. You can see more clearly than ever before. ! Activation begins: MORE ! U Fill Up With Gratitude Now U This clarity is something you have been asking for. It is here now. Take a moment today and acknowledge your progress. Be grateful that you are on this path to even more clarity. There is no need to hide from anyone or anything, including yourself. This is truly a time of radical transparency. With this clarity, necessarily comes a certain kind of power. You are more vulnerable and you are also better able to be there for yourself no matter what you are going through. Self-love continues to outshine any negative force in your life. Be open to what presents. In this tender state, you are subconsciously asking to become even more clear, more compassionate, more forgiving, and more self-loving. You might have anxieties present, as if from no where, or anger or other low vibrations that don’t feel like you or yours. Allow them to come up and honour yourself with graceful dignity. You are ready and poised for more clearing. In fact, you are just getting started. What’s more, this clearing is becoming second nature - you don’t have to think about it or take it personally, you simply let it come up, wash over you in feeling, and allow it to dissolve. The best way you know how is to be in the moment, without past or future. You stay with your breath - breathing in your pain and suffering and releasing your joy and gratitude. Relax. Maintain your self-care practice. Rest so that you will be ready for more. More is coming. You are perfectly able and willing. Relax. Stay with a feeling of joy. It feels good to consciously release and return to love. We meet you there. ! Activation is complete: MORE ! Crystal - Pyrite Sound Frequency - SI - 963 Hz |
November 30, 2018
! Activation begins: Heart-Opening ! Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love.Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love.Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love.Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love.Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love.Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love.Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love.Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love.Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love.Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love.Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love.Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love.Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love.Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love.Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love.Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love.Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love.Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love.Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love. Love.Love. Love. Love. 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November 29, 2018
The link between receiving whatever presents and manifestation becomes even more clear as you continue to process and release with the intention of shifting anything that is not serving you. ! Activation begins: Pay Attention To Increased Awareness ! (If you are unsure of that which might be blocking you at a subconscious level, pay closer attention. You are receiving actionable guidance right now in the form of synchronicity, dreams, visions, and more.) !!!We see it like this - you are widening your perspective, you are increasing worthiness, and you are dreaming even bigger!!! Rest in this awareness. You are incubating something at this time that you can’t see or know or even comprehend at the level of your mind. This is literally blowing limitation out of the water! What is coming to you spontaneously? Synchronistically? In dreams, visions, feeling sensations, otherwise? What energies are trying to get through the noise of your mind and the illusion? Pay attention. You are being shown aspects of your life potential you haven’t even dared to dream about. Make a list. Put it away. It will make sense at a later date. It doesn’t have to make sense now because you are still receiving what you require to make it all happen. In the meantime, relax your body and focus on conscious receiving. Stay soft and open. < 20 min. Meditation - I am open. I am receiving. > U Fill Up With Gratitude Now U U Fill Up With Self-love Now U ! Activation is complete: Pay Attention To Increased Awareness ! Crystal - Rhodochrosite Sound Frequency - LA - 852 Hz |
November 28, 2018
This portal of receiving is directly related to manifestion. ! Activation begins: Manifestation ! This particular process of manifestation is not happening at a human level. At a human level, you might be waiting for what you have asked for to come to being. At a soul level, it is already here. At a soul level, all of your prayers are being answered right now. In this moment, you are living out the dream of your soul. What is presenting? What is your soul dreaming? #JOURNAL- MySoulIsDreaming # ⤑Does it look like something you don’t really want? ⤑What part of you is resisting? ⤑Does it look like you are being blocked or prevented from an experience by some external force? ⤑What are you not allowing yourself within? Your ability to receive at this time will be contingent on your ability to create more space within. This is part of a clearing process that is happening quite naturally with the incoming light energy. It is also part of you claiming space to usher in more light. You might have to make some decisions to do with time, energy, and relationships. It might mean setting some boundaries., either physically or energetically, so that you are able to process in your own way. There are no barriers outside of you that aren’t also within. Take a moment here and write one, two, three things that automatically pop into your mind. Use anything that you encounter outside of yourself as a tool to go within. You will find the blocks and also the root of the block fairly easily. The intention is to clear and release; return all aspects to love. = EFT Opportunity: “Even though I have this thing that I think is blocking me, I choose to love it. Even though I have this thing that is blocking me within, I choose to accept and love myself anyway." = (click for more information about how to perform EFT) Fear is not really your problem. What is at stake is the subconscious desire for releasing that is happening so quickly now that you are really having to be on your toes to keep up. Yes! You asked for this. ⤑⤑ Clarity. Purity. Yes! This is a discipline of loving whatever shows up. Stay relaxed as much as possible, and breathe. It might not seem like it, but you are in the best, most loving place possible. This is freedom. You are free. ! Activation is complete: Manifestation ! Crystal - Onyx Sound Frequency - SOL - 741 Hz |
November 27, 2018
The portal opens even wider to include complete cellular reprogramming. The light is changing you at the deepest levels. You are replacing old programming in each and every cell with love/light, compassion, acceptance, and joy. This light is cleansing and purifying you. It is necessarily bringing to the surface aspects for you to contemplate with love. △ Alert Affirmation - I am love. △ If you can feel anything, you can love it. 💖 If there is something you don’t like, that’s fine, leave it in a state of dislike, but choose to love it. Open your system to a state of being that loves all and everything. 💓 Can you trust love? 💞 This invisible energy that guides your every action, your every expression, your every relationship. 💕 Can you trust that this love will be enough? 💖 This invisible energy that inspires, heals, and harmonizes. 💓 Can you trust that you are capable of this powerful energy? Can you find it within? Can you direct it to self and others. 💞 Is it real? Ask. You will be guided. The incoming love/light forces this question into a remembrance and into knowing that will guide you through whatever it is that presents right now. It might seem desolate at times. You might feel alone. You might question everything. And, you might need to take a break. △ Alert Affirmation - I am loved. △ Follow your inner guidance. Follow your heart knowing. You will not be led astray. On the contrary, you will go to a place of even deeper awareness. You will move through this into more love. 💓 Guaranteed. As you are faced with the deeper truths, realities, and questions of your human existence, take time to consciously relax your body. Do whatever it takes for you to relax as deeply as possible. You can start by relaxing specific parts of your body one by one until you feel as though you are floating. You can also explore sensory deprivation tools to make it seem as though you don’t even have a body at all. The point is to gently, lovingly release your humanness to allow the energy to do what it needs to do. At a deeply relaxed state of being, the light has unfettered access to reconfigure all of your cellular processes. In addition, the deeply relaxed state will mitigate any muscle fatigue or general tiredness that comes with releasing at this deep level. Taking care of your body is top priority. If you think you know deep relaxation, go further to entrain an even more deeply relaxed state of being. You will be guided. We are always with you, loving you. Crystal - Black Tourmaline Sound Frequency - MI - 528 Hz |
November 26, 2018
A light portal has opened just for you. This light/love energy is fully engaged to activate more receiving. ! Activation begins: Receiving ! You are going deeper naturally. The light eases you to the next level. You are ready. You have asked for this. At the level of human, this prospect of going deeper might seem unnecessary. You might find yourself preoccupied with worries of having the time and/or energy to go further into your spiritual journey. This is not meant to be a hassle. This is yet another opportunity. You are on the precipice of receiving more gifts, but you must be willing to shift your perspective to receiving. Your human self will keep you busy with your external reality - job, relationship, success, vacation, etc. While all of these things are intertwined with your progress into unity consciousness and infinite love, often your soul has something else in mind. If it was predictable, you would already be doing it. Your soul likes you keep you on the edge so that you are always seeking more of the truth of who you really are. Your soul is pulling you out of the mundane routine of life so that you stay awake to the energetic light/love forces that are currently activating your system within and without. There is no way you can stay outside of this process. You can resist it, but the cycles upon cycles of lessons upon lessons will continue. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Relax. You can choose to face these aspects head on. You can choose to feel deeply and integrate what you are here to process. You can choose to ask for more freedom. You will get it, and more. Perhaps it's not what you think it should be. Instead, you trust that your heart knows. You trust the process. Your trust your intention. You choose to stay present to all the gifts in disguise that come to you and you choose to orient yourself to love, compassion, acceptance, and forgiveness. This portal is wide open. Something is coming your way. How will you receive it? < 20 min. Mediation - State of Receiving > Stay soft and quiet. Allow human judgment to dissolve. This transformation is occurring at a deep soul level. Your higher self is your guide. Allow your higher self to show you the most compassionate response. This is deeper and deeper and deeper self love. You are worthy. Receive. Don’t look back. Don't look ahead. Stay in the moment and receive. You are worthy. You are ready. Love is the way. ! Activation is complete: Receiving ! Crystal - Azurite Sound Frequency - UT - 396 Hz |
November 23, 2018
You are going through something right now that will positively impact your creativity and creative process. It might not necessarily look like at at first. In fact, this message might have very little meaning for you until this aspect is revealed. ! Activation begins: Creativity ! Incoming light is illuminating blind spots. You will soon be making connections with disparate aspects of self you didn’t know existed. You couldn’t possibly have conceived this perfect unfoldment. Yet, you are the creator, the orchestrator. You are responsible! The light reveals certain aspects that have been blocking your creative process. This is something you may or may not have not noticed. Perhaps you think your creativity is flowing just fine. If that's the case - wonderful! You are about to unleash even more creative inspiration and action! If you have sensed that you are blocked at a deeper level, rest assured you are releasing. NOWNOWNOWNOWNOWNOWNOWNOWNOWNOWNOWNOWNOWNOWNOW This thing you have to go through before you realize elevated levels of creativity and creative potential, might not feel so good. You will be called to re-orient yourself to a perception of "suffering." You know how to do this. You are more than able to handle it. - Trust This Process - Whatever you are about to go through is a gift in disguise. All that matters is how you frame it. Will you go against it? OR Will you go with it? Will you resist the lesson? OR Will you receive the lesson? The choice is yours. This is your creation. An increased understanding, awareness, experience of creative freedom awaits. It is yours, no matter what. It always has been. Now. You get yet another opportunity to move through experience with love, acceptance, compassion, and forgiveness, no matter what it is. You progress. You never stop. In the meantime, dream. What do you want to create? If you had unlimited creative potential (which you do) what would you do with it? How can you serve? We meet you there. In joy. In infinite. In love. ! Activation is complete: Creativity ! Crystal - Bloodstone Sound Frequency - MI - 528 Hz |
November 22, 2018
Increased awareness and feelings of worthiness catapult you into a vastly different space of self concept. ! Activation begins: Why Hold On Any Longer? ! The limitations are so clear. The reasons behind these limitations are equally glaring. The commitment to release has never been so strongly felt and acted upon. You feel a budding strength and confidence rising within. It doesn’t actually feel much like you at all. Could this be a hoax or a tease? What if it all disappears before you’ve even had a chance to explore/enjoy it? Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Relax. ◦ Ring of Light - PROTECTION ◦ Relax. You are safe to progress. You are safe to release. You are safe to be the highest expression of self. You are safe to relax. We offer you a ring of light protection. This is an incubator of sorts. Simply imagine yourself within this ring or sphere of light. You stand in the centre. The light membrane protects you and controls what comes in or out. For now, the only thing allowed into your sphere is love, acceptance, encouragement, and abundance. There are no low vibrations allowed. Tune into this space right now and feel it. Any negativity is dissolved. It simply can’t exist in this powerful field of light. This will keep you feeling safe and secure as you integrate your new-found feelings and knowledge of worthiness into your system. You are going up, expanding out, and increasing exponentially- anything else is not real. Visualize yourself in this sphere of protection. Use it often throughout the day to mitigate any fear or doubt that arises. Allow yourself to exist in this place of freedom. There is nothing that can threaten you here - no memory, no past experience, no person, no choice. While you are at it, create a similar sphere of protection for someone you hold dear. Simply imagine they exist in their own protected field of light. Finally, for fun, run a light program. Share your love and light. It is joyous to feel so abundant, protected, connected etc. Share this vibration energetically with anyone who is ready and willing to receive. ////RUN LIGHT PROGRAM - Send love/light to all energies\\\\ You are the gift. You are the light. ! Activation is complete: Why Hold On Any Longer? ! Crystal - Goldstone Sound Frequency - SI - 963 Hz |
November 21, 2018
These oneness energies are powerful! Yes! You are drawn to explore your relationships in a more inquisitive and loving manner. Why hold on to that which is not serving you any longer? The excess, the negative becomes very clear right now. ! Activation begins: Abundance ! Part of this is due to crown chakra upgrades that continue to grace your system. You are balancing all polarity in your system. You feel differently in body, mind, and energy from one moment to the next. You might feel more loving in general. More than likely, you will feel more committed than ever to removing any blocks to more love. This is a wonderful place to be. It is an open space for potential to be revealed. You will not have to look far for it today. In fact, you will see the support of others in new ways. You will continue to deepen in gratitude for others in your past and present. These feelings seem to rise out of nowhere. But, this is a result of what you have been cultivating within. You are allowing oneness and unity consciousness to take hold of your system. You have surrendered self in favor of the whole. Yes! You are worthy of more love, more forgiveness, and more compassion. You see opportunities for more of these precious and powerful qualities everywhere you look. You notice how increased worthiness is also being felt in all areas of your life. Perhaps you didn’t think certain aspects of your life were worthwhile at all. Think again. Feel again. With this light everything looks and feels differently. In addition, this is a good time to reflect on your relationship to materiality. Have you been holding back on something you really want? Take some time today and clarify what it is you want. It might surprise you. If there is something, take action big or small. Likewise, is there something in your environment that’s dragging you down. Clear it out, and allow these energies to flow as freely as possible. Potential and possibility abound. Claim this energy as your own. Maybe some fears come up. Maybe some unworthiness surfaces. That’s great! Let’s clear! = EFT Opportunity: “Even though I am not sure I am worthy of this thing I really want, it might be too risky, it might not be the right time - I don’t want to rock the boat, I can manage what I have now and I don’t want to stretch myself too far, and even though I have these fears around my worthiness, I deeply and completely love and accept myself. I am open to exploring my feelings. I am open to feeling infinitely worthy." = (click for more information about how to perform EFT) Energy is flowing. Light floods your system. ∪ Fill Up With Gratitude Now ∪ ! Activation is complete: Abundance ! Crystal - Pyrite Sound Freqency - MI - 528 Hz |
November 20, 2018
You continue to be perplexed, intrigued, and curious about your interrelationships at this time. The incoming love/light causes you to reflect. There are aspects you have not seen before. You are getting to know self and others more intimately. You sense oneness at a deeper level. You have a certain knowing that seemingly wants to burst forth a vastly different way of being in relationship to others. ! Activation begins: Follow Your Heart-Knowing ! Yes! This is the effect of extreme self-love. This is a by-product of loving self unconditionally. This is you seeking to express the spiritual progress you have made within. These energies are almost sentimental. They cause you to want to share love or gratitude with those who have meant something to you, even if you might not have had contact in a while. These energies cause you to want to serve others with your love and deep appreciation. These energies are also catalysts for how you will proceed differently with new relationships as you go forward. Perhaps you will recollect certain childhood scenes and experiences and be open to learning the gifts and also resolving any negative emotions. As children, we mostly mimic others around us unquestionably. This is how behaviour is learned and passed on. What did you take on unquestionably? What was passed on to you? Find one or two or three examples. Simply reflect. If and when you are ready, feel gratitude for these people and experiences. Stay with a feeling of gratitude for as long as you can. < 20 min. Meditation - Gratitude > You might receive this information by way of dream or vision or synchronicity. The veil continues to be very thin. Pay attention. Consider taking brief notes that you can return to at a later date. Chances are you are repeating some patterns that are all of a sudden very obvious to you right now. This is breakthrough awareness - however big or small. These energies also bring with them a feeling of innocence. You couldn’t have known until right now. If there is a need to forgive self, it will happen surprisingly fast. As soon as you turn your attention within and focus your awareness, the light will activate as if by magic. In fact, today might be a good day to search out whatever you can forgive. Maybe this is the start of a daily practice for the next few weeks. Experiment. Explore. Play. The light awaits. We rejoice together. ! Activation is complete: Follow Your Heart-Knowing ! Crystal - Rose Quartz Sound Frequency - RE - 417 Hz |
November 19, 2018
⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈ONENESS GRID⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉ Take note of the people around you today. How are you mirroring them? How are they mirroring you? There is so much valuable information to be had by exploring the nature of your relationships right now. ! Activation begins: Interrelationship ! The incoming light continues to offer oneness energies of compassion, forgiveness, and unconditional love. Even within a small social circle, there are immense opportunities to release and let go of any low vibrations. This does not necessarily mean cutting people off or releasing them entirely, and this is not a call to confrontation. On the contrary, these energies are peaceful. They soften you. They open you to possibilities you did not think were possible. Indeed, at the level of the mind, it might be inconceivable to forgive someone for harm they have caused you. It might seem impossible to put yourself in another’s shoes. But, at the level of the heart, your soul urges you to claim a new unknown expression of what the very definition of relationship means to you. Your heart knows how to heal polarity within and without. You can trust the heart to lead you to your highest good. = EFT Opportunity: “Even though I am not sure how to forgive this person, situation, or thing, I deeply and completely love and accept myself. I honour my process. I honour my feelings. I accept myself exactly as I am." = (click for more information about how to perform EFT) Do a couple rounds of tapping with a person or relationship situation in mind. Intend to open to forgiveness. You might not be ready for full forgiveness - that’s fine. Your energy body will guide this unraveling. In most cases, it will be much more effortless than you expect. The mind has a way of building stuff up. The mind has a way of forgetting the relief and the freedom that comes from release of this kind. This might be a current or past relationship. This might be a niggling thing you dislike about someone. It might be a long-held resentment of a close family member. Enter into an inquiry about your personal relationships. Be curious. You will be guided. Oneness energies will support you. There is no separation. Only perceptions that you choose. What can you let go of today? How can you unburden yourself? We meet you in your infinite potential. ! Activation is complete: Interrelationship ! ⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈ONENESS GRID⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇ Crystal - Abalone Shell Sound Frequency - FA - 639 Hz |
November 16, 2018
A powerful portal of perceptive into past life experience continues to be open and available to you for your spiritual progess. ! Activation begins: AWARENESS ! Awareness increases exponentially. Your ability to feel empowered, regardless of any external force, continues to be amplified. Yes! Your perspective is the only perspective that matters! Yes!! You are clearing density in past lifetimes at an extremely rapid pace. Lifetimes are literally flying through your awareness. Grace each one with the infinite love that you are. This portal is revealing blindspots you didn’t know were there. This portal is clearing the stuff you have always felt or sensed, but could never put a finger on. This includes your childhood programming, sure. More so, these are choices and agreements you made upon incarnation that are based on past life experiences. You wanted to master or overcome or perhaps even simply try again to do better or prove yourself even more. You intended on returning all these aspects of self to love. Allow these aspects to inform and guide your clearing right now. This process might not make any rational or logical sense to your thinking mind. - Trust This Process - The lesson is to be compassionate for the mind and for all of your past experiences - all of your choices and agreements that inform who you are right now. This is who you are you are seeking to emancipate fully - noone/nothing is left behind. You. Now. You. Now. You. Now. You. Now. You. Now. You. Now. Every aspect is loved through and through and opened to harmonization. This really might not make sense in terms of who you are right now. That’s OK. You are ready to open and harmonize more. To heal and accept more. To always, no matter what, give yourself the benefit of doubt. - Trust This Process - Deeper, deeper, deeper, deeper, deeper, deeper, deeper, deeper, deeper, deeper, deeper, deeper, deeper, deeper, into love. We meet you there. ! Activation is complete: AWARENESS ! Crystal - Selenite Sound Frequency - FA - 639 Hz |
November 15, 2018
The incoming light energies continue to be very revealing. You are seeing, feeling, knowing in ways you did not think possible. Part of this is a result of the crown chakra upgrades that are expanding energetic abilities like telepathic communication and sensory awareness. The other part is that you are increasingly able to see beyond the veil into alternative and parallel realities. You are a multidimensional being. You are not caught in the rigidity of the illusion any longer. You are not defined by linear time. You are not stuck in a density that you can not consciously release. You are not required to be anything other than an empty vessel for the potential of source energy to be expressed through you. Whoa! These are potent experiences of transformation. They happen now, in the now moment, in the conscious presence of right now. Even more comes your way. You asked for it. Align with receiving that which shows up. Keep an open heart and mind, for the incoming light/love information may be somewhat outside of what you think you know. These particular love/light energies are acting as a portal for you to access past life information. Anything that is revealed to you right now will directly inform your current experience in an illuminating and positive way. This portal of light is extremely optimistic and empowering. Take a moment to release any fears you might have of knowing more of yourself - past, future, or otherwise. = EFT Opportunity: “Even though I have some fear about getting to know myself better, I deeply and completely love and accept myself. I choose to open my system. I choose to receive." = (click for more information about how to perform EFT) This is another example of the benefits of a slight reorientation of perspective. Is it struggle? Is it a gift? ∪ Fill Up With Gratitude Now ∪ As you receive information about your past lives, it will feel as though you are in a time machine of sorts, whereby you only see and focus on how these experiences have benefitted to you and added to who you are. This expands your ability to serve. It's like a 'greatest hits' tape - the intention is empowerment and encouragement and even celebration. Enjoy making connections with these energies. Enjoy every experience. Enjoy sharing your vibrations of self-knowledge. We cheer you on from afar which is within. Crystal - Amazonite Sound Frequency - RE - 417 Hz |
November 14, 2018
Your energetic experience continues to flow into one powerful light upgrade after another. You don’t have to worry about anything. You can’t control it. Your mind can not fully comprehend it. You simply trust your energy body will guide you. You call upon your higher self to experience each and every love/light blast with you, as an equal partner, as a companion - you walk together in a spirit of mutual appreaciation and wonder. ∪ Fill Up With Gratitude Now ∪ This light intensifies. Yes! You can handle it. You wouldn’t be here now if you couldn’t. You would never have chosen this incarnation if you did not determinedly wish to serve at this time and in this way. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Breathe. Relax. Perhaps the worst that could happen is that you begin to feel a little tired and dragged out. As the light blasts through and rearranges your energetic composition. It makes sense that you could feel a little scrambled. Rest assured. Your body is keeping up beautifully. Your body is processing at an extremely high rate. Do something nice for your body today. While you are at, it take note. Think back to times when your body has been challenged at the physical level - illness, pain, injury, limitation. Reflect on the energetic gift you received from this experience of suffering. What happened when this density in your body was converted in to the truth of light/love? What did you gain? How did you come to know yourself better. #JOURNAL-MyPhysicalExperiencesOfConvertingDensityIntoLight# Find two or three examples. Get clear, and fully receive the gift coming to you right now. Put those experiences alongside what you are experiencing. How can you shift perspective in order to embrace the gift without the full extent of suffering? Is this possible? We meet you in your curiosity. We come with strength and optimism. We bring access to self knowledge and awareness. Join us. Let’s be together. Crystal - Apatite Sound Frequency - FA - 639 Hz |
November 13, 2018
Crown chakra upgrades continue to impact how you present yourself in your chosen reality. Make no mistake - as the density is released and replace ed by love/light, you are feeling it both at the level of the body and the mind. In particular, you might experience sensations of confusion and disorientation. You might have a hard time calming and releasing mind chatter. This could be especially noticeable before you go to sleep. This feeling also might be effecting your meditation practice making it much more difficult for you to enter into and remain in a deeper state of mind. These feelings might also impact your ability to concentrate and focus. The irony is not lost here. The very aspects you are seeking to master become more difficult to attain. You are required to seek further to ferret out anything that is blocking you from integrating this powerful crown chakra love/light upgrade, and therefore bring your system into a more harmonious and balanced state. In addition to the frustrations of not feeling as though your mind and mental activity is fully supporting you at this time, perhaps the greatest challenge is in experiencing a sense of disconnect from the heart space. When the mind is going overtime, it is difficult to relax and settle into heart knowing. Ready assured. You are in exactly the right place to ease your mind, body, and energy system into full alignment with these incoming light energies. Yes! You are being called to bring any polarity, any disparate expressions, into full conscious awareness. You are being called to bring body and mind into conscious alignment with the vibrations you are emitting from your energy body. Have patience. Spend time resting in peaceful contemplation. Avoid unnecessary stimulation. As you relax and drift, maybe even day dream, you will receive pertinent information that will allow you to not only find the power of heart space but also to relax the mind enough to sense the vibrations currently being transmitted from your system. This requires gentle, relaxed focused awareness. It requires you set an intention for more, deeper self-love. It requires you to release, empty, and connect with the highest state of consciousness - oneness with source energy. You can’t give up even if you try. Instead, face this challenge head on with utmost humility. You know the mind limits you. Release. Release. Release. Release. Release. Release. Release. Release. Crystal - Aquamarine Sound Frequency - SOL - 741 |
November 12, 2018
Today is a good day to check in with posture/body alignment and breathing. ! Activation begins: Leading with an Open Heart ! Rapid change in your energetic system continues to propel you deeper within, and also further into the unknown. You find yourself in uncharted territory. You don’t know what’s coming. But, you have a practice/discipline of going within to find your bearings. This process of seeking answers within, in a spirit of companionship and co-creation with source creation, is serving you well at this time. You need this grounded reinforcement to integrate incoming light energy, while also allowing your humanness feelings of safety, security, support, and encouragement. Pay attention to your body today. Notice how you are carrying yourself at this time. Make slight adjustments to body alignment, specifically posture. Open your body as a signal to further open your heart space. To get clear on this, simply tune into your breathing while sitting or standing. Observe tendencies to slouch or cave in the chest area. Pull your shoulders back, tilt your chest to the sky, and allow more space in you chest area. Feel as though your heart space is reaching toward the cosmos. You might need to strengthen upper back muscles or stretch in order to reposition this feeling of openness in your body. Experiment. Play. Find what works best for you. ❥❥ Breath Work - Open ❥❥ Your system is recalibrating perceptions of higher potential. You are more clear in all areas of your system. More expanded, less dense, and therefore, ready for more light. Again, take some time and adjust your physical vessel to a higher state of receiving. Take a very deep, exaggeratedly deep breath, and fill your lungs to capacity. At the top of the inhale, hold for a few seconds. Just before you exhale, perform a pulsing movement whereby you breathe in just a little more, extending your lung capacity even further. Repeat a few more times. With each mini-extending inhale, you open up your system even more and increase potential for oxygen intake and lung capacity. Release breathe fully, slowly, and pause at the end of the exhale. Repeat this breathing for 5 min. You will notice a marked increase in energy and vitality. along with a relaxed. calm sensation in your body. You will feel physical expansion that is in alignment with the energetic expansion already underway in your system. Enjoy the power of your body to lead you through your ascension into unity conscious. Share with those close to you. Practice together, and amplify these high vibrations. ! Activation is complete: Leading with an Open Heart ! Crystal - Blue Lace Agate Sound Frequency - FA - 639 Hz |
November 09, 2018
⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈ONENESS GRID⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈ The veil is lifting on all areas of your life. It is also lifting around you. ! Activation begins: Transparency! Clarity! Freedom! Truth! ! The facade you employ as a false sense of security, love, image, etc. is no longer tenable. True clarity persists. There is another expression wanting to burst the bubble of your false image of self. You are literally destroying your own image from within. This is a byproduct of your intention to serve the all. We are all one consciousness. We no longer need barriers of separation - insecurity, lack, anger, etc. - you don’t need to reinforce difference in any way. It is not serving you or anyone else. You know this to be true, yet there are times when you are still triggered to a certain way of being. That's fine. It's normal. You are human. We understand and we accept you. Do you understand you? Do you accept yourself? Recognition is progress. Knowing self is progress. Acceptance is progress. Forgiveness is progress. Love and more love and more love and more love and more love and more love and more love and more love for self and others is progress. We are all the same at the core. We are love/light. What happens when your false image of self falls away? How do you respond? How can you comfort yourself, or celebrate? Perhaps you feel a sense of relief? Maybe even joyful? You no longer have to waste creation energy pretending for the sake of the illusion. The illusion doesn’t exist in the same way for you right now and it never will again. It is but a shell of its former self. Only the very old programs still run it. They simply haven’t been deleted yet. Take some time today and delete old programming - anything you are doing that simply doesn’t make sense or fit with your current energy frequency. This might mean a change of routine. This might mean slight variations in food or beverage or sleep or exercise. You are able to discern these things effortlessly, you simply have to put your higher state of consciousness on to it. Have patience. You are processing many wonderful experiences and emotions. Rapid release and return to unity consciousness is well underway. Take some time over the weekend to clear out physical clutter or process any unnecessary emotional content. Use hand-on-heart breathing, EFT, visualization, meditation, or whatever works for you. Become determined to process in your own way and at your own pace. Serve yourself with these energies. They are abundant They are efficient. Clearing will happen quickly and you will feel strangely soothed and relieved. When you are finished, rest or do something you love. Spread your joyful, loving energies. We all feel it and we are infinitely grateful. ! Activation is complete: Transparency! Clarity! Freedom! Truth! ! ⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉ONENESS GRID⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈ Crystal - Citrine Sound Frequency - MI - 528 Hz |
November 08, 2018
As crown chakra updates continue, dreams and visions figure prominently. Chances are you will be more likely to remember your dreams and you will awake with actionable information. ! Activation begins: Conscious Sleep and Dreams ! Your dreams are showing you your current level of subconscious patterning that may be causing your pain, and also your ability to relieve this suffering. They are also showing you areas of your life where you are feeling unnecessarily responsible. This will be unique for each person and will mostly point to worthiness issues. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. You are worthy of releasing suffering, whether you are conscious of it or not. You are worthy of complete freedom from all suffering. △ Alert Affirmation - "I am worthy." △ Say it out loud. Say it with force. Say it with intent. Repeat it multiple times today until you feel the power of truth. Try repeating this right before sleep and allow your energy body reprogram your subconscious mind. As for your dreams, you will also be shown potentials you haven't considered before, but that make perfect sense. This causes you to feel encouraged and strengthened especially in terms of how you are serving and carrying out your purpose. This kind of dream information might bring certain fears to the surface, but only if you choose to see this particular guidance from that perspective. Tune into your intentions. Notice how they are lining up with what you are manifesting at this time. Are you not getting exactly what you have asked for? How can you reorient your perspective to release fear and therefore manifest differently? Check in and get clear. What frequency are you manifesting from? Your dreams and visions are offering further alignment and more opportunities to balance polarity. Go there consciously and with intent tonight. Now. You can’t make a mistake. You can’t do any wrong. When you are ready, we will meet you there, where you will recognize our frequency immediately, and you will be at home in our togetherness. We are all in the same energy right now - that of the one infinite creator. Take solace, and dream yourself to freedom. One. Always. Forever. ! Activation is complete: Conscious Sleep and Dreams ! Crystal - Fluorite Sound Frequency - SOL - 741 Hz |
November 07, 2018
! Activation begins: Ego Dissolution ! You can’t hang on to the illusion of ego any longer. Your identity cracks and dissolves. You can’t keep up the facade. Perhaps you are scared that others will see you for who you really are - all the failures, the missteps, the not living up to your potential. This is undoubtedly a childhood program you took up for protection to ensure that you would feel love, especially in situations when you could not love yourself. ∪ Fill Up With Self-Love Now ∪ This calls for extreme self-love. Self-love to the very core. Self-love is the best protection. Self-love is the gateway to all other loving feelings. Take some time today and amp up your self-love protocols. You might think you are self loving - but you can love yourself even more. ∪ Fill Up With Self-Love Now ∪ There is no room left for a false sense of self based on subconscious programming. There is no room left for anything that is not love. The incoming light is recalibrating your system to receive and to transmit light. This light is love. This love/light begins within. ∪ Fill Up With Self-Love Now ∪ Anything, everything else is being transmuted at this time. It’s happening naturally. Self-love is the key to this transmutation. Release resistance to what is. Accept it. Accept yourself. Then, move on, with greater feelings of self-love and acceptance. Make a conscious choice for self that is beyond polarity - no strings, no conditions attached. Go beyond what you think you know is possible. Go beyond feeling to the pure love of source creation. ∪ Fill Up With Self-Love Now ∪ Your higher self guides the way. Your higher self leads you to more love. Follow. Allow yourself to be guided. Your heart is constantly expanding. You have nothing to lose. You only have to love. ! Activation is complete: Ego Dissolution ! ●◉● Join us for the New Moon Meditation. Take a moment on Wednesday night to reflect on and gather up your intentions for review and declaration. Notice what you notice. Write your thoughts down or make a mental list that you can return to over the next few weeks. This is will help ground the thinking mind with soul action. You are worth soul action. You are more than your thinking mind. ●◉● Crystal - Rhodochrosite Sound Frequency - FA - 639 Hz NEW MOON GROUP MEDITATION NOVEMBER 07, 2018 @ 9:00 pm EST Theme: INNOCENCE |
November 06, 2018
When you find yourself in polarity, it’s one perspective set against another. They are equal. They need each other to exist. The tension is the same - equal pain, and proportion of suffering. There is no way out of the dichotomous split - not at the level of the split. Each choice is necessarily incomplete. ! Activation begins: Solar Plexus Light Upgrade ! This is a solar plexus chakra aspect. It is also the power of receiving in the now moment. When the polarity dissolves, the situation, issue, challenge also dissolves or resolves or disappears. Seen from a perspective of wholeness and completeness, the tension of one or the other can not exist. In general, this polarity refers to old programs still running around your system. Collectively, you are in a process of clearing all of these old ways and structures. You simply take leave of this way of thinking and take on another - a state of beingness that is empty and devoid of polarity. Seek out where the tension of polarized thinking lives in your body. Balance your thinking. Love you body into harmony. Feel one way and feel the other with equal conviction. Then, offer yourself the freedom of neither. Become empty. Detach from perspective. Polarized thinking will resolve easily and effortlessly in your system, and the 3D reality will follow suit. You don’t know what will come in its place, but it is a time of rapid change - something will give way. All energies are causing opportunities for you to release not only polarities, but the fears that underpin them. These fears are holding you back from receiving more. Open to receive more. If you are scared of something or something is holding you back, use this tool to release and balance. Use this tool to receive the next steps. Progress into the unknown. If you never thought you’d be here, it’s the right place. Now is the only time. △ Alert Affirmation - "I receive now. I receive more now." △ If you are feeling stuck or blocked today, use the following tapping protocol: = EFT Opportunity: “Even though at some level I am scared to receive more and perhaps, I am scared to receive infinite or more power or more harmony in my life, I choose to love and honour myself anyway. I choose to deeply and completely love and accept myself." = (click for more information about how to perform EFT) We will meet you there, in the power of our togetherness and the infinite love of source creation. ! Activation is complete: Solar Plexus Light Upgrade ! Crystal - Sunstone Sound Frequency - RE - 417 Hz |
November 05, 2018
You progress with the intention of allowing the highest expression of love and light to guide your unfoldment. This means you move through experience ever present to the now moment. This is a neutral space. It is a space that is not defined in any way, so as to allow infinite potential to be actively and consciously chosen. In now moment, you are not really you. You are all. You are a multidimensional expression of consciousness. There is no me. There is only infinite. To allow infinite means you have no resistance. You release all density because it is blocking the flow of this potential. It is not personal. Again, it has little to do with your humanness. This is the truth of your multidimensionality. To fully receive is beyond human comprehension. You leave this to your energy body and your energy body fully embraces alignment with your highest good. This balancing process will be revealing. You will see clearly what to seek out and what to leave behind. It also calls on courage to let go of that what no longer serves. It calls upon your fighting spirit. You are going for sovereignty, freedom. You are worth it. This is another gentle reminder to face your fears head on. You are learning. You are loving. There is more. Go for it! Do not give up. Do not be dissuaded. You are always protected. We are always with you. △ Alert Affirmation - "I am embraced by spirit. I move through my experiences with spirit. I am never alone. I am not giving up. I fight for the light. I fight for our togetherness." △ This is not a literally fight, but an energetic one. Be kind and gentle with our body. Rest and relax. Recharge. Be joyful and loving with self and others. Keep going. Keep fighting for oneness. Crystal - Abalone Shell Sound Frequency - LA - 852 Hz |
November 02, 2018
The irony : so much life, love, light and you might be going through periods where you feel cut off. It can be frustrating. You can choose to shift your and attention and flip your thinking. Simply reverse your feeling and affirm the opposite*. A blindspot will be revealed. Play. Experiment. Deliberately try and trick yourself into choosing another timeline or another perspective. For in actuality, this process is increasing clarity exponentially. Yes!! This frustration is actually a good thing! ∪ Fill Up With Gratitude For Feelings Of Being Blocked And Frustrated ∪ △ Alert Affirmation: "I am *the opposite of how I am currently feeling." △ ! Activation begins: Ascension is a mystery of great beauty and wonder. ! Face this upgrade head on. Surrender even more fully to the unknown. You are literally immersed in a process of mystery and wonder. We only have so many words with which to communicate. Your human experience is also necessarily limited. We all chose to participate in this becoming, evolutionary process. It is honour, duty, the greatest achievement, all rolled into one. Yes! Oneness. Again. Again. Again. This is the enormous power of the now moment. This is your free will. You know the liminal space beyond your thinking mind. No thoughts. No sounds. No images. Peaceful emptiness. Immediate connection to divinity. Silence. Then you begin to mix, mingle, become other worlds of consciousness. You have no thought of it. Only this emptyish feeling of surrender to magic. You can feel the magic as the power of heightened awareness stretching your knowing. There is no thinking of this. There are no words, no concepts. This is all new. This is you playing with and experimenting within direct infinity. Continue to actively release thought, knowledge, patterns of thinking, etc. that do not serve more love for all. Loving you is loving all. Loving all is the greatest expression of loving you. This feeling of silence, weightlessness, of drifting in absolute support - you are cradled. You are a quiet joy. You are the powerful feeling/frequency of bliss. Go there. Now. The alternative is that you might feel small, when actually you are expanding. We will continue to repeat this teaching. We will continue to try to put it into words so that there may be human understanding. These days are very special, but they are also frustrating. You might react by retreating into fear or containment when the energies are really creating more space for a bigger expression of you. You are perfectly comfortable venturing into the unknown, but you still have pesky subconscious habits of wanting to stay comfortable. Problem is you don’t even know what comfortable is anymore. Your energy wants to show you. Allow your energy to show you. It's a good time to practice focussed awareness attention. Use the Meditation Candle. No thoughts, just focus on the flame. No thoughts. Flame. You don’t know. Your energy does. Release thought. Focus on flame. We will meet you in the fire of your becoming. ! Activation is complete: Ascension is a mystery of great beauty and wonder. ! Crystal - Clear Quartz Sound Frequency - LA - 852 Hz |
November 01, 2018
Pushing. Pulling. Reaching. Extending. More. Always more. More levels. You go higher, higher, higher. You reach heights of light you never thought possible. You go higher still. You are ascending. ⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉ONENESS GRID⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉ This is not a hierarchy. There is no competition. There is no need for it. No need for anything. There are only cycles within cycles that take you to elevated states of consciousness. This can hardly be generalized in terms of exactly how these energies effect each person. You are unique. Your process is unique. Thank goodness. Your raison d'être is your gift. Your unique experience is shared with all. Always more, always higher, always reaching, stretching, extending. As an energetic being, you have no fear. There is nothing to be scared of. Nothing to hold you back. When you are ready, you simply advance. Progress. Further seeking more love and deeper appreciation and wonder and more connected into oneness consciousness. You naturally add, share, and enrich the all. Your continued seeking of love edges you ever closer to infinite. You already are, but your experience here on earth is to test it, find it, seek it out, and believe in it with all your heart. Congratulations! You are succeeding! You are victorious! Take a moment today and celebrate your accomplishments. Acknowledge your progress. Love yourself and your experiences. Especially as the crown chakra continues to be activated. Yes! You can love yourself more. You can attain even higher levels of self-love. Try it. Why not? ⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈ONENESS GRID⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈ We will meet you there. Crystal - Rose Quartz Sound Frequency - LA - 852 Hz |
October 31, 2018
These intensely powerful incoming streams of light can be disorienting. You can be prepared for it, and then be thrown completely off balance. Actually, that’s kind of the point. The idea is to shake you from this reality to another. You are in a process of releasing separation and embracing unity consciousness. Our togetherness is the only thing that matters. It is the very fabric of your/our consciousness. ! Activation begins: Powerful, Intense Light Body Upgrade ! The focus of light continues to be on the crown chakra. The aperture widens. You expand. You are wide open. These kind of intensely powerful light body upgrades make the familiar seem very far away. You might even have periods of disorientation or confusion. The everyday might become blurry, unrecognizable. Normal seems difficult to access, if you ever knew what that was to begin with. However, your experience will feel very localized, very personal. There is a tendency to feel alone. You might even feel a sense of loss that causes fear or sadness. You are losing one reality in favor of another. The benefits of this new collective expression can not be fully translated into words. The energies of oneness, of infinite are beyond mind and beyond linear understanding. You trust the energies will show the way. These energies have always been there for you. They are the heart of you. Today is an optimum day to ask for guidance - angelic, devic, fairy, little people, ascended masters, relatives and ancestors on the other side, etc. Someone is speaking to you right now. All you have to do is listen. In particular, notice any time you feel silenced, small, shut down, contained, trapped, etc. This is you in an energetic state of expansion. Your human self doesn’t know. It can't. It has to do the best it can to protect you by eliciting a feeling of insecurity or separation. Your humanness needs to be reminded that you are so much more. Your humanness needs heart-felt gratitude and appreciation. Your humanness needs to feel safe and supported. Ask for guidance. You might be surprised at who or what energy comes forward to serve you. Commune. Mix. Mingle. Share. This is vibrational, and you are tuned beautifully to receive. As always, we are with you. We exist to communicate with you. Ask. We will answer you. Our love/light surrounds you, within and without. We are one. ! Activations complete: Powerful, Intense Light Body Upgrade ! Crystal - Celestite Sound Frequency - SI - 963 Hz |
October 25, 2018
⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉ONENESS GRID ⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉ Your conscious experimentation with subtle energies continues. You are more inspired than ever before to let go of anything that is not serving you and tune in ever more deeply and clearly to the higher frequencies that are here to support your spiritual growth and progress. ! Activation begins: There Is Nothing Else ! There is nothing more important than your progression to knowing more love. There is nothing more important than your progression to know yourself as source creation. There is nothing more important than your progression into oneness and unity consciousness. This offers you more and more opportunities to accept self and others. Any resistance that comes up immediately triggers you to softness and compassion and forgiveness. You know how to be in this state of pure surrender where you are able to mix and mingle with the power and flow of pure source energy. Your system continues to strengthen exponentially with light. You don’t always understand it. That’s ok. We see it like this. Your inner light - the source creator light within - expands and gets brighter. This is a continually process at this time. More light. More love. You can’t stop it now. Ascension energies are carrying you further within where your light just gets brighter and more powerful. At the same time, there is a column of light that travels, continuously from the bottom to the top of your system. This energy comes from your connection to both the earth and the cosmic flow of light. It moves upward and connects, replenishes, and strengthens all of your chakra energy centers. Again, you can try to limit this receiving, but it takes work to do so. It’s much easier to surrender to this incoming light and let your energy body show you what’s next. These two light sources work beautifully together. They give you all the strength, clarity, power, and purity your system requires at this time. Can you discern these subtle light energies in your system? < 20 min. Meditation - Subtle Light Energies > Can you visualize a light expanding from within that is so bright that you can barely look at it? Can you feeling light energy moving constantly and powerfully in an upward stream in your system? What comes up as this upward moving light meets each of your energy centers? Spend some time today feeling, sensing, and visualizing light energy in your system. This will be both a revealing and rejuvenating experience. When you are finished, just for fun, run a light program. Share yourself energetically. Serve our togetherness. Again, something will be revealed and you will feel a sense of rejuvenation. ////RUN LIGHT PROGRAM - Send love/light to all energies\\\\ In joy! We meet you in joy!! ! Activation is complete: There Is Nothing Else ! ⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉ONENESS GRID ⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉ Crystal - Pyrite Sound Frequency - LA - 852 Hz |
October 24, 2018
Aren’t these distinctly unusual times? Doesn't the mystery of creation seem more palpable than usual? You might be wondering how you fit into it all? ! Activation begins: Mystery of Creation ! You are the heart and soul of this mystery. This mystery is you! You are the energy of source creation. Infinite source energy is you. You are creating all of the evidence of empowerment and self-realization you are experiencing. Inner power is yours, now and always. You are the CREATOR! You are INFINITE INTELLIGENCE! You are!! You are!! You are!! This combination of feeling in control and also immersed in a mystery that feels beyond your control keeps you on the edge of humanness. Your higher self is increasingly involved in your experience, and as such, your human self might feel a little discombobulated. This is the power of your surrender to infinite intelligence, and it is also the role self love plays in your experience of being human. You love yourself into deep relaxation and joy in every moment you can. You release control because you have faith in source energy and you know that the lower vibrations no longer have any traction in your system. This is cause for celebration! 🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊 Find a state of deep gratitude for your experiences today. All of them. Rest as much as you can in order to relax into this awareness. Your humanness is keeping up beautifully with all the change you are creating at this time but in order to really connect to the joy and appreciation of all of these wondrous things, you need to care deeply for your physical vessel. The earth is uniquely positioned to aid and assist. Ask. You will be guided. The information you receive will be deceptively simple - feeling the sun on your face, gazing into a lake or river, spending time with a flower or plant, walking or standing barefoot in your yard or neighbourhood park, strolling in the rain, etc. This rejuvenation will happen quickly. Receive the earth with your self loving feelings. This is the magic!! You are the magic!! ! Activation is complete: Mystery of Creation ! Crystal - Apatite Sound Frequency - MI - 528 Hz |
October 23, 2018
Manifestation energies continue to be at the forefront of your conscious awareness. This is pure potential, and these energies feel as though they are at your fingertips. ! Activation begins: Honesty!!! Integrity!!! In Manifestation and More ! Are you sure you are able to be this powerful? Clarify any limitations that come up right now. Are you worthy of having this much power at your fingertips? What is preventing you from being immersed in the power available to you in the now moment? #JOURNAL-IHaveNoticedTheFollowingBlocksToManifestation# Wonderful! You have already identified a few aspects that might be blocking you. Again, this is not necessarily past programming. Those aspects are not informing you so much right now. In addition, these are also not necessarily future worries or concerns. This is new territory and new aspects are being revealed to that are pertinent for you right now. These aspects might seem unusual or arbitrary, but they are not. They are the culmination of incoming light that is illuminating a blind spot, in addition to you acquiring a unique state of receiving that you haven’t been ready for until right now. Now! Now! Now! Now! Now! Now! Now! Now! Now! Now! Now! Now! Now! It’s as if the now moment expands and you are able to play more within it. It’s as though you have a sense awareness of the nature of infinite and the simultaneous expression of all things. Use this expanded state to see what’s coming next. This is real and true progress. You know it to be true, and you want more. Consider the immense gift of any and all triggers that present to you at this time. They are showing the way forward. Clear the emotional stagnation with precision. You have done this many times before. You will not be as tempted to feel bogged down in emotional energies, so be courageous. This is a time to bravely claim more of yourself for you. If necessary tap into release and relaxation. Clear your system of anything unnecessary, and carry on with your creations in a state of curiosity and wonder. = EFT Opportunity: “Even though I have identified the following blocks to manifestation that are impacting me right now, I deeply and completely love and accept myself. I choose to clear any and all blocks. I choose to claim my infinite worthiness." = (click for more information about how to perform EFT) Now! Now! Now! Now! Now! Now! Now! Now! Now! Now! Now! Now! Now! Ask yourself again: Are you worthy of having this much power at your fingertips? What is preventing you from being immersed in the power available to you in the now moment? Progress into the mystery of creation. ! Activation is complete: Honesty!!! Integrity!!! In Manifestation and More ! Crystal - Amethyst Sound Frequency - SI - 963 Hz |
October 22, 2018
Manifestation energies converge! You are reminded of just how powerful you are. You might even surprise yourself with an expression of resourcefulness you didn’t know you had. ! Activation begins: Super Human Manifestation ! The incoming light energy continues to show that you are more than you think you are. These are wonderful, inspired energies that cause you to feel strong and confident in all your actions. ∪ Fill Up With Gratitude Now ∪ Make the most of these energies by continuing your commitment to simultaneously entrain focused attention while in a deeply relaxed state. You are creating a pure, clear channel that allows these energies to move freely throughout your system. It is a good time to move forward with whatever you are in the midst of creating for yourself. Act now! Be bold! Why not? Consider that these energies are the magic stuff of new beginnings. In addition to moving your creations forward with these intensely powerful energies, also consider anything new that you have been wanting to call forth. Dream big! Dream Bigger! Why not? Be clear about the how and why you are desiring these creations. Be clear about how it feels to be connected to source energy. This is a pure flow state - incredibly supportive and free. Most importantly, stay relaxed and joyful. Your manifestation happens now! Not in the future or the past. The magic happens in the now moment. Stay conscious and present and you will continue to experience flow and abundance. We will me you there. We meet you in the shared joy of all creation. ∪ Fill Up With Gratitude Now ∪ ! Activation is complete: Super Human Manifestation ! Crystal - Clear Quartz Sound Frequency - SI - 963 Hz |
October 19, 2018
Everything you asked for is coming to be. How do you feel about it? #JOURNAL-EverythingIAskedForIsComingToBe# Perhaps, those feelings are getting in the way?? ! Activation begins: Not yours ! The incoming light is purging all levels of your system. There are aspects of self you simply can’t hold on to or defend anymore. →This brings into sharp focus that which you cling to for no good reason.← Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Repeat. Again. Remain constant with your breathing. There is infinite space for all perspectives in this earthly expression. Take some space for yours. Allow others the space for theirs. Recognize there is room for all. Remain constant with your breathing. You can do with releasing more. More distraction. More unnecessary feeling. More of that which causes you to feel less powerful, abundant, capable, etc. than you are. Remain constant with your breathing. This is your choice. The catalyzing energies are there for you to consciously intend. They will always be there for you. These energies are expanding within your system. You increasingly have more power at your disposal. What are you going to use it for? #JOURNAL-HowAmIServing# We are always here for you. What can we do for you? Please ask: "How do I create more space for my expressions and those of others?" "How can I release the need to shut down my expressions and the expressions of others?" "How can I use my energy to serve the highest good of all?" < 20 min. Meditation - Open. Space. > You have received some information that will allow to to serve more fully. NOW! You are free! You can allow the freedom of others! ! Activation is complete: Not yours ! Crystal - Turquoise Sound Frequency - MI - 528 Hz |
October 18, 2018
More power equals more conviction and determination. This gives you special gifts that aid in your ability to perceive limitation, and consequently, relieve its hold on your system. ! Activation begins: Every Last Drop ! You know clearly what serves you and what does not. In particular, lately, you have had a keen awareness of the ways in which anger shuts down the flow of light/love in your system. ∪ Fill Up With Gratitude Now ∪ △ Alert Affirmation - "Thank you for every experience. My experiences are not judged as good or bad. They are infinite gifts to the all of our togetherness." △ 💜Thank you for seeing the truth of low vibrations in the illusion. Thank you for seeing the value of your beingness.💜 Consider that today is an excellent time to reinforce a commitment to releasing every last drop of anger energy from your system. Even if you are not feeling anger, go deeper and release something you perceive as a cause of anger for the collective. You will be called into the perfect energies to assist connection and reception. To get started - relax. Enjoy a peaceful feeling of breath in and breath out. Relax your body. Gently. Lovingly. Relax your mind. It feels good to be this relaxed. Pick your favourite tapping spot and begin to tap softly. Tap on whatever anger energy arises. Tap for 10-20 minutes while in this deeply related state. = EFT Opportunity: “Even though I have anger/upset/angst/discord/resentment in my system, I deeply and completely love and accept myself." = (click for more information about how to perform EFT) All of this anger. All of this upset. All of this discord. Where does the tapping take you? Continue with more specific tapping and go further. In addition, take some time today to be in a relaxed, wondourous state with the earth. Feel the power of the earth. Allow the earth to harmonize and dissolve whatever comes up for you. Consciously attune to the earth. Earth love/light is fueling your energetic evolution and your empowerment. Relax with the earth, and be in joy together! ! Activation is complete: Every Last Drop ! Crystal - Selenite Sound Frequency - SOL - 741 Hz |
October 17, 2018
◉ Enter Healing Sphere Now ◉ You might be feeling a little worn out lately. That's OK. This is a temporary feeling. The powerful incoming light continues to fuel your progression in a constant and unwavering fashion. You feel buoyed spiritually, and this keeps you pressing on, regardless of how you might feel physically. We see it like this - your power centers are being powered up. In particular, the solar plexus is receiving strength and stamina. Your light is gaining in brilliance. Spend some time today focusing on the color yellow. 🌟🌻🌞🍋🍌🔥🌙💫🌝🌼🐝🐥⚡️🌅💛 🌟🌻🌞🍋🍌🔥🌙💫🌝🌼🐝🐥⚡️🌅💛 🌟🌻🌞🍋🍌🔥 Connect to your feeling centres, take note of incoming information, and release all and everything to the space of potential beyond your thinking mind. You will experience extreme feelings of confidence. Heavy confidence. You will wonder why you ever felt so shy and small before. You will feel strong, as though you have completed something monumental. It might not seem so in the illusion, but energetically you are moving mountains of density not just for you but for all. The perceptions of separation are clearly evident, and you naturally move towards the whole. Thankfully, you are quite sure what you want to participate in or not. You feel empowered to a sense of neutrality and to a space of potential that is not limited or defined by your mind. Pay attention to what comes up to remind you of vulnerability. Specifically, these could be images, information, etc. of helplessness - a newborn baby, an injured animal - how do these feelings coincide with your empowerment? What can you feel more deeply? Can you feel as though you are the helplessness yourself? How does this coincide with your empowerment? This awareness might be subtle at first. Set an intention to follow your curiosity. Notice how the knowing becomes stronger. This subtle discernment of energetic patterns and frequencies - the truth - exemplifies your growing power. It necessitates slowing down, becoming reflective, contemplative, and peaceful, in order to receive the gift of knowledge. Consider dialing back your routine in favor of more rest and quiet time. Just for a little while, commit to receiving the full potency of power that is available to you at this time. Surrender to it. Let the energies change you. ◉ Exit Healing Sphere Now ◉ Crystal - Aventurine Sound Frequency - RE - 417 Hz |
October 16, 2018
*********MESSAGE FROM THE PLEIADIANS******** Unity. Clarity. Wholeness. Wonder. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. Let’s meet in the spirit and feeling of these words. Let's meet in the simplicity and clarity of pure love. Let’s meet in the light energy of our shared experience. There are reflections of you in everything thing you see and do - every person you see and meet is you. These little pieces of you are scattered all over the place. You are the soul of each of them. These aspects of you - good, bad, scary, happy, abundant, violent, resistant, defensive, joyful, innocence, peaceful - are in a process of coming home to you. The light-encoded, unifying forces or ascension energies are beyond your control, but they are simultaneously, your intention, your purpose, and your devotion. This is what you want and don’t want. This is the space in between polarity that is free. When you feel pulled away from love, look closer. Find the love that is you on the way home to you. See your love in all things. See all things/people as your love, your body and soul, your universal experience. Consciously integrate these energetic soul fragments into your energy body and they will be healed, resolved, balanced, and ready to be deployed as more love. Everything you see, experience, and relate to and with, is an expression of you. Love it deeply. Fill it with light. Trust yourself beyond the thinking mind. Trust your energy body that exists beyond mind. Trust your love/light. In closing, we thank you for your service. We thank you for your progress. We thank you for your fearlessness. We thank you for your awareness. This is a great and wondrous mystery. Be filled with the awe of creation. Open. Open. Open. Open. Open. Open. Open. Open. Open. Open. Open. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. Receive. Receive. Receive. Receive. Receive. Receive. Receive. Receive. ***************************MESSAGE IS RECEIVED********************* Crystal - Celestite Sound Frequency - FA - 639 Hz |
October 15, 2018
Incoming streams of light continue to change the very depths of you, including who you think and perceive yourself to be in this world (and others) AND the ways you feel about yourself and your abilities to serve. ! Activation begins: The Space of Potential ! You are increasingly able to discern what is real and truthful for you from that which is unnecessary distraction. You are entraining a different level of focused attention. This cuts through any thought or feeling that doesn’t serve you and it illuminates the gifts of your experiences, no matter how painful or uncomfortable. ∪ Fill Up With Gratitude Now ∪ Part of this is because you are not dwelling in your human story in the same ways you once did. You no longer identify so strongly with the limitations of the illusion. Therefore, it is much easier for you to find that space beyond the thinking mind. This is the space of pure potential that is available to you at all times regardless of circumstance. This is your faith in freedom and infinite worth. YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! It is actually a lot more enjoyable to be in this space - free of limitation, distraction, lack, and unworthiness. And now, you trust this space more and more to be the true catalyst of action and change that you seek. △ Alert Affirmation - "I am this space of potential that exists beyond my thinking mind." △ Trust it. Play with it. What else can you achieve in this space? How else can you serve? You know what it feels like to be you without thought. You know the power and clarity. Spend as much time there as you can today. Just for fun, send light. Because when you do, you are in that space where the mind has no choice but to let the energy body take over and follow your intention. ////RUN LIGHT PROGRAM - Send love/light to all energies\\\\ ! Activation is complete: The Space of Potential ! Crystal - Clear Quartz Sound Frequency - SI - 963 Hz |
October 12, 2018
The illusion is a contracted world of necessary imbalance. The hypermasculine bent is only there for you to seek, feel, release, and know the ways in which the limitations you once believed in are revealed to be support and love. ! Activation begins: Balancing Masculine and Feminine Energies in your System ! This is you accessing divine power, which is already you and yours. This is source energy that is available to all. What does it take for you to experience and know this connection to source? This process of knowing and experiencing source energy is not about anyone else but you. You can not know or experience this through another. This is your awakening! Your power! Your truth! Do not put it into the hands of another because you don’t think you can do it. You are doing it already and it is beautifully done. This light of you from within keeps you on edge. It keeps you in a state of seeking. How much can you exist in this state of curiosity? Test yourself lovingly. This is not a race or a competition. Beware of the conditioning of the hypermasculine illusion. You will not overcome it, if you become it. Go to your soft, gentle, forgiving nature. Realize the gift, opportunity, option, choice that these energies present to you. When you surrender to the grace and beauty within, you are reminded that you deserve to feel as source energy. You are it! 🌟 NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW 🌟 You are going all the way. You are unable to contain your desires and also your truth any longer. These hypermasculine energies are also catalyzing energies that offer awareness of courage, determination, deliberation, and release. In particular, notice all the ways you are looking for confirmation from others before choosing to believe in self. To repeat. What does it take for you to experience, know, and believe your unique connection to source over all other perspectives? Do what you need to do. Do it with faith and love. Do it in the truth that you are the creator. ! Activation is complete: Balancing Masculine and Feminine Energies in your System ! Crystal - Black Tourmaline Sound Frequency - MI - 528 Hz |
October 11, 2018
We enter into another blast of light energy that soothes your system with the beauty, softness, and grace of the divine feminine. ! Activation begins: Divine Feminine ! 🌷These energies are causing you to slow down a little, and perceive differently. 💓These energies are like a balm for areas of the physical body that require harmonization. 🌸These energies are lilting and sweet and will take you from worry, doubt, and angst into full surrender. 💞These energies are here to calm you and connect you. We are all one. You are inextricably part of this whole. To repeat. There is nothing wrong with you. There is nothing to fix. There is no need to become anything that you aren’t already. (This includes any hint of lack or unworthiness.) The incoming energies of the divine feminine are gracing your system to open portals for you to see and perceive your reality in new ways. It is your choice. The choice is readily available to all. 💖You will be called inward to heal yourself at a deeper level than you have known before. 🌺You will be called to release anything that is distracting you from seeing yourself as pure love. 💖You will increasingly be able to stay in and know the power of the present moment. Allow these energies to guide you to knowing more of you. Allow these energies to release anything that is taking you away from you. Surrender is not giving up. It is giving in to your divinity. Relax and go within. We will meet you there. ! Activation is complete: Divine Feminine ! Crystal - Moonstone Sound Frequency - FA - 639 Hz * October 10, 2018 More shifting into the truth of who you are. More jumping into dimensions and realities that are more in alignment with your essence. More going within to know who you are here to be. More looking without to catalyze service for others. ! Activation begins: Chakra Balancing ! 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈 Begin with a steady rhythm of breath in and out. Release your mind, just for a few moments, and go within. Tune into your energy body and set an intention to balance, restore, purify, and strength each chakra. Simply close your eyes and imagine spheres or circles of light energy on your mind screen. You don’t have to worry about where these are located necessarily. This is a very simple exercise of shape and color. Your higher self will do the rest of the work on your behalf. Just imagine shape and colour. See the brilliance of deep colour and the brightness of infinite light. We begin with red. Imagine a circle of red light. This is your red light. We are clearing red. We are restoring red. We are red. We are. Balanced. We move to orange. Imagine a circle of orange light. This is your orange light. We are clearing orange. We are restoring orange. We are orange. We are. Balanced. We move to yellow. Imagine a circle of yellow light. This is your yellow light. We are clearing yellow. We are restoring yellow. We are yellow. We are. Balanced. We move to green. Imagine a circle of green light. This is your green light. We are clearing green. We are restoring green. We are green. We are. Balanced. We move to blue. Imagine a circle of blue light. This is your blue light. We are clearing blue. We are restoring blue. We are blue. We are. Balanced. We move to indigo. Imagine a circle of indigo light. This is your indigo light. We are clearing indigo. We are restoring indigo. We are indigo. We are. Balanced. We move to violet. Imagine a circle of violet light. This is your violet light. We are clearing violet. We are restoring violet. We are violet. We are. Balanced. 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈 What did you notice? Movement or spinning? Quality of brightness? Feelings? Awarenesses? Where did you feel more or less in balance? What is your energy body trying to tell you? #JOURNAL-QualitiesAndExperiencesOfMyChakraEnergy# Repeat this exercise - imagine even brighter colors perhaps a larger circle. How can your imagination and conscious awareness serve to further strengthen your chakras? Ask! The answer is - infinitely!! ! Activation is complete: Chakra Balancing ! Crystal - Clear Quartz Sound Frequency - 174 Hz * October 09, 2018 Perhaps your encounters with your body - with really loving your body and wanting the best and cleanest and purest system - fully balanced and ready to transmute even more experience, are causing you to see things differently in your reality. You really feel ready to move forward. Chances are it will feel more like skipping, hopping, or jumping. ! Activation begins: Catapulting into Creativity ! Whether it is this discerning awareness of the role of your body in this incarnation and the link your physical vessel is to your divinity or some other fire that burns deeply inside, you feel more committed than ever before to unleash your creative will and to express it with everything you’ve got. Take some time today and clarify your creative energy and offering. What are you here to do? How are you uniquely positioned to serve? What are your gifts your strengths, etc? How can you better align with delivering your truth to the all? You will come up against some limitations. Thankfully, the illusion is always here to show you where and what you can grow into. ∪ Fill Up With Gratitude For Earthly Experience Now ∪ = EFT Opportunity: “Even though I have come up against some limitations in expressing the full force of my creative vision, I deeply and completely love and accept myself. I choose to release and grow. I choose to allow my creativity the fullest expression possible." = (click for more information about how to perform EFT) Pay special attention to where these limitations are located in your body. Simply place your hand on your stomach, back, throat, head, etc. - any place on the body where these feelings or sensations arise - and consciously send your love. You can tap with one hand to release and send love with the other to restore balance. After you are done, let your creative juices flow in the best way possible for you. Dream, write, dance, sing, draw, speak - just let it all out freely. Notice how with this kind of preparation for expression that taken for granted judgement does not even factor in. If it does, and that's alright too, simply repeat the tapping exercise while consciously sending love to the body. You take yourself to a place beyond mind, but fully grounded in your physical experience of fostering more love of self and all energies. Repeat and play. All creative energy is at your disposal. Express yourself and your creative desires until you are empty, until you feel as though you are resolved. Then rest and repeat and play again. Become empty again. Become full of feeling and expression and love and aliveness again. You’re unique truth and experience is the all of everything. Yes! You! ! Activation is complete: Catapulting into Creativity ! Crystal - Orange Calcite Sound Frequency - SOL - 741 Hz * October 08, 2018 You continue to merge within and without. This balancing of right and left, masculine and feminine, dark and light progresses at a rapid rate. ! Activation begins: BALANCE ! You are so much more than your body or earthly experience. At the same time, paradoxically, your body is your gateway / portal to know more love and creation energy. Your body is the vehicle for experience that is held so dear, and with so much reverence, by not only us your star family of light but by every incarnated being of humanity that is emerging into even more powerful remembrance of love/light. This balancing is oneness. Your body is the site of transmutation. It is your expression of free will and simultaneously your expression of divinity. Your body is your connection point between heaven/cosmos and earth. ∪ Fill Up With Gratitude For Your Body Now ∪ This is another gentle reminder to honour, cherish, love your physical vessel. As this balancing continues on and on into the infinity that you are, take special, extreme loving care with your body and the way it is processing these light transmissions that result in these great changes you are experiencing and witnessing at this time. In particular, you might notice certain aches, pains, or symptoms occurring on specific sides of your body. Your right knee might ache all of a sudden, or your lower back on the left side of your body. These sensations appear to come out of no where, but this is no accident. You are releasing density, and the time is NOW for these particular densities to leave. More importantly, you are being called to balance your beingness with love. Set an intention to invite these balancing energies into your physical vessel. Notice what you notice. Yes! This is a call to more self love. It happens now. It happens within. It happens constantly with these powerful light upgrades. Enjoy time spent loving your beautiful and powerfully connected physicality. In joyful celebration of you! ! Activation is complete: BALANCE ! ●◉● Join us for the New Moon Meditation. Take a moment on Monday night to reflect on and gather up your intentions for review and declaration. Notice what you notice. Write your thoughts down or make a mental list that you can return to over the next few weeks. This is will help ground the thinking mind with soul action. You are worth soul action. You are more than your thinking mind. ●◉● Crystal - Green Calcite Sound Frequency - FA - 639 Hz NEW MOON GROUP MEDITATION OCTOBER 8, 2018 @ 9:00 pm EST Theme: GRATITUDE * October 05, 2018 The power and strength of earth energies are available for your conscious communion. Your system is increasingly able to receive these energies and redeploy them to serve others. Experiment. Play. Imagine. Act. ! Activation begins: Earth Energy / Solar Plexus ! Relax into earth energy today. Your physical vessel will feel soothed, comforted, and relieved. Your energy body will feel connected to the infinite and your physical vessel will feel resolved and ready to carry out your purpose. This energy is traveling up your central column to catalyze your solar plexus chakra. Think of standing on the earth and your solar plexus is the sun in the sky. Take an even more multidimensional perspective and visualize yourself interacting with the earth in a variety of pleasing scenarios. If you walk to work on a concrete sidewalk, imagine you are walking in a forest. The earth is soft and spongy. The trees reach high above you. The path is dappled with bright sunlight. 🌞 If you walk your pet around your neighbourhood, imagine you are strolling together on a beach. The oceans rolls in the distance. The sand sinks your feet. Your beloved pet goes for a swim. You go for a swim. 🌊 If you sit in a desk in an office tower, imagine you are sitting in the middle of a meadow. Flowers sway in a gentle breeze. There are a few clouds in the sky that shape shift and tell you stories. You lay back and close your eyes. You are connected to the peaceful, powerful rhythms of the earth. ☁️ 🌼 You are connected to the peaceful, powerful rhythms of the earth. Can you feel the potential these energies?🌼 Take your favourite place, landscape, and/or feeling in nature and bring it into your everyday routine. The earth has so much energy to give you. Stay conscious in order to receive it. Stay multidimensional, and relax your hold on the rigidity of the illusion. Allow a good, relaxed feeling of communion. This might also include spending time with natural elements and receiving specific information and/or messages. The earth wants you to know that all is well. We want you to know that all is well. We are one. That’s the only message. ! Activation is complete: Earth Energy / Solar Plexus ! Crystal - Jasper Sound Frequency - RE - 417 Hz * October 04, 2018 It might feel like every morning you wake up, you hit your head on an energetic ceiling of sorts. ! Activation begins: "I remember..." ! Perhaps you feel as though you forget who you are. Perhaps you feel as though you are back to the beginning. Perhaps you feel like you have to do it all over again. Take a moment now and be with/within the infinite. You are not this seemingly forgetful person. You are the Creator. You are an expression of infinity. You are source energy. Wonderful! It can feel frustrating when it feels like the momentum of spiritual growth has ground to a halt. Maybe you even feel as though you are not getting anything out of it at all, or worse, that you are making no progress and/or are going backwards. That’s ok. That’s normal. There is nothing wrong with you. There are no mistakes. There is only light/love and the mystery of creation energy. = EFT Opportunity: “Even though I have this frustration in my system and it doesn’t feel like I am getting anywhere and what’s the point of all of this anyway, I deeply and completely love and accept myself. I choose to surrender. I choose to feel good no matter what." = (click for more information about how to perform EFT) Ok. Keep tapping until you start to feel more like your real self - calm, relaxed, open, willing, supported, loved, abundant, etc. The incoming light is causing great change at a rapid rate. You are skipping, hopping, jumping, and exploring alternate timelines and realities. Take some time today to love and honour your physical body, which is on the front-lines of this human experience. You can’t do everything in the illusion and maintain this high frequency. You have to surrender to the illusion and stay with the energies you are consciously choosing. It’s ok. These energies soothe your humanness. They take you into a sphere healing of light. ◉ Enter Healing Sphere Now ◉ Consider a note or some kind of reminder posted by your bed that you can see clearly upon waking. It says: "I am one with the creator. I am connected to all energies. I am a being of light. I am not my body. I am not the illusion. I am all. I am everything. I am creation energies. I am the Creator." Use words that resonate with you. Use words that will inspire feelings that will wake you up (again) to the truth of your metaphysical, multidimensional existence. As you transition into higher and higher light frequencies, you will have to help your humanness along. Why not partner in this way? Why not collaborate and co-create with the multidimensionality of you? Simply rest and remind yourself many times throughout the day, but especially in the morning. Remind yourself to feel good, happy, satisfied, content, supported, encouraged, strong, capable, etc. in every moment. Remind yourself that this is the truth. It only takes a moment to change the nature of experience. ! Activation is complete: "I remember..." ! ◉ Exit Healing Sphere Now ◉ Crystal - Obsidian Sound Frequency - SI - 963 Hz * October 03, 2018 ✨This new frequency is one of rarified power. ✨This new frequency reflects the strength of unity consciousness. ✨This new frequency emits from your system and is shared with all. ✨This new frequency magnetizes you to opportunities for service. ✨This new frequency energizes your clarity of purpose. ! Activation begins: Strength. Power. Assertion. Direction. ! Your light worker identity galvanizes. You know exactly what to do to. ∪ Fill Up With Gratitude ∪ Take a moment and reflect. Close your eyes. Attain a peaceful rhythm of breathing in, pausing, and breathing out. Use this very moment to relax and connect with the higher truth of who you are. You are making a difference. You are connected and supported. You are abundant and overflowing. NOW. NOW. NOW. NOW. NOW. NOW. NOW. NOW. NOW. NOW. NOW. NOW. 💫 Ask to be shown your energy body. 💫 Ask to be shown your aura or the forcefield that surrounds your body. Notice the strength and quality of this light. Recent clearings have activated a shield of light that surrounds your aura. This powerful light code was made possible by your continued letting go of the illusion. 🌟 VISUALIZE a shield of light that surrounds your aura. 🌟 This is your armour of light. It protects you from any negative entities and energies. It fortifies your purpose to serve. Yes! You are strengthened with light! Yes! You are perfectly poised to expand even more into your freedom and power! Stay with this image of light armour. Stay with the feeling of strength. This is oneness energy, and it is infinite. Trust it. Trust this powerful light you are co-creating as if by magic. Believe in it. Believe in the magic and mystery of source energy. Believe in yourself and what you are here to do. ! Activation is complete: Strength. Power. Assertion. Direction. ! Crystal - Citrine Sound Frequency - MI - 528 Hz * October 02, 2018 As you go further and further into the unknown, as you are increasingly able to discern energetic frequencies, as you continue to develop telepathic and telekinetic abilities, you are also able to recognize incompatible energetic fields in your awareness. These sensations, feelings, thoughts, produce discomfort. It's as if all of a sudden, the harmony of you goes slightly out of tune. ! Activation begins: The Complete and Total Purge of Negativity ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!RELEASING STARTS NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It starts with an appreciation of the opposing forces that are at work in your reality. The experience of these polarities are generating knowledge of consciousness for the all. These is no separation. Everything thing is of creation / creator energy. What can you contribute? How have you learned and grown from your experiences with opposition? What can you share about forgiveness, compassion, reconciliation, and resolution? Start tapping on your favorite point. (click for more information about how to perform EFT) Simply breathe and acknowledge and offer your love to disparity and disharmony. Breathe, and become one with any opposition within. (Often these aspects of yourself are the very thing you most desire. Open to it. Keep breathing and loving and tapping and breathing.) There are certain opposing forces in your reality that are ready to leave now. They can’t withstand your new frequency. This will be unique to you, but might include broad generalities that have engendered certain patterns of belief you subconsciously hold dear. All is well. You are more free than you were moments before. Consider that you are infinitely free. △ Alert Affirmation - "I command any negative entity or energy to be released from my system entirely. Thank you for your lessons and for my growth. I love you. I am eternally grateful for this experience and I am ready to share this vibration with all energies." △ What are you locked into that just doesn’t feel right anymore? What are you giving your attention to that is at the same time draining you? What have you believed in that simply is not true in this now moment? Keep breathing. Keep Tapping. Breathing. Tapping. Releasing. Releasing is complete. Further adjustments to this new frequency continue. ! Activation is complete: The Complete and Total Purge of Negativity ! Crystal - Labradorite Sound Frequency - FA - 639 Hz * October 01, 2018 The illusion. 3D density. Your so-called current reality. ! Activation begins: The Truth of Multidimensional Existence ! If you are reading this right now, these aspects of life are no longer yours. You are no longer of this world. You are wide awake to your potential. You have a greater awareness of what infinite possibility feels like. The illusion, while always present, no longer rules your state of being. The illusion becomes your greatest guide to returning to the truth of who you really are. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Dwell in the infinite. Rest in what is your desired state of oneness, of feeling good. Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. This is something you know to be true, beyond a shadow of a doubt. You have found another doorway and you have walked through and integrated another portal of consciousness, another dimensional reality - there is so much more. There is no going back. This newness, this unknown is strengthening within and around you. This is you remembering the truth of your multidimensional existence. ∪ Fill Up With Gratitude Now ∪ ⭐️ Be bold. Test your new found courage and strength. ⭐️ Use this as an opportunity to do more clearing. ➤ Why not? Anything you attempt to release right now will happen very quickly. Notice what you notice about self and others. Reflect. What do you see reflected back to you? Feel your desired feeling state of love, gratitude, appreciation - these are your lessons and your teaching points for all of creation. Expand the feeling outward. Trust your energy to take you wherever you need to go. This is your contribution to the body of knowledge consciousness. Thank you for being you. Thank you for your experience. ∪ Fill Up With Love, Appreciation, Gratitude, Anything That Makes You Feel Good, Comforted, Supported, Loved ∪ Simultaneously, feel a pull of light from above. This light locks your energy into a vertical connection with the source energy. This strong, central column of light catalyzes purpose and brings with it frank and surprising clarity, which in turn allows possibilities to become. Love of/in everything you do, everything you touch, look at, feel / no matter what it is - this is a reflection of love right back at you. Everything you do is something you love. Everything you are is love within something else. It is all love. Suffering, hardship, tension, doubt, etc. fall away. You are left with pure gratitude and even more courage to go deeper into the unknown. Progress. We are with you, inviting you into you more love. ! Activation is complete: The Truth of Multidimensional Existence ! Crystal - Rose Quartz Sound Frequency - MI - 528 Hz |
September 27, 2018
! Activation begins: EMPTY ! In this new space of freedom, you simply don’t know anything you thought you did. Everything is different. Everything is of a higher vibration. Take a moment here, and breathe. Deep breaths in and out. Fill the physical body, and release. Fill your energy body, and release. Your breath is moving energy. Perhaps you are not used to feeling so good and so free. Maybe you are waiting for something else to happen. To repeat, you don't know anything about this new level of freedom. There are no labels, no definitions, no parameters of measurement, no instruments or tools to gauge where you are, or what it is you are doing. All you can be certain of is that this feeling of freedom exists especially for you. All you can know is that this feeling will guide you further into the unknown. Where? You don’t know. How? You don’t know. When? Sorry, you don’t know that either. All you can do is stretch, reach, expand, extend, into curiosity. What is this unknown feeling of freedom? Where is this mysterious space of feeling - good and happy and peaceful and joyful - taking me? You stay in the unknown as much as you can. You are quite happy with the excited feeling of possibility. Even when you are performing in the illusory known, you energetically reside in the unknowable free space of infinite love and power. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. You are this unknowable space of freedom rising, becoming, blossoming. The feeling takes you into a version of known which then becomes unknowable again. The unknowable becomes normal - your safe place, your existence free of limitation and definition - you are happy not being known. Where are you right now? In the known or the unknowable? Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Where are you right now? In the known or the unknowable? Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Where are you right now? In the known or the unknowable? ! Activation is complete: EMPTY ! Crystal - Apatite Sound Frequency - MI - 528 Hz |
September 26, 2018
You are being called to stretch in ways you never thought possible. You are being called to serve in ways you didn’t think were possible. ! Activation begins: STREEEEEEEETCH ! You are being called to a vibration of love you didn’t know existed. You are being called to embrace an inner power that used to seem unattainable. 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥 💥 And yet, you feel love/power/connection/ is within your grasp. You feel it surrounds you at this time. It's so close. It feels as though you can reach out, grab it, and make it yours. YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! It is yours. YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! Now. Everything else falls away. Everything else dissolves. Everything that is not pure love, truth, power, worthiness no longer exists. Whew! You have waited for this self-actualization for a long time. You have dared to dream of this moment of freedom. It’s here now. This light is bright enough. The vibration is strong enough. The channel is wide enough. It is here now. You are here now. Create and serve. There is nothing holding you back. ! Activation is complete: STREEEEEEEETCH ! Crystal - Citrine Sound Frequency - FA - 639 Hz * September 25, 2018 Where are you creating unnecessary opposition in your existence? Why have you agreed to this? Who told you this was a preferred way of being? ! Activation begins: MORE RELEASE ! MORE FREEDOM ! Turn your attention to childhood programming - mother, father, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, grandmother, grandfather, etc. Why are you still agreeing to these patterns even though they have no relevance anymore? = EFT Opportunity: “Even though I am still agreeing to old patterns and programs that no longer resonate, I deeply and completely love and accept myself as I am. I choose to surrender these old programs. I choose to release them in and with love." = (click for more information about how to perform EFT) What can you create to replace these patterns? = 5 min. Visualization: Ask to be shown highest vibrational alignment. What do you see/feel/know to be true? = Your replacement creation has to feel markedly different. It has to feel so much better, better than you have dared to dream before. Upon reflection, you notice that this is actually something you feel naturally. It’s something you feel viscerally, in all your cells, in all timelines, and in all versions of self. What you feel/create for yourself is the relative truth. How can you create a truth of the highest vibrational alignment possible for you at this time? The truth. You can never be anything other than completely free. You can never be defined as anything other than infinite love. You can never be anything other than wholly deserving and worthy. If you know the truth, does it make it easier to remember who you are? Can you take this knowledge, this awareness into your everyday existence? Why not?! ! Activation is complete: MORE RELEASE ! MORE FREEDOM ! Crystal - Amber Sound Frequency - RE - 417 Hz * September 24, 2018 You feel energetic activity in your upper back and chest area in both the front and back of your body. This might feel like pressure, a slight ache, or knot. It might also feel quite light, empty, and soft. Consider shifting your attention to this area of your body today. While you have your attention there, consciously breathe into whatever you are feeling. As you breathe with attention, become aware of the oneness of all creation. This feeling your are experiencing is one with all creation. Your perception of the feeling is one with all creation. Your body is one with all creation. Any memories, associations, events that accompany this feeling in your body are one with all creation. Notice what you notice. ! Activation begins: High-Heart Chakra ! This is the high-heart chakra revealing it’s power to you. This is a oneness point of connection. Activate a feeling/awareness of oneness within. ⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉ONENESS GRID ⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉ This is happening naturally with all energies on the planet right now. You are increasingly pulled by seemingly unknown forces into facing your fears of complete interconnectivity. You are not alone. Alone is simply not possible within the many-ness of the infinite. 💓Today, find a way into a feeling of oneness for yourself. Use the power of your infinite love as a catalyst.💓 To repeat, your love is infinite. Your infinite love is the most powerful force of energy available to you. It opens a flow of power that is yours to direct. This is the maximum, the all, of your will power. In this way, you are an effortless expression of love/light energy. Use the power of your infinite love to dissolve any low vibration, negative emotion, undesired state, past memory, old program, irrational thought pattern, etc. Practice. Practice. Practice. Practice. Practice. Practice. Practice. Practice. Practice. Practice. Practice. Practice. Practice. 💓Find the feeling of love (for anything/anyone) - direct it to dissolve anything that isn't love. 💓 Direct your love to dissolve that which is ready to leave your system. This will most likely happen as an external projection, whereby you feel as though to are watching a movie or event on your mind screen and you are able to see and then send or direct your infinite love to dissolve whatever it may be. ∪ Fill Up With Gratitude ∪ It is gone. Your mind might jump in and attempt to limit the capacity of your infinite love. Let the mind go. Practice. Practice. Practice. Practice. Practice. Practice. Practice. Surrender to the power of your infinite love. (It may even feel as though your body drops away a little. That's just fine. You are not your body either. :) You the space/feeling/power of oneness. You are the CREATOR! ! Activation is complete: High-Heart Chakra ! ⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉ONENESS GRID ⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉ Crystal - Rose Quartz Sound Frequency - SI 963 Hz * September 21, 2018 You are being shown where you are still courting or dancing with perceived limitation. These come to you as subtle, soft messages. They are not designed to scare you or offend you. On the contrary, these messages will peak your curiosity. They will be just cryptic enough to get your focused attention. You will ask why? Where did I get this from? How did this trigger come to be? ! Activation begins: TRIGGERLESS ! Upon further investigation, the information you need to move forward will be revealed. This is not necessarily of the mind, although your mind will delight in the task of figuring it out. This is more a circumstance of feeling: 🙃 Feeling into feeling. 🤔Locating the feeling. 🙄 Being the feeling. 😏Recognizing the feeling is not resonating anymore. 🤗Releasing the feeling. This causes you to quite naturally to stretch beyond and to reach higher. Imagine a plant leaning and twisting to the sun. You naturally lean and twist to the light. You are extending yourself into spaces you have never been before. These are more light-filled spaces. These spaces feel infinitely better. You don’t know what these unknown spaces are or what they will mean to you. They have not yet been defined. You only understand that they are more light-filled and that they feel better. YOU FEEL BETTER THAN BEFORE! Take a moment today to clarify your intentions. ⭐️Clarify your intentions. ⭐️ Clarify your current position. Clarify your position of pure freedom. You are free of triggers, limitation, shadow, etc. Continue to find your light. Go there repeatedly throughout the day. YOU ARE FREE! ! Activation is complete: TRIGGERLESS ! Crystal - Clear Quartz Sound Frequency - SI - 963 Hz * September 20, 2018 Guidance, meditation, visualization, contemplation, day dream, night time dreams - any relaxed state, any time you are slow, silent, quiet, peaceful, rested enough - the state when your mind is soft, supple, serene, open - the state when your mind is turned off and your energy body is free to show you who you really are. ! Activation begins: SLOW, QUIET, SOFT STATES OF BEINGNESS ! In these instances, you are cracking wide open. You are permeable, malleable; you have loosened your hold and you are in a state/process of creating freedom for yourself. In these instances, you are not your 3D expression at all. You are you, but you are fearless. You are you, but you are beyond limitation of any kind. Pay attention to these slow, quiet states. What is your energy body showing you? Who are you really? In particular, you might notice that in these states, you are more free to take risks. You are more free to change. You are more free to believe in something different. You might not be the good person you try so hard to be. You might not be the productive person you have been conditioned to be. You might not be the rule follower. In fact, you might be the leader. This is a unique process of accepting that you are not who you appear to be in the 3D. You are not the masks you wear. Allow these keen states of you beyond you to permeate your 3D self concept. Go deeper into you beyond you. Your 3D self concept will dissolve into love. It will morph into the subtle but profound power of who you really are and how you are meant to serve right now. Right now. You are serving. Who are you? ! Activation is complete: SLOW, QUIET, SOFT STATES OF BEINGNESS ! Crystal - Selenite Sound Frequency - 285 Hz * September 19, 2018 The cleansing and renewal of the high-heart collective chakra is releasing all expressions of shame. These are most likely programs of shame you had before incarnation and also those you picked up during very early childhood. This are not just yours. They are shared by the collective. ! Activation begins: HIGH-HEART COLLECTIVE RELEASE ! Brace yourself. This release is happening within. This release is also happening for the collective. You will feel tis a something larger than yourself. You will feel a sense of camaraderie and also duty to releasing not only for you but for the all. Your physical body leads the way. Notice what you notice. In particular, notice what your body is craving from deep within. These could be strange and wonderful requests of your body. You might feel different when expressing your physicality. You might have different desires, needs, activities, etc. You might feel like occupying different thought/feeling spaces both physically and mentally. Your high-heart chakra is shifting in frequency. This is happening to all energies. It is a natural progression of more light infiltrating your system. It is a process of becoming more permeable, more malleable, more open, and MORE CONNECTED TO ALL. Your 3D density continues to dissolve, break up, fly apart. This is so you can process more easily and quickly. Your high-heart chakra has no density or boundaries. You can use this energetic space as a pathway of no resistance. Simply send anything through the front to back or back to front of this area of your body - you are clear and pure. So simple. Easy, breathing conscious attention and awareness. This magic space is located above your heart chakra and below your throat chakra. It is a portal of oneness connectivity and it is a direct link to the creator. To repeat, there is no resistance, no boundaries, no nothing. This space is pure love. Practice sending aspects, issues, challenges into this space and out through the other side. It is a simple, easy process of complete and total purification. Why? Because you are not responsible for that which is not yours anymore. You are NOW responsible for a frequency of pure love/light power. Nothing sticks. Nothing has to be yours alone anymore. None of these low vibrations are required to be shared by anyone. Releasing is happening now. Releasing is complete. This is our freedom. ! Activation is complete: HIGH-HEART COLLECTIVE RELEASE ! Crystal - Rose Quartz Sound Frequency - UT - 396 Hz * September 18, 2018 Your dreams are showing you the next steps. You are free to go deeper. The incoming energies are your guide and your witness. Go deeper. 💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤 ! Activation begins: Conscious Sleep and Dreams ! Spend some time with the content of your dreams upon waking. You are being given very specific clues, but you also have to sink, open, delve into the specific meaning for you. Start with the understanding that these dreams are here to serve your growth and your expansion. Your dreams are on your side. If any of the dream content causes you to bristle or have a bad feeling, reorient your awareness to the positive. Right now you are receiving powerful downloads of self confidence in the highest form of the highest frequency. These light codes are literally dissolving aspects of self you predicated on the approval and/or validation of others. These are old programs, and they are disappearing before your very eyes. The obvious links here are what you learned subconsciously and consciously from your parents. These programs have been in place since early childhood. And, these very same programs have been repeating in many different lifetimes and timelines. However, they are all leaving your system NOW and the sense of relief upon dissolution is palpable. You literally feel lighter. Your system is excited to receive the next lesson. Your dreams are essentially bestowing self confidence upon your system right now. This is extremely satisfying to both mind and energy body. Enjoy this process of integrating these hugely positive and powerful light codes into your system. Stay conscious with the dream content and show yourself how you are actually more confident and/or more deserving of confidence. This symbiotic working/playing relationship with spirit is the pathway to increasing oneness energies and consciousness into your awareness. We are all working playing together. All energies are working/playing together. ! Activation is complete: Conscious Sleep and Dreams ! Crystal - Amethyst Sound Frequency - 174 Hz |
June 28, 2018
The incoming energies can be destabilizing and can also feel uncertain. It’s a bit like a shake down or a shake up. Either way, you are in a process of profound change. ! Activation begins: SHAKE IT OUT AND IN ! This change is occurring at a deep cellular level, so deep you can not comprehend the kind of transmutation that is actually occurring. In the meantime, all you can do is stay in the most loving and playful relationship possible with all aspects of self and body. ^ Movement - SHAKE ^ > For fun, and to assist the clearing process, take some time today to shake your body. <Shake old, dense energies off you. Shake your hands and feet and head from side to side. Shake other people's energy off you. Shake your hips, your shoulders, and your legs. > Flick this energy off you and into the field to be recuperated into love. Liberate this energy! Free your body! <Shake yourself into your ascension timeline. Align with the new currents of high frequency light that are running through your system. ^ If you are stuck, try bouncing gently or rocking from side to side. As you feel the movement, your body will lead to movement that serves you at this time. Consider also extending this loving feeling of freedom and liberation to all energies. It doesn’t matter what you like or dislike. This energy is infinite. It is beyond judgement. It is taking over your entire system. You allow. You surrender. You let it take hold of you. You choose the truth of your infinity. Mentally this won’t make sense. That’s fine. Your energy body is guiding you. And, you have come to trust this guidance. It is YOUR own inner knowing - the only knowing you need. You are so grateful to be feeling this unattached and free. Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful! Stay with your body in love. Stay with all aspects of self in love. You might experience feelings of being disembodied. This might play out as you feeling like an observer in your own experience. This might also be an experience of leaving your body whereby you are able to see your human self, while your energy body guides your awareness deeper into high frequency consciousness. This may feel slightly euphoric or it might feel strange, like you are losing control. In these instances, you are beyond human feeling and sensing. Any semblance of your old, human self has no traction. There is nothing more the human you can do. This distance from your human self may feel uncomfortable. You might want to interpret this as loneliness, depression, or sadness at first. Rest assured. This is on the surface only. This is only the illusion. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. The energetic truth? This is unification. This is ascension. You are safe, loved, protected, and secure. This is your truth. Run with it. Shake into it. This is the dream of you - always creating experiences for your unique progression, growth, unfoldment, and offering to the all. This is the awake dream that has always been. It is unveiled, uncovered, revealed to you - you, and your energy know exactly what to do. There is no insecurity. Only bliss. Only freedom. You are transcending EVERYTHING. EVERYONE is releasing human limitation and becoming unlimited energy. Share this energetic experience and awareness with others. < 20. min. Meditation - I share my experience of infinity energetically with any one who receives it. > ////RUN LIGHT PROGRAM - Send love/light to all energies\\\\ Bring these experiences back into your human knowing. You are unattached. You are free. ! Activation is complete: SHAKE IT OUT AND IN ! Crystal - Rose Quartz Sound Frequency - SOL - 741 Hz * June 27, 2018 Your humanness increasingly gives way to your energetic truth. This is divine unification within, in addition to your blossoming higher self integration. This is happening naturally. However, it can be interesting and also soothing to the mental body when you consciously make sense of these connections yourself. In particular, you are being shown what your curiosity looks like on an energetic level. This is occurring primarily in dream time but is also coming to you through third eye visions. ! Activation begins: Conscious Sleep and Dreams ! Your humanness is curious about why certain things are the way they are. Your energy body is quite similar - except for there are absolutely no limits to what you can process AND there is no judgement. Lean on your energy body today. 💜💎💜💎💜💎💜💎💜💎💜💎💜💎💜💎💜💎💜💎💜💎💜💎💜💎💜💎💜💎💜💎💜💎💜 The incoming energies are providing a powerful catalyst for dreams and visions at this time. The veil continues to dissolve. You are a seer. You are a knower. You are a creator - therefore, you are intimately connected to and involved with what you are experiencing. You are being shown connections / origins / patterns very clearly at this time. Before you go to sleep, ask for clarification about something. Then, simply notice your dreams and how you feel upon waking. Chances are your dreams are playing out the exact reality you are inquiring about. The thing is, and it can be surprising, often there is no charge. No desire to compare or worry or be scared or have doubt. Your dream simply shows you the experience so that you can see the simple, raw truth of it. No good or bad. No dire consequences. No feeling of unforgivable. In fact, your dream is also showing you that you already have this experience within. You don’t have to seek it out. It is already yours. You don’t have to want or need anything. You have already had it. Not only that, by showing you this truth, your dream naturally oriented you to either further investigation or a quick release. Do you have to be concerned about this particular issue anymore or are you free to move on? Can you trust this experience and/or your ability to have had it already? What more is there for you to learn? Working with your dreams/visions in this way allows you to see that nothing is outside of you. Nothing is beyond your grasp. You can rest assured that you are exactly where you need to be. Your particular / unique experience is perfect and absolutely essential. Also, your dreams/visions are showing you that when there is no judgement or worry or fear, there is no hierarchy, there is no better than something or someone else, and there is nothing for you to wish you were different for. This neutral, open feeling is very freeing and it is very grounding. You are in your experience, no one else’s. You are creating your experience, independent of any outside forces. This is you. Love you. More. ! Activation is complete: Conscious Sleep and Dreams ! Crystal - Azurite Sound Frequency - LA - 852 Hz * June 26, 2018 Today is a good day to remind yourself that you are infinite. You are beyond anything you think you know. You are beyond any definition or label. You are more powerful than you can comprehend. ! Activation begins: INFINITE ! Take a moment today and consciously align with the truth of your energy body. This will not only help you navigate your current reality, it will also further condition your system to the truth of your energetic experience. △ Alert affirmation - "I align with infinite." △ No matter what you face today, respond energetically with the above statement. In a way it’s like saying to the illusion: "No! Sorry! This is not good enough! I am aligning with infinite! This is who I am! This is the truth of unity consciousness!" The more you do this, the more you will orient yourself to a broader perceptual field that takes you out of a solely human experience to one that opens you up to an energetic reality that you are creating quite naturally. In addition, your orientation to infinite will also strengthen and support the growing psychic and telepathic gifts that are unfolding within. This is what you are choosing. You are choosing to bring these experiences into your human experience so that you can be more love. As you be more love, your reality shifts to reflect that. Maybe you don’t feel infinite at all. That fine. If you want to call more of this energy into your system and awareness, perform the following EFT protocol outlined below. = EFT Opportunity: “Even though I don’t feel infinite and I’m not even sure what that is, I deeply and completely love and accept myself. I choose to open myself to my energetic reality. I choose to broaden my awareness." = (click for more information about how to perform EFT) See where the tapping takes you. Set aside at least 20 minutes to dwell in these becoming energies. As you clear mental blocks to worthiness around being infinite - the truth of who you are - the connections within will happen naturally. You will be guided. You will be shown. You are never alone. We are always here to support you. We are always celebrating your progress. Align with your infinite nature. Watch what unfolds. Consider journaling your experience. Make it your reality. Make it your truth. #JOURNAL-IAmInfinite# Ask us for assistance. We will meet you there. We will journal with you. 😊 ! Activation is complete: INFINITE ! Crystal - Moldavite Sound Frequency - SI - 963 Hz * June 25, 2018 You are increasingly sensitive to the energies of other people. Part of you wonders why you are feeling so deeply. Haven’t you protected yourself against energy that isn’t yours? ! Activation begins: Deeper Feeling ! On one hand you have been working towards protecting yourself from anything that doesn’t serve you. But, here again, we come up against the paradox of protection. Yes, you want to exercise your ability to strengthen your aura of discernment. On the other hand, there is nothing you have to protect yourself from. You know these energies are not personal. So why are you feeling so deeply? You are feeling deeply, particularly the experiences of others, because you are in a powerful process of transmutation. This is why you are here - to feel. Feeling is not bad. It takes nothing off you. It diminishes you in no way. In fact, it makes you stronger. It teaches you to release and surrender. You will continue to get practice with feeling deeply so that you gently and lovingly experience release from it having anything to do with who you really are. The human might feel affected, but for your energy body, this is like fuel and power. This is you fortifying your energetic gifts. In addition, anything you see, feel, experience as being external to you is also felt within. Take some time today and practice finding what you witness externally within. If something external to you triggers a certain feeling or response, go within and find the same energetic signature. Simply take the feeling you are witnessing outside of yourself and bring it into your own system. This might be readily apparent and present as a memory, a childhood experience, or a past life. However, it might not have an easily identifiable source for the mental body to attach to. Whatever the case, the feeling will be real and will be felt deeply so you can be sure you are on the right track. 💎 Feel the feeling. 💎 Now. Whether you can make sense of this or not it doesn’t matter because the feeling is there. It matters to you deeply on some level. You quickly realize that what you are seeing play out externally to you is actually a gift to draw you inward. These are the next steps for harmonization. This is transmutation in action. Not only that, this is you addressing and releasing and freeing the external reality that is causing disruption. This powerful transmutation happens at the level of the heart. When you encounter this kind of disruption that feels external to you bring it into your heart space. It is you! The feeling, memory, quality you are supposed to orient to will present and your heart energy will do the rest. Of course, this is really about more love. Yes! You are being called to direct love/light to this particular situation or feeling or person. You know this at the level of the mind. However, this process is also showing you the infinite power of your heart chakra. This concept, notion, process of more love is so much bigger and more powerful than your mental body can understand. You are being shown and gifted the strength of love within love within love that you didn’t know you had. This is your true power. Nothing is unloveable. Nothing is unforgivable. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself seeking out aspects to transmute with this process. Interestingly, this quickly takes you from victim to powerful creator. Nothing is outside of you. Nothing is beyond your energetic abilities at this time. Trust the infinite power of your awareness. Trust your heart chakra. Trust your love/light. It’s everything. It’s the eternal you. ! Activation is complete: Deeper Feeling ! Crystal - Amethyst Sound Frequency - LA - 852 Hz * June 22, 2018 Deeper connection to the internal rhythms of your physical vessel, in combination with heightened sensory awareness and psychic ability, cause you to sense aspects, people, patterns, etc. that indicate where and when you are not trusting fully. ! Activation begins: INTERNAL RHYTHM / VULNERABILITY ! This is subconscious programming located at a deep cellular level. All of this 'stuff' is clearing now. It might feel a bit rocky and unstable. It might feel difficult to get your bearings or even put one foot in front of the other. Chances are you might also feel low energy. This is only at the level of human. Your energy body is riding high. Your actual and true energy levels have never been this high. Your physical vessel is not only keeping up as best it can, it is most likely releasing deep parental programming you didn’t even know was there. In fact, you don’t have to know or understand this releasing, but you do have to be there in a loving and supportive way for your body while it processes. What is coming up? Guilt? Not enough? Lack? Where is it located in your body? Stomach, neck, knee, head? Breathe into the feeling and into the specific area of the body. Tap on your favourite points in a gentle, loving way. (EFT) There is no outcome here. There is no end point. Your conscious attention and love will dissolve this programming and set you on the path for harmonization. This is you reversing a form of subconscious distrust that has defined your energetic potential. Now. It dissolves. What are you replacing it with? Love, acceptance, forgiveness, peace, freedom, more. Breathe. Feel. Tap. Breathe. Feel. Tap. Breathe. Feel. Tap. Breathe. We see it like this - as you inhale, you focus and hold the feeling. As you exhale and release it to the all, your energy body twists, turns, flips, and contorts to calibrate the higher frequency light within. You come right back into alignment for the next inhale. Breathe in. Hold the feeling. Breathe out. Release and let your energy body reorganize your internal rhythm with high frequency light. Trust your energy body is supporting your physical vessel. Love your physical vessel with gentle, sweet, kind care. Whisper sweet nothings to your body. Whisper sweet nothings to your subconscious mind. Feel yourself soften. This is the magic of you. ! Activation is complete: INTERNAL RHYTHM / VULNERABILITY ! Crystal - Moonstone Sound Frequency - UT - 396 Hz * June 21, 2018 Chances are your physical vessel is still trying to get your attention. Are you listening? Resisting? Ignoring? Loving? Receiving? ! Activation begins: Light Body Upgrade ! Perhaps you are in a semi-state of denial that causes you to feel OK with the status quo. Now. Why not go further into a trusting relationship with your body? Why not let your body show you how to feel even better? Part of this is happening naturally. Your physical vessel is constantly being upgraded with higher light frequencies. It’s happening whether you are conscious of it or not. The other part of the process is calling you into conscious alignment within by focusing your awareness on specific aspects of your physical body that trigger an emotional response or a deep feeling state. Go within and commune with your body. You can use dreams, meditation, eft, breathing techniques, movement, spending time in nature, day dreaming, visualization, sensation and sensory experience, receiving and sending light, and more. You have many tools to choose from. Again, this is directly connected to your feelings of deservingness. As you go deeper, you naturally align with your potential to receive even more. Surrender to yourself. Trust your light body’s ability to heal your physical vessel. 💎The incoming energy is streaming diamond, sparkly, prismatic light into your crown chakra. Your body continues to adjust to these frequencies as best it can. You are creating and amplifying more light. 💎 Consider releasing this high frequency light to at the all. ////RUN LIGHT PROGRAM - Expand Your Aura\\\\ Take a moment today and consciously expand the field of light that surrounds your body. Feel your aura expand to fill the room you are sitting in. Then, expand to fill your entire house or workplace. Then, expand to fill your neighborhood. Continue expanding your light. Fill the city you live in with your light, then your region, then your country. Keep going until your light is as expanded as the multiverse. Rest here. The light of your system is embracing infinite. Your system is embraced by infinite. Keep going. ! Activation is complete: Light Body Upgrade ! Crystal - Turquoise Sound Frequency - SOL - 741 Hz * June 20, 2018 Check in with your physical vessel today. In order to carry these higher and higher vibrations, your system must be as pure as possible. This benchmark is not what it used to be. Your entire physicality is changed. Don’t be surprised if you suddenly feel as though your body can’t keep up. It is! You are! ! Activation begins: SLOW DOWN. ACKNOWLEDGE YOUR BODY. LISTEN ! NOW. NOW. NOW. NOW. NOW. NOW. NOW. NOW. NOW. NOW. NOW. NOW. Your system is now in a constant program of upgrading and shifting to accommodate high energy light frequencies. There is nothing wrong with you. You are completely normal in that perhaps you are beginning to recognize and appreciate that nothing stays the same. You are always an energy in motion. Your patterns and routines of health and well-being will naturally be re-evaluated over the next little while. You will be called to look at your routine with fresh eyes. Something will get your attention and cause you to consider an even closer relationship to your physical body. In particular, these energies are purifying your system with light. How can you assist your body in this way? Take some time today and strategize a gentle and loving liver cleanse. Set the intention energetically, and you will receive the best guidance for you at this time. If you are not called to a gentle liver detox at this time, consider drinking more water. Whatever you choose, first set the intention energetically. As you drink water, consciously direct the energy to cleanse, renew, and purify your entire system. As you invite this powerful cleansing and renewing element/force of energy into your body, express joy and gratitude for your communion. Bless the water and bless your body. This takes only a few moments of conscious expression. You will be divinely guided. This is releasing at the level of the physical vessel, but it is also showing you a different, much more subtle relationship with your energy body. You are able to determine where and when you are getting clogged up internally. You can sense it at the level of energy. Stay with the energy. Be in love with whatever is happening in your body. This is the perfection of light energy. You are the perfection of light energy. ! Activation is complete: SLOW DOWN. ACKNOWLEDGE YOUR BODY. LISTEN ! Crystal - Rhodonite Sound Frequency - MI - 528 Hz * June 19, 2018 Extrasensory perception and psychic awareness continue to grow and expand in your system. ! Activation begins: Flower and Plant Communication ! In particular, flowers and plants are very open to communicating right now. They carry an extremely high vibration that you may not even notice at first. In order to connect with this vibration, pick a plant or flower in your home, yard, or neighborhood. Simply spend a few moments communing with the plant or flower. Really look at it. Smell it. Touch it. You might want to draw it or take pictures or write about it or, Simply share a few quiet, reflective moments in the energy of the plant or flower. Interact with it in a way that feels good and joyful to you. Notice what you notice. Feel immersed in the life of that plant or flower. Feel as though you are within it and that it is within you. Become the essence of it. By now you are probably connected to the high frequency offered to you by this particular plant or flower. It feels so light and effortless, like laughter. Your system adjusts to the vibration naturally, and you feel the feeling of laughter within. You might even be smiling or giggling. Rest in this frequency. Relax into the joy of it and your light and friendly relationship to it. It is a good time to merge with these frequencies right now. They are showing, offering, and attuning greater potential within. Specifically, you are being gifted a sense of even greater worthiness. These elevated frequencies remind you that you can allow even more possibility and more joy into your life. You deserve to receive even more. This is yet another example of the unification of divine masculine and divine feminine energies in your system. You naturally unfold into a greater sense of empowerment, particularly in relation to your increasing ability to activate and direct free will and conscious choice. In addition, these energies and experiences show the alchemy of conscious expression and surrender in every moment. Energy is directed, but it is also simultaneously abandoned and released. There is no need to control. No need to construct anything as hard or too much or not enough. Plants and flowers reveal aspects of this mystery. They do this vibrationally. Feel into the vibration and then consciously allow that vibration to flood your system. Integration has happened already. In the joy of beauty all around you, we meet you there. ! Activation is complete: Flower and Plant Communication ! Crystal - Clear Quartz / Obsidian Sound Frequency - SI - 963 Hz * June 18, 2018 Extrasensory perception and psychic ability continue to develop and expand. These are subtle changes in your ability to process energetic information. When you feel connected and aligned with these subtle energies, powerful experiences of oneness and divinity unfold effortlessly, as if by magic. It's unforgettable for the sole reason that you re-remember the truth of it. You know it, and are then able to reproduce the feelings, sensations, experiences again and again. ! Activation begins: Extra Sensory Perception ! Communication with all energies is heightened. This includes communication on a human level. You find you are able to discuss your deepest feelings more easily. You find you have direct access to deep feeling states that used to feel locked up tightly within. The floodgates open, and you are willing to share freely. It’s like the barriers that prevented you from honest and forthright communication have completely dissolved. Not only is it not hard to express yourself in this way, you are enjoying the freedom of sharing your inner essence with others. ∪ Fill Up With Gratitude Now ∪ There were many latent fears associated with expressing the truth of who you really are. This inexplicable need to protect and defend yourself is dissolving. These energies are also opening up potential for energetic communication. This opening/gateway/portal is a heightened, accelerated, and broader perceptual field that you are integrating into your entire system. All aspects of awareness are catapulted into extra-sensitivity to the point that the amount of information you are able to process at this time is staggering to the mental body. You will need to adequately care for your mental body as it adjusts to the new abilities presenting in your energetic system. Be mindful of staying centered in rest, meditation, reflection, contemplation, etc. Chances are the mind might want to get busy and/or escape these sensations. This is only because they are somewhat unknown to you at this time. This is a defence mechanism, and it is truly a case of your mind over-working on your behalf. However, if you can stay centred and relaxed, your mind will follow your energy naturally. 💞Notice where you are resisting opportunities to really open up and be vulnerable. 💞 In addition, consider limiting any unnecessary distractions. In particular, stay focused on your highest good. This might mean adjusting your schedule or routine to incorporate more quiet, gentle, soft, self-care. It might mean adjusting your schedule so that you can balance your commitments with that which brings you joy. Pure joy. This frequency will carry you to the next expression of your extrasensory abilities. Relax. Stay soft and open. Play in these energies. Experiment with your new gifts. ! Activation is complete: Extra Sensory Perception ! Crystal - Blue Lace Agate Sound Frequency - SOL - 741 Hz * June 15, 2018 The deepest emotional experiences of love are often those that, at first, feel the exact opposite. Your heart cracks open to receive more. Your perspective broadens to include the unloveable. Your field expands and you feel more peace and freedom. ! Activation begins: SELF-LOVE = SURRENDER ! When we feel anything other than pure love, we feel it so deeply, we feel beyond mind until we know it at the heart level. Once it is imbued with heart energy/love/light purity of 'surrender to love', we are able to know it, and release it to the all where it is shared as energetic heart/love/light information. Today is a good day to take inventory of what is preventing you from feeling / knowing deeper levels of love. Make a list and then pick three things. = EFT Opportunity: “Even though ___________ is preventing me from more love, I deeply and completely love and accept where I am right now. I choose to relax and I choose to be open to loving myself even more." = (click for more information about how to perform EFT) You can break this out over three tapping sessions. Be prepared to set aside at least 20 min. each to see where the tapping takes you. The goal is to feel deeply, move on, and then feel deeply again. This is practice in clearing any lingering feelings. It is also a practice of detachment. Pure loving energies assist release at this time. If you close your eyes, you will see the expression of this energy at play in your inner world. You do not need to concern yourself mentally with anything that comes up, although it might be surprising and interesting for your mind to contemplate. You are directing this energy. You are in control of how you feel. Experiment. It will feel like you have reached a new level with your ability to clear and release. It will feel as though it is so much easier to let go. It will feel as though you trust the intelligence of your light body implicitly. YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! When you are finished tapping, breathe gently and 💜FEEL 💜completely loved and supported. This might feel like an embrace from the great mother. It might feel like a forrest bath or a soak in hot springs. It might feel like holding hands with a loved one or a long hug with which you sense information is exchanged between your soul bodies or higher selves. The earth holds you. All of your loved ones past, present, and future are holding you. Rest here. ! Activation is complete: SELF-LOVE = SURRENDER ! Crystal - Amethyst Sound Frequency - UT - 396 Hz |
June 13, 2018
Doorways, portals, gateways are opening all over your energetic system. Your freedom continues to be one conscious choice after another. You have to allow it for you. You have to feel it is yours. And, you can’t know exactly what will show up because you aren’t always the best gauge or what is truly in your highest good. This habit of not dreaming big enough is not your fault. It’s part of what you agreed to when you came here. You knew full well you were going to have to contend with the illusion and that the illusion would try to bring you down. You agreed to choose love over limitation. You have to do it over and over and over again. This is your devotion. This is your purpose. In other words, you can’t get to the doorway or the portal and not go through. You might become aware today of where you are holding back. In fact, you might even see / feel / know those open gateways and portals in your system and you might also have the sense that you are standing on the threshold, rather than taking steps through to the other side. That’s fine. You are normal. There is nothing wrong with you. There is no reason or need for you to change at all. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Take your system into deep relaxation. You are so relaxed you can’t even feel your body anymore. Your energy drifts, morphs, and shifts like water. You are content to allow the energy to guide you. A gateway or doorway presents in your inner vision. You find yourself on the brink of a new energetic signature. Instead of questioning value / worth / ability or anything at all, you let the mind go completely. Your light body, under the guidance of your higher self, moves you through effortlessly. Again, this is not a thinking state. This is a surrender to your light body. Your light body will be the force that guides you through. This is another example of the subtle surrender necessary to play in these energetic frequencies. It is also another example of how you are more ready than you know. You are able, and strong enough. This is also another example of trusting without question. Your higher self knows, rather than in any conceptual understanding of your mental body. Another layer of trust. Another layer of surrender. NOW.NOW.NOW.NOW.NOW.NOW.NOW.NOW.NOW.NOW.NOW.NOW.NOW. You are through the door. You are on the other side. Notice what you notice. Chances are your surroundings look and feel exactly the same but you and your perspective of them are profoundly different. You process everything at a higher frequency, knowing, and awareness. It’s not what presents, as much as it is how you energetically interact with it. Simply relax. Allow yourself to create. Play. Enjoy. Experiment. ●◉● Join us for the New Moon Meditation. Take a moment on Wednesday night to reflect on and gather up your intentions for review and declaration. Notice what you notice. Write your thoughts down or make a mental list that you can return to over the next few weeks. This is will help ground the thinking mind with soul action. You are worth soul action. You are more than your thinking mind. ●◉● Crystal - Citrine Sound Frequency - MI - 528 Hz NEW MOON GROUP MEDITATION ● WEDNESDAY ● June 13, 2018 @ 9:00 pm EST Theme: GROWTH * June 12, 2018 Divine union within is bringing you so many gifts it might be hard to keep track. Consider journaling all of these awarenesses - great and small - that are coming to you at this time. Make a list. Do not feel as though you have to figure it all out right away. Simply take note. In time, the patterns will become clear. #JOURNAL-GiftsOfDivineUnionWithin# In particular, notice where you are curious, aware ,or even just interested in the notion of transcendence. This is that alchemical space within that allows you to release perceived limitation fully by embodying your highest state of freedom and personal power. In these moments, you are the site of transmutation. You create the release and imprint a new energetic signature. In these moments, you are your higher self. You are fully harmonized and you are capable of transmuting anything. The unification of divine masculine and divine feminine within are opening the doorway to transcendent feeling states. These might be glimpses or they might last an hour or a whole day. You might also have this experience in dreamtime and wake with a certain knowing. No matter how long these experiences last for you, remember the feeling. That feeling is yours and it becomes known to your entire system, and trusted. You can call up that feeling at any time and deploy it to inform whatever you find yourself doing in your current reality. Perhaps you are not feeling this at all. Maybe you don’t think it's possible for you to feel transcendent. Let’s clear any perceived limitation now. = EFT Opportunity: “Even though I am not sure it is possible for me to feel / know / experience transcendence, I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway." = (click for more information about how to perform EFT) Do a round of tapping with this statement and see where the energies take you. Monitor your progress either by taking quick notes or by measuring your feeling state on a scale from one to ten. Tap until you feel it is possible for you to experience transcendence. In particular, the notion of resentment might block you from feeling transcendent. You might not even know what you are secretly resenting. However, with the incoming energies, these two polarities are highlighted. In order to feel transcendent, you have to release resentment. You can do this blindly, simply by trusting the universe to show you what you are resenting or you can go through a mental process whereby you take inventory of everything you are currently resenting. As you release, you will experience transcendence. As you release, you will condition yourself to the process of trusting your ability to create transcendent states. This is you teaching you. This is you guiding you as a star light being / higher self / angelic aspect. It is a truly beautiful, empowering, and also humbling process. Any progress is cause for celebration. Take a moment to celebrate yourself today. Do something that feels good. Spend time in reflection or contemplation that completely soothes and deeply relaxes your system. Reward yourself with more love and support. You are it. Crystal - Chrysoprase Sound Frequency - UT - 396 Hz * June 11, 2018 The alchemical process of divine unification within continues to bring you valuable awareness and information. In particular, you are being shown aspects of self that are being harmonized and healed in your dreams. ! Activation begins: Conscious Sleep and Dreams ! Pay attention to your dreams and the feelings you have upon waking. If possible, jot down specific notes from dreamtime so that when you are awake you can follow the thread. You will be guided to a particular knowing that will serve your highest good at this time. You are also able to get this information through meditation and/or any instance when your body is in a deeply relaxed and supported state. < 20 min. Meditation - Opening to information from beyond > You will receive guidance from a male ancestor or relation from the other side. This person / light being / angel / star family relation offers you information that clarifies where you picked up aspects of subconscious programming. In addition, this message lets you see / know / feel that you are actually stronger than you know - that this aspect of programming, which might frustrate you, actually has nothing to do with the truth of who you are. You are able to see this very clearly. You feel deeply into the truth of not only who you are but also who we are all at our core, which is not this programming at all, but pure love and energetic potential. This guidance makes you feel relieved and also bolsters your inner strength and commitment to service. There are no barriers or limitations preventing you from carrying out your purpose on earth at this time. Now.Now.Now.Now.Now.Now.Now.Now.Now.Now.Now.Now.Now.Now.Now. You might see or feel this person in spirit form. You might have a tangible experience of receiving a message from a light being. Your frequency is high enough. Notice what you notice. In other words, this being might reveal themselves to you. Pay attention. Stay open. It may seem like an unlikely messenger. They may seem somewhat incongruent with the information they are delivering. Part of this is to get your attention and to focus your awareness. The other part is to show you that there is nothing that is too great or too shameful or too angry or too sad for you to transmute. Every person on earth is capable of releasing anything that is not serving them. Everyone who has chosen incarnation has to go through the same thing. No one is immune to processing pain and deep feeling. This is our shared experience of being human. We are all exactly the same in this regard. This particular energetic being comes to you with love and support for continued release. Consider this a gateway or a portal for more release of the illusion and subconscious programming. You are ready. Progress. Freedom awaits. ! Activation is complete: Conscious Sleep and Dreams ! Crystal - Celestite Sound Frequency - FA - 639 Hz * June 08, 2018 The unification of divine masculine and feminine energies within your system continues to delight and surprise you. It doesn't mean you aren't feeling it at some level. This is extreme acceleration into multidimensionality. You feel deeply, and then you rest deeply, so you are able to feel deeply again. It is a combination of power and surrender. It leaves you feeling energized and also soothed and nurtured. ! Activation begins: Divine Union ! You are currently healing any distortion in your field that has to do with resistance to or blind allegiance to authority figures or institutions. This is primarily subconscious loyalty that simply is no longer serving you. Your system is going for pure freedom. You are worthy of complete freedom. For the most part, these feelings are difficult to trace or locate, but you know they are there all the same. They are the reason you do certain things or have particular relationships that seem slightly out of step with what you want for yourself. This is also a feeling of energy pulling you into situations and relationships that seem beyond your control. Your mind can not really keep up with making sense of these choices. It's like the energy has something to show you that you haven't been able to see before. You can trust the energy to guide you the next steps or manifestations of divine unification that are currently underway in your system. This may also play out as a feeling of putting your trust in something mindlessly. At a mental level, you can understand how or why you could be so trusting or so ready to believe. You follow without question. You might not recognize this aspect of yourself until it's all over and you have a chance to reflect. In the meantime, you feel as though you lack sovereignty or that you have no control over certain aspects of the world around you. Contrast this feeling to when you trust yourself fully, when you are grounded in your body, and completely aware of multidimensional knowing. In these moments, you know exactly what feels good and right to you in each moment. You have the strength to say no and to set boundaries that reinforce your strength of purpose. In these moments, saying no is easy (even though you thought it was going to be hard) and your path is very clear. Remain free of judgement of self or others. This is merely detached observational energy that is meant to illuminate aspects of you that are returning to unconditional love. Notice the gifts or patterns presenting or reappearing in your field. This energy leads you into situations and relationships quite naturally, even though it might take a while for your mind to catch up. 🌷 What is this energy trying to show you? 🌼 What higher frequency version of self are you being called to embody? 🌸 How does this new energy impact your purpose and your desire to serve? 🌻 How can you serve the all simply with your vibration of love? ////RUN LIGHT PROGRAM - Send love/light to all energies\\\\ ! Activation is complete: Divine Union ! Crystal - Black Tourmaline Sound Frequency - FA - 639 Hz * June 07, 2018 You are in a period of accelerated releasing. In fact, you might not know exactly what you are releasing, or who, but you feel the shift acutely when it happens. ◉ Enter Healing Sphere Now ◉ ! Activation begins: Light Body Upgrade ! You feel yourself go into feeling, almost inexplicably, and then you come out and you are renewed. You consciously stay with your process - you feel what needs to be felt and then you shift, and the movement, the clearing is profound. It feels as though it always was. Not only does this add strength and confidence, it is evidence of further unification of the divine masculine and feminine within. This is your power. Feeling powerful and capable and worthy at this higher level of awareness, causes you to re-consider all the things you define as being "hard" or "struggle" or "lack" or "not enough." It's like you can no longer define your life in this way. These notions simply hold no truth for you. < 20 min. Meditation - "I am an open vessel for the spirit to move through." > You have a keen sensation of moving energy - you know when you are going into an experience to clear, you know you have everything you require to transmute the experience. This is also affecting or is felt by your physicality. Notice what you notice. Chances are any physical symptoms will be short-lived. There might be a temporary experience of discomfort, but it will be followed by a feeling of intense relief. Notice any temporary signs of physical releasing - sweating, bowels/urination, sneezing, crying, coughing, etc. - stay with your body as it lets go. Celebrate with self-care when your system returns to normal. Simply hold a loving space for harmonization and renewal. You are being upgraded with high frequency light. Surrender to the light. Trust the light. Love yourself even more. ◉ Exit Healing Sphere Now ◉ ! Activation is complete: Light Body Upgrade ! Crystal - Aquamarine Sound Frequency - UT - 396 Hz * June 06, 2018 You are here right now to process and share. What you give, you receive equally. There is no judgement. It is the natural state of energy. Your vibration is your gift to the all. Today is a good day to connect the nature/quality of some your close relationships. Simply ask yourself what you are giving and what your are receiving. Your higher self will nudge you in the direction of your highest good. This kinda of thing used to register as pain for your system, now all you feel is a curious relief that you sense has always been there. You are ready to receive. NOW>NOW>NOW>NOW>NOW>NOW>NOW>NOW>NOW>NOW>NOW> Consciously share your vibrations after you know you have cleared something that has persisted in your system. Don't keep these feelings to yourself. Allow your vibration to expand and connect with other similar/known energies. Open the flood gates of your aura. Relax into oneness at an even deeper level. You are a gift to the all. And, you choose not judge yourself as a good or a bad gift. Those vibrations no longer resonate in your higher intelligence. However, you are happy for the reminder. You are happily relieved you are not required to choose separation. At this time, you might notice the aspects of self that are afraid to go back to who you once were. Or, is this yet another chance to exercise and explore self-actualization? The multiverse is sending you opportunities to choose. What exactly are your creating? Why? What are you searching for? Do you think you can go back to it? Isn't it the case that all experience is happening right now? Notice where you might be subconsciously limiting your capacity for more love and joy. The release is happening naturally. Thank you. Thank all. Crystal - Amethyst Sound Frequency - FA - 639 Hz * June 05, 2018 You are entering a period of intense, rapid clearing. By now, part of you waits with baited breath to see the exact quality of expansion you are co-creating. ! Activation begins: Clearing/Expanding ! What's next? It's time for something/someone else to go. It is time to practice saying no. It's time to set more boundaries that further clarify who are becoming. The increasing power of the divine masculine energies in your system is radically changing your energetic capacity as a light being. You are gaining in strength and power. Chances are this means that what was once considered to be "hard" now unfolds very easily and effortlessly. Perhaps there is an aspect of self you have be somewhat afraid to face. This would be part of yourself you never thought you could love or accept. Right now, these energies are focussing on aspects of your physicality, but you might feel this in other areas as well. This could be something you do everyday (or a recurring thought) that is a trigger for you to feel less than loving toward self. This could be a person in your life or the painful memories of a past relationship. This could be something deeply hidden in a past life or pre-cognitive memory, most likely picked up from your parents while in the womb. You are ready to face this now. Not only are you ready, the clearing will feel as though it has always been healed. You are witnessing the divine grace of masculine energies. They take you to the heart of your fears and you feel renewed, revitalized, whole, and healed at a deeper level than you knew before. More specifically, this is a union of divine feminine and masculine in your system. The masculine is drawing it's clearing potential through the divine feminine energies already anchored in your system. They amplify each other. They are the perfect complement. They work in concert, healing and harmonizing each other. It is a constant balance of support and surrender. The earth continues to also play a supportive role. These energies are primarily moving out of your system through your feet. All of this release is being drawn lovingly into the earth to be recapitulated and returned to love. Consciously release this energy through your feet into the earth. Feel the loving support. Receive renewed energy and vigour from the earth through your feet. Practice walking mindfully, really feeling your feet connect to the ground. Take a few minutes tonight and massage your feet before sleep or soak your feet in a saltwater bath. Consciously release. Experiment with seeing/feeling energy as it leaves and enters your body. Progress. Play. Progress. You are the next level. ! Activation is complete: Clearing/Expanding ! Crystal - Citrine Sound Frequency - MI - 528 Hz * June 04, 2018 Divine masculine energies continue to pierce your field with narrow beams of high frequency light. We see you as starbursts, like star spikes of light - perfectly round and radiating , shooting love/light in all directions. ! Activation begins: Auric Upgrade ! Your aura is receiving a powerful upgrade that is synchronizing with your potential to manifest. Your energetic signature is purified, strengthened, and cleared. You can prepare yourself for some emotional clearing. You are in prime condition to do this, and anything at all really. Your system is increasingly empowered and vulnerable all at the same time. Any chance for compassionate response and presence seems to further catalyze this benevolent engendering of more self love. This incoming light is pure love. It meshes and mixes and mingles with the pure love of you and the vibrations have no choice but to radiate from your system as love. This makes you a magnet for more love. Notice what you notice. Also, notice what comes your way that makes you feel the opposite of love. This will turn out to be your greatest gift. This will turn out to be a great lesson of what more love can actually look like. You deepen into compassion for self. Yes - this ever-expanding feeling of knowing you are even more deserving of love and acceptance. It takes your breath away sometimes. It humbles you to the core to know that if you are this - we , they, me, us, them - are all this too. We are all equally deserving. There is more than enough for everyone. In addition, the pure quality of these energies reminds you of your innocence. This is the energy of you from way before you ever knew separation. You allow yourself to remember that time. At some level, you know it inextricably as who you are. The divine masculine graces you with this remembrance and causes you to sense and feeling more deeply. Today is a good day to release your sense of self to your highest good. You don't necessarily know what your highest good is, you trust the multiverse to co-create it with you. = EFT Opportunity: “Even though part of me resists releasing my sense of self, I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway. Even though part of me is scared of what my highest good might be, I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway. Even though part of me is afraid to fully trust the multiverse, I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway." = (click for more information about how to perform EFT) Clearing will be felt deeply and dissolve quickly. Allow yourself to enjoy this processing if you can. At least, allow yourself to celebrate when you feel even the smallest of shifts. We meet you there. ! Activation is complete: Auric Upgrade ! Crystal - Larimar Sound Frequency - SI - 963 Hz * June 01, 2018 Your knowing continues to increase naturally as if by magic. ! Activation begins: Divine Knowing ! You think you know something fully, and then you discover something else - something that deepens meaning, something that makes you feel more feeling. This is a combination of energetic factors all working together to expand strength and power. This is your energy field growing with increased vitality and auric and psychic awareness. Your physical vessel is on the frontlines converting light energy and transmuting materiality into light. Rest. Relax. Be still, then move with abandon. Listen to your own unique inner rhythm. Let your body rest fully. Then, be actively engaged. Rest fully again. Then, engage your physicality in ways that allow your cells, tissues, and organs to experience abandonment to joy, to body without mind, to completely free movements that feel as though you have no control, and yet, your body knows. Your body leads you deeper into joy and surrender and holistic intelligence. Dance.Dance.Dance.Dance.Dance.Dance.Dance.Dance.Dance.Dance. Let your body express your internal flow of energy. Put on some music you love, and dance. See where your body takes you. Turn off the mind. Turn on the body. This increases your inner knowing and entrains your trust of self. This vibration frees you, and is felt as freedom by others. Your field is electric right now. Explore surrendering to your light. ! Activation is complete: Divine Knowing ! Crystal - Jasper Sound Frequency - UT - 396 Hz |
May 31, 2018
Earth energies continue the strengthen and expand your system exponentially. Stay relaxed and poised. You are ready to receive the unexplainable, the unknowable, the wondrous, and the sublime. The divine masculine energies are the catalyst for you to gain familiarity and comfort with this higher frequency. This particular intelligence is integrating, adding both confidence and strength of purpose. In addition, it bolsters your commitment to ever-expanding self love. These are extremely fruitful times when you can surrender to the paradox of pain - the knowledge that you are safe and secure and loved always, and that you are forever fully deserving of joy - no matter what you are experiencing. ∪ Fill Up With Gratitude Now ∪ 🐥 In particular, information will be coming to you by way of animals. 🐭 This could be memories, real life experiences, energetic visions, sensations, or feelings - an animal is reaching out to you today. 🐵 🐻 Notice what you notice. 🦁 Your imagination is here to serve you, and it will feel like more than just you. 🐴 These energies are perfectly balanced. 🐿You give and receive simultaneously. 🐶 You are receiving primarily energetically, but your physical vessel is responding! 🐮 Stay attuned to your energetic surroundings and your physical environment. 🐯 Stay open. 🐼 Practice feeling beyond feeling. 🐹 If in doubt, start with what you love. 🐰 #JOURNAL-#ReflectionOnAnimalCommunication# You will have to be aware. You will have to be prepared to be delighted or a little surprised. You will have to be in co-creation with your inner child. The energies of the divine masculine are asking you for forgiveness. They need to get your attention in a loving and playful way, like a big brother who ruffles your hair. There is love. There is admiration. There is a sense that you will always be the little kid. You will receive communication especially for you. It will be meaningful. It will lead you to more joy and appreciation; more love and compassion for self. Yes. More. Love. And on and on into infinity ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ Crystal - Clear Quartz Sound Frequency - SOL - 741 Hz * May 30, 2018 The physical vessel continues to feel enlivened by the incoming energies of the divine masculine. These are currents of purity - pure love, pure joy, pure frequency - they are healing your body at the deepest cellular level. Again, your mind is happy to go along on this energetic adventure. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Settle in to the nurturance of the earth. These benevolent energies are all around you. They feed you and care for you. The earth is unconditionally loving and always sustaining you. Allow your system to completely relax into the support of the earth. This is an energetic exercise, but by all means take some time today to commune with the earth. Walk upon it. Gaze lovingly at it. Touch it. Whisper. Tell the earth a secret. Receive a secret of the earth. Chances are this conduit of communication will also open up a direct link to your star family. This is a beautiful example of the equal and reciprocal power of the relationship of cosmos and earth. It is a constant and magnetic equilibrium. A perfect balance. As you consciously attune to this power, your psychic and telepathic abilities and extra sensory perception expand - gaining knowledge, proficiency, skill, and confidence as you bring your conscious awareness to it. Practice telepathic communication. If in doubt, start with plants, flowers, grass, trees - anything in nature will respond immediately. Ask questions. Listen to your inner voice. Stay relaxed. Meditate, nap, or rest while listening to the elements - wind, fire, water - receive energetic communication. In particular, your star family is coming to you via the earth. You might see us as distorted visions of the earth - shadows, blowing grass, the center of a flower, a rain drop, or snowflake. We are appearing to you if you are ready to receive wonder, grace, innocence, and unconditional love. Contact is happening now. We are coming to you through your mother - the earth - to show to the depths of our shared unconditional love for you. Love us infinitely as you already do. Crystal - Selenite Sound Frequency - LA - 852 Hz * May 29, 2018 Clarity continues. Generally, you feel renewed in all areas. Your mind wholeheartedly agrees with the energy body on this one. Your ego feels malleable, changeable. Breathe in a sigh of relief. Do it again. And, again. Again. Breathing relief in and out. Feeling relieved, satisfied. You created this. Wonderful! Your body is integrating this frequency beautifully. ∪ Fill Up With Gratitude For Body Now ∪ Yes. The physical vessel knows new levels of deep relaxation. There are enormous benefits here for the mind/body connection as it deepens in unconditional love and acceptance. This profound surrender to your inherent well-being-ness is brought to you from the earth. 🌍 Notice how the earth is calling to you. 🌎 It could be through sight or smell or touch or taste. 🌍 These senses continue to deepen beyond physicality. You feel soothed, nurtured, and free. Spend time communing with whatever aspect of the earth is calling to you. This could be the elements - wind, water, fire, earth. This could be weather patterns that feel like your very own emotional current. This could be food or oil or salt or a variety of medicinal plants - you begin to see them and feel them on another level. This is you discerning energy. This is you connecting and entering into relationship with energy. This is you surrendering to unconditional love and acceptance of all energies that surround. There is infinite love for you in every aspect of the earth. Draw upon this love. Reflect this love. In addition to the soothing sensation felt by the physical vessel as you connect to materiality with higher intelligence, you are also receiving messages that satisfy the mind. Things begin to make better sense. You can see the bigger picture with ease. You can let yourself off the hook. You can follow your joy. Listen. The earth is communicating very strongly. Feel what you feel. Your mind will easily translate this benevolent language of light. 💞 More love. 💞 More love. 💞 More love. 💞 Infinity. 💞 More love. Crystal - Rose Quartz Sound Frequencies - FA - 639 Hz * May 28, 2018 Open. Open. Open. Open. Open. Open. Open. Open. Open. Open. Open. Open. ! Activation begins: Unity Consciousness ! ⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉ONENESS GRID ⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈ Increasing union of masculine and feminine energies within and without are amplifying all telepathic abilities. Take a moment today and focus your attention on opening your mind to this gift within that is waiting to be discovered. Relax your body completely. Your mind is calm. Your field is clear. ////RUN LIGHT PROGRAM - Send love/light to all energies\\\\ Begin conscious attunement to your energy body. 🌞Feel yourself as light. 🌞Feel light entering your system. 🌞Feel light travel from your system to the all. This feeling of giving and receiving equally is very relaxing and satisfying. You aren’t doing anything but allowing light energy to guide you. 🌞You surrender completely. 🌞You give indiscriminately. Choose someone you wish to communicate with telepathically. ⦿ See them in your mind's eye. ⦿ Imagine a stream of light connects your system to theirs. ⦿ Engage in a process of reciprocal and equal light energy exchange. ⦿ Formulate your message in your mind. ⦿ Give it over to your energy body to encode the feeling of it as light language. ⦿ Feel/watch as it is delivered to the recipient. ⦿ See how they receive it. ⦿ Feel how you feel knowing they have received the message. 🌞 You will have an energetic feeling/knowing when this is complete. 🌞 Why not do it again with the same person or someone else? Today is a good day for practice and play. Don’t hold back for any reason. 🌞 Experiment. 🌞 Notice what you notice. ////RUN LIGHT PROGRAM - Send love/light to all energies\\\\ ⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉ONENESS GRID⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈ ! Activation is complete: Unity Consciousness ! Crystal - Sunstone Sound Frequency - SI - 963 Hz * May 25, 2018 *************************MESSAGE FROM THE PLEIADIANS******************** Perhaps you suddenly find yourself amidst an experimental, dream-like version of reality. You are human after all. You are playing out a creative expression of what it means to be incarnated on earth at this time. You are feeling at the deepest levels of consciousness. This is real, but not real. Your very existence is fueling the source of all creation, not only teaching what it means to be infinite, but also up-leveling the entirety of consciousness itself. We serve each other in every moment, with every vibration. Conscious choice is multidimensional experience. Clearly today is no where near the way it was yesterday. Lifetimes are filtering through your awareness at a higher frequency. Your reality is the same, but different. You are processing with a wider perceptual field. You are processing more period. Perhaps you have found your consciousness at this time to be somewhat surprising. As you detach, you are able to see your choices and why you are making them more clearly, even when you knowingly do something that might not be in your highest good. How can it not serve you at some level? How can you deepen in compassion for self? How can you be more infinite and less attached to time, materiality, and fear? Going deeper. You might find yourself choosing a course of action that involves playing out a scenario or pattern again. You are doing this consciously almost as if to see what happens. Maybe you need this lesson again but in another way. Maybe you are trying to effect a different outcome and you just don’t know why yet. Regardless, there is something more for you there and this time you are about to enter into it consciously. This process is not altogether comfortable. You know you are being called in this way but at the same time you have clearly gone far beyond it. Maybe there is something/someone you think you can save? This notion has you tethered. Look to the inner child for guidance. Survey old programs from childhood. Something is lurking in there. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Maybe part of you needs to prove something? What are you unable to give up? Why are you so hard on yourself? Why not more levity and laissez faire for you? Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Rest assured you will receive guidance today. You will integrate every message, every light code at a higher level of intelligence. Rest assured by the end of today you will feel more loving and loved. This is your mysterious, experimental dream. We will meet you there. ******************************MESSAGE IS RECEIVED****************************** Crystal - Amazonite Sound Frequency - LA - 852 Hz * May 24, 2018 More and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and on and on into infinity..................................................................................................................... This is who you are. This is you who never stops expanding and growing and evolving with high frequency light energy! Yes. These times are somewhat illusive. On one hand you might feel almost assailed by perceived limitation, on the other hand you are getting a clear glimpse / feeling / sense of complete freedom. Whatever your experience might be right now, know that more stuff is coming to the surface in order to be released and completely harmonized. The reunification of self continues as does reunification with all energies. These are ultimately oneness energies. They are teaching / showing / modelling a feeling of infinite connection. There is no separation. 💜 You are not separate from anything you desire.💜 💜 Be gentle with self. Be especially loving. 💜 Take time today to consciously send love to all versions of self - inner child, higher self aspect, ego - all versions of you. See/Feel all of your selves intricately bound together by the energy of love. You are the sum -the harmony - of these parts. 💜 You are the totality of love. 💜 Now.Now.Now.Now.Now.Now.Now.Now.Now.Now.Now.Now.Now.Now.Now.Now.Now.Now.Now.Now.Now.Now.Now. Change continues to blow through your reality. Time feels as though it is speeding up even faster. You occilate between feeling like you are keeping up and missing out. 💜 Everything you need is here now. 💜 If your external reality does not feel like it's lining up, this is because you are meant to see/feel something that is right in front of your eyes. Look closely. Feel deeply. Not trying. Simply getting blurry, soft, vulnerable enough to see like you do when you have double vision. You can see the gap. You feel in-between. 💜 You are primed and ready to face what has been hidden up until now. There is no need to run away. The bright clear energies of the divine masculine widen your perpetual field - they are so much more more inclusive and discerning than you expected. You don’t have to think so much anymore. You don’t have to do so much. Just let the energy show you. We will meet you there. Crystal - Amber Sound Frequency - FA - 639 Hz * May 23, 2018 Thankfully, these divine masculine energies are so revealing. Lately you have received clear guidance as to where you are shrinking as opposed to standing in your full power. You are able to see where you are hiding rather than showing up as your most confident self. ∪ Fill Up With Gratitude Now ∪ This process can be very humbling. Perhaps you have been going along thinking you have been doing the best you can loving all aspects of self and accepting who you are past, present, future and then a memory pops into your head or a discordant feeling and you get a picture of a version of self who submitted and relinquished power in the face of superiority, domination, anger, or any similar kind of low, shutting down vibration. Instead of standing up to it, you gave in. Instead of holding your own, you allowed the other to have power over you. All of a sudden you feel like this old version of self all over again. All of a sudden it feels like everything you have done up until now is a wash. Take a minute here and feel and breathe and feel and breathe and simply begin tapping on this version of self. = EFT Opportunity: “Even though part of me is identifying with an older version of self who gave up and was dominated, I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway. Even though part of me feels like I am this, I must be this, and I will never get past this perceived limitation of self, I choose to deeply and completely love and accept myself. I choose to forgive myself. I choose to love myself even more." = (click for more information about how to perform EFT) Ok. Keep tapping. This version of self is dissolving with every tap. But, wait! What is this process of reconciliation teaching you? Notice what you notice. The divine masculine energies are entraining deeper and deeper levels of forgiveness of self. As you forgive yourself in these very vulnerable and often shameful moments, you are also forgiving others. You open yourself. The energetic field of others opens as well. Stay quiet and patient and receptive. There is no rush. There is no pressure. This is between you and you. This is you teaching you how to forgive yourself even more. It will not feel like the divine feminine release process. The divine masculine energies come to you as shocks and sparks and arrows of remembrance. It might almost feel harsh until you are able to align with the powerful forceful energies of compassion and forgiveness that come along with them. Both are coming for the sole reason of release. Both are coming now to focus your awareness and your attention. This is beyond worthiness and deserving and has more to do with unconditional love and complete freedom. This is where you are headed. Going up and up and up and up. You never stop. You are never not unfolding your highest good. ∪ Fill Up With Gratitude Now ∪ Proceed into more love. Crystal - Jet Sound Frequency - SOL - 741 Hz * May 22, 2018 Today we encourage you, we invite you to not worry about anything at all. ! Activation begins: Release Worry ! You might wake up and have a million important, crucial things running through your mind. Let’s just say they all cause you a certain amount of worry. You find yourself racing ahead to future events that have not happened yet. Maybe it’s the case that you have too many choices. If this happens, then you have to do x. If that happens, then you have to do y. But, right now you have no idea which way it’s going to go. The knee jerk reaction to a situation like this is to think through and worry about all manner of possible outcomes. What are you worrying about? *************************MESSAGE FROM THE PLEIADIANS***************** This is the Pleiadian Star Family at your service. We are releasing you from worry, and we are telling you that no matter what the outcome, you are safe, you are supported, and you are unfolding your highest good. Thank you for your presence. Thank you for your connection to us. We are filled with joy. We are sending joy to you. If, for a moment, you can release the hold of the illusion telling you what you can and can’t do, if you can for a moment release yourself from all the shoulds and no choices and and too many and unrealistic obligations on your time and your person, what would you be doing instead? Take a moment here. Imagine all of your worries have dissolved. You are in a place of peace and fulfillment. You want for nothing. You feel light. You are light. You are. Simply. A sweetness. You feel playful and quietly excited for what is to come. You feel patient as though you have all the time in the world. Wonderful. The divine masculine brings with it a wave of light energy that is cleansing and revitalizing your system. If you have had a tendency to worry over the last little while, please know that what is coming up is doing so to leave, not to cause consternation or unnecessary stress. Do not confuse the next steps of your releasing with the trappings of the illusion you try so hard not to get bogged down with. Surrender. This is a re-set. A reminder message. You are not the illusion. You are not your worry. You are beyond polarity and separation. Remind yourself of this today. Tune into our energies and we will bring you levity and lightness so that you are affirmed that you are not required to focus on worry. Alternatively, you can tune into us and feel the benevolent support that will enable you to surrender into a feeling of complete trust. Everything is working out for your best interest. Everything is unfolding for your highest good. It is safe to test this process. It is safe for you to release you worry. Give it to us. We will transmute the energy and send it back to you as pure love and power. Today is a good day to focus on what you want to create. Start with a feeling. Start with love. We will meet you there. **********************MESSAGE IS RECEIVED************************ ! Activation is complete: Release Worry ! Crystal - Selenite Sound Frequency - RE - 417 Hz * May 21, 2018 The portal for receiving is wide open right now. It is a combination of the energetic alignment of divine masculine and divine feminine forces at play in your current reality. Imagine your body in space. Then imagine a circular portal opens up large enough to surround your body. This is your portal for receiving. Stand on the threshold of this ring of power. Feel an energetic wind as it passes through the opening. Your body, as physicality, dissolves and you feel this energetic wind also goes right through your body. Now. This energetic wind that blows through the portal is taking with it anything that no longer serves you. Allow the wind to take it away. No resistance. No need to hang on. No need to understand. You are in complete surrender. Now. Allow this energetic wind to bring you anything that serves you right now in this moment. Surrender to everything you don’t think you need. Surrender to everything you are subconsciously desiring. Surrender to your energy body’s higher intelligence. Allow the wind to integrate this awareness into your energy body. Allow the wind to energize and strengthen your system. ✶ Set an intention to receive the next steps. ✶ You are receiving guidance now and you will be given further instruction as to how to continue to work with this portal. You have widened your scope of receiving. This energetic power station works both ways. It can easily dissolve anything that needs to be cleared. It can give you the power and awareness needed to trust your energetic system. When you are ready you can walk through the portal knowing that it is always there and available to you, or you can continue to keep this portal wide open until you are ready to move on. Regardless, know that you are open enough. You are clear enough. You are ready. Receive. Crystal - Carnelian Sound Frequency - MI - 528 Hz * May 18, 2018 ! Activation begins: PERFECT UNION ! Today is a good day to give the mind a rest completely. Today is a good day to trust your heart to process everything on your behalf. Processing is happening at a rate beyond your comprehension. Give it all over to your heart. Let your energy body play out the magic that you are. = EFT Opportunity: Tapping at the level of the heart - 20 min. = (click for more information about how to perform EFT) Normally, while tapping, we use words to speak to the mind while we engage and open the meridians of the energy body. Today, we invite you to tap without words. Just tap and let the energy take you and show you what you need to see/feel. This is not about understanding. This is about the flow of energy in your system. Let it go where it wants to go. Your body will relax deeply. Your ego will get a break. Your mental body will get upgraded with the light you are moving through your system. Allow this light to soothe and nurture you. Integration is underway. You are able to detect and contemplate the union of the divine masculine and feminine as they amplify in power and light. You will immediately recognize the divine feminine energies of softness and flow and surrender and receiving. They will take you to the very heart of you, to your very foundations. This is where you will expand with even more love for self and others. Notice how your body is integrating the powerful energies of the divine masculine. Notice any jerks or sparks of the body. You might experience involuntary movement. You might shudder or tremble or shake or want to stretch your muscles. You might even be a little uncoordinated. Once you have completed the tapping, take a few moments to move with childlike abandon. Dance, run, play, do cross-over movements, figure-eights, or jumping jacks - anything to shake the physical body into presence with the energy body. Also, this is harmonizing the left and right sides of your body and entraining a more powerful flow of energy throughout your body. ∪ Fill Up With Gratitude Now ∪ Yes. Thank you. Thank you for choosing to be here here now. Thank you for increasing love and light. Thank you for receiving more. You are receiving infinite. You are more. More. More. More. More. More. More. More. More. More. More. More. More. Shift your attention to the wider perceptual field. You are a perceiver not a thinker. You sense, and you determine resonance. Now. You are in harmony. The divine masculine is allowing direct, clear access to hidden subconscious beliefs. This light is bright and telling. It cuts through any limitation you might unknowingly be harbouring. This energy is working collaboratively (always) with the higher intelligence of the divine feminine that is now fully anchored and expanding throughout your system. The energy is very freeing, and also poetic. It is sublime expression. It is yours. It is you. ! Activation is complete: PERFECT UNION ! Crystal - Diamond Sound Frequency - UT - 396 Hz * May 17, 2018 It might be difficult for you to fully trust these energies. It might be difficult for you to reconcile these powerful forces within your system. But, not too difficult. Actually, the energy body is quite happy to process all aspects of the divine masculine. This is your energy body coming fully into a feeling of being back home. However, this might not the case for your mind. Your mind might be in resistance. Your ego might not want to harmonize. That’s fine. We can let the mind and the ego rest. Take a moment today and fully rest your mind with meditation, play, and immersion in what you love. Create experiences of joy for you and you alone. = EFT Opportunity: “Even though I am resisting what these energies are bringing up for me, I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway. Even though I am afraid that these memories and associations that are coming to the surface will just cause me more pain and I don't want to feel pain and suffering anymore, I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway. I choose compassion for self. I choose forgiveness of self and all energies. I choose harmonization no matter what." = (click for more information about how to perform EFT) In fact, your energy body is saying that you are already fully harmonized. Your energy body is powerful and strong enough to soothe the mind. Allow it to take responsibility. Your mind will have all the information it needs in order to make your human self feel safe enough to face what these energies are bringing up for you. There are many timelines and versions of self that are playing out right now. The mind is trying to keep up as best it can. But, the mind simply can not process everything at this time. So much is happening at the level of energy and truly you are much further along than your mind would have you think or know. Even the process of grounding your energy might play out differently. In actuality, you might feel as though your energy body is upside down and therefore grounding might be a completely different undertaking. Your regular routine might not work. Again, you are being stretched into these energies to question your routine and to explore new ways of managing/deploying energy in the service of your joy and your freedom. The divine masculine is saying that despite how masculinity has played out in your reality, you are worthy of pure, unconditional love. These very energies that you might resist at first glance are actually the next level of love and forgiveness. Think of your inner child and all the ways masculine, authoritative, perhaps even aggressive energy impacted your purity and innocence. These divine masculine energies are here to give you that back and more. They are here to assist you to remember that you always were these things. What aspect of self will you harmonize today? Crystal - Carnelian Sound Frequency - LA - 852 Hz * May 16, 2018 The presence of the divine masculine in your reality is causing you to see all things differently - this includes relationships that are not in harmony with your true self. ! Activation begins: Stand Up or Surrender ! In particular, especially with your inner child leading the way, you are coming up against disharmony and discord in interpersonal relationships. At times, you might feel like the wounded child has taken over your current human reality entirely. At times, it may seem as though you are dealing with another’s child self directly. 😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇 Your multidimensionality is assisting you here although, it may seem destabilizing. Essentially you are splitting dimensions and are able to access past moments in time and also past lives. You might actually see/feel glimpses, flashbacks, dreams, visions, senses, gut feelings etc. of childhood memories or child projections from self and others. They will feel very real because they are trying to get your attention to go within. You will experience direct, unfettered access to a depth of feeing that has been hidden up until now. It is the divine masculine that is bringing this clarity and direct experience. Be aware of any resistance that might come up. The best practice is detachment. Allowing yourself space to have experience. Allowing your knowing and higher intelligence to release you from the experience itself. On a practical level, these energies are calling you to decisive action. Consider this action arises from two distinct alternatives. You might choose one or the other or some combination along the spectrum that works for you. ✌️Either you are being called to stand up for yourself in a larger way - again your inner child will guide you here because your inner child knows exactly what is needed from you at this time. ✌️Or, you are being called to surrender completely and deeply to where these energies are guiding you. This is your expression of you. It is a clear and more direct expression of your creation potential. It is you harmonizing you from within. Trust that these energies are here to serve you. Choose to feel good about it. ! Activation is complete: Stand Up or Surrender ! Crystal - Aquamarine Sound Frequency - RE - 417 Hz |
May 15, 2018
Divine masculine energies grace your system right now. Although, perhaps it doesn’t feel so graceful in the moment. ! Activation begins: Divine Masculine ! It’s only when you take a step back and detach that you are able to see/feel the divinity and the love that is within and all around you. Love is always within and all around. Be patient with self. It might take a little while for you to orient to the quality of these energies to really see/feel how you will benefit from these powerful incoming blasts of light. Make no mistake - you are receiving benefit on some level. In a way it’s about perspective. What are you focusing on? In the case of an inner wounded child, are you oriented to harmonization no matter what or is there part of you that is served by staying within the pain? This is not really a mental exercise. This is pure feeling, and any attempt from the mind to make sense of what you are experiencing will lead you further into mind and farther away from the heart feelings that truly serve you. It’s interesting actually how heart-centered this energy really is. It might not seem like it at first. You might feel especially driven - like you need the mind to figure this out, but this is the divine masculine revealing itself to you as feeling and heart and love and acceptance and benevolence and compassion. These might be aspects you don’t normally associate with masculinity. You are growing and stretching yourself within paradox and polarity. Difference and separation do not feel as such when you are not being it. Notice what pulls you into a perception of disharmony. Notice the illusion. Now. As you grow more accustomed to this particular divine energy within your system, you will become more comfortable directing it to serve you. In the meantime, you will need to practice very diligently detaching from the programs that these energies trigger you to. You are invited to use the higher intelligence of the divine feminine that is now fully anchored within your system. It is here, and available to you now for this very reason. Remember that soft, squishy space of ever-expanding love and support and nourishment? When you are triggered, go to this place of love within. Do not hesitate. You will be able to unravel the personal lesson and harmonize these energies. This alchemy is yours. Go within. Ultimately, this is about balance and oneness. The divine union within is without. Proceed into the unknown using your divine feminine awareness. Quite naturally, the mysteries of your increasing relationship to the divine masculine will be revealed. ! Activation is complete: Divine Masculine ! ●◉● Join us for the New Moon Meditation. Take a moment on Tuesday night to reflect on and gather up your intentions for review and declaration. Notice what you notice. Write your thoughts down or make a mental list that you can return to over the next few weeks. This is will help ground the thinking mind with soul action. You are worth soul action. You are more than your thinking mind. ●◉● Crystal - Jet Sound Frequency - FA - 639 Hz NEW MOON GROUP MEDITATION ● TUESDAY ● May 15, 2018 @ 9:00 pm EST Theme: DIAMOND LIGHT BODY UPGRADE * May 14, 2018 The incoming energies are streams of light, like arrows, lovingly piercing the shell of humanness. This light is direct and powerful, and it will most likely be felt at the level of the inner child. ! Activation begins: Divine Masculine ! While this energy might feel somewhat aggressive in nature, it is at the same time unconditionally loving. This kind of tough love kind of benevolence is ultimately a harmonizing force which is bringing the divine feminine and divine masculine into balance. This energy is also quite revealing. What is brought into focus for you? Coming into these strong and forceful energies, when the field has been ensconced in the beauty and softness of the divine feminine, can feel a bit jarring and destabilizing. Because the light is highlighting your own unique path, these energies will play out for you in your own unique way. However, chances are there is a spotlight of sorts on some aspect of your behavior that is still informed by a wounded, hurt, or traumatized child within. Take a moment here and connect to the child within. How is this light illuminating a program that was established in childhood, one that you are still playing out even now? This particular behavior/aspect is coming to the surface now to be released and cleared. The way into these energies/feelings/mysteries of you is through the inner child. The divine masculine is merely revealing how to more deeply care for all aspects of you. Now. These energies might feel almost punitive in nature. They might make you feel as though you are back to square one. This is not the case. The energies are not personal. They are not intended to harm you. They are evidence that you are ready to go beyond. You cycle around this issue once again, but this time you have a strong foundation of feminine energies with which to draw upon. You can essentially mother and parent yourself - and heal at a much deeper level. Take this message into meditation. What is coming up for your inner child? Centre yourself in your own unique opportunity for growth and progress. You will be guided to your highest good. For now, let’s take some of the sting out of these energies and consciously direct them with loving, compassion, and forgiveness. = EFT Opportunity: “Even though the incoming energies are causing me to feel ___________, I deeply and completely love and accept myself. Even though these energies feel like they are going right to the heart of my wounded inner child, I accept myself anyway. I choose to have compassion for my inner child. I choose to love my inner child unconditionally." = (click for more information about how to perform EFT) Tap through the points and see what comes up. You will get a starting point. When you do, acknowledge yourself and direct your attention to something that you love. Celebrate love. Feel gratitude for exactly where you are right now. The energies are moving you. You are moving this energy. 🌞 Relax. 🌞 ! Activation is complete: Divine Masculine ! Crystal - Pyrite Sound Frequency - MI - 528 Hz * May 11, 2018 The incoming energies are swirling and mixing and merging any dissonance in the field. The illusion of separation dissolves. ! Activation begins: Divine Masculine ! Today is notable for the presence of sacred masculine energies that are now available at a deeper level due to the infinitely higher frequency of light you now carry. The pendulum swings the other way. You will feel this acutely in your body, perhaps like little blocks are being revealed. You feel compelled to face whatever you come up against. You feel strong and powerful enough to address anything that comes your way. Be loving and gentle with self. There might be some discomfort or confusion. You might feel a little inside out or upside down. Take a moment to connect to your internal gateway to the infinite. It is always there. It never leaves you. Rather than perceive your experience as blocked or like something is "off" or "wrong", allow for the divine masculine to mix and mingle within. Your chakras are accelerating with this new light frequency. They are moving previously dense energy around and fuelling your body with more light. This is not a divine masculine over divine feminine scenario. This is true harmonization. Notice where you are shifting within. #JOURNAL-#SurrenderingToTheDivineMasculineWithin# Where are you encountering masculine energy in your current reality? How is your response different now than it would have been previously? What lessons are illuminated? What teachers and guides present to serve you at this time? This is a profoundly different energetic signature. Your personal energetic signature will likely change as a result as you incorporate these frequencies within your energetic body. In particular, you might notice a feeling of being more grounded within mystery and the unknown. This is a good time to ask yourself how these energies are causing you to process all information differently. You have new eyes, new feeling, new sensing - all are informed by a more complete and balanced expression of the divine masculine and feminine within. Take a moment and go back to the basics with this new perspective of harmonization in the field of your experience. Notice how you have shifted. Acknowledge your progress and commit to even more play and experimentation. Use these questions as a loose framework for your reflection. You will be guided to what is appropriate for you in the now moment. What is your current state of being? What are you identifying with right now? What do you need? Why? Who told you that? How do you feel? Why? Are you choosing how you feel? What are you scared of? Why? Who told you to be scared? Jump in! Be curious! Be playful! Experiment! Embrace the presence of these energies within your system! Trust your inner power and knowing! We will meet you there. ! Activation is complete: Divine Masculine ! Crystal - Onyx Sound Frequency - UT - 396 Hz * May 10, 2018 This is an exciting time to be alive! YOU are the catalyst for all the change you are witnessing. Take a moment to connect with the honour and privilege of human incarnation right now. You chose this you, planned for it, and knew you would find your way to cosmic remembrance. ! Activation begins: The Original Energy Of Free Will ! Now. You are here. You remember your truth of love and joy. You are able to sense into power beyond comprehension of the mind. You are processing higher self integration at a greater rate in each moment. It is all happening and it is happening faster than you expected. Don’t worry. You can keep up. You are. Maintain your awareness on love and joy. Your truth is love and joy. When you feel frustrated and lost, you are still ascending at an accelerated rate. Overall, the scales have tipped in favor of love. You can trust it fully without question. This is happening. And, you can still love more. You can still widen the channel of infinite. Explore and experiment with whatever energies are calling you to acknowledge more love. You are perfectly poised to do so. This is deep appreciation for the beauty and majesty of unconditional love. It keeps on giving - there are no limits. Today is a good day to extend this acknowledgement and deep appreciation to the illusion. Spend some time today loving the separation and divisiveness humanity propagates unconsciously. Spend some time actively transmuting on behalf of the collective. As you tune into this message, you will receive the exact information you need to channel your energy for the highest good of all. This could be ignorance, resistance, unnecessary violence, greed, etc. It might be something very specific to you. You will be guided. You approach these energies with love and acceptance. No matter what. You acknowledge the pain and suffering. No matter what. You empower and activate free will by actively / consciously choosing a better feeling. Once you feel good. You are a channel for better feeling and you harmonize dissonance in the field. Consider that if you choose to bring love to something, you don’t necessarily need a correspondingly positive better feeling as it directly relates to that issue. Vibration does not know words and labels. You can choose to embody any unrelated better feeling energy. The vibration will harmonize. Trust the energy will do exactly what it needs to. There is no outcome for you to concern yourself with. Only feeling good in each moment. For example, you might be open to harmonizing wealth inequality. Your better feeling does not necessarily have to be the end-all solution to lack as it applies to wealth. Your better feeling might be associated with a beloved plant or animal or the feeling of loving your child or partner or the way you feel when you are walking in a forest or on a beach. Any better feeling you carry will harmonize dissonance. This is your creation. You decide what feelings to hold and when. You decide the power of feeling good over bad and when you are worthy of such. You create both. You create the all. Your greatest gift is free will. Celebrate it today and play with choosing more. ! Activation is complete: The Original Energy Of Free Will ! Crystal - Hematite Sound Frequency - LA - 852 Hz * May 09, 2018 Your lens of perception is shifting quite profoundly. It may feel subtle, almost unrecognizable at first, but when you connect with transformation in the making, you feel so changed, and completely unknown to self and others. This clarity is allowing you to see energy. It is allowing access to greater depth of feeling. It is allowing fearlessness and courage, simultaneously with greater curiosity of self and others. It is enabling willingness to take risks. This is you venturing into the unknown. This is you feeling safe and supported to be you at the level of energy. In addition, you are seeing things as they really are for you, rather than how they should be or how you were conditioned to see them. This is as close to the real you as you have ever been before. You are officially out of context and out of neurosis. You are infinitely more detached from an illusion you are increasingly less resistant to and more loving towards. You are choosing love and joy more in each moment. You have released outcome, expectation, and need. You are experiencing self as pure energy. Yes! You are pure light energy. You are playing in and with infinite. You are at a higher vibratory rate. You are expressing and attracting higher intelligence. This truth of you is felt in every cell of your body. ✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶✶ First contact with you star family of light is underway. Perhaps you have already established relations with and are already reunited with your star family. If so, this relationship is clarified and deepened over the next few days. If you have yet to meet your ancestral family of light, today is a good day to consciously intend for contact. Your energy body will guide you. To repeat, you are ready for contact. Contact is upon you. Whether you are open to believing or not, you will be contacted in some way, while you are embodying this high frequency of light energy. This is only possible because you are not as fearful of the unknown. You are open to infinite. You are infinite. We will meet you there. Crystal - Moldavite Sound Frequency - SI - 963 Hz * May 08, 2018 You reach another layer of trust with the forces of energy at play in your life. You are more committed than ever. It’s as if you are getting sign upon sign of fruitful information for your progression. You are receiving direct and actionable guidance from beyond. You feel connected and firmly in the flow of creation energies. ! Activation begins: I Choose Infinite ! Recognizing your body as the gateway and channel for all ascension energies, has not only strengthened your system, but has also increased psychic awareness and sensory perception. You are noticing this acutely in a greater sense of ease and flow in your everyday reality. In fact, it doesn’t feel so everyday anymore. It feels more like a dream. It feels more malleable and changeable - this is the physical/material evidence of attraction energies made manifest. Today is a good day to strengthen your commitment to infinite even more. ⭐️Clarify your intentions. ⭐️ The incoming energies are very bright, alert, and clear. Use them to reaffirm your progress into the unknown. Just because things are going well, and you are seeing and believing with greater clarity now, doesn’t mean you have to stop. Keep going! Press onward! You are gathering energy now! You are stretching in light! There is no going back! To repeat- you found the internal gateway within your system, you connected with this powerful well-spring of energy and clarity and strength within - you found this space inside of your energetic system that knows no limits. You connected with your unlimited truth. NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW Everything that is not this limitless truth is not real to you anymore. Anything that does not resonate at this level has or is dissolving. - Trust This Process - This is your centred, balanced state of being when you can explore love and joy freely without negative consequence. This is the vibratory action of you feeling good. This is the foundation of your reality created with love and joy. Enjoy! ! Activation is complete: I Choose Infinite ! Crystal - Citrine Sound Frequency - MI - 528 Hz * May 07, 2018 You are being invited to a deeper awareness of openness, and with that a different relationship to co-creating more freedom in your current reality. ! Activation begins: The Freedom Of Infinite ! The incoming energies are causing you to reconsider your response to seemingly mundane everyday life occurrences. Your routine might be off slightly. You might not have the time you normally have for basic self-care like meditation, reflection, sleep, vacation, etc. This disruption might even cause anxiety or a feeling that you are out of control. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Take this as a subtle sign from the multiverse that you are being called to step into a greater awareness of what you can handle at this time. These incoming energies are super charged. They are illuminating skills and abilities you didn’t think you had. The only way for this to become apparent to you is when the routine changes and you are called into a different expression of self. You are being invited to see that your new vibratory level is not as reliant on the self-care rituals you have come to depend on. This does not mean that you through self-care out the window - no! It means that you are able to handle more without needing to reset and recharge as much. Even without your regular self-care routine, you are still the perfect truth of you. In addition, consider that you are being faced with questioning and re-evaluating your need of these things at some level. Again, this does not mean you have to give them up entirely - not if you don’t want to, and not if you are resonant with and joyful in your current program. But, you are being called to acknowledge a version of self that does not need these things as they currently are in order to progress as the perfect expression of infinite that you already are. This is an experiment between you and you. You are teaching yourself with the benevolent love of the entire multiverse that exists within. Trust this benevolent teaching. Is there part of you that is out of alignment with this powerful love and support? If so, process energetically at the level of the divine feminine. = EFT Opportunity: “Even though I feel out of alignment with the benevolent love and support of the multiverse and I am not sure I completely trust it, I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway." = (click for more information about how to perform EFT) Use this temporary period of disruption to your routine to question your current practice. This is done with the utmost love and respect and honoring. You might find you don’t need to do certain things that you have done before. You might find you are being called to express energy in an entirely different way. Take this time to recognize and acknowledge how you have changed and also to tune into the ways your routine could better serve you right now. As always, focus on cultivating and nourishing feelings of love and joy. How can you increase feelings of love and joy in your daily routine? You will be guided. As you release need, you open up to even more freedom. ! Activation is complete: The Freedom Of Infinite ! Crystal - Clear Quartz / Diamond Sound Frequency - LA - 852 Hz * May 04, 2018 Your body is transmitting energy in ways you have not experienced before. Your physical vessel is a channel for this energy. Play and experiment with transmitting light energy. ! Activation begins: Light Body Upgrade / Each Cell Remembers How to Transmit Light Energy ! You have a space that is (within) your energetic system. It is infinite, but for the purposes of this message, let's say it is a container for receiving and for holding your heart (loving) feeling and energy. This container (infinite) is your physical vessel (body). To repeat, there are no limits to this energy. There are no boundaries around it. There are no rules that govern this space. It is a space of pure unconditional love, acceptance, freedom, and compassion. It is (within) each of you. It is the truth of beinginess. The incoming energies of the divine feminine are allowing you to access this feeling (of infinite within) very easily. To connect, simply imagine a spaciousness within your physical vessel. This is you, and it is also you allowing your energy body to take over with a heightened state of feeling and sensing. This (within) is a powerful transmutation space. Bring anything into this space - anything - relationships, memories, indecision, fear and more - bring it into this space and allow the divining feminine within to diffuse the charge. It will happen quickly and it will probably be surprisingly sweet, gentle, soft, and comforting. This heart (infinity) energy is flowing strongly throughout your physical vessel. In particular, this energy is powerful and strong in your hands right now. Your entire physical vessel is activated with light energy that can be deployed at will to transmit love. Love frequencies naturally find each other. Today is a good day to experiment with transmitting love through your hands. See, feel, and trust how to direct this energy. If you are already comfortable with this practice, consider extending your skills even further today. You might be drawn to more telepathic communion with other energies. You might be drawn to transmitting energy from other areas of your body. Notice what you notice. PLAY. ////RUN LIGHT PROGRAM - Send love/light to all energies\\\\ Body upgrades are translating into a greater ability to share light. This is the process of transmission. You giving light. You receiving light. All the essential knowledge is within. Consciously choose. Set intention. Use imagination. Experiment with your increased light quotient. How can you serve? This conscious co-creation with light also indicates greater sensory awareness, psychic ability, intuition, and heightened perceiving. In addition, these incoming light energies are balancing and harmonizing sacred masculine and feminine within. Use the activated light energy in your hands and body to commune and communicate your truth with light. ^ Movement - Balancing Feminine And Masculine With Light Energy ^ ^ Extend right hand (masculine) out front of your body, palm turned up. Consciously receive the inner harmony within into your hand. Use that hand to wash energy over left side of body. ^ Extend left hand (feminine) out front of your body, palm up. Consciously receive the inner harmony within into your hand. Use that hand to wash energy over right side of body. Notice quality of feeling on both sides. Notice emotions that come to the surface. Vulnerabilities. Softness. Hardness. Feel your power to create internal resonance. Feel the harmonizing potential of your internal resonance. ! Activation is complete: Light Body Upgrade / Each Cell Remembers How to Transmit Light Energy ! Crystal - Rose Quartz Sound Frequency - SI - 963 Hz * May 03, 2018 Your body is teaching you how to consider or evaluate aspects of your habitual behavior. Your body brings with it a higher intelligence and a higher frequency knowing. ⭐️ This translates to an even greater awareness of what is and is not serving you right now. ⭐️ ! Activation begins: Light Body Upgrade / Each Cell Remembers It Is A Gateway To Greater Awareness ! Part of this is creating a responsive discipline that accounts for adding more love and joy into your daily life. Can you re-visit your daily routine and add more levity and play? This can be within meditation, daily chores, relations with others, dreamtime, work, and everything else you are currently doing. In addition, could you add or be open to adding more enjoyable activities, relationships, laughter, lightheartedness, and more to widen your own channel of receiving? Can you choose to feel good and better than good in each moment? Part of this is recognizing and admitting to dissonance when it presents in your field. Consider that when you are in the now moment you can either feel good or not good. Dissonance stands out in these energies. You will recognize it easily. You don’t need to judge or justify or explain or analyze yourself. TRUST YOU. You are the only one who knows. You are the only one whose knowing matters. Part of this is breaking the habit of your mind telling you and describing to you how your body feels. Your body is communicating with vibration. NOW. You learn to receive the information. △ Alert Affirmation (with feeling of joy) - "I notice how I feel in each and every moment." "I choose how I feel in each and every moment." △ Your physical vessel is leading the way. Your higher self is guiding you to more love for body and all aspects of self. Your mind is relaxed and open and free. Notice what you notice. Where, when, how are you indulging bad feelings. Why? △ Alert affirmation (with loving feeling) - "I chose to follow my joy. I choose to be guided by my good feelings." △ ⭐️ Trust self no matter what. ⭐️ Proceed. ! Activation is complete: Light Body Upgrade / Each Cell Remembers It Is A Gateway To Greater Awareness ! Crystal - Aventurine Sound Frequency - SOL - 741 Hz * May 02, 2018 Body continues to be on the forefront of receiving powerful incoming light energies. ! Activation begins: Light Body Upgrade / Each Cell Remembers It Is Pure Energy ! Whatever you are going through, it is assisting you to feel and sense more deeply into the energy body. This is you guiding you. ∪ Fill Up With Gratitude For You ∪ Today is a good day to stay centered in self-love. The Divine Feminine energies are here to assist you, along with your higher self. Hold yourself in the softness of forgiveness, the open-ness of compassion, and the freedom of unconditional love. △ Alert Affirmation (with loving feeling) - "I love myself. I LOVE myself. I love and honour and appreciate ME. △ This is a feeling - not an idea, concept, or definition. This is not a description. This is a feeling of love that you apply to or allow yourself. This is not an interpretation of love. This is a real-time experiment of self as love. This is a feeling beyond needing to be identified by anything other than love. You are being conditioned to a level of purity you have not experienced before. This is a oneness frequency. This is what binds as all. It is what makes us equal. ⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇ONENESS GRID⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈ You are safe to have and be balanced and harmonious and resonant all times, not just when it makes sense to your mind. Your body wants to set new conditions for feeling safe and relaxed and peaceful and harmonious. Allow it to lead the way. This might be different from your usual routine. This might be a short period of discomfort. Soothe yourself. Use this as a teaching opportunity for self to learn about self. Let your mind drift. Your energy body will lead the way. Clarify your intentions, and relax. = EFT Opportunity: “Even though I am not used to letting my body lead me, I chose to accept my body's wisdom. I choose to accept a new perspective into my awareness. I choose to relax with my body." = (click for more information about how to perform EFT) Tap, tap, tap and feel the information as it comes to you. Receive. Receive. Receive.Receive. Receive. Receive.Receive. Receive. Receive.Receive. Receive. Receive.Receive. Receive. ! Activation is complete: Light Body Upgrade / Each Cell Remembers It Is Pure Energy ! Crystal - Celestite Sound Frequency - 285 Hz * May 01, 2018 ! Activation begins: Light Body Upgrade - Each Cell Remembers It is Both Feminine And Masculine ! Your physical vessel is definitely going through something. You might feel beaten down, completely worn out, sore, vulnerable, and broken wide open. At the same time, there might also be present a feeling of agitation, like a caffeine buzz, and you might find it difficult to settle down into rest. Your entire system is receiving a high frequency light transmission. Every single cell of your body is being upgraded, rewired, and infused with light codes that are changing your physical make-up. Your cells are putting a different skill set into action. They are stretching and strengthening into light power and processing more at a higher level of body intelligence. This is not of the mind or ego - in fact, they are beginning to understand a more inclusive relationship with body knowing as a result of these energies. Be patient as they recondition in response to this light. Also, these incoming light energies are harmonizing masculine energies. These energetic shifts are being processed through body knowing and intelligence. The purpose is to release struggle and activate remembrance of your true energetic calling here on earth. This energy is love. Love, coming through every aspect of being-ness. Love, expressed and held and gifted by your very body. Take a moment with your body. If you are struggling with a body issue right now, question it. Does it really appear to be what you think it is? Deepen the dialogue. ∪ Fill Up With Gratitude For Body Now ∪ This is not words. It is not what you think you know. This is about feeling. Your feelings (held by your body) are here to guide you deeper into love. Incidentally, your mind is keeping up with these profound changes in bodily and sensory awareness. ∪ Fill Up With Gratitude For Mind Now ∪ Release the struggle of having to know and of having that knowing have to make sense. Surrender to what is. Allow your body to show you. ! Activation is complete: Light Body Upgrade - Each Cell Remembers It is Both Feminine And Masculine ! Crystal - Clear Quartz Sound Frequency - FA - 639 Hz * April 30, 3018 Light continues to blast into your system. You have never processed these high frequencies before, as a human that is. As a light being, you are used to it. What you are experiencing now is part of your celestial remembering. The way through to this information is in your humanness. In particular, your body is integrating higher intelligence and healing capabilities. Your body is integrating more light, and change is taking place in every single cell of your body. ! Activation begins: Light Body Upgrade / Each Cell Remembers Who It Is ! You might feel this physically in various forms. Take time to not only listen, but to feel into the encoded light information. Your higher self will guide. Your ego is increasingly curious to know. The All Selves unification process means that you have an entirely new understanding of who you are in the now moment. This includes a different perspective of what you are capable of and what you are meant to do this time. Maybe you feel a need to take a few risks and stretch yourself even further. Wonderful! Store that energy in your system for now. In the meantime, don’t be surprised if your body finds a way to keep you more still, silent, and inward while these changes take effect. This is a new way of responding to body. No judgement. No fear. Just being with. Love. This higher frequency of love is flowing through your entire system. Let it wash over you and cleanse and renew you. Let yourself release the old easily, while tending to self with deep appreciation. This is beyond listening and tuning in. It is more about feeling into vibrations of dissonance, resonance. Celebrate the resonance. Let that feeling be in you. Send that feeling to dissonance. Ask questions of it. Dialogue. Receive information. No judgement. Your higher self is leading the way. This might play out in lessons to slow down or re-evaluate your routine. Notice what you notice. The illusion can wait until you receive this message. Your physical vessel is inviting you to commune at a higher level frequency. Consider any efforts to anticipate your body's needs. Instead, allow to be shown. Allow yourself to be guided. Receive this information. Integrate a loving relationship of mutual respect and honouring with your body. ! Activation is complete: Light Body Upgrade / Each Cell Remembers Who It Is ! Crystal - Turquoise Sound Frequency - 174 Hz |
April 25, 2018
The incoming light continues to literally show you the way. All you have to do in choose it. All you have to do is release the incessant hold on the illusion, if only for a few moments, and you will receive your highest good. < 20 min. Active Tapping Meditation > ✺ Close your eyes and pick your favorite tapping point. Start tapping. ✺ You will feel your physical vessel relax. You will start breathing more deeply. ✺ Thoughts will come. Allow them to meet the flow of energy you are creating by tapping. Allow them to be carried. No resistance. ✺ You are going for full integration. Keep tapping. You can stay on the same point or you can move to a different point. Simply keep tapping wherever is comfortable and allow the energy to meet your thoughts and carry them where they need to go. Notice how relaxed you are. Notice how you are breathing even more slowly and deeply. ✺ By now you might have a more persistent thought that figures prominently in your awareness. Allow that thought into your energy body. Allow it to come right into the flow of energy you are creating. Now. Surrender it to your energy. Yes. This is quick. It is a choice, an intention, and you are in charge of transmutation. You allow it to happen. You make it so. ✺You are worthy. You are worthy. You are worthy. You are worthy. You are worthy. You are worthy. You are worthy.✺ ✺ The thought, and all associations, are released into your flow of energy. Notice the quality of the release. ✺ Keep going. Try another thought or another memory, or worry or fear or doubt. Allow your energy body to diffuse and dissolve whatever is on your mind. Notice the quality of the release. How is it different than what you have already released? Chances are some thoughts will have a color or a shape. Others might come from and leave from certain areas of your body. Notice any other sensations or sensory clues. #JOURNAL-#MyEnergyBodyTeachesMeAboutSurrender# ✺ Keep going. Practice. This is training for extra sensory prescription and psychic and telepathic abilities. ✺ Keep going. You are worthy. Crystal - Aquamarine Sound Frequency - LA - 852 Hz * April 24, 2018 Chances are lately you have felt very insular, almost like you are in a period of hibernation. You have not felt as social or as willing to assert yourself in the external world. Perhaps this feeling of isolation has caused you some anxiety. You might be questioning yourself and your choice to remain distant and unavailable. You might be questioning why you are not out in the world shining your light. Energetically, whether you are inside or out, you are still your light, and it is shining so brightly we can barely look at you! ! Activation begins: I Am Always Shining Brightly ! Take a moment right now and connect to an image of self that shines so brightly you have to look away. This time of hibernation, these feelings of wanting to be quiet, reflective, and more insular are nothing to be concerned about. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. In fact, the opposite is true. Celebrate your awareness of where and how the energies are calling you. You are doing what is right for you. You are honoring you. In addition, the energies are calling you to go deeper within. You might even feel like everything in your life is conspiring to make this possible. Go there. Why not? You might not be outside connecting with the earth and the world around you, however you are experiencing opening and gateways within to strengthen your ability to do this energetically. 🌎Think of this as the best time for you to enhance and fortify your ability to energetically connect with the earth. 🌍 Imagine your feet in the ground or in the centre of the earth. Imagine your body swimming, floating in an ocean or lake. Imagine sand between your toes or dirt in your hands. Imagine what you know at the level of human and then allow your energy body to take your even further into an imagined co-created reality with the earth. Imagine standing in the crystal core of the earth. Imagine standing at the very bottom of a rainbow. Imagine being inside the centre of a star or the sun itself. 🌍Stretch yourself. Use this time to energetically connect to the earth.🌎 Notice what you notice in your physical vessel. This is ultimately a root chakra activation. You might feel tingling or other sensations in the region of your root chakra. Connect to this feeling and simply allow. Your mind will not understand, but your energy body is ecstatic. You are opening the channel for more love and joy. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Activation is complete: I Am Always Shining Brightly ! Crystal - Carnelian Sound Frequency - FA - 639 Hz * April 23, 2018 Your physical vessel is here to bring you into balance. Any sign you receive from your physical vessel is an opening for your energetic body to show you the way. ! Activation begins: Harmony ! Today is a good day to tune into your body. How is it expressing the next steps on your spiritual path? This could be an ache or pain. This could be an ascension symptom that resembles a flu or common cold. This could be a headache or fatigue. Consider remaining outside of ego judgement. Consider that you do not need to fix. By now you are resting and breathing with your physical vessel and you are receiving information. Now. Consciously release any need to change or fix. Simply receive. ^ MOVEMENT - TWIST - Entraining Harmony On Both Sides Of The Body ^ Ultimately, YOU are bringing yourself into balance and harmony. This is between you and you. As you rest and relax, consider adding a gentle twisting movement to your practice today that supports opening the flow of energy and promotes information receiving. You are sharing the wisdom of your physical vessel with your energy body and vice versus. You are balancing both sides of your body and entraining and sharing the flow of energy within. ^ Standing - ^ Begin a gentle movement of twisting your upper body. Allow your right side to cross over to your left side and then allow your left side to cross over to your right side. Your arms might engage in a rhythmic twisting motion from side to side. ^Alternatively you can use your knees. Gentle bring your left knee up to your right side and then your right knee to your left side. Allow your body to twist and stretch into each movement. This is gentle and soft. You choose what is right for you. ^ You can do a variation of this laying down or sitting. The idea is that as you twist you are crossing energy from one side of the body to the other. You are harmonizing the left side - feminine - with the right side - masculine. You are sharing and receiving and balancing and bringing self into harmony by promoting and sharing energy from both sides of the body. ^ Trust that your left side can bring your right side into balance. Trust that your right side can bring your left side into balance. ^ Notice what you notice as you consciously share and redeploy your energy throughout your physical vessel. Twist as much as you can today. Open up this flow of energy between your masculine and feminine sides. Allow your energy body to show you where you are free to love yourself even more. ! Activation is complete: Harmony ! Crystal - Garnet Sound Frequency - MI - 528 Hz * April 20, 2018 💎Your energy body is insatiable for emotional experience. 💎Your energy body takes nothing personally and attaches to no outcome. 💎Your energy body recognizes its freedom in every moment. Your ego says, "I can’t handle this!" It tries to push away emotional engagement, especially if those emotions trigger past experiences that are negative and unpleasant. However, you have a new skill set now. You are a different person in all regards. As such, the old has no bearing on you any longer. You can let your ego off the hook. It doesn’t need to protect you any longer in this way. Your energy body has taken over this role, and your energy body wants more and more and more emotional experience. Your energy body wants to process emotional experience for self and all others. This is the gift to the all. -Trust This Process- Every person or situation you encounter is bringing you information for clearing. This could be an issue a friend has that is actually as issue you have buried deep within. This could be something you watch being played out on tv or in a movie. You are actually playing a similar experience out within - past life, parallel dimension, etc. - it is an emotional experience you have agreed to process and release. This is not just the negative - this also includes positive feelings of love, success, abundance, etc. Any story that comes into your awareness is fruitful information for you to address something within. Facing it, and lovingly detaching from judgement, is bringing you more love, and also more personal and collective release. It is also an opportunity for more compassion and forgiveness. Start with self. Don’t worry about the actors in the actual story. Put yourself in the imaginary situation, then allow your energy to guide you to what you need to see. Again, it is important to stay as relaxed as possible in order to expedite release. Your tension means you are hanging on. Your relaxation means you are free. You are worthy of a sense of freedom you can barely conceive right now. Allow your energy body to show it to you. Crystal - Selenite Sound Frequency - UT - 396 Hz * April 19, 2018 Light upgrades continue to stream into your crown chakra. You might even sense this as a tingling at the top of your head or some feeling of greater sensitivity in this area. This might also play out on the physical as brain fog or headaches or sinus and lymph congestion. Your memory might be off, along with other analytical/logic processing abilities. Your first reaction might be fear - "What is going in?", "I can’t think straight?", "I am not making any sense!", "I can’t find the right words!", "This is usually easy for me but now I am struggling!" Ah! Yes! You are being wholly and completely transformed! Take a moment today and completely relax your body. This will allow you turn the volume of fear down to silence. Yes! You are integrating light energy according to a previously agreed upon timeline of events. You are safe, loved, and in the perfect place and frame of mind to do this. You feel as though your brain is glitching. ⟶ It is! You are right! Your brain is rewiring and extending neural networking into to previously unused territory. You are literally in a process of hardwiring unused parts of your brain. The best thing you can do while this happens is to relax your body. You have many ways to do this - rest, sleep, meditation, contemplation, daydreaming, EFT, gentle exercise, knitting, doodling, gardening, etc. - any activity where you can safely turn your mind off and drift. This is also impacting more than your current reality. At the level of energy, this process is enabling you to experience more than one dimension at a time. You are going from one parallel dimension to another, all the while aligning and re-aligning based on frequency and vibration. This is nothing to fear. This is happening naturally. Your are progressing perfectly. This is your multidimensional nature made manifest. All of your abilities - psychic awareness, telepathy, intuition, and telekinesis - are being enhanced. Today is a good day to open to your new abilities. Let the energy of them guide you. But, first foremost, RELAX. Allow these changes to take place in feelings of unconditional love, appreciation, and joy that you create. Your brain thanks you. Your energy body thanks you. We thank you and we love you. ∪ Fill Up With Gratitude For Your Brain Now ∪ ∪ Fill Up With Gratitude For Your Energy Body Now ∪ Crystal - Amethyst Sound Frequency - 174 Hz * April 18, 2018 ! Activation begins: Integration Of New Vibrational Frequency - TRUST ! Incoming light streams into your crown chakra. It sparkles like diamonds. This light is multifaceted, layered, and depth-full. It carries with it frequencies that are changing your entire way of being. You are not losing any of your humanness. Instead, what is happening is that your humanness is being enhanced and integrated. 💎 The unification of all selves continues. 💎 This particular light activation is accessing different parts of your brain. It is like a brain hardware upgrade. The purpose is to convert and transmute your relationship to mental chatter. As we have previously mentioned, you might have found tendencies to loud and pervasive mental chatter have increased lately. The idea has not been to decrease the mental chatter or make it go away, but rather to harmonize with it, in order to listen to it, and acknowledge and appreciate it from a different level of your beingness. < 20 min. Active Meditation > In this meditation process, the goal is to relax the mind and body so that you can engage this mental chatter head-on with the wisdom and clarity of your newly unified selves. Your higher self will be leading the way. Your higher self will be interpreting this mental chatter in such a way that your ego self will be able to understand it and act upon it in an entirely different way. To begin. Close your eyes, completely relax your body, and tune into your higher self energy. It is safe for you to do this. You are worthy of being completely and totally safe. Now. Allow the mental chatter, the worries, the doubts, and the fears to come into your mind. Instead of trying to calm or quiet these thoughts, engage them head-on. By now you probably have one particular worry or fear that has come to the surface. Breathe with it. Now. Begin to ask questions of it. "Fear, what do you keep coming up." Receive the answer. "Worry, where do you come from?" Receive the answer. "Doubt, what lesson do you have for me?" Receive the answer. This simple dialogue will be very clear and revealing. You will receive guidance and answers immediately. You already have all the knowledge you require within. The incoming energies are facilitating you to trust and know that this is the truth of who you are. It’s not so much about trusting the unseen, as it is about engaging your new abilities to navigate that which has previously seemed beyond your control. You have a new skill set - a higher and more expansive and lateral intelligence - at your disposal. Use it now. This is a continuation of the unification of all selves. It is you harmonizing you. You are resonating with a more inclusive and powerful frequency. Your mental chatter is not an energy to resist. It carries with it many gifts for your transformation, and you are now able to listen to it and process it with greater awareness. This is you becoming your greatest listener, and truly, your own best friend. ! Activation is complete: Integration Of New Vibrational Frequency - TRUST ! Crystal - Diamond / Clear Quartz Sound Frequency - SI - 963 Hz * April 17, 2018 ! Activation begins: Conscious Sleep and Dreams ! ◉ Enter Healing Sphere Now ◉ Your dreams are revealing aspects of self to you. Not only are you able to see and feel yourself acutely in these dreams, you are also increasingly able to bring this clarity into your waking life. In particular, you are showing up in your dreams as your higher self aspect AND you are communing with the higher selves of beings that you know in your current reality. This indicates a powerful leap in consciousness. Your dream space is like a testing ground for this highly evolved expression of personal power and higher intelligence. People are showing themselves to you at the level of energy. You are showing yourself to others at the level of energy. All defenses are down. Any lingering judgement of self or others is dissolved. You are meeting each other in the truth of who you are - pure unconditional love. And, joy!! Yes!! 💤Your dream space is currently paving the way for increased resonance to feelings of joy with self and with others. 💤 You are conditioning yourself to carry the joy frequency for longer periods and more consistently in your waking life. 💤Notice your dreams. #JOURNAL-HowAreMyDreamsShowingMeLoveAndJoy# Once you identify the feeling of love and joy you are receiving in dreamtime, consciously carry them with you throughout the following day. Set this to run as a JOY PROGRAM that you can return to and utilize in order to raise your vibration while awake. Furthermore, is this not another case of the dream world blurring to reveal yet another layer of the illusion to you? All of your realities are like dreams. You create them in and with energy. You are not limited by day or night. You are not limited by anything at all. Your dream life is just as real as your waking life. Your dream life is equal to your waking life in its potential to transform your ability as a creator. OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN OPEN The significance of dreamtime to your ascension is deepening. Maximize sleep and dreams for the next little while. You are receiving guidance and you are also integrating a new vibration. ! Activation is complete: Conscious Sleep and Dreams ! Crystal - Moldavite Sound Frequency - LA - 852 Hz |
April 16, 2018
The incoming energies are showing you where you are protecting yourself from judgement. These could be areas where you feel you are judged by others, but more than likely these are very deep programs of self-judgement. Take a moment today and consider where you are protecting yourself. These defence mechanisms, while they have seemingly served you in the past, are really limitations in disguise. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Relax. < 20 min. Meditation - "Where am I protecting myself? What is the benefit of limiting myself in this way?" > Wonderful! You are identifying fears that once served you. Now. You are ready to move forward. You don’t have to live with this fear any longer. You have done a great job of protecting yourself from your deepest fears. Up until now, this made perfect sense to you. You had no reference point and no way of knowing you were even doing this. Now. As all of your selves unify in coherence, power, and strength, you realize you have an entirely different reference point for the parts of you that you perceive require protection. Yes!!Yes!!Yes!!Yes!!Yes!!Yes!!Yes!!Yes!!Yes!!Yes!!Yes!!Yes!!Yes!!Yes!!Yes!! This is a result of your commitment to courage and fearlessness. It is also a clear realization that these fears are an illusion and this belief in the illusion is no longer serving you like it once did. In addition, the old programs of hardline fear and punishment loops have given way to an infinitely stronger desire to be kind and gentle with self. In fact, you might find yourself wondering where that old self has gone. That old self is gone and it is OK. You are safe in this moment. You are ready and you have every thing you need. You are creating from an entirely different place and vibration. You are trusting your vibrational feeling to guide you in each moment. Have fun! Find your frequency of JOY and stay with it! Notice the ease. Notice the flow. This is YOU. ∪ Fill Up With Gratitude Now ∪ Allow these fears to come to the surface of your awareness. They are like portals for you to claim your power as a creator. When in doubt , use feelings of love and joy as your new reference points. Your love and joy is what matters. The rest is no longer serving you. Crystal - Black Tourmaline Sound Frequency - MI - 528 Hz * April 13, 2018 Soothe your body with sound frequency. Now is a good time to fully immerse yourself with healing tones and frequencies. ! Activation begins: HARMONIZATION THROUGH SOUND ! This new cycle you are in has brought with it increased mind chatter. While you have perhaps resisted this before, and have wanted to clear or empty the mind in order to find silence, the higher self intent is to unify all aspects of self - including this mental chatter. Open to another level cycle of harmonization. You are not in resistance to any part of self. That is an old program. Your mental chatter is not an enemy to your spirituality. It is simply a part of self that is requiring your loving attention in order to be calmed. Again, there is a direct relationship here with your inner child and/or a program you picked up in childhood. This is merely repeating and intensifying because it is time to be released. This is ultimately great news!! Instead of feeling disheartened or like the battle will never end, take a moment today and do something fun and celebratory in the face of these energies. One way you can soothe yourself very easily is to listen to sound frequencies that serve to heal imbalance or discord in the body. Celebrate with sound. Self-soothe your busy mind with sound. Use these frequencies while you work or need to concentrate. Use them as you meditate or tap. Use them as you exercise or dance. *Disclaimer do not use them if you are driving or operating machinery or doing anything that requires complete focus. These frequencies interrupt the looping unconscious habit of mind and body. They allow you to drift into new perspectives and awarenesses. They allow you to entrain different beliefs and behaviours that reinforce your worthiness. You will change as a result. You will evolve. This is inevitable, and this is your reason for being. Celebrate your changeability. and your evolution. Furthermore, these frequencies will connect you to more love and joy. This is inevitable, and this is your reason for being. Celebrate your changeability and your evolution. Consciously celebrate your ascension process. Give your mind a break. Let it know you love it by soothing yourself with infinite love and acceptance. Why not? This is your progress. This is your purpose. ! Activation is complete: HARMONIZATION THROUGH SOUND ! ●◉● Join us for the New Moon Meditation. Take a moment on Sunday night to reflect on and gather up your intentions for review and declaration. Notice what you notice. Write your thoughts down or make a mental list that you can return to over the next few weeks. This is will help ground the thinking mind with soul action. You are worth soul action. You are more than your thinking mind. ●◉● Crystal - Selenite Sound Frequency - LA - 852 Hz NEW MOON GROUP MEDITATION ● SUNDAY ● April 15, 2018 @ 9:00 pm EST Theme: HIGHER SELF INTEGRATION * April 12, 2018 We continue with an exploration of judgment. These are old programs that do not fit with the incoming energies. As such, there are various things coming to the forefront in order to be released. This is a new cycle. You are an infinitely more unified version of self as you enter into this new cycle. You are grounded enough, thanks to your growing connection to the earth, and you are more than wiling and able to harmonize - that’s why you are here right now. Your clearing, while it might feel intense, will happen relatively quickly. You are not meant to hold onto these feelings. You are meant to release them easily and effortlessly. The incoming energies are assisting you to feel deeply, to learn from those feelings, and to release them as a lesson for the all. This happens in the not doing energy and it is also an opportunity to share your experiences with others. These clearings unify us within and also with each other at the level of energy. You have been noticing when you judge self and others. You might be startled at first when you realize these aspects of self. However, this process always begins with acceptance - “I accept all aspects of myself that have been in judgement of self and others." Next, you will want to open to forgiveness - “I am open to forgiving self and others for being in judgement." Try not to get stuck in the illusion of density. Go to the feeling with the intention of release. You are worthy of being free of judgement. Now. Take one aspect of judgement. This could be a judgement of self or another. Hold it in your mind. Tapping on the karate chop point. = EFT Opportunity: “Even though I am judging myself for ***blank***, I deeply and completely love and accept myself. I choose to accept these feelings and this behavior. I am open to forgiving myself and all others." = (click for more information about how to perform EFT) = EFT Opportunity: “Even though I am judging this person for ***blank***, I deeply and completely love and accept myself. I choose to accept these feelings and this behavior. I am open to forgiving myself and all others." = (click for more information about how to perform EFT) Notice what you notice as you tap through the points. A story will emerge. A connection will become apparent. Don’t be surprised if the lesson or message is delivered to you by way of your inner child. Don’t be surprised at the love and joy you bring to yourself upon release. This love and joy is your new normal. Allow it. Receive it. There is more to come. Crystal - Onyx Sound Frequency - SI - 963 Hz * April 11, 2018 The one thing your inner child has little tolerance for is self-judgement. If you are judging yourself, you inner child is stomping her/his feet in protest - "No!" You are in a process of honouring your child self. Judgement does not factor in. ! Activation begins: Releasing Self-Judgement ! Perhaps you have noticed a theme unfolding with judgment. #JOURNAL-RepeatingPatternsOfSelfJudgment# 💎 Have you been quicker to pass judgment on others lately? 💎 Have you noticed things about yourself that you absolutely can not accept any longer? 💎 Have you felt judged by others? Is this judgement even real, or is this a loop of judgement that is replaying to get your attention? 💎 Did you think that perhaps you had released judgement in the past only for it to appear again either looking/feeling similar or vastly different? Take a moment here and extend gratitude to these habitual feelings of self-judgement. They are coming up now because they are ready to be released. ∪ Fill Up With Gratitude Now ∪ Yes! Noticing this about yourself can be disheartening, and even a little depressing. Connecting the dots between your judgment of others and your own tendency to be just as hard or harder on yourself is your 💎ultimate opportunity💎 for harmonization. Let’s address the ways we judge ourselves now. Let’s clear these feelings and make more room for love and joy. △ Alert Affirmation - "I intend to transmute any self-judgment into love and joy. I am worthy of more love and joy." △ Wonderful! Now. Pick one area of your life where you notice you are judging yourself. You might have to dig here because your own self-judgement might be disguised as a judgment of another. Similarly, you might be judging yourself for doing something you think is bad. In this case, notice how you might be blaming the thing rather than accepting yourself for being drawn to it. It’s more about shifting perspective from blaming self and others and things (externalization of feeling) - to acceptance of all aspects of self. Notice what you notice. Make a list or mental note. #JOURNAL-IJudgeMyselfForTheFollowing:# #JOURNAL-IJudgeOthersForTheFollowing:# This process is infinitely loving. You are infinitely worthy. ! Activation is complete: Releasing Self-Judgement ! Crystal - Rose Quartz Sound Frequency - RE - 417 Hz * April 10, 2018 ⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈ONENESS GRID⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈ The earth continues to offer itself to you for both grounding and inspiration. All you have to do is consciously connect to earth energies. ! Activation begins: EARTH LOVE ! This can happen in an infinite number of ways. It can be as simple as taking a short walk outside, consciously breathing and sending love, gratitude, and appreciation to the earth. You can also do this as you look out the window or while you are travelling from place to place. This can happen immediately as you connect your body to the earth - barefoot on grass or sand, laying down on the earth, placing earth elements on your body, hugging a tree, spending time communing with plants, flowers, and herbs, smelling essential oils or spices, and on and on and on. Engage your senses. You will be guided. The intention is to consciously connect and open to an information exchange with the earth. In particular, right now, the incoming energies are animating possibilities for connections with the animal kingdom. Today, pay attention to any animals that come into your awareness. This might be a squirrel in your backyard who is digging for food. Tune into that squirrel and have a conversation. She or he has a message for you. This could be a bird that flies into your awareness and who brings a message just for you. This might also be a family or neighbourhood pet. Notice what you notice. These conversations do not have to be heavy or dense, although they might be. More than likely, you are going to have a very light-hearted and playful chat about funny and interesting things. Animals are here to serve yours and humanity’s ascension process, just as you are here to serve theirs. In addition to receiving messages for your own spiritual progress, ask them how you might serve theirs. You will be pleasantly surprised to feel love and joy and friendship and connection. This is not the same as the doom and gloom you read about in the media. Not at all. This is a pure frequency if love, camaraderie, and oneness. These animal frequencies will make you feel light-hearted, warm, loved, and cared for. You will receive feelings of comfort and caring, in addition to more specific guidance that is just for you at this time. To connect, simply let your consciousness wander into theirs. Your union will click into place very quickly and you will start a dialogue. Allow your imagination to play. Allow suspension of belief, even if just for a few moments. Finally, this information from the animals might come to you as sound, sight, smell, or feeling. Open up all of your senses and let go of needing this information to come to you in a specific way. Again, this is inner child play energy. Become your childhood self. Become that energy that makes your world come alive with wonder and joy. ! Activation is complete: EARTH LOVE ! ⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈ONENESS GRID⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇ Crystal - Smoky Quartz Sound Frequency - FA - 639 Hz * April 09, 2018 You are drinking up positivity and good feelings like you do water. You need these things in your life, and your energy body is insatiable. If you thought you knew joy, your energy body wants to bring you more. If you thought you knew love, your energy body wants to bring you even more love. This is a great time to be alive with energy co-creation. This is a great time to receive more and more and more! ! Activation begins: JOY ! This is in part a by-product of the unification process that is underway. All of your selves are playing together with one common goal - to increase love and joy. There is no area of your life that is off limits to this high-frequency light. Consider taking a moment to clarify your intention to allow more love and joy into your life. Consider adding this claim to your daily morning practice. Upon waking, assert the following: △ Alert Affirmation - "I am allowing more love and joy into my life today. I am seeking out the love and joy inherent in all energies." △ In particular, your increasingly loving and accepting relationship with your inner child is delivering these high frequencies. Your inner child is allowing you to access these childlike and playful frequencies in all that you do. Don’t be surprised if you have a more whimsical perspective of certain areas in your life that used to feel mundane or boring. Your inner child is finding the joy in everything. Your inner child wants to share these feelings with only one person - you. Delight in this light and playful relationship between you and you. △ Alert Affirmation - "I allow my inner child to guide me to more love and joy. I receive teachings of love and joy from my inner child easily and effortlessly." △ If your inner child feels distant or dormant, simply take a few moments of quiet stillness to connect. Imagine your childhood self and then let your energy body take over and show you want you need to see. In addition, the simple acts of smiling, laughing, and lighthearted curiosity will bring your inner child to the forefront of your awareness. Spend some time today smiling and laughing and feeling a lighthearted curiosity for no reason at all. Just simply be these energies and feelings. The next steps to more love and joy will be revealed. ! Activation is complete: JOY ! Crystal - Citrine Sound Frequency - MI - 528 Hz * April 06, 2018 ***************************MESSAGE FROM THE SIRIANS********************* It fills us with love and joy to assist you at this time in human civilization and during the transformation of your planet earth. We have been together many times before this now moment. We always meet in joy. If you are here now, you are in joy. Allow your joy to be something you don't know or recognize. Allow it to be. Allow the joy in/of everything to be revealed to you. For all of us, this is a joyful family reunion with so many extended family members present, showering our union with light and love. Thank you for opening up to your light beingness. You are an energy that has never died or gone away. You have been through countless manifestations, and you find yourself here on earth, often times alone, and confused as to your true purpose. You are the same as we are. You are light energy. That light energy is a frequency of love. Love is so much more powerful than you know. You are so much more powerful than you know. We are here to share with you the ways you can access more love and joy for self and all energies. There are an infinite number of ways. Your path will be unique and it will be shared by all of us. Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Again. You are light. Imagine yourself as light. Imagine your light grows larger and larger, so large that it spills over into everything you do and everything you are. Again. Begin with the notion that you are loved by us beyond the parameters of how you understand the concept of love to be right now. We love you even more than that. Again. The love we have for you can not be limited or contained or understood from a human perspective. You must trust that we love you that much and more. Again. You already know this at the core of your beingness. We are here to remind you. This is not a mental exercise, it is an energetic adventure into the unknown of you. There is no end to you. There is no goal or outcome of you. Again. You create your experiences using light energy. You imagine you are light. You imagine that all things and all people are light. You imagine that your tool to accomplish anything is light. Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω ////RUN LIGHT PROGRAM - Send love/light\\\\ Send light from your beingness to someone or something else. Imagine light from your beingness extends from you and touches another being of energy. Feel the conduit of information transfer. Feel love flowing back and forth. Feel the identity of the illusion is cancelled out by the light. The light grows brighter and stronger. We meet you in the high frequency that you are. ****************************MESSAGE IS COMPLETE***************************** Crystal - Selenite Sound Frequency - LA - 852 Hz * April 05, 2018 ***************************MESSAGE FROM THE ARCTURIANS***************** chrysanthamum, violet, 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11, gamma, gamma, gamma, turquoise, rose, four, four, four, four, we are so very excited to meet you. thank you for meeting us here in a space of becoming the unknown. it is a place of unconditional love and of ancestral reunion with the truth of our togetherness, DNA, DNA, DNA, healing, 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11, star light, star light, earth crystals, gaia, gaia, gaia, violet, fire of the earth, breath, love, energy, breath, love, energy, photon lightchrysanthamum, violet, 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11, gamma, gamma, gamma, turquoise, rose, four, four, four, four, we are so very excited to meet you. thank you for meeting us here in a space of becoming the unknown. it is a place of unconditional love and of ancestral reunion with the truth of our togetherness, DNA, DNA, DNA, healing, 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11, star light, star light, earth crystals, gaia, gaia, gaia, violet, fire of the earth, breath, love, energy, breath, love, energy, photon light ********************************************************************************** We are so very excited to meet you. Thank you for meeting us here, in a space of becoming the unknown - a place of unconditional love and of ancestral reunion with the truth of who we are. We are so very excited to meet you. Thank you for meeting us here, in a space of becoming unknown - a place of unconditional love, a place of ancestral reunion with possibility and potential. ********************************************************************************** Our relationship is a mutual exchange of light information. As much as you learn from us, we learn from you. This is the nature of our togetherness. Our togetherness is. ********************************************************************************** There are many energetic beings of light just waiting to become a guiding force in your life. We represent only one group in an infinite number of groups dedicated to assisting the evolution of earth and humanity. We are excited to be with you at this very important time, and we are honoured to serve the light by nurturing our togetherness. ********************************************************************************** △ Alert Affirmation - "I intend to have a relationship with the Arcturian Star Family of Light. △ ********************************************************************************* chrysanthamum, violet, 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11, gamma, gamma, gamma, turquoise, rose, four, four, four, four, we are so very excited to meet you. thank you for meeting us here in a space of becoming the unknown. it is a place of unconditional love and of ancestral reunion with the truth of our togetherness, DNA, DNA, DNA, healing, 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11, star light, star light, earth crystals, gaia, gaia, gaia, violet, fire of the earth, breath, love, energy, breath, love, energy, photon light *****************************MESSAGE IS COMPLETE*************************** Crystal - Diamond Sound Frequency - SI -963 Hz * April 04, 2018 You are enlightened, illuminated, and clear about aspects of self that used to feel murky and beyond your control. You have a greater sense of self, in addition to a greater sense of how your unique offering fits into the all. This is your potential. It is your essential gift. It is your unconditional and infinite love. ! Activation begins: Another Layer Is Gone ! And, guess what? It is revealing yet another layer of resistance that is ready to be loved into unity consciousness. One of the ways these incoming energies are revealing this to you is by highlighting the areas where you are resisting that which you love the most. This is a deeply embedded subconscious belief. Most likely it’s not even yours. But, it is something you have agreed to heal. All these little parts and fragments and bits of yourself that are brought into oneness - it is a beautiful and inspiring process to behold. Consider connecting to your higher self and soul to really feel the deep sense of gratitude and relief that comes from aligning yourself with infinite worth. It is empowering and enjoyable. Now. Let’s clear some resistance. You have claimed this issue or limitation or resistance at the level of your human self. But at the level of the soul, it is all of ours. We share everything at the level of our souls. There are no boundaries. No separation. No need for resistance. No need for anything at all. Your act of processing even a fragment of your resistance connects us all to more love. It is felt by all. This is also another reminder to connect into your energetic support groups whenever you can. Trust your soul. Trust the souls of all energy beings. We are here to support each other. As for your resistance, let’s tap it out and see where the energy body takes us. This layer of resistance will most likely be felt somewhere in the body. Go inside and feel. It might not be where you normally hold stress and tension, it might be hiding somewhere unusual like in your hands or ears or skin or behind or inside an organ. Your energy body will guide you. = EFT Opportunity: “Even though I realize that in some ways I am resisting what I love the most, I choose to honor everything I am. Even though I am resisting the very thing I want the most, I choose to accept myself anyway. Even though I can’t understand why I would do this, I choose to trust my energy body to show me the way forward I choose to love myself no matter what, and I choose to release anything that is not serving me at this time. AND Even though I feel tension pressure in *this specific area* of my body, I deeply and completely love and accept all of me." = (click for more information about how to perform EFT) Tap. Tap. Tap. You will receive the information you seek. It will undoubtedly make you smile or even cry tears of relief and joy. Yes!! You are worthy of manifesting that which you love. Yes!!!! This next layer of resistance is also coming up to show you how far you have come. Take a moment to celebrate you. Do something fun, something that makes you smile, even if it's just for a few moments. Follow your heart. It is leading you now. The ego mind is happy to have a break. Amp up this feeling of relief and freedom from. Go for more love!! We will meet you there. ! Activation is complete: Another Layer Is Gone ! Crystal - Orange Calcite Sound Frequency - MI - 528 Hz * April 03, 2018 The earth continues to offer every single ounce of its energy to humanity’s ascension process. At some level, each being is doing the same for the earth. ! Activation begins: Conscious Attention/Love For The Earth ! More than ever before you are feeling your energetic connection to the earth. It’s as if the earth itself is inside of you and you are inside of the earth. You are extricably bound. You are one, and you know it. You feel this connection at a much deeper level. 🕯Take a moment today and send your high-frequency love/light in support of the earth.🕯 Notice your relationship with all the earth elements. You are meeting them all with a higher intelligence and a higher light frequency. This is a good time to ask the elements for guidance, and to ask them how you can help heal them as an offering to our collective ascension . In particular, right now, we suggest you spend time with the air element. Notice how the metaphors of air are informing your awareness. Maybe it’s the winds of change. Perhaps you take a walk and feel the air as it passes right through your system. Maybe you spend sometime observing the wind. Maybe you watch birds or planes as the fly though the air. Similarly, consider your breathing. Your breathing grounds you and connects you to spirit. It aligns the energy columns in your system that go up into the cosmos and down into the earth. It nourishes your physical vessel and calms you to the point where you can claim your energy body.. Simply sit and focus on your breath. You can do this anywhere, at anytime and while you do a variety of things. As you breathe, imagine you breath into and out of the earth. Imagine you are breathing for the entire earth. Imagine you are breathing for every person on this planet. Imagine all living energy is breathing as one. At this time, you might also be called to the fire element. Experiment with all metaphors/images associated with the fire element. Light a candle or have a bonfire. Release anything that is not serving you into this energy, then ask how you might support and contribute your energy to the fire element. Remember to breathe and allow the energy of you to become one with the earth. Smile. You are co-creating coherence. And harmony. ⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉ONENESS GRID⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈ Perhaps you have now received some information on how you can uniquely serve each other’s ascension process. ////RUN LIGHT PROGRAM - Send love/light to the EARTH\\\\ ! Activation is complete: Conscious Attention/Love For The Earth ! Crystal - Jasper Sound Frequency - UT - 396 Hz * April 02, 2018 Unification and integration continues. As you assemble altogether, nothing feels like it once did. There is a sense of power beyond complete understanding. There is a sense of stability, which fosters feelings of self-trust and responsibility. This process is happening for all beings. While you feel it most acutely within, take a moment today and sense into the expansion of others. You are nothing but compassion at the level of energetic curiosity. Again, this is something your brain perhaps cannot make sense of. The ego might jump in and judge mindlessly. That’s ok. You are integrating your ego too. You are expanding in love for your ego and you are learning acceptance of all aspects of self. 💓Take a moment to acknowledge and appreciate your ego right now.💓 Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Wonderful. You are relaxed. You are feeling open. You feel like stretching into and becoming energy. Ok! Let’s play. Take a deep breath and relax into your energy body. Feel the flow of infinity. Now. Consciously ground this powerful light energy into the earth. Let yourself mix and mingle with each other. One half of you stretching to the cosmos. The other half stretching into the earth. Find your still-point. Think of someone in your life. Maybe a family member or a friend. Maybe a co-worker or a neighbor. Have this person be someone you know at the level of human. The level of like or dislike is inconsequential. At the level of energy, you are both love. You are both everything to the other. Now. Have something in mind. A request perhaps. A question. A feeling. A memory. A gesture. At the level of energy, connect to the other person's higher self. Feel into the love and support from the other person's higher self energy. Feel into the generosity of spirit and unlimited energy available for expansion and change. Spend some time together sharing energy. Notice how your field is amplified. Notice how you are even more powerful. When you are ready, release each other. Notice what you notice. What information did you receive? What do you know now that you didn’t before? ∪ Fill Up With Gratitude Now ∪ ////RUN LIGHT PROGRAM - Send love/light to ALL people and ALL energies\\\\ Crystal - Clear Obsidian Sound Frequency - RE - 417 Hz |
March 30, 2018
Your auric field is intensified, electrified, and magnetized. This is a result of the unification and integration of all aspects of self and energy body in combination with the incoming energies of higher and higher frequency love/light. ! Activation begins: Aura Intensified ! Your aura has been fully cleansed and renewed with light encoded information. This is both a barrier of protection - kind of like a cocoon of energy that is assisting your transformation, and also a container for your increasing power. You are growing in energy, and you are being called to integrate this light power and allow it to stabilize and fuel your system. You might even begin to feel/see/hear your energy body and aura as it sparks and pops and snaps with high voltage currents of energetic power. In addition to offering you an ascension buffer as you change and evolve, your enhanced aura is a catalyst for manifestation and magnetism. Specifically, high-frequency love/light is streaming into your heart region to connect with your heart chakra and your cosmic high-heart. This is impacting your auric field with upgraded imprints of light-encoded information. This process calls to mind the phrase: "what the heart wants, the heart gets". This is intense and almost immediate manifestation from your heart space. And, it might not necessarily be something that the ego calls "good." Right now, the heart is drawing toward itself exactly what it needs to heal your entire system, which is also an essential component of our collective healing. It is happening quickly and it can be intense. Don't worry, you will not get anything you can't handle, but it might mean you have to shift your schedule or practice in order to accommodate your increasing emotional intelligence. If something comes up, you won't be able to ignore it for long. Pay attention to it in the moment - reflect, go inward, connect to inner-child, connect to higher self, connect to soul - it will be cleared quickly. These light energies are causing you to feel deeply, but it is only for release, not for analysis. But , wait! Your mind wants to be inovoled! It's interested! It wants to make sense of it! By all means, don't deny this aspect of mind curiosity. It is important that you honour all of yourself, and this is a necessary part of the integration process. Allow you mind to make the connections it needs to. This is a gentle and loving thought process filled with wonder and "ah ha" moments. Otherwise, consider that this is a time to lead yourself into joy as much as possible. When you are not in your joy, try to be as relaxed as possible in your body and mind. Be as flexible as you can with scheduling and commitments. When you are called to process, the processing is best to come first. It will be deep and intense, but it will be fast, followed by an extraordinarily satisfying feeling of relief. So much so, that you might be called to sleep or nap just because you want to stay in those feelings of peace and fulfillment as long as you can. After that, you will be at a new and improved high-frequency love/light vibration that you have been hard at play co-creating with your soul and higher self. In-joy! Joy. Relax. Rest. Repeat. Joy. Relax. Rest. Repeat. Joy. Relax. Rest. Repeat. Joy. Relax. Rest. Repeat. Joy. Relax. Rest. ! Activation is complete: Aura Intensified ! Crystal - Clear Quartz Sound frequency - FA - 639 * March 28, 2018 The incoming energies are gracing your physical vessel with love, compassion, joy, and increased energy. ! Activation begins: High-heart Chakra Love ! Streams of love /light are entering your body in the heart chakra region - the front chest area and the back, equally. You might feel this acutely today as slight, warm pressure or tingling. These streams of light are powerful and cause you to physically feel changed as a result. ∪ Fill Up With Love For Your Body Now ∪ Take a moment to consciously receive this love/light whether you feel it or not. Take many moments throughout the day. Simply direct your awareness to your heart region, both front and back, and connect to the incoming streams of high-frequency light energy. This light is extremely powerful right now, however it is so soft and gentle and forgiving. You will feel loved and supported; encouraged and hopeful. You will feel as though all is right in your world. This is the truth of who you are. You are enough. You are everything. Your are all. In addition to feeling warm and comforted, you might be called to adjust your physical posture in some way in order to receive these energies and integrate them. Consider opening and closing your chest in a pulsing rhythm or just whenever you think of it. You might be called to rub or tap on your chest area or simply place your hand on your heart. You might be called to lay on the earth thereby connecting either your chest or your back to earth energies to amplify and exchange loving feelings. You might want to dance freely allowing your chest and your back to lead you. As you open your chest, notice how you also expose your throat and gently lift your chin and face upward. Similarly, as you release your back notice how you naturally curve inward and enable an altogether different feeling of relaxed surrender. You are welcoming more love into your system. You are worthy, naturally. You don’t have to do anything. All that is required is a few moments of conscious awareness. See where this love takes you in your body. Explore. Experiment. This is your creation. You are co-creating more love. ! Activation is complete: High-heart Chakra Love ! Crystal - Amber Sound Frequency - SI - 963 Hz * March 27, 2018 ! Activation begins: Unification! Integration! ! As your multiple selves come together as one unique and powerful and expressive energy, you are also in a process of revealing each to the other. This can feel easy and effortless, and also like you are confronting the unknown, the unrecognizable, and the denied aspects of who you really are. ∪ Fill Up With Self-Love Now ∪ This is your ascension. This is your pathway to unity consciousness. Your light leads the way. ∪ Fill Up With Self-Love Now ∪ The incoming energies of the divine feminine grace the ascension process at this time. They provide a certain softness that makes vulnerability seem possible. You are safe to feel vulnerable. You will be supported. These energies are here so that all beings feel protected and worthy. They are warm, welcoming, and non judgmental. In addition, they are also often very light and humorous. This is the energy of a friendly smile verging on the joy of laughter. Notice what you notice. In particular, are you subconsciously requiring approval or some kind of confirmation that you are on the right path? These energies are bringing a delightful feeling of belonging and a green light for progress. Don’t be surprised if, when you make this connection, you are laughing out loud or you blurt out "of course" or "that makes perfect sense!" It will feel beyond coincidental, so much so that the harmonious concert of multiversal co-creation seems like an inside joke. Regardless of whether or not you notice this subconscious desire for approval or confirmation running through your system, take a moment to acknowledge your multidimensional creator power. Appreciate this energy. Celebrate it. Feel. Powerful. Feel the joy of being powerful. ! Activation is complete: Unification! Integration! ! Crystal - Citrine Sound Frequency - MI - 528 Hz * March 26, 2018 We are in a period of unification and integration. Energy runs strongly and cleanly through your system. You are fusing together currents and waves that are amplifying with equal strength and power. This changes, upgrades your current system, and also reinforces and confirms the truth of your multidimensionality. Today, you are in a process of greater and more expansive unification with the inner child aspect. Your inner child aspect is playing a far greater role into your human experience. This has to do with the incoming energies directing your natural inclination to joy. Your inner child reminds you to play, but also to honour your inner-most and deepest feelings, no matter how big or small, or how apparently significant or insignificant, they may be. Acknowledging your inner child, is your soul's humble search for joy and unconditional love. Your child self is so tender and innocent and so deeply in love with everything. You are so grateful to have this presence take a more prominent role in your life. The following process is not meant to be extensive or heavy. It is meant to focus on the good, positive, and joyful memories of childhood. You might have to go deep to find this feeling. More than likely something that you loved about childhood has already popped into your head. Starting tapping on the collarbone point. Just let your mind wander back in time. Imagine your childhood self. Find a feeling of love and joy. Now. You might have another memory come up instead - perhaps one that does not feel so loving. Keep tapping. Stay with your feeling. Your inner child is connecting to you now. You are sharing information. If this is a particularly bad feeling, keep tapping, keep feeling, the incoming energies along the the increasing strength of you inner child energy will dissolve this negative feeling very quickly. Just stay. Just listen. Your inner child has given you some information already. The channel is wide open. You are so grateful to have such a clear connection to your inner self. Keep tapping. Breathe. Whatever is in your mind, see it clearly. Observe. Dwell. Settle into feeling. Now. Ask your inner child what she or he loved about that memory or experience. 😊 Receive the message. 😊 Smile. Feel the warmth and support and potential for more. Now. Bring that feeling into your current experience. Keep tapping. Chances are your inner child has already asked to do something similar right now. If you can, follow this guidance and have a play date. This does not have to be anything major. The intention counts. The feeling counts. Close your eyes again and imagine that you and your inner child are doing that very same thing together right now. Feel the pleasure and happiness and the sense of relief. You are choosing your own joy. Together. All aspects of self are playing together in perfect harmony. Keep tapping for a few minutes while you hold this feeling. Hold the feeling for as long as you can. Progress. Crystal - Sodalite Sound Frequency - UT - 396 Hz * March 23, 2018 There are no words to describe exactly what is happening to you right now. That is why we often speak to you in sound and colour and light and vibration. This is what your soul and higher self understand completely. They trust your the all of your energetic system will lead the way. You mentally tell your mind to trust this process as well. Unfortunately, your mind will revert to a knee-jerk reactionary reponse that tells you you can't possibly fully trust this energetic process. It is set-up this way. This is our agreement. The process and the progress has to do with calming that mental state so that you can allow your soul/higher self/energy body to take over. You are very familiar with ways to calm the mind - meditation, EFT, visualization, energy medicine, breath work, acupuncture, lucid dreaming, sacred geometry, yoga, tai chi, spiritual movement, food and herbs, and on and on into infinity. As you go about calming the mind, sometimes there can crop up a feeling of resistance within, or a feeling that you are in some way trying to suppress this aspect of self. Again, often this is not conscious. Most likely, these are subconscious beliefs that have triggered you into thinking that you are not enough, are missing out, are lacking, etc. The incoming energies are deep, clearing high-frequency light waves that call on you to befriend all aspects of the mind, specifically the ego and the subconscious. There is a grande unification process at play. All aspects are equally felt in love and joy. All aspects equally receive love, joy, appreciation, acknowledgement etc.. All aspects are expressed equally and infinitely. Let's focus on three aspects of self today and begin the unification process right now. 1. Ego / Mental Chatter 2. Subconscious / Unconscious 3. Soul/Higherself/Energy Body/ Heart-Space △ Alert Affirmation - "I love my ego mind chatter. I am so grateful for your presence. I choose to listen to you. I choose to honour and respect you no matter what." △ Alert Affirmation - "I love my subconscious/unconscious. I am so grateful for your presence. I choose to listen to you. I choose to honour and respect you no matter what." △ Alert Affirmation - "I love my soul/higher self/energy body/heart-space. I am so grateful for your presence. I choose to listen to you. I choose to honour and respect you no matter what." Repeat throughout the day. Notice what you notice. Unification is underway. Enjoy the all of you! Crystal - Rose Quartz Sound Frequency - LA - 852 Hz * March 22, 2018 ! Activation begins: Taking Back Your Power ! You are subconsciously leaking energy. It’s ok. There is nothing wrong with you. You are not alone. Ever. Everything has been fine up until now - when you are met face-to-face with your multidimensionality. You don’t know where you begin and where you end. All realities are possible for you. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. Your multidemensuionality is guiding you. Allow yourself to be led, as much as possible. Surrender and receive. The incoming energies are moving strongly and quickly, but this is not more than you can handle. No. You are accelerating along with the energy beautifully. You are not only keeping up, you are leading the way. Take a moment and acknowledge where you are right now. Reflect on how far you have come. Time itself is a long-lost concept to you, yet the illusion of it, allows you to appreciate your progress. ∪ Fill Up With Appreciation Now ∪ This next-level awareness is revealing subconscious energy leaks. This is where you are really unknowingly leaking your energy to a belief, a person, or a memory etc. that still has a deep hold over you. 💚 If something pops into your head, notice. You are receiving information from beyond to assist you in a high-frequency release. 💚Ask yourself if this memory, etc. is serving you. 💚 You will receive an immediate yes or no. 💚 If it is no, simply ask that your energy be withdrawn from that memory or belief. 💚 You will feel this energy come back into your system and the limitation will be gone. Yes. It is that simple. The incoming energies are ruthlessly clearing anything that is blocking you from love and joy. It happens very quickly. All that is required is your consciousness. Essentially, with this process, you are reclaiming your power. Anything that is taking your power away from you is being ferreted out and dissolved. Do this as much as you can throughout the day. Take back your 💎 energy. 💎 Your soul and higher self are not interested in leaking energy anymore. You require this energy for your ascension. It is a necessary process that is happening quite naturally right now. Lean on your multidimensionality. It is serving you perfectly. ∪ Fill Up With Appreciation Now ∪ ! Activation is complete: Taking Back Your Power ! Crystal - Black Tourmaline Sound Frequency - MI - 528 Hz * March 21, 2018 The energies of all things are in communication with you. All things are a potential source of information and guidance - food, plants, furniture, windows, books, walls, and on and on. ! Activation begins: Telepathic Communication ! You are increasing in sensory awareness and telepathic and psychic abilities. Your multidimensionality is calling to you. It's saying you are more than you know. ✨You have greater capabilities than you could possibly know or dream of.✨ ∪ Fill Up With Gratitude Now ∪ △ Alert Affirmation - "I acknowledge that I have greater abilities than I am able to comprehend at the level of my mind. I acknowledge my multidimensionality. I acknowledge my unlimited abilities." △ Notice what you notice. Pay attention to blurry shapes, curving lines, stretching forms, grids, geometry, numbers, sparkles, flashes, intense colours, and changes in quality of light or feeling. This will be unique to you. This is all about your unique expression of receiving information and guidance. You might even notice changes in frequency as something goes from hot to cold. It might be as though you feel your food as it cooks or you feel a plant as it grows imperceptibly or you feel clothes as they are stitched together. You are feeling feeling. You are feeling energy. This is not good or bad or anything, just slight changes in feeling states you are now able to discern and interpret, more likely to experiment with. As you deepen and stretch and change, you are being called to put these feeling states - these subtle shifts in perception and understanding - to play in your own life in your own way. Again, your multidimensionality is not linear. Chances are it will be nothing like your mind will tell you it is. That’s ok. The feeling happens at the level of love energy. What you love will guide you. ∪ Fill Up With Love Now ∪ When you feel a loving feeling, you will receive another loving feeling - you will feel the support and encouragement of spirit. This also might feel as though there is alot of new energy running through your system. If so, be sure to add a conscious movement practice to your day. The best thing to do in this case, is to just dance freely. You can use music or listen to your own internal rhythm. You don’t need to dance for long. Just enough to lose yourself and allow your body freedom from the notion of feeling too much. In free dance, you connect to a frequency of joy that is always running through your system. The frequency of joy will clear away anything that is not serving you at this time. The incoming energies are aligning with your frequency of joy. This light is revealing many hidden gifts. Stay conscious. Stay receiving. ! Activation is complete: Telepathic Communication ! Crystal - Shungite Sound Frequency - UT - 396 Hz * March 20, 2018 You receive information from us in so many ways. ∿Clarify Your Intention Now∿ "I intend to ASK for assistance from my Star Family as much as possible, whenever I am consciously aware that I have infinite love, support, and encouragement always available to me." "I have infinite love, support, and encouragement always available to me." We are soft, subtle messages for the most part. We like to whisper to you. It’s better when you give us permission to help you because then we can speak more loudly. Otherwise, we run the risk of interfering with your free will. We simply can not do that. It is not our agreement. We already have an agreement in place. You already know us, as we do you. You might not remember us right now, but at some level you can never truly forget. At some level, we are very familiar. It’s why you are here now, and going through a process with us of being called to remember. Please ask us to assist. Ask us many times a day. You can not overload us. We can help with everything. After you ask: Notice. Listen. Watch. Let your senses guide you. This level of keen awareness is not your ego mind. Your ego mind will tell you all sorts of things to keep you from your body and your senses. Having said that, your ego is the best friend you have. Do something nice for it. Tell it what you are doing. It will be grateful for it, and happy to co-create a different experience with you. There is no prescription. This is between you and you. Share your discoveries in some way. Set an intention to share and the energies will find a way to support you. ∿Clarify Your Intention Now∿ "I intend to ASK for guidance on how best to share my discoveries in consciousness with others." Crystal - Clear Quartz Sound Frequency - UT 396 Hz * March 19, 2018 You have strong currents or waves of energy that run through your body. There is no hierarchical structure when it comes to your energy wave forms. They are all equally powerful. Their power is infinite. ! Activation begins: Wave of Joy ! One of those infinitely strong and powerful waves is: LOVE. You are familiar with this powerful current. You are here right now because of it. It is your life force, and it heals you. It is your unique perfection. And while love is indeed one of the most essential currents that run through your physical vessel, the one we want to speak to you about today is: JOY. 🌊🌊🌊 🌊🌊🌊 🌊🌊🌊 🌊🌊🌊 🌊🌊🌊 🌊🌊🌊 🌊🌊🌊 🌊🌊🌊 🌊🌊🌊 🌊🌊🌊 🌊🌊🌊 You have an infinitely strong current of joy that is always running through your system. It never leaves you. Even in your darkest moments, it continues to run through your physical vessel. Joy is always there. 🌞🌞🌞 🌞🌞🌞 🌞🌞🌞 🌞🌞🌞 🌞🌞🌞 🌞🌞🌞 🌞🌞🌞 🌞🌞🌞 🌞🌞🌞 🌞🌞🌞 🌞🌞🌞 The incoming energies are aligning you to the frequency of joy. This is a current of energy that we invite you to get to know. You don’t have to do anything. This occurs in the not doing space at the level of energy. Ask to be guided, and you will find joy, befriend it, and know that it is always available to you. You can never be separated from your joy. During this time, notice if you have anxiety or difficulty settling down. This is actually your frequency of joy trying to get your attention. Your body is there to assist you to find this frequency. Go to the sensitive spot in your body and find the frequency of joy that is already running though it. Consciously connect and release. In most cases, you will not necessarily be anxious at all, it’s simply your body directing you to feel joy, instead of worry, doubt, lack etc. All of those feelings exist to be graced by your wave of joy. Alternatively, you can think of a time when you felt joyful, and mix these feelings with any self doubt, worry, or stress at the level of energy. Joy can come in an infinite number of ways - through sound, smells, tastes etc. - all sensory awareness is a conduit for joy. Do not limit your joy to things you think should bring you joy. Set an intention. Ask. Listen. You will be guided. We will meet you there. ! Activation is complete: Wave of Joy ! 🌊🌊🌊 🌊🌊🌊 🌊🌊🌊 🌊🌊🌊 🌊🌊🌊 🌊🌊🌊 🌊🌊🌊 🌊🌊🌊 🌊🌊🌊 🌊🌊🌊 🌊🌊🌊 Crystal - Clear Quartz Sound Frequency - SI 963 Hz * March 16, 2018 **************************MESSAGE FROM THE PLEIADIANS********************** Our message to you is encoded with unbounded love and joy. Whatever specific guidance you receive from us, it will be delivered by a frequency of love and joy. You are the love and joy that we are. We are here to remind you that your discovery of the love and joy that you are is your ascension process. We have always been here for you, and there is part of you that knows that. We remind you of that today as well. ✨We are starlight. You are starlight. We are starlight. You are starlight.✨ Specifically, we are bringing love and joy to assist you to process your feelings and make sense of them. Even the most painful events and memories are soothed with our love and joy. Your energetic system senses this and gives you the courage to choose your own freedom. We are also bringing love and joy to EVERYTHING you do - no matter how mundane. This is you creating you. It is akin to an artistic masterpiece - so unique and individual, and an indispensable gift to the all. You are always creating with joy, at some level. You are always creating with love, at some level. This becomes easier to recognize, appreciate, and celebrate. Love attracts more love. Joy attracts more joy. Expand. Expand. Expand. We also remind you that your energy is felt through everything you create. Are you creating with love or anger? Are you creating with confidence or fear? Are you creating with joy or sadness? Are you creating with peace or conflict? Ask yourself, and notice the energy signatures of your creations. Consider letting go of anything that is not resonate with what you desire. The discrepancies will be obvious. The clearing will be effortless, once you get to the heart of the feeling behind your creation. There is nothing wrong with you. There is nothing to fix. Only aspects of self to receive with love and joy. Your creations are powerful manifestations - each and every one - no matter how big or small. We see them all as equal expressions of energy. We invite you to do the same. Now. You have opened to the love and joy that you are. Our energies of love and joy guide you in every decision you make. Choose love and joy. Trust love and joy. Trust that you know your own feelings of love and joy. Do not question your process of revealing these aspects of you to you. Embrace your vulnerabilities. Turn them into gifts of love and joy. ************************MESSAGE IS RECEIVED********************************** ●◉● Join us for the New Moon Meditation. Take a moment on Saturday night to reflect on and gather up your intentions for review and declaration. Notice what you notice. Write your thoughts down or make a mental list that you can return to over the next few weeks. This is will help ground the thinking mind with soul action. You are worth soul action. You are more than your thinking mind. ●◉● Crystal - White Calcite Sound Frequency - LA - 852 Hz NEW MOON GROUP MEDITATION ● SATURDAY ● March 17, 2018 @ 9:00 pm EST Theme: RECEIVING |
March 15, 2018
! Activation begins: Divine Feminine LOVE and ACCEPTANCE ! The incoming energies of the divine feminine continue to grace your system and the systems of all energies. This effects not just people or groups but also institutions, places, the built environment, nature and on and on. These energies do not discriminate. Every expression of energy is feeling and integrating potent feminine energies at this time. There is no end to these energies! On the contrary, they continue to expand and go deeper. You don’t have to worry that you are not getting them. You are, everyone and everything is. Notice. Chances are you have already witnessed surprising and magical examples of increased love and support and compassion and surrender at play in your experience. If you do not think you have experienced these things personally, perhaps you have noticed examples of them in your external reality. Now. Take a moment here. If you are witnessing shifts in your external reality, these shifts mirror changes that are occurring within. You are not separate from what is going on around you. You create it. Consider consciously connected to these energies, if only for the comfort and reassurance they have to offer you. Trust your intention to feel them. Allow your energy to present what will serve your highest good at this time. When you do connect, you might notice a very luscious and almost soupy quality of energy that feels soft and loving and nurturing and expansive. This energy is gentle. It has a beautiful quality of weight / viscosity to let you know that it is there for you. It is also highly creative, and so you will notice a boost in this area, and it might also be expressed as unexpected courage. This energy reminds us that there is nothing to be afraid of. Or, in other words, you are ready to overcome your fears - you have all the support you require and all the time you need. Or, put in yet another way, you have everything you need to progress. These energies are about relieving pressures of any kind. They are about ease and acceptance. They are the hug that makes you feel loved. They are the embrace that makes you feel worthy. As you close out your session of welcoming and accepting these energies into your system, feel grateful for your life and for your expression your light. Notice how this is immediately and simultaneously reciprocated. Then, go deeper into receiving. This is the lesson. Go deeper into receiving. Again. Again. Again. ! Activation is complete: Divine Feminine LOVE and ACCEPTANCE ! Crystal - Aquamarine Sound Frequency - SI - 963 Hz * March 14, 2018 ⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉ONENESS GRID⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉ The incoming energies recognize sameness. That means that they are illuminating a truth that at the core we are all made of the same stuff - LIGHT. ! Activation begins: LIGHT COMMUNITY UPGRADE ! Our difference - our uniqueness and individuality - is the gift of expression that is shared with the all. Any and all difference is cause for celebration. 🎉 Celebrate something about your self now 🎉 🎉 Celebrate something about your partner or colleague now 🎉 🎉 Celebrate something about your mother or father now 🎉 🎉 Celebrate something about your friend(s) now 🎉 🎉 Celebrate something about your community or neighbourhood now 🎉 🎉 Celebrate something about your country or region now 🎉 🎉 Celebrate something about your planet earth now 🎉 And on and on..... By celebration this could be anything - a loving thought, a kind gesture, a brief ritual - anything at all - it need not take long or be extensive. These energies are moving very quickly - you will feel a change in your vibration almost immediately. ALLOW. ALLOW.ALLOW. ALLOW. ALLOW.ALLOW. ALLOW. ALLOW. ALLOW. Allow this to happen however it needs to. Just simply set aside a few minutes to contemplate those aspect of self and others that are worthy of celebrating. You will be guided. Notice how you FEEL when you are finished. Consider that this is not a process of judgement of good or bad at the level of human. Every single expression of energy has equal worth. Nothing is taken for granted. This is a process of accepting the all of the now moment and choosing to celebrate it anyway. These energies are powerful and incredibly efficient. Consider hooking into them like you would a loving and encouraging community or group of friends. Call this field of light energy your Energetic Support Group. 🎈Trust your intention to find the best field of energetic support and camaraderie for you at this time. 🎈Trust your energy will find resonant energies with which to commune in loving harmony. *********Clarify your intention to join an Energetic Support Group NOW ******* This network will nourish you at a soul level beyond anything your humanness can comprehend. This is a benevolent and unconditionally supportive and loving gathering of souls that vibrate at a similar level, recognizing inherent sameness and accepting all aspects of self. You might come up against a limitation here around belief or worthiness. That’s fine. This gives you the perfect opportunity to reach beyond this feeling into the divine feminine energies of love and compassion. They are right there for you. They are waiting for you. Practice going beyond the human feeling at the level of energy. You will find oneness. You will find safety. We will meet you there. ! Activation is complete: LIGHT COMMUNITY UPGRADE ! ⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈ONENESS GRID⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉ Crystal - Jasper Sound Frequency - FA - 639 Hz * March 13, 2018 The walls, defenses, barriers, and limitations, are no match for these incoming energies. You have no choice, but to surrender. This is a joyful surrender. This is a process of accepting your most beneficial process and outcome. ! Activation begins: Highest Good Of All ! This is an instantaneous feeling of "remembering". There is no point to fight it anymore. You feel this acutely within and you see it play out all around you. What we are all experiencing, even those in other realms, is a consistent rush of divine feminine energies. These tune us all to our vulnerabilities. We surrender where we are most sensitive. And, not only are we offered these energies to easily and effortlessly, without resistance, experience the freedom of compassionate release, we are simultaneously enabled to support and care for self and others far more efficiently. This plays out when we share our vulnerabilities, and also when we engage in honest reflection of the fears that prevent us from knowing more freedom and love. The forces of energetic support have never been as strong as they are right now. The energies of love and kindness and compassion and forgiveness have never been so accessible. These are not reserved for a select few. They are available to all. If you think you are not worthy, please tap on this limiting belief. You are worthy of this and more. = EFT Opportunity: “Even though I do not feel worthy of these loving and supportive energies, I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway." = (click for more information about how to perform EFT) Chances are this short sequence will take you much deeper into your own story. You will find the necessary feelings to guide this process. Tap through the points. Keep tapping for as long as you can. Let everything come up. Stay with the feelings. Notice your body. Follow whatever pops into your mind or simply stay with the set-up phrase: "I am not worthy of more love." Chances are you will come upon a blocked memory from childhood. Wonderful. Do a round of tapping on that specific issue. Tap for as long as you can. Consider implementing a worthiness practice - where every day, for the next week, you tap on an aspect of unworthiness - this can be an old program or something that happened to you that day. Even if you having been doing a lot of spiritual work up until now, these energies offer the next level of freedom and love. The pathway is wide open to clear any block to receiving. Allow you soul and higher self to assist with integration. More. More. More. More. More. More. More. More. More. More. More. More. ! Activation is complete: Highest Good Of All ! Crystal - Citrine Sound Frequency - MI - 528 Hz * March 12, 2018 You are here. Now. For a good reason. Thank you for your presence. You mean the multiverse to us. ! Activation begins: Acknowledgement ! Take a moment today and acknowledge yourself, wherever you may be, whatever you may be doing. △ Alert Affirmation: “I acknowledge every single aspect of myself.” △ Yes! Your humanness has big plans for you. Yes! You work and work and work and work at trying to come to grips with your humanness. Yes! You are making progress! You are integrating with your highest good. Your humanness is happy to join you in this reunification process. ∪ Fill Up With Gratitude Now ∪ At the level of your soul, there is no work. You are perfect just the way you are. In fact, whether or not you have a positive or negative experience at the level of human makes no difference to your soul. Every single aspect of you is celebrated with equal weight. Every single aspect of you is loved unconditionally. ∪ Fill Up With Love Now ∪ To repeat, whether or not you feel happy or sad in your humanness is not felt as happy or sad by your soul. Your soul acknowledges and accepts all expressions equally. Every single expression is met with infinite and unconditional love. Consider that your humanness needs a break. It requires conscious love and attention, and it requires rest. There are no limit to how much you can love you. In order to merge with the soul even more, take a moment and acknowledge yourself. You can be general and include everything about you right now in this moment - which is eternity. Or you can get specific. For instance, you might want to acknowledge how much you love someone or something. You might want to acknowledge an accomplishment. You might want to acknowledge an area in your life you are still coming to terms with. This can be big or small. This can be meaningful or seemingly insignificant. Consider implementing a regular practice of acknowledgement and notice what you notice. These energies speak to your soul. As you release energies of acknowledgement, no matter what you are acknowledging, your soul responds with unconditional love. It does not discriminate. - Trust This Process - Your humanness is learning and loving even more. - Trust This Process - These energies create momentum, and will be felt in all areas of your life. Yes! You are worthy of more love! Receive. Now. ! Activation is complete: Acknowledgement ! Crystal - Rose Quartz Sound Frequency - FA - 639 Hz |
⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇ONENESS GRID⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇
⭐️ Stars on the Other Side of the Sun 🌞 will be on creation vacation until March, 2018. We are currently developing a project to further connection to Star Families throughout the multiverse, and also provide a foundation for First Contact with other life forms. To make the most of these powerful, graceful and unifying energies of creation, run a light program many times throughout the day: ////RUN LIGHT PROGRAM - Send love/light to ALL people and ALL energies\\\\ In the meantime, start at the beginning again. We will meet you there, in the now, the new, and the infinite, where all previous messages carry higher frequency vibrations and your newly-born higher consciousness is limitlessly ready to receive more. In your joy, in your surrender, in your unconditional love for self and all energies, we are always with you - WE ARE ALWAYS ONE! ⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉ONENESS GRID ⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈ |
January 23, 2018
You wake renewed and refreshed, similar to how you might feel if you were on vacation. You slept well and deeply. Your body feels energetic and alive and healthy and vital and ready for the day. ! Activation begins: Light Body Upgrade ! This is not a normal day. This is the day after to allowed yourself to receive infinitely more. You have embarked on a journey to embody more light in each and every moment. Take a moment and connect to the energy that is coursing through your system. This is really you!! ∪ Fill up with gratitude now ∪ How did this happen? How is it that you feel so alive? Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Your system runs on light. Now. The more light you give your body, the more you will continue to feel vital and energized. This does not mean that you stop eating or drinking real food. No! But when you do, imagine that food or drink is light. Imagine your food and drink is light as it communes with the earth to grow into your sustenance. Imagine the light of your insides mixes and mingles with the light you ingest as nourishment. 🌟 You sleep in light. 🌟 You bath and shower in light. 🌟 You breathe light. 🌟 You speak light. 🌟 You hear and feel light. This is your currency for life. This is your way forward. ∪ Fill up with gratitude now ∪ 🌟Progress! 🌟🌟 Progress! 🌟🌟 Progress! 🌟🌟 Progress! 🌟🌟 Progress! 🌟 You are a conscious being of light. ! Activation is complete: Light Body Upgrade ! Crystal - Carnelian Sound Frequency - FA - 639 Hz * January 12, 2018 As with any time of change, however quiet, soft, subtle, or loud, glaring, maddening, that may be for you, it is always of benefit to stay close to the earth. Cuddle up with the earth today. ! Activation begins: My Friend, The Earth ! 🌍 You are always changing. 🌎 The earth is always there to sooth and care for you. There are the typical ascension symptoms outlined on November 17, 2017. There are other physical symptoms and limitations as well. They might be large or small. Either way, you are being called to listen to your body. (As you listen to your own body, in a way, you are listening to the earth as well.) What can you do to love yourself/the earth despite what is going on physically? How can you re-frame your/the earth's experience to focus on the gift? Is it any coincidence, really? How does this time spent loving your body/the earth assist you in all ways? Now. You might be feeling great! If so, wonderful! Use this message as a portal into profound gratitude for your physical vessel and corporeal, earthly experience. ∪ Fill Up With Love For Your Body Now ∪ You have been given the exact body for your experience. Breathe. Know. There is nothing that needs to be fixed. Breathe. Roll with these changes. They are unfolding you into an expanded space of love. Take some time and connect with the earth. Experience nature or the outdoors. Commune with the elements. Light a candle and connect with fire. Use the flame to transform your everyday reality into a dream space or a translation space for spirit to speak the language of energy. Commune with water to cleanse, purify, and provide solace. Energize your water with your brilliance. Energize your crystals and your rocks and your soil and your food with your love. Nourish your relationship with the myriad gifts of the earth. ∪ Fill Up With Love For The Earth Now ∪ In short, even if you are feeling somewhat wonky physically, use this time to blossom energetically. Go within. Play. Love. Accept yourself/the earth no matter what. You, and the earth, are stronger than before. You are both carrying more light than ever before. ! Activation is complete: My Friend, The Earth ! Crystal - Hematite Sound Frequency - FA - 639 Hz * January 11, 2018 You are being asked to accept more of who you really are and what you create. ! Activation begins: Acceptance ! Your knee jerk reaction might be to feel as though you have to accept the perceived negative aspects of self as well. However, the incoming light energies are calling you to accept not the perceived negative but the perceived positive. In other words, you are encouraged to accept the good in you that you don't even know yet. In fact, this is your unique brilliance. Perhaps part of you has not been able to accept or face the fact that your are this brilliant. < 20 min. Meditation - Reflecting On My Brilliance > Again, the knee jerk reaction is to think that because you have not been approved of by others that you are not brilliant in and of yourself. Or, maybe you are approved of by others, but you still can’t see the hows and whys of what they think or see. Regardless of where you are on this spectrum, upon going deeper, you will again realize that this has nothing to do with how others see or quantify you. This has everything to do with how you feel about you. Can you open up a little more space to acknowledge and accept your brilliance, even if nothing of the sort is being reflected back to you right now? YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! YES! Another sense of self breaks away to be recouped by the loving energies of the multiverse. Another aspect of self you thought was bad turns out to be yet another gift in disguise. ∪ Fill Up With Gratitude Now ∪ And, yet another cycle comes around where you are gently encouraged, with all the love and support of the multiverse, to release the belief that other people control your ability to love yourself for who you truly are, even if you don’t really know what or who that person is... ...even if this process of deepening into self love never stops - it only gets bigger all the time. It only keeps expanding into infinity. Hold on. This is a profound shift. Yes, you have been here before. Yes, you will commit to more release in order to free yourself from the limitations of how you perceive yourself to be in the eyes of others. Of course! Proceed. You are worthy. Proceed. Know. You are deserving of more love, more freedom. Always. ! Activation is complete: Acceptance ! Crystal - Rhodochrosite Sound Frequency - MI - 528 Hz * January 10, 2018 Ultimately, the incoming energies cause you to consider leadership in some form or fashion. How can you lead self/others into more love of self and all energies? ! Activation begins: Leading Yourself! Leading the Multiverse ! This is not about doing more or adding to your list. Again, this kind of love is impacting you and your surroundings effortlessly. You are not thinking about ways to lead into more love. You are merely unfolding into your unique role. Allow it to happen. There is very little resistance to anything at this time. Yes. You are being guided by light energies beyond your comprehension. How does this make you feel? If this statement brings up any fear or resentment, let’s clear that now. Let’s release any barriers to you leading self and others into more love. = EFT Opportunity: “Even though I am scared of being guided by the unknown, I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway. Even though I don’t understand these unknown forces, I accept and love myself no matter what. I choose to trust love. I choose to trust my ability to lead others into more love, effortlessly, and without thinking and doing." = (click for more information about how to perform EFT) △ Alert Affirmation - I am worthy of love. We are all worthy of love. △ Our togetherness is all that matters. Our infinite worthiness is the truth of who we are. There is no hierarchy of deserving. We are all equal in our capacity to give and receive love. Now. You have a quality of love already in mind. Take that and times it by a billion and then take that and times it by a billion, again and again and again and again on and on into infinity. This is who you are. Who’s is who we are together. ⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈ONENESS GRID⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉ ⭐️ You are leading the way. You do it with your vibration, you do it with your love, acceptance, and compassion for self. ⭐️ You naturally unfold more potentials of love for others. ⭐️ As you lead yourself to love within, these energies are felt by others. It happens effortlessly. If any resistance comes up to your perceived ability to lead others into more love, use the EFT statement over and over until you unlock your inner knowing. This state of change has happened already. Simply bring conscious awareness to your potential, and you will know that you are capable of this and more. In order to get you centered and actionable, why not run a light program? ////RUN LIGHT PROGRAM - Send love/light to ALL people\\\\ Thank you. Your gift is felt by all. ! Activation is complete: Leadering Yourself! Leading the Multiverse ! Crystal - Onyx Sound Frequency - LA - 852 Hz * January 09, 2017 You are prepared to make great change, but it is not what you think. For sure, it is not what you have been conditioned to change. You are no longer following any prescription. You are infinitely more committed to your own authentic process. ! Activation begins: I AM THAT I AM ! No one can tell you how. No one can feed your desire for experience better than yourself. Now.Now.Now.Now.Now.Now.Now.Now.Now.Now.Now.Now.Now.Now.Now. This might mean that you re-orient your daily life slightly to prioritize you over how others tell you you should feel, be etc. This might include the people close to you. It might include the wider media and other forms of information dissemination. The question is: Who or what are you choosing to expose your energy to? (This will be personal to you.) But, it is not personal. This is about vibration - the vibrations that make you feel good, nourished, strong, and powerful. You know now that this kind of profound change does not happen at the level of the mind. This is a heart process. It means that you shift your dominant perspective from that of the mind to that of the heart. It means that you choose to process information in different ways. It’s not about what your eyes see, ears hear, or brain processes, but more about how your heart feels. 💓 Take a moment today and play with perceiving from your heart. 💓 You will notice that your surroundings come alive with potential you could not ascertain before. 💓 You will notice colours are brighter, more vivid. 💓 You will notice sparkles and shimmers. 💓 You will see what you haven’t been able to see before. 💓 💓 What do you notice about your own heart seeing/perceiving? 💓 Perhaps you think this is not you, that this is simply not possible or not who you are. Maybe it's for others, but not you. You are stuck firmly in your experience of being human. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Breathe. Relax. This is you. This is who you are and always have been. Take a moment and allow yourself access to your heart seeing/perceiving. Even if all you get is a glimpse, it will be enough to catalyze these incoming energies. You will feel encouraged and spurred onward. To repeat, you have been in this space many times, especially recently. It happened when you felt so relaxed, happy, cozy, cared for etc. It happened when you didn’t try for it at all. It was natural, peaceful, elemental. Go there now. Go there expecting to cultivate this perspective even more. ! Activation is complete: I AM THAT I AM ! Crystal - Citrine Sound Frequency - SOL - 741 Hz |
January 08, 2018
You seem to have naturally broken away from the real and/or perceived psychic assault of others. ! Activation begins: Freedom ! This isn’t to say that other people are, or have been, out to get you. Rather, this is an indication that you are choosing you and your own perspective over how you might perceive that others see you, frame you or limit you. Or, perhaps you traditionally look to others for guidance and they did not really show up for you. Maybe they did their same old thing, but it didn't work for you this time. You have been called within to guide yourself. You have been called to lead yourself into the unknown of you and your shifting environment. Your soul is calling out to guide you. Your higher self steps forward. However it presents to you, the bottom line is you end up filling in your own gaps. There is no one else who can do it for you right now. And while this might have been a bit scary - the experience of fear lasted only a short time. You were able to step up for you. You were able to love and care and support and comfort and encourage yourself. This is a victory. This is your future. To repeat, the next level of progression is your freedom of creative expression. You are there. Now. What are you creating? This feeling comes much more easily now. You don't have to fight for it, or gain anything at the expense of others. All you do is surrender to your own gifts. All you have to do going forward is accept yourself in each and every moment. This might sound hard or even impossible but, it is the truth of you loving you as you proceed. You have felt this power acutely. You know that it is real. You know that you are no longer served by mediating your own experience through the lens or perspective of anything or anyone else. There is a certain bravery here, and it has to do with your light warrior identity, but more importantly it has to do with trusting your deservingness of freedom. Take a moment today a define what freedom is for you. #JOURNAL-WhatFreedomMeansToMe?# This does not have to be a grand, overarching philosophy of the mind. This is a feeling at the level of the heart where your soul feels joyful and unencumbered. You have had this experience more than once, and most likely it has accompanied simple and subtle experiences of self and the world around you - a walk in a snowfall, doing dishes after a celebration or gathering, holding another’s hand, smiling while you prepare food - in these instances, it is like you are yourself but also an infinitely more self-loving aspect of you. This is the point of focus now. Go here for a focus tool. (Use for as little or as long as you need to. Feel free and joyful. Gather this energy up and store it within.) This is your freedom. This is the way forward. ! Activation begins: Freedom ! Crystal - Clear Quartz Sound Frequency - UT - 396 Hz |