December 20, 2020
************************MESSAGE FROM THE ARCTURIANS************************
************************MESSAGE FROM THE ARCTURIANS************************
! Activation begins: Complete Chakra Restoration ! Your entire system is being upgraded with high-intensity light frequencies. The infinite power of this light is taking hold of all aspects of your beingness. This light is love - an ever-expanding love that fortifies worthiness and deservingness. The situation of your world has caused many people to slow down. One of the reasons for this is so that humans can calibrate to a different level of receiving. If you find your routine has been altered in any way during this time, you are being offered an opportunity to focus your conscious attention on allowing. This is one way to see the force of positive momentum at work in these strange and confusing times, and it is also a way to soothe any associated discomfort, tragedy, or trauma. You are here for a reason. First and foremost you are here to benefit from each and every moment - a benefit that orients your perspective to receiving more love from within and without. Now. As you slow down and tune to your energy body, you will be able to feel the physical sensation of what a chakra upgrade actually means. Practice. Turn your mind off. Focus on the subtle flow of upward-moving, forward-feeling energy that constantly flows in your system. Ask us, or ask your guides to direct your consciousness to your chakras so you can feel what is happening on a physical level. Once your are in a rhythm of following your extra sensory feeling senses, you will be delighted to realize that your chakras are actually working together to assist each other. The ultimate goal is to raise the quality of light vibration in your entire system, but this can not happen all at once. Just as there is no separation between any or all energies, there is no separation between the energy centres of your body. However, as one area of bodily or auric energy wakes up more fully to the truth of who it is, it acts as a catalyst - setting off a chain reaction of energy awakeness and awareness. This energy, rolled out accordingly for your ever-evolving consciousness, is subtle but discernible. Notice what you notice in the quiet of your body. Often times two chakras will work to gather to facilitate this energy sharing and amplification. For instance, the solar plexus is receiving consistent, high-intensity light right now at levels never before achieved in human incarnation. It takes an openness and a focus on relaxation in order to activate and ignite the role of the solar plexus in catalyzing free will in self-actualization. To fully realize this empowered state of being, the solar plexus will often work with the sacral chakra to keep you grounded and feeling secure. Your reason for being is expansion into more love, but this takes courage and a certain knowing that it is safe for you to do so. As you tune into your solar plexus and feel the uplifted and elevated feeling of knowing you can do anything, hold the feeling of elation and notice actual sensations in physical body. You might feel something in your sacral chakra region - a tingle or pulse or warmth and more! This is massive healing occurring on all levels - all energetic circuitry of body / higher self / soul / energy body is strengthening and allowing a more consistent and steady flow in conjunction with simultaneous expansion into even greater personal power. Now is a good time to receive guidance about future events in your life, as well as, this light frequency upgrade will enhance visualization, imagination, and visioning abilities. You are consciously blurring you own reality and you are safe to do so - you trust yourself enough, source energy, and your guidance - the time is right now - feel how you really want to feel - fun-loving, joyful, peaceful, relieved, satisfied, etc. - no matter what is going on around you. There is little to no resistance to this physically felt amplified energy of light vibration, power, clarity, and knowing, Allow for periods of time where you do absolutely nothing - stare at a wall or out the window or into the flame of a candle or at a beloved house plant or blank page. Get very comfortable with receiving a space of nothingness into your awareness. < 10 min. - Doing Nothing > The space of nothingness is the most important state of being right now. It is your training to receive more love and it is the information delivery system of your guidance. Your higher self might take the lead here, but the same is true for all your guides - information is being delivered to you - you have to slow down and allow a space of nothingness in order to receive it. It is pleasant to sit/lay down and drift and daydream. It's nice to loosen the hold of the mental body and to give your thinking mind a break. OR Imagine what is coming. You are being called to light-heartedness, playfulness, even mischievousness - you are a spirited child with new energetic gifts and awareness. In the joy of the now moment, you are completely healed and fully empowered. In any way, we will meet you there. |
! Activation is complete: Complete Chakra Restoration !
***************MESSAGE FROM THE ARCTURIANS IS RECEIVED************** Crystal - Pyrite Sound Frequency - 285 Hz |
December 10, 2020
! Activation begins: Tenderly ! You maybe feeling like you have a list of things to do. At the top of that list is your ongoing attention and commitment to your own spiritual growth. Your intense desire for expansion is duly noted and is firmly underway. ⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈ONENESS GRID⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈ However, in these energies you may be called to shift your focus from thinking of your own personal spiritual journey as happening only to you within a closed system of individual beingness. There are other people in your sphere right now who are looking to you for support and guidance. You know who they are. Whether they ask or not, you are being called to serve. Whether you in physical proximity or not, you are being your energy is beckoning you to consciously be there for others. Now more than ever before, your energy body is operating as if on auto pilot. You have surrendered your human self and you are co-creating a oneness grid of unconditional love. Trust this process. Know that your high light quotient is attracting these energies of communal release and completion. So, while at first glance you might be slightly annoyed to have your focus taken off your immediate goal(s), it is only temporary. Know that you are being called to hold the light and space for someone else at this time because you can and because you are ready to expand your notions of self-actualization to include how you show up not only for others but also the collective itself. We are all connected and you are feeling this truth most acutely when you are called on to assist another with your love/light. When you are holding light and space for another, you are not being asked to fix anything, solve a problem or give advice, you are simply a strong presence of love/light that heals. When you serve another in this way, you are also serving yourself. You know this, and you also know that you are the perfect person to raise a relational, group, or collective vibration just by being you. Trust this process. Trust the power of love/light. If you are in doubt, become soft and gentle in your energetic system. You are in a process of allowing allowing. It is a tender space of beingness for self and others. Now. Feel tender. Feel soft. Feel gentle. You have practiced this with yourself and your strong desire to increase self love. Take this as evidence that your ability to love yourself has grown so much that that love/light is now spilling over to others naturally, without effort, without thinking. Don’t underestimate the power of your love/light presence. To repeat, everyone you encounter, in every relationship, is acting as a mirror to show you not only where you can further grow and expand but also how you can serve others simply with your divine presence. This is your energy body in prime form. Trust it. Notice what you notice. When you are with another, and especially if they are processing intensely, their power to process, change, evolve, release, transform, transmute, and free themselves is reflected back to you. You become that power and both of you amplify it together. This is unity consciousness. The is oneness. This is the power of togetherness. When you feel this energy, you will know you are on the exact perfect path, even though it presented in a way that you did not expect your own personal growth to unfold. That’s fine. Be soft and gentle with yourself and notice how you are expanding in each and every moment no matter what you do. This is bringing your attention back to the power of the now moment. It will be irrefutable. In fact in these moments you will feel a sense of knowing the past, present, and future all at once. You will feel the culmination of lifetimes and you will know a semblance of closure and also the glimpse of a new beginning. This releasing of the past is slightly unfamiliar but it happens upon you so quickly, naturally, and effortlessly that the elation and freedom you come away with is more than enough to spur you on. More! Please! More! Please! More! Please! More! Please! More! Be there for self. Be there or others. Hold the light for all. We will meet you there. ! Activation is complete: Tenderly ! Crystal - Pink Tourmaline /Green Tourmaline / Rhodochrosite / Emerald Sound Frequency - FA - 639 Hz |
December 02, 2020
! Activation begins: THE NEW YEAR STARTS NOW ! You are going for full alignment / full allowing! There is nothing that can stop the energetic expression of you - a forward-moving, up-ward-feeling progression into the unknown of your infinite and eternal beingness! Any blocks, issues, discordance, or perceived separation are easily revealed. Don’t be afraid to face these feelings head on. You are supported in spirit. You are supporting yourself - energy body and higher self and soul - all aspects of your beingness working together to show you the true foundation of your human existence. You are so much more than you know or allow yourself to be. Yet, lately you are getting glimpses and feelings of a more-ness of you. It is surprising and delightful. There is so little resistance to the beauty and wonder of who you are, at times you feels as though you might be on another planet. In truth - you are living many parallel realities right now and as they are blurred and sensed by you, your awareness of them always turns your attention back to a human/energetic compilation of self who is focussed on living the fullest life possible in this incarnation. You know what we are talking about. Love. Worthiness. Abundance. Perfect health on all levels. Bliss in as many moments as possible. There is nothing more that you need than what you have right now. You are milking the essence of your environment, your existence, and all of your materiality. Does it matter to you? What is you heart calling you to be? How are you opening up to the wonder all around you? The whole of the universe is your guide. Having fun and sharing with and in higher intelligence. Having a good time with source energy. Choosing fun. ★ Raise your vibration. Raise it even higher. ★ Excited. Happy. Curious. Appreciative. Power of creation. Singular expression of feel will. Always supported by source energy. Now is the time. You are ready. You have been clarifying and refining yourself and your relationship to the world around you. There are new guides showing up for you as if by magic. Be conscious of your vibration. If you are experiencing a low. Raise your capacity for emotional awareness. Make it simple. Make it non-negotiable. Again, the effort of decision, commitment, discipline, and declaration for change is over. Your ability to uplift yourself will be easy and it will be fun. This is due to a combination of incoming energies and a strong and light/love-filled core essence of who you are. Get ready for the new now. All clearings are energy that is already in a process of leaving you anyway. Allow the catalysts to present and love yourself through and through. Be soft and gentle and tender with self and others - treat these manifestations of experiences life you would a new born baby. ★ Raise your vibration. Raise it even higher. ★ Guidance abounds. Your guides are answering questions you ask at a subconscious level. You are delving deeper into the true nature of asking with the full force of the multiverse. The best thing is - you come away with more questions about your self, abilities, purpose, and most importantly, how you can glean everything you can from this life experience. Your expansion is palpable now and you want more simply because it is enjoyable and nourishing and soothing at the deepest level you have ever known. Think of the next four weeks as the completion of a cycle. You are wrapping everything up. What are the loose ends? The energy is so strong right now you will be presented many opportunities synchronistically. You don’t have to think about it at all. The pathway is effortlessly revealed. To repeat, guidance is at your fingertips. All benevolent and loving star families are poised for reunion with their human relations. Ask. You will receive a constant stream of information. ★ Raise your vibration. Raise it even higher. ★ Pay attention. In particular, notice your sense of sight. Your vision is changing. As the veil dissolves, you are able to see the non-physical more and more. Clarify your intention to be aligned with love/light. Be curious. Notice the unexpected and unexplainable - flashes of light, blurred vision, seeing things our of the corner of your eye, third eye visions, dreams, meditations, and more. Your extra sensory perceptions on all levels is heightened. Ask. What do you want to see? Create. Create. Create. Create. Create. Create. Create. Create. Create. We will meet you there. ! Activation is complete: THE NEW YEAR STARTS NOW ! Crystal - Clear Quartz Sound Frequency - SOL - 741 Hz |
November 25, 2020
! Activation begins: The Perfect Time for Love ! Yes - it is true - the energies of self-love show up exactly when you need them to. It is very clear to you how a perspective of love allows you to negotiate any tumultuous energies you encounter. What is the best way to deploy the energies of increasing love in your life? You feel a loving feeling and vibrate love when you are elated and on top of the world, and also when you are bereft, mired in chaos, and it seems as though you have no control over anything. You love everything and everyone. ////RUN LIGHT PROGRAM - Send love/light to everything and everyone\\\\ These energies of love enable you to change course very quickly. This might feel like everything is happening all at once - your feelings shift dramatically, your emotions are up and down, you feel more than one thing at a time. How are you supposed to keep up? All of this change is causing you to throw your hands in the air. This kind of upheaval feels irritating and destabilizing, and not very loving. Hold on a minute. This is your creation. Your intention is to love. You are always in a state of expanding love. Even the icky stuff is actually love. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Relax. You are love. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Relax. These energies indicate first and foremost that big change is coming and probably for the best. A big picture day like this calls for a day of big dreaming. Let this day unravel exactly as it is. Let it lead you into more love. Deepen your commitment to love by clarifying your intentions. Think of something you can't love and stretch yourself every further into a loving perspective. Think of something seemingly illusive and simply trust it is coming to you. Most importantly, surrender to the power of non-thought and allow yourself to dream bigger in all areas of your life - not for things or people, but for desired states of feeling. This will most likely happen when you are completely relaxed and/or you have spontaneously changed up habits or routines in favour of doing something that brings you peace, relaxation, relief, and joy. Vital information lurks beneath the surface/mask of your life. Use this time and these energies to open and receive every more. This is a monumental re-set - a period of refinement and clarification is firmly underway. You are already on your toes and poised to align with these energies but integration will come easier when you focus on relaxing, allowing, resting, and feeling good. Take a step back from your life. Simply let it be what it is and a new perspective (of love) will be revealed. These frequencies entrain psychic awareness and mental telepathy. This is a subtle current of knowing; a flow of power available for conscious direction. Your energy body is guiding you now. Notice what you notice. Feel this vibration of loving awareness take over every perspective you have. Let it cancel out what you think you know to be true right now. Let your life flow with love. After this period of re-set and clarification - you will be astounded at what you have created. We will meet you there. ! Activation is complete: The Perfect Time for Love ! Crystal - Citrine Sound Frequency - MI - 528 Hz |
November 20, 2020
A strong energy of awareness is available to you today. Are you ready? YES ! YES ! YES ! YES ! YES ! YES ! YES ! YES ! YES ! YES ! YES ! YES ! YES ! ! Activation begins: Self-Love ! You are strongly reminded today that you are the most important loving presence in your life. Your love - no-one else’s love for you - is the foundation of your being-ness. Your love for self is with you at all times. Your love for self never leaves you. The incoming energies focus your awareness on the powerful force of self-love in your life. In addition to feeling really good, you go even deeper into knowing that by focussing on this love for yourself, you encounter little to no resistance to the flow of life all around you. It's as if the world as you know it softens and blurs, and you are able to feel the full power and potential of who you really are and what you came to do in this lifetime. These energies of self-love also bring forth a knowing that right now is the best opportunity for joy and happiness. No matter what you are doing, regardless of any situation or circumstance you find yourself in, it is in the now of every moment that you are the pure potential of everything you want to be. Nothing more can be possible for you than this now moment. This now moment brings with it a soft and gentle awareness of your constant companion which is love. It feels sustaining and deeply satisfying. It causes you to see your surroundings with new eyes. Everything, all of the environment that encompasses you is love. Right now. In terms of your perspective, it doesn’t get any better. You have all that you need. You have everything that you want. You feel an acute sense of relief in your body and mind - complete relaxation and knowing and allowing. This includes feeling safe and secure in all your relationships and with respect to well-being and abundance. The whole world is beautiful through the eyes of this newly found perspective. To amplify these feelings and energies even more, turn your attention and focus to the beauty that surrounds you. This could be nature, art, good conversation, delicious food, and more. Nourish the soft and gentle awareness of unconditional self love. This energy changes everything - it is both soothing and enlivening - it is yet another palpable example in a never-ending unfoldment of complete surrender to the energies of joy and love that are always with you. You are the creator of more love in your life. You determine how much love you have for yourself. You chart the course of your expansion into infinite love. You are infinite love. Your perspective of love for self is the only perspective that matters. Create what you want. Today will be more about the love you allow yourself than the love that comes from others. It is a glorious feeling of coming home to your true power. Honour the love that you are. Enjoy! We will meet you there. ! Activation is complete: Self-Love ! Crystal - Selenite Sound Frequency - FA - 639 Hz |
November 11, 2020
! Activation begins: Amplified Guidance ! Your guidance is speaking volumes. You are telling yourself everything you need to know. Are you listening? Take a moment today and slow right down. Just stop whatever it is you are doing, become still, and feel the guidance that is always there for you. This will be so easy that you might even be genuinely and quite pleasantly surprised. The incoming energies are focussing powerfully on all areas of communication. While you will feel this acutely when speaking or if your are trying to find your voice about something, the same is equally true of listening, even if all you think you hear is silence. Your guides, who are always with you, are focussing their love and light on all your chakra energy centres, but you will feel this most acutely in your throat area. The best way to receive these energies is to rest, relax, day dream, night dream, third eye vision, lucid dream, perform repetitive movements that don't require alot of thought, bathe or shower, and of course, be in joy. In addition, don't be surprised if your guides change or if you receive a new guide into your conscious awareness. This is not personal! This is infinite consciousness adjusting to your elevated vibration. If you feel sad, lonely or a sense of loss, know that you are receiving a more appropriate guide for your current life experience. Bless and offer gratitude to your old guide. They never truly leave you. In order to get closure, write a letter expressing your thanks and detail all the wonderful teachings you have received. # JOURNAL - AThankYouLetterToMyGuide(s) # Now. When you are fully ready to move on with acceptance and appreciation for your conscious and constant expansion into more love and light, find your still-point of receiving and surrender your system to the next level of joyful reunion with the truth of who you are. It just gets better and better! And, you get softer, gentler, more open, and ready to receive. You know you are a light being of infinite intelligence. Well, the intelligence is moving through you - now more than ever before. Let it come. Let it change you. Allow all of your dreams to come true. This information is coming to you by way of energetic frequency. It is a different kind of knowing. The information itself might seem strange or out of the ordinary. Pay attention to impulses and awarenesses. They are calling you to a renewed way of being and knowing. These incoming energies are powerful but they come into your experience in a soft and gentle manner. They are meant to offer guidance for right now and they are also precursors for increased psychic awareness and telepathic ability. If you are interested in mental telepathy, you will receive a playful teaching you can put into action right now that will enhance your already existing intuitive power and extra sensory awareness. To repeat: You are in a constant state of expansion. This includes the power of your mind and an ever-stronger connection to source energy. ∿Clarify Your Intentions Now∿ ” I am listening.” “I am open.” “It is easy to relax and allow my expansion.” "I'm really excited to meet a new guide!" "I am ready for more!" At this time it is best to stay as relaxed as possible. Meditation is beneficial, but so is doing anything that keeps you in a state of joy. Find the feeling of overflowing excitement while you sit quietly and receive. Seriously, you are receiving something wonderful! Allow yourself a feeling of childlike excitement and receive a most wondrous gift. If you call upon your inner child, you will receive immediate guidance in the form of a memory from childhood when you could barely contain your excitement or joy. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. Guidance abounds right now. Talk to your guides. Ask questions. Welcome them in the morning and thank them at night. However you choose to receive, your system is wide open and ready for it. Consider drawing, colouring, painting and journaling as a fun and engaged way to document the transition in guidance that is naturally unfolding. Take note of any unusual sensations in your body, in particular your throat, upper chest area. Make note of dreams, visions, and synchronicities. Absolutely nothing that happens at this time is random or coincidental. Your intentional creation is too strong for that. You are responsible for these quirky and seemingly surprising happenstances. You are the wisdom you seek. ! Activation is complete: Amplified Guidance ! Crystal - Celestine Sound Frequency - SOL - 741 Hz |
November 02, 2020
! Activation begins: Grateful For Everything ! Yes! It feels like you are on a bit of a wild ride lately! And this, after everything else that is already going on. How are you feeling right now? __________________________________ Acknowledge your true feelings. This is the only way into your knowing. At the same time, you don’t want to get stuck in a vibration that feels like you are struggling with something or that things in your life are not working out for you. This is simply not that case. Now more than ever, you must go within and tune to the infinite flow of love that is constantly coursing through your system. Once you are connected to your eternal and unconditional energy body, you will find that experiences of late are not punishment or negative at all. In fact, you will see your whole world with new eyes. Be open. What at first glance seems bad or not in your best interest, is a fine tuning, a clarifying process in disguise. This is actually something you have asked for. Are you ready to allow it? △ Alert Affirmation - I am ready for change. I am open to clarifying my vibration. △ In particular, take note of the way you habitually go through life. Your energy body is calling for you to pay attention to everything. This is a major re-focussing opportunity - a chance for you to raise the vibration of not only yourself but everything that surrounds you. Gratitude is a key energy here. Gratitude for everything in your life that you might take for granted. This is not an admonishing energy but a celebration energy. You are blessed in so many ways - take some time today to express that gratitude and appreciation. U Fill Up With Gratitude Now U Start with the basics. Start with the things you assume will just be there for you - your home, your transportation, your phone, your appliances, your house plants, etc. Keep going - what about - heating or air conditioning, hot and cold water, the internet, street lights, paved roads, bike trails, and more. Keep going - extend your appreciation to the natural environment all around you - trees, flowers, leaves on the ground, sand in the playground, the sun, stars, and clouds in the sky, the moon, the ocean, freshwater lakes and rivers, forests and plains, and more and more and more and more! This list in infinite! You are infinitely appreciative of and grateful for everything in your life right now. There is so much going for you - a few glitches in good feeling are not enough to get your down. You always have consciousness at your disposal. No-one can focus like you can! We will meet you there. ! Activation is complete: Grateful For Everything ! Crystal - Citrine Sound Frequency - FA - 639 Hz |
October 30, 2020
! Activation begins: Relaxing and Allowing ! The incoming energies have shifted. But you know, beyond a shadow of a doubt that you can not go back. You are forward-moving and up-ward feeling. You know the truth of your beingness - the pure joy and elation of your life experience. So, regardless of what happens in the next little while, you have this truth to ground you. If nothing else, the energies indicate the power of instantaneous manifestation. You will be shocked, perhaps delighted, maybe mystified, maybe even a little annoyed, but overall you will be able to clearly see the power and force of your vibration in action. Once you get over your initial reaction to how the energies show up for you, you will be able to soften into your responsibility for that creation. Hey! This is not personal. This is purely and only and always vibrational! Once you feel that, know it, and understand it with compassion and unconditional love, you will be truly amazed at the energy of attraction at your disposal. To repeat. The incoming energies are causing almost instantaneous manifestation. These manifestations of yours might be good or bad. Regardless of what you have created, you will have an opportunity to take responsibility for it with compassion for self and others. These are big energies, perhaps with more power and potential than you have felt or witnessed before. They are showing up right now because you can handle it. You are ready for more. In order to align with this increased manifestation power that is firmly at your command, take a moment today and consciously intend to harmonize with it. You really want to stay our of your own way right now. The easiest way to monitor your relationship to what you are creating is by how you feel and what you are thinking about. For example, if something happens that throws you off, how do you react? Does the rest of the day spin out of your control? Or can you relax and allow this unexpected event to show you a new perspective or put you on a slightly different course? You will also want to take a moment to clarify your intentions overall. Why are you here? What are you trying to accomplish in your earthly life experience? Above all, take some time to relax your mind and body. You body is on the frontlines of negotiating these energies - take it off the hook and give yourself a break. Now is the time to relax and treat your body to restoration and rejuvenation. This might mean sleeping a little more, taking a long hot bath, strolling in a wooded area, and more. You decide. Your body will know what it wants to do. If you are unsure where to begin, meditate. < 20 min. Meditation - Relaxing and Allowing > We will meet you there. ! Activation is complete: Relaxing and Allowing ! Crystal - Rose Quartz Sound Frequency - LA - 852 Hz |
October 14, 2020
! Activation begins: Amplified Worthiness ! You are feeling a particular power, energy, and vitality in your system. It feels as though you are gaining the strength of good feeling and positive momentum with each passing moment. What is going on? As you increase your sense of worthiness and release that which is not serving you, the natural effortlessness of who you really are is amplified. Notice what goes on around you today. Notice how you are a magnet for what you really want. How can you feel this good when it seems like chaos reigns all around you? What did you do to deserve to feel so uplifted? This is not a coincidence. Your worthiness or deservingness was never in question. You are right to feel so good and uplifted. This is your natural state of beingness. On a day like today it becomes clear that this easy and effortless natural state is the truth of your beingness. This is one thing you can trust about yourself beyond shadow of a doubt. These uplifting energies follow a seamless and organic progression that results from focussed attention. You are receiving and attracting exactly what you need. To repeat. This is not a coincidence. This is an active process of creating what you want based on energetic frequency. Use these energies today. Amplify them. Spread them around. Focus on them even more. Feel the benefits of increased energy, strengthen, and vitality. Write about it, or consciously direct these energies into more of what you are creating for yourself. # JOURNAL - WhatDoIWantToCreateRightNow # Share your good feeling with others. Why not? ////RUN LIGHT PROGRAM - Send love/light to all light energy beings\\\\ And, if you are not quite at this peaceful feeling of knowing your power and worthiness absolutely and completely, don’t waste another second. Feel the truth of your power, energy, and vitality now. = EFT Opportunity - “Even though I am not sure I believe in the truth of my worthiness, I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway.” “Even though I am not sure that this power, energy, and vitality is mine, it might be for others, but not me, I am open to allowing myself to feel this way.” “Even though I feel my deservingness and worthiness is always in question, I am open to releasing this belief so that I can know and trust the natural, easy and effortless truth of who I really am.” = (click for more information about how to perform EFT) Your worthiness matters. Feel it and/or create it today. We will meet you there. ! Activation is complete: Amplified Worthiness ! Crystal - Fluorite Sound Frequency - SI - 963 Hz |
October 08, 2020
! Activation begins: Infinite. Eternal. Unconditional. Perfect ! The incoming energies illuminate the eternally powerful presence of your energy body / spirit. You are being called to more love. The source of this ever-expanding love is within. Today is a good day to go within and allow more love into your life experience. Take a moment to tune into the rhythms of your energy body. There is a flow of infinite love that courses through your system at all times. It feels forward-moving and upward-feeling. It soothes you and releases you from any troublesome perspective or sensation. It only takes a few moments of conscious awareness (stillness, quiet, joy, good feeling) for this powerful force to take hold of and transform any negative feeling or inclination you might be experiencing. This means that you take your attention from your human experience just for a few seconds and feel into the flow of infinite love that you are. It takes some practice but this discipline will elicit instantaneous results. Your energy body, your spirit is calling to you. The time is exactly right for you to merge effortlessly with the eternal truth of love that you are. The incoming energies support this process whole-heartedly and will assist you to do so in a confident and more consistent way. To repeat - the TRUTH is that YOU are: -Eternal/ Infinite - Your spirit has been with you for all your incarnations. Your spirit will never die. -Unconditionally loving - Your spirit loves everything about you and others. Your spirit celebrates all experiences as an ever-expanding flow of love. -Perfect - Your spirit is never right or wrong. Your spirit never judges anything or anyone as good or bad. Your spirit never feels lacking or like it is not enough. + Relaxed State Affirmations - My spirit is eternal. I am eternal. My spirit loves myself and others unconditionally. I love myself and others unconditionally. My spirit is perfect exactly how it is. I am perfect exactly how I am. + If you require a way into this practice, simply commit to a practice of blessing or sending love/light to whatever food or drink you consume. Before you eat or drink, take a moment to tune into the flow of infinite love in your system. It is always there and it flows freely to wherever you place your attention. This is an act of aligning your loving nature with the energies of love in the thing you are about to consume. It is a way to condition conscious awareness to a process of merging with the loving presence of your energy body/spirit and it is a way to discipline your focus on the soothing effect that love and light has on your surrounding environment. After you get used to sending love/light to food and beverages, try it on everything else! Now. Your spirit body is always available to you. You simply have to get used to having its presence in your life. We meet you in your focus on love. ! Activation is complete: Infinite. Eternal. Unconditional. Perfect ! Crystal - Amethyst Sound Frequency - FA 649 Hz |
October 02, 2020
! Activation begins: Trust Good Feeling ! You are preoccupied with where you put your attention these days. There are so many distractions, so many opportunities for you to feel less than good about who you are and the future you are creating. You know, beyond a doubt, that feeling good feels better than feeling bad. If you trend toward a bad feeling, you are able to catch yourself much more easily and shift your perspective. It’s a wonderful feeling to be in charge of your own vibration. This power can only increase from here on out. In fact, this power seems to be infiltrating your experience exponentially. Even those things that used to plummet you into feelings of despair, just don’t seem to bother you so much. Those people in your life that used to vex you with annoying habits or incessant irritation, have been magically released from having any hold over your emotional state. You did this. You took back your power. Take a moment to acknowledge this progress now. Consciously set an intention to continue to move in this direction of joyful releasing. Now more than ever, it is a good time to focus on what you want, rather than be carried along with what everyone else is doing or saying. There is no person, situation, or event, that has more power over your life than you do. You continue to practice holding the feeling states of your desired creations. Stay with this focus. Persist. Everything else will fall into place. You know it to be true at this point. There are no exceptions. - Trust this process - Part of this practice will be staying out of too much habitual mental processing and instead, getting into something that you love. This could be a favourite activity or hobby, the work that you enjoy, your body, by way of movement sequences, dancing, exercise - whatever it is - do your 'feeling good' thing with abandon. To optimize these energies, consciously hold your good feeling while you do what it is that you love. We hardly need to say this as we feel this is something that will happen quite naturally. Trust this process. Everything else will fall into place. Give your mind a break. Allow your feelings and emotions free reign to bubble up inside and overflow with joy and happiness. This will ease and soothe your perspective of everything else that is happening in the world around you. Nothing will feel so bad at all, and you will have acute awarenesses of negative charges dissolving before your very eyes. Who is in control here? You are, and it feels good! If you are having difficulty finding your way into something you enjoy, do something you loved to do as a child - draw, paint, or colour, ride a bike, daydream, play dress-up with dolls or barbies, make something out of lego or blocks or pipe cleaners or popsicle sticks. Have no agenda other than to lose yourself in the whims of your creative. With these energies, it might take a minute or two to feel the flow, but you will get there, and looking back, it will feel easy and effortless. If you commit to feeling good, you will. Now that you are feeling so elated and powerful - let’s share that vibration with the all of creation. ////RUN LIGHT PROGRAM - Send love/light and positive momentum to all light energy beings\\\\ We meet you there. ! Activation is complete: Trust Good Feeling ! Crystal - Smoky Quartz Sound Frequency - 285 Hz |
September 23, 2020
! Activation begins: Relief ! With everything that is going on these days, we gently remind you that you always have consciousness at your disposal. Use it to prepare yourself and your creations to manifest in ways that you want. This means you have the freedom to really go for it. You are in control, no one else. What do you want to create today? _________________________________________________________________________________ You can start with something small or you can endeavour to take on a larger issue. You choose. The energies will show up to support you. If you are unsure of where to start, begin by cultivating a gentle and soothing feeling of relief. Remember a time when you felt relief in some area of your life. Let the content or the reason you felt the relief melt away and simply hold the feeling of it. Let it wash over you. Let it infuse every aspect of your beingness. + Relaxed State Affirmation - I am so relieved there is a solution for the coronavirus. This feeling of relief feels so good. I am so happy and grateful for this feeling of relief. I love feeling relieved. I love knowing that I can create this feeling of relief whenever I want to. I am so relieved I don’t have to worry about money anymore. This feeling of relief in my finances feels so good. I’m just going to allow myself to feel relieved. I love feeling this sense of relief and abundance. I am so relieved the earth is healthy and well. I love this feeling of relief that I feel knowing the earth is thriving. I love the feeling relief. It feels so good. I feel relaxed and happy in every aspect of my beingness. I’m just going to sit here and feeling this feeling of relief. Ah!!! Feeling relieved feels so good. + These are a couple of examples. Undoubtedly, you have others. Play with this sweet and gentle exercise today. Do it throughout the day with multiple issues. You are seeking a particular register of feeling that completely soothes your entire system. When you align with pure relief, you will feel relaxed and floaty and free. You will be in concert with your energy body and spirit. You will feel intoxicated and/or high. You will also feel completely nourished at all levels. If you have something physical going on right now, this is a healing energy that will restore you physically, emotionally, and mentally. This is also a focussing exercise that will entrain positive awareness and thought patterning. It is also another gentle reminder that your feelings matter. They are leading you to freedom. Consciousness is the way forward. It is the atmosphere of all your creations. ! Activation is complete: Relief ! Crystal - Selenite Sound Frequency - 174 Hz |
September 11, 2020
! Activation begins: You are your Energy Body ! Your energy body is with you at all times. What do you call it? Your spirit, your soul, your higher self? How do you label your self within your self? By this time, you know that the label doesn’t matter. The definition of energy is interesting, perhaps, but not necessary. You know the mental action of understanding energy or the source of all things is not the main goal, and it might not even be possible for your mind to comprehend. That’s OK. You go by how you feel. You trust the energy because you know you are more than your humaness. There is no need to prove the existence of source energy. There is no need to prove that you are source energy. Those days are over. The preoccupation with evidence has morphed into simple, comfortable, and profound truths. You focus your belief on infinite and unconditional. You trust. It wasn't always this way. However, you are at a place right now where you are aware of how you feel and this information is enough. Nevermind what else is going on. Your feeling state shows you the way. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks or feels. You are confident that you are a focused creator of your own world. This has nothing to do with anyone else. You have your very own relationship with source and that's all that matters. It is a beautiful, co-creative dream between you and you. So what? This is old news. Why does this matter today? The incoming energies are balancing and harmonizing your human and energy selves. There is an equalizing process underway. It is happening in the external environment. It is happening within as well. Your humanness has run the show for a long time now. It’s time to recognize that your energy body is an equal force in the creation of you life experience. ∿Clarify Your Intentions Now∿ “My human self and my energy self co-create equally.” “I am allowing my energy self to take a more prominent role in guiding my life experience.” “My energy body is an equal force in the creation of my life experience.” This goes beyond acknowledging that your energy body is your connection to source energy. This is about allowing your energy body to lead the way equally - alongside your human self. This is about surrendering your human self to the mysterious forces of source energy. The belief is there. Now, you are being called to change any pesky, habitual thinking that still might cause to you feel alone in this world. Your energy/human self relationship is a partnership, a friendship, a constant companionship, a kindred spirit union, a soul family gathering, and more. You are not alone. You never have been. Your best friend resides within. You always have someone to talk to, laugh with, and smile at. This exchange is not only reciprocal; the good feelings amplify exponentially. (If you still want proof, you will find it in joyful co-creation with your energy self.) Do the following affirmations with your energy self or however you call your self within yourself. Speak them out loud together as one unified being in charge of the creation of your life experience. △ Alert Affirmations - (spoken out loud with your energy body) - “We know our worthiness.” “We know we are unconditional love.” “We love everything and everyone unconditionally.” “We are infinitely abundant.” “Abundance in all things flows to us easily and effortlessly.” “We know what we want and we know we are allowing it into being together.” “We know we want to have fun in this life.” “We know we want to relax and allow life to unfold easily and effortlessly.” “We are so grateful for life experience.” “We are so grateful for each other.” △ Play with these energies today and have fun with your greatest ally - YOU! We will meet you there. ! Activation is complete: You are your Energy Body ! Crystal - Selenite Sound Frequency - SOL - 741 Hz |
September 02, 2020
! Activation begins: Release and Reset ! The incoming energies are cleansing your system, cleaning up any out-dated thought patterns, and offering pristine clarity to your purpose and perspective. This energy graces every experience - past, present, and future. Profound change continues to unfold in all areas of your life. It is yet another reason to celebrate who you are. You are progressing. You are in a constant state of expansion. You are an eternal being of love/light. You are becoming exactly who you desire to be. In the coming days, you will have an awareness or experience that causes you to know this truth intimately. Today is even the kind of day that you might actively seek this out. You are ready to consciously interact with your experience in a different, dare say it, enlightened way. This is a combination of an increased vibration and an attitude of fearlessness. You know you are not a victim of your experience. You know that even if you have moments of feeling like a victim, you are able to align with a well-spring of power that is always available to you. Yes! There are moments that you feel up and moments that you feel down. The difference is that you now trust yourself to get back to a place of feeling up. You are a natural uplifter and you begin by uplifting yourself. Furthermore, you are acutely aware that the only, or most important, thing that matters is what energy signature you are emanating. The question is: what is the nature of your vibrational frequency right now? Let’s dive a little deeper here, and with the assistance of the powerful incoming light energies, further clarify and clean-up any lingering blocks or disturbances in your vibrational field. If you come up against something that might be negatively impacting your energy frequency, do the following: 💜 Centre yourself in your infinite worthiness. ❤️ Ask the question: Do I know my worthiness in relation to _______________? Affirm: YES. Do I believe that I can create or have _________________? Affirm: YES. The vibration/ energy frequency that I want to create instead _____________________________. 🧡 Now. Take a moment. Close your eyes if you have to. Notice your breathing. Now. Tune into the flow of infinite love that you are. This is a subtle but powerful flow of love that is always coursing through your system. It is a forward-moving and upward feeling sensation. Once you have your attention on this flow of infinite love that is your natural state of being-ness, you will most likely have realized that you are in a state of non-thought. To repeat. Put yourself in a state of non-thought. This is not hard work. It is merely taking a short break from thinking so that you are feeling your natural state of being-ness which is love. Now. Hold this state of relaxed, suspended, vacuous being-ness for at least 10 - 20 sec. If you start thinking again, that’s fine. It's normal. Chances are the few seconds you had of non-thought are all you need. Your focus will be become stronger as you practice. 💛 Now. Change your thinking. Create your desired outcome right now. This is a soft mental process and more importantly, it feels instinctive - what is the first thing that pops into your head after you have allowed yourself some space and time to align with your infinite power, worthiness, and love? 💚 For instance, you might have hit upon a block related to a challenging relationship. You go through this short process and you realize coming out of it that all you really desire is freedom. A feeling of freedom was the first thought/feeling/sensation that popped into your head. Feel that feeling for another 10-20 sec. Now. Notice how the next steps unfold as if by magic. 💙 You will feel guided because you are. This is not some external force that guides you this is you guiding you. Repeat this process throughout the day. Play and experiment. Your vibration is everything. It is the most important thing. Clarify it. Clean it up. It will be fun and easy to do today. 💜 Finally, at some point throughout the day, take another 10-20 sec. and acknowledge your beauty, power, light-heartedness, well-being, clarity, and more - you will know exactly what to appreciate. It will just pop into your head! We are with you in love and joy always. ! Activation is complete: Release and Reset ! Crystal - Garnet Sound Frequency - MI - 528 Hz |
August 27, 2020
! Activation begins: Honouring your Inner Self of Unconditional Love ! You are getting stronger and more powerful in each and every moment. The incoming energies blast through old programs with abandon, clarifying and recalibrating your awareness with love/light. It feels easy to let multiversal source energy do the heavy lifting. It is exciting too! To be fully entrenched in the mystery of universal source energy. You can’t be outside of this process. It is within and without. It is you and it is the all. There is no separation. You are never alone. ⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈ONENESS GRID⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈ This clarity abounds, and it feels really good. Your focussed attention is paying off in ways you never thought possible. First and foremost, you know without a doubt that simply choosing to feel good is enough. Secondly, you are increasingly accustomed to an undeniable knowing that there is no feeling more powerful or more dominant than the force of unconditional love that you are. This truth fills you with elation, and confidence. Take a moment to celebrate the truth of infinite love. Take a moment to celebrate the power of your free will and conscious choosing. You are living it! You are creating a life of love that you desire! Now. Let's do deeper into the energies of appreciation and gratitude that fuel even more good feelings. Today we want to direct you to your inner world. We would like to offer you an opportunity to commune with the inner self who chose this earthly journey to begin with. Yes. You are the one who chose all the conditions and experiences of your earthly existence right now. You created your life on earth down to the smallest, and seemingly most insignificant detail. That's a whole lot of creative power! Let’s take a moment to honour that self now. That self - your spirit, soul, angelic, energy, ethereal self - believed in the power and truth of love. That self wanted to experiment living life experience that encompassed the potential of forgetting that truth and also a joyful process of remembering. That self wanted to experience a process of negotiating a world that oftentimes didn’t feel so loving, and wanted to relish all the experiences in between. That self knew that their human expression could handle it. That self believed without a doubt in their power and strength. That self vowed to never leave the side of their human expression. That self felt lucky and was excited beyond belief to have an opportunity to have a human experience. That self, even now, rejoices and celebrates every moment of this unique experience. That self is a constant source of support and encouragement That self is always detached from outcome and is always moving forward. That self knew and knows that this earthly existence is an illusion. That self knows the truth of love that is in all people and all energies. That self always believes in you no matter what. < 20 min. Meditation - Commune with Inner Self / Honour Your Choice to Incarnate at this time. > Trust your choice. Trust your inner guidance. Trust you know more than you think you know. More than anything else, trust the power of your love - your inner world and your inner self - always showing you, and supporting you with an infinitely powerful force of energy that never leaves your side. U Fill Up With Gratitude Now U ⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉ONENESS GRID⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉ ! Activation is complete: Honouring your Inner Self of Unconditional Love ! Crystal - Rose Quartz Sound Frequency - MI - 528 Hz |
August 20, 2020
! Activation begins: A Focus On Good Feeling Feels Good ! We love to share with you the immense power of love. We want to show you, teach you, and convince you of the infinite force of love energy that is always at your disposal. Where is your resistance to allowing more love? Perhaps it is in your worry about the economy. Maybe it is in not fully trusting your physical body’s journey of health and well-being. Maybe you are reading a lot of news stories that satisfy your thinking mind but not your heart knowing. Maybe you have conversations with loved ones that leave you feeling uncomfortable. Maybe you are scared to go out of the house. Maybe you are not clear on the best ways to go about interacting with the world around you. Fear, worry, discomfort is everywhere right now. But, it is there to bring you to more love. What are you focussing on? Today is a good day to hone your focus on what you really want. It involves a soft and gentle process of holding a vibration. It involves not thinking too hard in order to focus on feeling. How can you focus on something without thinking? Focussed awareness is not the thinking mind. Sometimes they overlap and you need your thinking mind to know what to focus on - all aspects of you are necessary and all aspects of you can be balanced and directed so that they unfold your highest good, rather than feeling like you can’t control your thoughts and that fear gets the best of your clear thinking. That happens sometimes. You are normal. Nothing about these current events are presenting to punish you in any way. On the contrary, these events are times to strengthen in the power of love. They are clarifying times that will empower you to greater joy and creative expression. They will galvanize your purpose on earth at this time. Use your thinking mind to identify an object of focus. Let’s say you want to focus on freedom. Now. Feel the feeling or quality of freedom. Maybe this is an image or word or event or circumstance that causes you to feel positive and ecstatic and free. Now. Release your thinking mind but allow the feeling of freedom to pervade your awareness. Focus on the feeling not the image or word or event or circumstance. Float with it. Smile with it. Drift with it. Dream with it. Simply be with it without thought. Feel it. Hold this feeling for as long as you can. A few seconds can be enough. As you practice, you will be able to hold this feeling of focus for longer periods of time. Focussed awareness is not exactly the same as concentrating on a thought. Concentrated thought feels pointed and narrow. Focussed awareness feel expansive and all-encompassing. It feels as though it fills your entire mind, body, spirit, and energy body. It feels like it is intricately tied to the inner workings of your infinite potential. It feels as though it is bigger and more multi-dimensional than your human physicality. In this expansive feeling on unlimited energy, you might feel as though you are suspended or floating or drifting or being carried away. Play with strengthening your ability to focus today. You will receive benefits and you will feel a power you didn’t know you had. This is like a tonic for your energy body. It is an exponential boost for your inner world. ✺ Focus on love. Focus on inspiration. Focus on peace. Focus on relief. Focus on ease. Focus on whatever feels good to you. ✺ Experiment. Play. Go deeper into the power of your mind and the truth of what you want. The multiverse will meet you there. ! Activation is complete: A Focus On Good Feeling Feels Good ! Crystal - Abalone Shell Sound Frequency - FA - 639 Hz |
August 13, 2020
! Activation begins: Celebration ! Your increased vibration is fully integrated. There is no going back. Take a moment today and acknowledge how far you have come. You are different than you were yesterday, two weeks ago, six months ago - you have changed completely at the level of energy! This doesn’t mean that you don’t get tripped up every once in a while. It happens. You are human after all. Thank goodness you are. This is the reason for your existence. Your trip-ups are just as important as these moments, like today, when you are sensing the good feelings of your accomplishments. Everything you are is vital to your progress. Everything you are is the result of your increased vibration and ability to consistently hold a space of unconditional love for yourself regardless of what happens in your life. This new awareness of who you really are and your potential for more love and joy, causes you to see very clearly the how’s and why’s of your past experiences. You don’t necessarily need to delve deep into the past - it is over and done with. However, it can be an interesting reflective process to understand and know why you have created the life you currently live. For instance, you might see the ways in which feelings of unworthiness or issues of anger or abandonment have conditioned your experience. You will have a few ah-ha moments today where the reasons for your life choices will be fully revealed. You will understand how and why you might have been living your life for others and not in accordance to your true desires. At the same time, the awareness brings with it full acknowledgement and appreciation for your true creative power. You are most definitely in charge of the life you are creating and, with this awareness, comes a certain strength, security, vitality, and knowing that is locked in and completely unassailable. You can't lose it. Ever. U Fill Up With Gratitude and Appreciation For Live Experience Now U This higher vibration, clear knowing, affirmed commitment to the quality of your thoughts and feelings, and awareness of what you are creating has the potential to change everything for you. It might be a whole-scale realignment. It might be a subtle refinement. You will know what is right for you. You will be guided. Don’t stop at one particular issue. Bring all your relationships, work, physicality, goals, and dreams into the energy of this new knowing. Bring all of your past, present and future experiences into this energy of power and strength. U Fill Up With Gratitude and Appreciation For Awareness Now U To repeat. There is no going back. There is no need to fear the loss of this feeling. It is fully integrated and can only expand into more from here on out. If there is something in your life today that does not resonate with this new high vibrational feeling, it is not real. Focus on what you now know. Focus on this powerful feeling that causes you to appreciate yourself and your spiritual growth. U Fill Up With Gratitude and Appreciation For Your Power Now U Stretch into it even further. All that this energy really means to show you is that feelings love and appreciation for all people and all things is not only possible, it is the truth of your beingness. It is invigorating, and the feeling of expansion you gain will cause to want even more. It will be exciting to spend some time playing with these energies. This is the connection to all, the connection to source, the connection to yourself that you have been wanting to establish. You are here. Now. We meet you in the joyful celebration of you. ! Activation is complete: Celebration ! Crystal - Labradorite Sound Frequency - FA - 639 Hz |
August 05, 2020
! Activation begins: Unconditional Love ! We love to talk with you about love! It is our greatest honour and privilege. Thank you for co-creating a multiverse of love with us. ♡ Love is the most powerful force of energy that you have at your disposal. It is the truth of who you are and the truth of all expressions of energy. It transforms any perspective from negative to positive. It is freeing, and it feels good. Today is a good day to open to loving the unloveable. Be patient with yourself, and curious, as we further deepen your human experiment with love. △ Alert Affirmations - “I am open to the power of unconditional love.” " I intend to love all people and all energies unconditionally."△ You are being called to more love and to love more. This is part of your natural expansion and evolution. It is the purpose of your beingness in this incarnation. Love has the ability to balance all contradictory energies. In doing so, you amplify feelings of peace and calm in your experience. U Fill Up With Unconditional Love Now U Your human body benefits from a focus on love. As you consciously attune to the flow of infinite love that is always coursing through your system, your physicality is soothed. It is healed, relaxed, and relieved of stress, worry, and pressure. Bathe your physical vessel in unconditional love today. △ Alert Affirmations - “I am open to loving my body unconditionally.” + "I love my body unconditionally."△ This is love without conditions. This is love that just is. This love is the dominant force in your system. It is the truth of your existence. This love carries you forward to a future of peace and reconciliation. Where is your resistance to more love? What can you return to love? What feelings, memories, emotions, relationships, etc. can you transform with love? Yes! You are worthy, and this focussed awareness on love will affirm greater and greater and greater worthiness until you are filled to the brim and overflowing with feelings of pure elation. It will propel you to even more love. Turn your attention to love and you will feel as though you are resolved and ready for anything. Can you love COVID-19? Can you love cancer? Can you love perceived inequality? Can you love political unrest? Can you love systemic racism? Can you love oppressive leadership? Can you love someone who did you wrong? Can you love you love the shame and embarrassment of a past experience? Can you love a person who abandoned you or betrayed you? Fill in the blank with your personal call to more love ___________________________________________________________________. How else can you resolve difference within self and others but through compassion, forgiveness, and unconditional love? Love is your superpower. Love is your gateway to freedom. Love is your antidote to any and all negativity and low vibration. Can you trust that all energies and all beings have the same access to the flow of unconditional love? Can you trust the non-hierarchical power of love? Can your trust that all people are equally deserving of love? Can you trust that all energies are poised to step into an even greater experience of empowerment because of this call to love? These questions are meant to orient you to more love. You are here in order to expand into greater expressions of love. You are meant to uplift and transform with love. What comes up for you as you lovingly and gently contemplate loving the unloveable? What comes up for you when you acknowledge that you are worthy of living in an atmosphere of unconditional love? How does that knowing change your current perspective of your well-being, your social organization, and your dreams for the future? # JOURNAL - LovingTheUnloveable # Stretch yourself. Free yourself with the power of unconditional love. We will meet you there. ! Activation is complete: Unconditional Love ! Crystal - Rose Quartz Sound Frequency - LA - 852 Hz |
July 31, 2020
! Activation begins: A Celebration of You ! The incoming energies cause a profound shift in your perspective. Yes! It happens again. Your energy body propels you forward into higher consciousness once again. Take a moment today and acknowledge your progress. Actually, it’s more than that - today is a day to celebrate who you are and what you are becoming, regardless of whether or not you feel there is anything in particular to commemorate. Use your imagination. Make something up. Feel a celebratory feeling! It will be playful and fun. You are shifting from predominantly thinking to feeling. What does this mean exactly? It means that your thinking mind has given way to a more open, relaxed state which allows your feelings to guide you. It means you are leading with a focus on feeling rather than thought. It means you are softening, deepening and unwinding into the truth of your vibrational frequency. It means you are able to be present in the now moment for longer periods of time because you are in a state of available receptivity. Feeling feels differently. It is a heightened state of beingness where you are more grounded in your own awareness. You feel a reciprocal flow of energy with all people and objects with which you place your attention. You feel a profound connection to your environment and surroundings. It feels as if materiality is almost liquid. Perhaps you can even sense the flow of light/love in all things. The feeling of connection, and clarity of knowing your truth, will impact you deeply today. Your shifting perspective reveals that focussing on how you are feeling feels better than thinking yourself into separation. It will be obvious and exciting. This experience is not something you can't read about or learn. It is something you must experience. ∿Clarify Your Intentions Now∿ "I intend to feel rather than think so hard." "I intend to lead with a focus on feeling rather than thinking." "I intend to allow my feelings to guide me." This portal to increased knowing causes you to readily discern when you are thinking one thing and feeling another. Again, more clarity, and another reason to celebrate! Enjoy your greater knowing. We will meet you there. ! Activation is complete: A Celebration of You ! Crystal - Clear Quartz Sound Frequency - LA - 852 H |
July 20, 2020
This is a good day to practice feeling/sensing/deploying the flow of infinite love that naturally courses through your system in a steady, constant stream. Do you believe in this flow of love that never leaves you? Do you believe this flow of love is always available to you? △ Alert Affirmation - “There is a flow of infinite love that courses through my system at all times.” △ Yes - this flow is your life-blood. It is the energetic makeup of you. It is the truth of you. You can choose to direct your focus to this flow of energy within. You can choose to feel and sense it at any time during the course of your lived experience. Feeling and sensing this flow is not a mental activity. You can’t think your self into attunement. Try not thinking. As soon as you release your thinking mind, you will feel a subtle current of energy. It feels like it is in your body, but it is more than your body. It feels forward-moving and upward-feeling. You might tingle a little, or feel suspended or like you are floating. It might feel like part of your physicality falls away. This is your energy body showing you the benefits of non-thought. This is your energy body teaching you to surrender and allow. This is the multiverse converging to bring your dreams into your current reality. This feeling of connecting to the flow of infinite love can be compared to the meditative state or the state you achieve when you are in the zone doing something you love. It is a gateway to your mind screen which shows you images and words and feelings of what you are asking for. It is also a way of receiving audible information in the form of dialogue and sounds. What are you waiting for? This flow of infinite love is delivering you to more love right now. Practice today. Chances are something will come up that requires you to return it to love. Maybe the vestiges of a dream stay with you, maybe a conversation with a loved one doesn’t go the way you’d like, maybe you gain a deeper awareness of the genesis of anger or discomfort of some kind. Be open to what presents. Decide right now that you are worthy of releasing any negative aspect that presents in your awareness. △ Alert Affirmation - “I am worthy of freedom.” △ Now. While it is fresh in your mind, decide consciously not to think. Turn your mind off. Feel and sense the flow of infinite love coursing through your system. Hold your focus there. Be soft and gentle with your focus. This is not concentration or thinking or holding on. It is merely a recognition that this flow exists whether you think about it or not. It is always there. Allow it to take over. You will feel an immediate sense of relaxation and relief. Keep holding your focus on the flow of upward-feeling energy. Now. Try to think about the thing that was bothering you. Do you realize that this flow of love has carried you beyond the negative thought that held you stuck in place? Perhaps a hint of it is still there, but it surely does not have the same hold over you. Do you realize your sense of worthiness has increased? Power and strengthen are amplified. We meet you there. Crystal - Citrine Sound Frequency - MI - 528 Hz |
July 07, 2020
The incoming energies are causing you to go even deeper. This is not hard work. On the contrary, the clarity that comes to you at this time feels natural and effortless. Information flows freely right now. Are you able to take notice? Where are you putting your attention? In particular, you will receive guidance as to the nature of your soul’s desire. This is something you have been asking for subconsciously or consciously, and it is something that, for whatever reason, you have not been fully able to acknowledge. How is it possible for you to want something and not be able to fully recognize what it is and how much you want it? You will receive the next steps today. #JOURNAL - WhatDoIReallyDesire? # Make a list of your true desires. Notice how you feel. Are you ready to receive or is part of you in resistance? Now. Begin by accepting that which you truly desire. Acknowledge the truth of what you want and how you want it to come about. Then, accept that part of you might have been blocking it in some way. Set an intention to release the block. Now. Re-focus your attention on receiving that which you desire. Don't worry about how it will come to you. Just open up to the flow of infinite love that courses through your system. Allow the incoming energies to grace your desire and soothe your thinking mind into submission. Relax - your system will naturally calibrate to be in alignment with the manifestation of that desire. Breathe. Relax. Open. Relax. Receive. Breathe. Allow. Relax. Breathe. This might sound overly simplistic, especially right now. However, these clarification energies are intense and powerful. It is possible to to ride them like a wave and find yourself in a completely different relationship not only to your purpose but also to the attainment of the things you want right now. Your state of being matters. < 20 min. Meditation - Focus on the flow of infinite love. > There are many reasons why you might be unintentionally blocking fulfillment at this time - childhood programs, fears of health and economy, feelings of unworthiness, disbelief in the potential and possibility that is always at your fingers tips. Never mind all those things today. Just put them out of your mind. These energies are not causing you to go backwards. They are pulling your attention to what you are fully capable of creating right now. Relax and close your eyes. Find a good feeling. Hold it. Now. Feel the flow of infinite love as it courses through your system. Focus on the sensation of light-heartedness and freedom. It is a forward moving, upward-feeling of peace and relief and joy and excitement. Stay here as long as you can. You will feel the effects of these energies almost immediately. Over the next few days, notice what you notice. We will meet you there. Crystal - Clear Quartz Sound Frequency - SI - 963 Hz |
July 03, 2020
! Activation begins: Your Natural State is of Happiness and Joy ! Can you believe this? Your true state is happy and joyful! Is this not cause for celebration? The incoming energies will jolt you into remembering. This might be a soft and gentle reminder, or something might happen to shock to into refocussing your thoughts. Be open. Soften your system and receive this message calling you to more love. Regardless of what is going on around you at this time, (and indeed, it may feel very destabilizing and uncomfortable), the truth of your inner world is much different. The reality is that you are is unshakable. Your soul and higher self are rejoicing right now. In fact, they are celebrating your unique expression and want for nothing other than for you to join them. You might have no idea how you could celebrate at a time like this. You might feel less than happy - you might be depressed or worried or have sleepless nights. Rest assured, this is only the illusion. This is not truth of your evolution at this time. Experiment with the elements of hidden happiness and joy that exist within. Ask and you will be shown. Pay particular attention to inner visions and dreams. If you meditate today, commit to at least 20 min. where you can comfortably connect to the flow of happiness and joy that persists within. You will see/feel/hear laughter and smiles and jokes - aspects of you simply having a jolly good time. This freedom and abandon may take you off guard. Allow yourself a moment or two to enjoy the feeling, even if you don’t readily understand where this energy is coming from. This energy is intended for you. It is yours - always available and ever-present. Your relationship between your perceptions of happiness and joy are between you and you. No conditions are necessary to feel unbridled and radiant delight. You can feel like that whenever you choose. Decide to feel like that today. You will feel the benefits instantly. This energy is likely to take form. You might see star family members. You might see old friends who always used to make you laugh. You might see the spirits of deceased loved ones whose bliss and ecstasy immediately and simultaneously soothe and exhilarate you. Regardless, this is a high flying feeling of adventure, growth, and expansion. It is a contagious feeling that sticks with you awhile. It is a feeling you are unlikely to forget. It is also a gentle indicator of where you are putting your attention. It orients your focus back to the natural flow of infinite love that is always coursing through your system. It never leaves you. It is always strengthening you with more love/light. It shows you very clearly how there is a version of you who never has any resistance to joyousness. We meet you there. ! Activation is complete: Your Natural State is of Happiness and Joy ! Crystal - Black Tourmaline Sound Frequency - UT - 396 Hz |
June 29, 2020
Your past is over and done with. The creation of a new earth is firmly underway. It’s as simple as that. There is no reason for you to hang on anymore. The now moment is all there is - past, present, future. If you focus on a good, loving feeling right now, any experience will feel resolved. However, perhaps you feel a need to grieve for what once was. If so take a moment today to feel how you are feeling. If tears come, let them. If you need to scream, let it out. If you are angry or scared or bitter or resentful, allow yourself to feel whatever comes up for you. Set a timer on your phone. You have 5 min. - starting now. < 5 min. Reflection - Feeling a sense of grief over losing what once was > Now. You can't stay there. Slowly, and with gentle love and respect for all aspects of self, come back to the now moment. Know that you have honoured your feelings and be confident that you have released what you needed to today in order to progress with a light heart into a better feeling state of being. The incoming energies situate you firmly and comfortably in the now moment. You are increasingly able to utilize this power to transform and shift any past event or relationship. In fact, when you think about the past or the future, you experience a feeling of happiness and light-heartedness. You don’t know why. It really doesn’t make sense considering everything that is going on. But the truth is, it feels good. It feels freeing and it feels hopeful. Haven’t you been striving for this kind of relief? This energy underscores that where you are right now is perfect; you are exactly where you need to be - released and ready for the next steps. Stay open and as relaxed a possible. In your regular meditation practice, this feeling of elation will come across clearly and potently. Bask in these energies and feel into how they are amplified with your conscious awareness. Even if you don’t meditate today, at some point you will have a profound experience of the power of the now moment. When you do, simply rest into it and notice how it becomes stronger and even more powerful. < 20 min. Meditation - Basking in the Now Moment > < 5 min. Reflection - A light-hearted past / A light-hearted future > Take a moment today to focus on feeling good. All of your experiences have brought you to now. There is, and never has been, any good or bad. Be happy for all of the life you have lived and will live. Relish in your expansion as a result of every life experience. You are ready for more. You are ready for right now. We will meet you there. Crystal - Aquamarine Sound Frequency - SOL - 741 |
June 24, 2020
! Activation begins: A Light Heart / A Heart of Light ! How can you find a feeling of light-heartedness? Today is a good day to work in conjunction with your physical body to find a state of being that feels good and happy. Train your body and mind to a light-hearted state of being. Why not? ^ Movement - create a reservoir for abundance ^ ^ Sit or stand comfortably. ^ Bring the outsides of your up-turned hands together in front of your body and make a large cup shape. ^ Imagine you hold a ball of light in the palm of your hands. ^ Cup the ball of light and feel how it rests in your hands. ^ Watch how it glows. It seems to expand and contract with your gentle breathing. ^ Now. ^ Imagine your cup is full to the brim with light. ^ You are holding so much light, it begins to pour out of your hands. ^ Watch as the ball of light continues to grow and overflow with light. ^ Stay with your focussed attention on the flow of light as long as you can. ^ Movement - SKIPPING ^ ^ Find a space large enough that you can move around freely. ^ Stand quietly and focus your attention on your physical body. ^ Feel the flow of infinite love as it courses though your system. ^ Now. ^ Skip around the room. ^ As you skip feel how the light-hearted movement of your body amplifies the flow of infinite love. ^ Feel the skipping moment as it buoys your spirit and your mood. ^ Skip for as long as you like or until it feels like your body is smiling. ! Activation is complete: A Light Heart / A Heart of Light ! Crystal - Labradorite Sound Frequency - LA - 852 Hz |
June 18, 2020
The incoming energies continue to galvanize your purpose and strengthen your awareness of who you really are. - Trust This Process - These are exciting times. They are clarifying times. You are able to see clearly the what and why of your desire. It is a sweet spot of feeling totally aligned with the sum total of your potential. Everything makes sense at a deeper level - your life choices, your path that got you to where you are, and most importantly, what you have to do to get you where you have always wanted to be. - Trust This Process - This energy might cause you to feel like you are flying or floating. It is a powerful feeling of being outside or above the illusion. You may even have an out of body experience during meditation or hypnogogic state. You might have a lucid dream. Regardless, you feel very free - the borders are gone, the shackles have dissolved - you are not beholden to anyone or anything. With that comes a huge emotional release. You might find yourself crying or laughing for no apparent reason. Just go with the release however it presents. Notice what you notice. The necessary people, situations, and information is on the way to you today. You might have to look at everything in your life with new eyes so you don’t miss it. Trust everything. Trust everyone. Whatever shows up is to support your growth and expansion. You are in a process of aligning with your true desire. Allow it to unfold naturally. Carry a peaceful feeling in your awareness. You are free. We meet you there. Crystal - Pyrite Sound Frequency - MI - 528 Hz |
June 10, 2020
! Activation begins: The Flow of Infinite Love ! ⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉ONENESS GRID⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇ Focus your attention on the flow of infinite love that courses through your body. What do you notice? This energy is the energy of self-love. It is like a soothing tonic to your system. It eases every experience and every feeling. How do you feel? Perhaps you feel a greater sense of trust. Maybe you feel excited, even about something that used to scare you. Maybe you feel bold like you don’t care so much what other people think of you. Maybe you feel a sense of possibility - like that which you desire may come to you from a totally unexpected avenue. Perhaps you are receiving the information and answers you seek. Maybe you feel like taking a chance and focussing your attention in an entirely different way. Maybe you sense there is a solution out there - it is so close you can feel it. Maybe you feel a greater sense of adventure than you have ever have before. Perhaps this feeling is enough; cause for celebration in an of itself. Notice what you notice. # JOURNAL - TheFlowOfInfiniteLoveMakesMeFeel… # This is an exercise in not doing. This is a surrender to the natural flow of love that is always present within. Any resistance will block your awareness of this flow. Any unnecessary thought will block your ability to sense this flow. Stop thinking. Clear your mind and feel/sense/relax. Yes! Your ability to direct your thoughts is increasing in power and strength. Your ability to discern how to move energy at the level of your mind is becoming more and more clear. Enter into the energetic space of your inner world and actively create your reality. Don't think about. Just feel into the flow of ever-present energy within. Your energy body knows where to take you. It knows what you want. Allow this subtle but profound awareness to guide you. The incoming energies assist greater awareness of the power of your energy body. This will be an intimate experience of self - a greater knowing of your relationship between you and you. However, the benefits of this increased trust, excitement, focus, and awareness are never limited just to you. This expansion is felt by all. Thank you for the gift of you. Your flow of love is the flow of all love. Yes! ⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇ONENESS GRID⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈ ! Activation is complete: The Flow of Infinite Love ! Crystal - Selenite Sound Frequency - SI - 963 Hz |
June 03, 2020
Today is a good day to focus your attention on gratitude. U Fill Up With Gratitude Now U What are you grateful for? # JOURNAL - ABigListOfEverythingIAmGratefulForRightNow # You may have an already established gratitude practice. If so, spend a little extra time with it today. In your journal - simply automatic write all the things you are grateful for. 💚 Begin with your family and friends - what do you love about them, what do you really appreciate. 💚 Next move on to your body and and your well-being - thank your cells, bones, muscles organs, and so on. 💚 Next move on to your dwelling and community - this is a comprehensive list - perhaps you are grateful for running water and air conditioning and the little, grassy park close to your home. Maybe you are grateful to your neighbours and your corner store. 💚 Next move on to your hobbies - maybe there is piece of music you love that brings you comfort and relief, maybe there is a funny TV show that lifts your spirits, maybe you are reading a book that is so captivating it's hard to put down. 💚 Next move on to your food and clothes - that delicious dinner you had the other night, the shirt on your back right now, the nourishing cup of tea you had yesterday afternoon. 💚 Keep going. Write a page or two or three. 💚 Finish by expressing gratitude for the earth - natural elements, weather, trees, animals, flowers, insects, birds, and more. Alternatively, spend your meditation time focussing on a feeling of gratitude. Simply let the energies wash over you. < 20 min. Meditation - Gratitude > When you are finished, notice how you feel. We will meet you there. Crystal - Rose Quartz Sound Frequency - RE - 417 Hz |
May 27, 2020
! Activation begins: A day of Infinite Love! A day of joy! ! ⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉ONENESS GRID⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇ This is a day to celebrate your progress into the field of oneness. Take some time to rejoice at the progress you are making. You will feel a variety of spiritual support today. This includes the presence of fun-loving imaginary friends, angels and spirit guides, fairies and happy forrest people, ascended masters, and more. They fill you with a feeling of support and encouragement. They walk with you, talk with you, laugh with you - they will not leave your side as you go throughout your blessed day. Most importantly, they want to celebrate you with you. They shower you with light and gratitude. They cause you to think the best of yourself. They orient you to what you love. This will be a very good day indeed! As much as possible, focus on this feeling of loving guidance. In truth it never leaves you, but today, with your conscious awareness, you will receive untold benefits and joy as a result. In fact, nothing else makes sense to you but this loving feeling. This is true progress and you feel changed for the better because of it. Even if at some point today you feel a sense this flow is blocked, you will easily return to the ease and joy and wonder of this constant presence of your loving spirit guides. With it comes a deep sense of peace and clarity. You know your desire for freedom and well-being. You know you are worthy. The energy is propelling you forward - to where, you can't say for sure, but in this atmosphere of love, you trust implicitly. You know what you have asked for. You know the old story is over. To drive this point home - you do not, and really can not, justify your unworthiness anymore. There is nothing left to justify. Those days, or more clearly, those vibrations, are long gone. Your past, as you knew it to be, can not exist in this current frequency of love. And, you love this frequency of love. You can't get enough of this good feeling. What's more - you are not alone. This energy is occurring for all of humanity. Everyone on earth at this time is able to access this guidance easily and effortlessly. Yes! This is another cause for celebration. Not only does this flow of infinite love never cease for you, but this is the case for all of your fellow humans. You are catalyzing these energies today. You are contagious with them. And, quite naturally you can't help but share them with the all. We thank you and we celebrate you also. ⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈ONENESS GRID⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉ ! Activation is complete: A day of Infinite Love! A day of joy! ! Crystal - Selenite Sound Frequency - FA - 639 Hz |
May 20, 2020
You are feeling differently in relation to all things in your world. There is next to nothing that feels the same as it did a mere months before. Everything in your world is changed. Everything causes you to re-orient your focus and your thought and feeling. It is truly a time where nothing can be taken for granted and nothing can be done by habit or routine. Your lived experience is turned upside down and is shaken out. What falls where? How are your thoughts taking a different path? What do you care about? What do you love that you don’t necessarily pay any attention to? Where is your heart leading you? How are you filling your spare time? How are you soothing yourself and lifting your spirits? Notice what you notice. Today is a good day to simply feel where you are at. Deep, hidden truths are being revealed. Pay attention. This is not hard work or concentrated effort. This will happen naturally. You are here right now to receive new and more purpose-oriented information. It will be different than what you have been conditioned to think about. This is a re-conditioning. You are ready to receive pristine re-direction. Be soft and gentle with yourself. Yes. Self-love and respect deepen. It is a poignant process of tenderly allowing a new self to emerge. You proceed with a grace you didn’t know you had. You are open and vulnerable and it feels right to be so. Let these energies carry you to a refreshed and reinvigorated self-concept. Loosely contemplate the following in a day-dreamy fashion: -my true gifts are…. -I know I have something more to offer - I think it might be…. -when I was a kid I really loved….. -I wonder how I could make a really meaningful contribution to the world…. -I feel the fun and joy of creation when I….. When you are in a space of allowing a different future to unfold, one that fills you with happiness and exhilaration, do the following visualization. ✹ CREATIVE VISUALIZATION ✹ Relax your body. Turn your thinking mind off. Close your eyes. Engage your mind screen. In this gentle, dreamy space, what information presents? In this space of meaning and love and purpose and contribution and creation, how do you feel? What do you want to create? You will receive information that causes you to deepen your dreams. You might receive actionable information, you might not, it won’t matter in the slightest. You are focussing on feeling and you are strengthening your intent. Make a mental note or get your journal out and record impressions. This will be a memorable time that you can look back on. Perhaps that thing you have always wanted to do is not so scary anymore. Perhaps you feel a door has opened that you would be crazy not to walk through. These are strange and unsettlingly times - and yet they can be very fruitful points of allowance to realign you with what you really, truly want. As always, we send you light and love. Crystal - Amethyst Sound Frequency - 174 Hz |
April 15, 2020
◉ Enter Healing Sphere Now ◉ The incoming energies bring forth clarity and purpose. Today is a good day to affirm your physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. Yes.Yes.Yes.Yes.Yes.Yes.Yes.Yes.Yes.Yes.Yes.Yes.Yes.Yes.Yes.Yes.Yes. You are worthy of infinite wellbeing. Yes.Yes.Yes.Yes.Yes.Yes.Yes.Yes.Yes.Yes.Yes.Yes.Yes.Yes.Yes.Yes.Yes. You are worthy of thriving in these times. No. You don’t have to worry about anyone else. Every single being incarnated on earth at this time has their own free will. There is really nothing you can do to change the path of another. What you can do is focus on what you want to create for yourself. No. It’s not selfish. No. It’s not out of your control. No. Just because someone else is not well, does not mean that you will be unwell too. This is your world. Your creation. You chose for you. △ Alert Affirmations - “ I am healthy and happy. My immune system is strong. I will do what it takes to honour my natural well-being.” △ Take some time today to align with the infinite well-being of your inner self. What do you need to do to maintain a healthy and happy outlook? How can you change your perspective to honour your health and well-being? Ask and you will be guided. Allow yourself to create a flow of ease and non-resistance. You will be soothed and relieved by the choices you make. You will know what is exactly right for you. ◉ Exit Healing Sphere Now ◉ Crystal - Smoky Quartz Sound Frequency - FA - 639 Hz |
April 09, 2020
! Activation begins: Indulgence ! If you are finding yourself at home during this time, today is a good day to indulge yourself. Break out of your normal routine completely. Do something, or many things, you always tell yourself you can't do or don't have time for. The questions are: What do you really want to do? What would make your really happy right now? What would make your heart sing? Maybe you want to have cookies for breakfast. Maybe you want to stay in your pajamas all day. Maybe you want to stay up late into the night with a good book or a lighthearted program or movie. Maybe you want to play games with loved one like cards or chess. Maybe you want to take a really long bath or shower. Maybe you want to sit and stare out the window. Do something today that you never allow yourself to do (even though you secretly want to.) Let this energy take you somewhere - to relief, to inspiratio,n to joy, to indulgence, to self-care. When you are immersed in that special feeling, rest there, be conscious of it, and acknowledge how good it feels. The energy of today has the potential to be a soothing tonic for aspects of self that might not always be a priority for you because of the demands on your time, energy, and awareness - your child self, your playful and silly self, your soul and higher self, your energy body, and more. Hold this energy as long as you can. You will not feel guilty. You will not feel negative in any way. On the contrary you will feel free and completely released. This energy will feel good and you will appreciate feeling good beyond comprehension or logic - your inner aspects of self are singing and dancing. In addition to preoccupying your thinking mind, you are giving your self a break. Now is the time. You will receive the love and support you need. You will connect to the flow of infinite love and you will feel hopeful and ready for anything. ! Activation is complete: Indulgence ! Crystal - Rose Quartz Sound Frequency - SI - 963 Hz |
April 05, 2020
◉ Enter Healing Sphere Now ◉ The incoming energies are causing you to feel in ways you never thought you would feel. This is an intense time and you might be finding it hard to maintain a positive perspective. In fact, you might be finding it hard to focus on anything at all. If this is the case, take sometime today to clear whatever is coming up. The following tapping scripts may be of use to you. For fear of contracting or spreading the virus - click here. For difficulty in dealing with lockdown or quarantine - click here. As always, your energy body and your inner world will guide you. They are always taking you to more love. We will meet you there - within the infinite love of the multiverse and more. ◉ Exit Healing Sphere Now ◉ Crystal - Labradorite Sound Frequency - LA - 852 Hz |
March 31, 2020
⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇ONENESS GRID⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉ ! Activation begins: Clarification ! Your humanness is struggling to make sense of what is going on around you. It feels as though there is so much to be scared of - so much unknown and uncertainty. It feels as though your whole life has been taken away from you. Even if your thinking mind can rationalize the current events swirling around you, and talk you off the ledge so to speak, chances are you are also experiencing the emergence of feelings of fear and destabilization coming up from deep within. This is normal. There is nothing wrong with you. You (and the entire human race) are not being punished. You are deserving of the life of your dreams and more. Now. Consider that this is the illusion playing out in all its glory. Your inner world - the truth of your spiritual and energetic existence - perceives this situation much differently. You soul/ higher self is not scared or uncertain. Your soul/higher self is not feeling lack of any kind. Your soul/higher self is committed to maintaining a healthy and happy physical expression of you. Now. The incoming energies are clarifying your perceptions on all levels. Take a moment today and orient your focusses awareness to what you want to create. Begin by clarifying your intention. What are you choosing to focus on? How do you need to organize your life right now to strengthen and support your intention? ∿Clarify Your Intentions Now∿ "I intend to allow health and well-being." "I intend to focus on a solution." "I intend to release fear and discomfort." "I intend to activate my inner knowing." "I intend to receive the gifts of this situation." "I intend to receive the infinite love, support, and encouragement that is always available to me." "I intend to connect to the flow of infinite love that is always present within." Reorient your thoughts and focus. Notice what happens. Spend as much time as possible nourishing your physical body with rest and relaxation. Do whatever it takes to lift your spirits. Lighten your heart. We will meet you there. ! Activation is complete: Clarification ! ⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉ONENESS GRID⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈ Crystal - Clear Quartz Sound Frequency - SI - 963 Hz |