Messages to Ease and Optimize Ascension
July 21, 2021
! Activation begins: A Perfect Welcome ! In both quiet and busy moments, you notice a different, subtler, more profound energy of acceptance that pervades your system. It fills your body with a feeling of peaceful surrender. This causes you to give up the fight. Almost imperceptibly, you find yourself not weary, but infused with an alternate, opposite, movement toward love. The feeling gets stronger and more palpable. You are emboldened with pervasive love. Nothing else makes sense. There is nothing but love. ䷇ UNIFIED FEILD EXPERIENCE/EXPERIMENT ䷬ You have an acute experience of noticing how your system is a welcoming beacon of safe haven. You naturally include everything into the field of your love. This feels like energetic arms reaching out to embrace even the most disparate of emotions and to offer shelter for even the most unlovable feelings or circumstances. You will also feel a magnetic merging of attraction-presence in your heart chakra. This energy intensifies in colour and brilliance. It’s as if colour is magnetically attached to variations of essences of love. It is present in the brilliance of all other energies and now you can’t help but turn your focus to everything as love. The feeling grows stronger with conscious attention and creative visualization. It might help to stare at something in appreciation until your vision becomes blurry. It might help to stare at rustling leaves or shadows coming into and out of light, momentarily, until you forget there is a you that is seeing and perceiving. This is the core of your love/light. You might imagine this heart energy to be green and you might think it it exists in the region of your heart. However, your light is not limited to one colour or to your physical body or even your aura. This great light of your heart chakra extends, melds, and becomes the green light of every green ray of light (all energies/all manifestations). There is no separation of this light into things other than you. This light connects everything to the other. The light of you exists everywhere and in all things. It is us all. You have waited for this clear and indisputable evidence of unity consciousness for a long, long time. You have known it to be there. You have believed in it. You have glimpsed it. You have been inside and outside of it. Now. It is a constant presence of enhanced and evolved awareness. It is easy to notice when you are not focused on this ever-present potential for unconditional love. It is easy to choose your desired state of awareness. To repeat - this electromagnetic charge is of a more intense, conscious, and presence-frequency focus. It has elevated your beingness. There is no going back. The way to freedom transmutation is to take everything into the unified-expansive heart chakra energy of unconditional love. Your open heart is in a constant process of activation within/without the one heart of all. You really can’t consider yourself anymore without also seeing a version of self in all energies that surround you. You are fully surrendered to this new vibration of electromagnetic charge/catalyst of pure love. Your entire projection of experience is attracted in and to it. This is further evidence that you are already perfect. Your perfection has always been enough to transform any energy into love. You are already the unconditional love of the all without doing anything. You have everything you require. You don't need. You are everything you are required to be in this moment. You are beyond time. Light. More light. Light. More light. Light. More light. Light. More light. 🜁 BRILLIANT INCARNATION OF RAINBOW COLOUR OF NOTHING LIGHT 🜁 Light inserts into the nothingness and blackness of meditation, momentarily blinding your sensitive inner awareness. You are shocked into a face-to-face encounter with primordial energy, the infinite light of mutliversal source energy. It is perhaps more quiet and peaceful than you imagined. And, then to think/feel/dream this reality for all humanity. Light rises steadily, quickly up your central column - a fast, rush of bright white light is you being carried into a force of movement beyond time. You are a sparkly rainbow suspended in moving faster than the speed of light. It’s alright. You are safe. Cellular metabolism and DNA activation integrates and stabilizes. The body renews itself completely. Double-deep breathing, yawning, and day dreaming are recommended. You attract more light down thorough your crown chakra into the mirage of ground beneath your feet. This playful illusion of love and light becoming more love and light and colour splashes of ink blots of painted feeling bleed every colour into a coming of becoming and take form behind the darkness of a backdrop or a substance of coalescing re-consciousness. Every flash of light is already giving itself away to the next expression of unity already accomplished with a unique singularity. The future is eaten up by an eternal presence of forgiveness. Your central common extends beyond your aura now. Your light quotient is taking up more space, naturally, reaching into the next illusion of separation. You rest in a feeling of confidence and satiation - did your ever fear to trust the next moment’s highest good of all? The core of your service-light is resonance. Natural. Unique. Integral. You have no responsibility for anything. You have no expectation of anyone or anything. This is pure freedom. It makes you want to try this feeling out on everything. So, brace yourself little going in. If you swing bravely to the external world of illusory projections with an intent to bring forth unity consciousness, be prepared at the outset that your first order of business has to be a compassionate response for self. If you know you are willingly heading into the heart of your fear, set an intention to find the love that is already there. To do so, you must be willing to support and honour transformation of the field; know that you will eventually burrow into the emotional confusion of perceived separation. Assume you might need an energetic hug of sorts once you hit the point of immersion in the full meaning of expansion. Ask for an energetic hug of sorts. We will meet you there. ! Activation is complete: A Perfect Welcome ! Crystal - Rhodochrosite Sound Frequency - LA - 852 Hz |
July 13, 2021
You are courageously challenging your ascension process. This is the more that you asked for. ! Activation begins: Try A Little Tenderness ! Your compassion will yield lovely gifts of self realization. Your softness will set a tone/frequency for the future. If you listen carefully, you will hear internal harmonics. This internal sound will reveal a unique core frequency. You realize that sound, like colour, is on an infinite spectrum or scale of individual expression. Every tone is idiosyncratic and exists to harmonize perfectly to every other sound-expression of the whole. Familiar triggers arise but they elude classification and definition. They peak your interest briefly, and then, almost dispassionately, your know they are love/loved. The occurrence is annoying more than anything. However, this feeling of ‘more than anything’, is beckoning to be resolved. You will most undoubtedly be pulled into binary energies but rest assured, you will not react the same way, if at all. There is strong emotional processing in the aura and the outer reaches of awareness. This perceiving limit of awareness is pure freedom. The niggling beliefs that come up can barely hang on. They dissolve easily in one, two, three seconds of surrender. The experience of letting go is slightly arousing. It’s as if you are swimming through an essence of all time to emerge on the shoreline of knowing you are already the essence of every essence. Life is brimming and overflowing within you. Every single essence-awareness therefore feels like the infinite potential; a wholly purified state of total inclusion. Nothing is cancelled out; everything is taken on with a completed framework of energetic allowance, into a structure that was always built to dissolve. ⏧ ELECTRICAL INTERSECTION ⏧ 📡 To hold all of this knowing and experience as your own. 🧲 To know fully that all that you know is all that is known. 🕹 To be integrated and fluid and able to hold your own field of unity consciousness in tact. 🧿 To practice connection to a time-space of nothingness and silence. 🧨 To reverberate effortlessly, strongly, divinely, and freely; the entire multiverse is home. ∞ Every expression is the tone, tune of all. The meaning and existence of opposition seems reverential, ritualistic, as if it references almost nothing at all. Then again, perhaps polarity exists to bring us together. Gather in a small group of like-minded people and play with conscious awareness. Experiment with group meditation, silence, sensory perception/deprivation, coherent breathing, spirit communication, telekinetic abilities, and telepathic thought. 🧭 MAGNETIC TRANSVERSALITY 🧭 Feeling everything/nothing is also perceived to be extra-non-sensory feeling awareness. You are more comfortable in the depths of feeling and emotion because you are more comfortable with your extra sensory awareness. There is a certain pressure or force to spiritual expansion that doesn’t feel comfortable at all. You remain to be courageous and willing. This stuff used to scare you. Now. You welcome discomfort into your trusting and committed intention for unconditional love. You are safe everywhere, and you don't necessarily need to know how or why. Comfort might be overrated slightly. In honouring your purpose for this incarnation, you embrace the illusion of comfort. You choose freedom in the ways you process. You choose your own ascension. As you know, love is the epitome of trust. You are trusting love even more and more, expanding into greater understandings of love, more profound meanings of love, greater perceptions of the truth of the freedom of love, and knowing as if love isn’t something that already is the entirety of existence in and of itself. You are curiously objective and ready to include even the most foundational distortions into your field of love. Consciously, even playfully, you are grateful for the simplicity of surrender. You are receiving guidance before and event that enables you to get ready, and without knowing any specifics, you are prepared to plumb emotional experience and celebrate your progress. You will be reminded of this event after the fact because, there will be the necessary process of forgetting that you have grown so accustomed to navigating. Rest assured, you will have an ‘ah ha’ moment or a surprising burst of joyful creative energy - you already knew or was already given the perfect process to return any feeling state to the love that is already there, and that you already are. The game of life has entered a new level. You feel bolder and less unwilling to be anything or anyone that you are not. You venture forth into life experience with a feeling of omniscient observation. You can see/feel the unified field all around you. You are you and you and you and you, on and on into infinity. You have all the teachings and all the guides that you require for the time being. You should exist as much as possible with little to no external input. To repeat: for the next little while (week or so) refrain from looking externally for guidance. Take a spiritual detox of sorts. When you are in an energy of asking, you already know. When you want to interpret and analyse, instead, experiment and create something altogether new. There is much original thinking to be done during this time. You will desire external guidance and at the same time, you will want to do it for yourself. You swing again back and forth between unity and separation. You feel the extremes and know you are ready to establish balance. If you go deep within, you will see your chakras take shape and form in your mind’s eye. You will then know exactly what is going on in your energy body. Visualization is effortless. What colour to you want to be feel? Play with the fluidity of change and flow. You see, feel, and perceive the movement of energy and notice clearly when it speeds up and when it slows down. You become fully aware of your brightness - when you are unspeakably radiant and when you are hiding behind the illusion of the veil. You feel and don’t feel in the same way. You are transcending binary thinking. Good is bad is bad is good is both equally. Knowing the paradox completely, messages are everywhere-whispers from within. Your unique guidance is without limits. This is a time of recalibration. Give your system a chance to flow gently along with higher vibrational pulses of awareness. You will be drawn to stillness and quiet. You will be happy to day dream and you will naturally eschew a schedule to the best of your ability. Flow contrast and flow love. Your tenderness with self is tenderness for all of creation energy. ! Activation is complete: Try A Little Tenderness ! Crystal - Agate Sound Frequency - 285 Hz |
June 30, 2021
! Activation begins: Game of Vibrations ! You are learning a different methodology to metabolize energy. You are feeling much more your energy body in general. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. In addition to knowing the simultaneity of the vertical upward-feeling, downward-grounding sensation of your central column of energy, you are now able to perceive a horizontal flow of energy that feels as if it extends from your chest area into infinity all around you. Your energy is reaching out further into consciousness. This is further evidence that the boundaries of your physical vessel are permeable and fluid. This is further evidence of your aura - changing in colour, density, and strength. Ultimately, these are purification energies - they release further on your behalf and they catapult you into a different understanding of who you are. One self is the one collective self. Use the currents of this energy to play with both your physical and emotional intelligence. As you lay in bed, feel as though energy is streaming from your physical body. It anchors you to the bed and deep into the earth. It is a subtle pull that signifies the merging of various densities of the light that you are. It's almost as if you can feel your energy bleed into the energy of your surroundings. (Further evidence that there is only one.) Awareness of your energy permeability is both grounding and anchoring and also, a conscious return of all aspects of your energy body to love. This energy is released as love because it is love whether your mind agrees with you or not. As you are consistently nourishing the multiverse with your energetic expression, so too is every person, object, thought, memory, association, including the earth itself, a recipient of your nourishing light/love. You can’t help but exchange the truth of love/light. You love with it all. The energy released from the sides of your body is almost like a set of wings. These appendages of extra sensory awareness link you to greater knowing of the truth of love and also to other spheres of energy in a seamlessly unconditionally loving perception of all realities. You just don’t care to get worked up about anything. You feel your natural state of being joy, wonder, and freedom. These energetic wings are also like a lens of perception within. Your third eye might be unusually active. Your dreams and lucid dreaming might be unusually hard to forget or dismiss. Your thinking, sensing, feeling, and knowing seems to be amplified from within. It’s like you are being from a different vantage point. This processing of reconstituting your energy body is also reconfiguring your entire belief system. Engaging a deeper knowing of how to metabolism every energy causes you to become especially sensitive to any feelings of blockage in your system. Take a moment throughout the day to release your energy in the best way that serves you. This could be breathing, becoming permeable or mist-like in your imagination, exercise, singing, dancing - whatever works for you - imagine that you are releasing energy out of your system - top of head or feet - through your pores or out your mouth or nose. As you release, you absorb an infinite potential that is possible without any blockage. You are claiming, marshalling, and deploying new energy frequencies. This might leave you feeling light-headed or woozy or simply elated. Rest in this knowing of total recalibration that happens when you are connected to source energy. As you relax and adjust, notice how your mind is increasingly open to and excited by life. Confirmation abounds. This feeling of loving yourself in this way - freeing yourself from limitation and reconvening a different perception of self-concept - is a safe place for you, clear and without judgement. It is infused with belief in your worthiness. It makes your body feel like jello and your mind dwell on anything delightful. ////RUN LIGHT PROGRAM - Send love/light to all energies\\\\ This is a good time to send light. As you send, you receive. As you vibrate consciously with love/light, it grows stronger and more palpable. As your awareness of your physical vessel becomes increasingly permeable to constructs of separation, you sense the substance of your love/light itself and you can perceive how it mixes and mingles with the energies around you. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. Now. We meet you there. ! Activation is complete: Game of Vibrations ! Crystal - Amethyst Sound Frequency - 174 Hz |
June 23, 2021
! Activation begins: A Rainbow of Self-Love / Wavelengths of Multi-colour Light/Love ! This incoming light is a direct stream of concentrated love that is received prismatically by the pineal gland. Your pineal gland is an attracting hub of of this particular light frequency that is designed to amplify and magnify love throughout your system. The third eye is activated, and with it, an all-seeing ability comes into conscious awareness. Your omniscient presence of being enables you to see love in all energies. This is benevolent light energy meeting benevolent light energy. This is the light of who you are and the light of all energies. This is an even higher vibration of oneness. There is no resistance to your natural connection to all. This light is fluid, pervasive, and easily incorporated into your energy body. You will notice a different quality or sensation in all your chakras as light energy reflects, refracts, and seamlessly integrates energy receptors in every aspect of your beingness. This will cause feelings of warmth and tingling on the outer edges of your physical body. Alternately, you will feel sensations on one side of the body or the other. This is light energy easing your energy body into a state of happy, peaceful equilibrium. This light causes you to feel spacious inside of your mind. It will feel as though you are overflowing with potential and that any sense of separation is gone. Actively detach from anything that makes you feel like you need something. Be alert and deploy these energies to any and all events, circumstances, memories, or sense perceptions. You might even have fears that all this light might be too boring or threatening or that boundaries and protection is something that you’ve worked really hard to put into place. This is the illusion and it is an example of entering into unity consciousness with fear-based beliefs. Boundaries might protect your humanness and in some ways seem very valuable, but your energy body does not require them. Your energy body is free. Maybe this is a level of liberation you have not yet fully allowed for yourself. This is the perfect time to receive the next level of conscious awareness. Be courageous and be disciplined. Be in a state of feeling free as much as you can. Your external constraints do not dictate the amount of freedom you are willing to allow for yourself. Create it now. Create it with this light of amplification and magnification. This feeling of pure positive love/light energy potential is different from an impulse fuelled by inspiration, curiosity, or wonder. It is even more pervasive and of even more breadth, and will cause you to feel as though you are everywhere at once. To repeat, detach from any and all lack-based thoughts, even if the thought is that you don’t feel or sense or can’t know a feeling of nothingness. Detach from what you think you know about your ability to integrate unity consciousness. There are no limits. Release limitation to being infinite energy. You know this forward-moving, up-ward feeling current of energy that resolves everything into love. Consciously take yourself there now. Be freedom. You will feel the effects of this energy in all aspects of your life, most acutely in your relationship with the earth. Feel the abundance of air, wind, rain, soil, plant growth, trees, and more. Actively receive love from your earthly environment. This is a good time for any kind of plant communication. You will receive information and send it back like the plant is a mirror. You will converse freely and effortlessly. This is an elegant and refined power. There is a richness to this feeling of trust, knowing that reflection will always reflect. Imagine a core of light in all energies, even inanimate objects. See that light mixing and mingling with your own unique energy signature or frequency, notice how the light goes right to the core of the other, unapologetically, and without fear. If you are not seeing your unique light frequency as different - ask to see it and then actively turn your attention to obvious light sources - a candle, a neon sign, your porch light, the glow of your screen, a rainbow, or the sun or moon. You will remember and you will know. The love felt for self in this moment is love for all eternity. There is something surprisingly exciting and satisfying about receiving this particular high vibrational light body upgrade. You feel happy to be embodied on this earth, grateful for your human experience, and proud of your accomplishments and progress. You experience a feeling of elation that you are progressing into even more love for self and others. Along with this awareness comes admiration for your physical vessel that is receiving these subtle energies as felt presences of support and companionship. You are embraced all over by a density of light that is a constant reminder that love is everywhere. Oh, the joy and the celebration! You feel permeable and flipped inside out and suspended and floating in a feeling of a blur of light weaving into and out of frequencies of quality and essence, exacting the glorious spirit of your free will and experiencing extra sensitive awareness as a state of perpetual curiosity. This is a harmony and balance. It is communion with mutliversal source energy and release from the illusion. This is a gentle evolution of more love into more love. Slowly, carefully, gently, together, you are opening your sensibilities to more love to yet ever-more love. There is no right way to do this. There is no hierarchy of worthiness. There will be no energy left behind. In fact, in order to satisfy your intense desire for more knowledge, stories, and realities of love, read about love, watch movies, and immerse yourself in mythologies of love expanding love. You will find every story is a story of love. You will experience familiar texts in new ways. This will be in keeping with a balancing of mind and heart knowing. Don’t be afraid of a cliche of love. Don’t be immune to any loving feeling in your awareness. Don’t hesitate to process love as directly and in the moment as possible. Soothe yourself into more comfort and familiarity with expressions of love. Love in all beings and in all things; reflecting love and receiving love. To repeat: turn your focus to love and see it everywhere. You will have experiences of direcly receiving of love combined with a simultaneous feeling of sending it back. You will be excited to repeat this process in other aspects of your life. Research plant communication, listen to sound frequencies of plants and trees, read the Secret Life of Plants or listen to Stevie Wonder’s Journey Through the Secret Life of Plants. Spend time with a flower. Can you hear a friendly tinkling of laughter? This is the vibration of love reflecting love reflecting love reflecting love on and on into eternity. We meet you there. ! Activation is complete: A Rainbow of Self-Love / Wavelengths of Multi-colour Light/Love ! Crystal - Clear Quartz Sound Frequency - SI - 963 Hz |
June 16, 2021
! Activation begins: Misty Auric Radiance ! You have a radiant light within - brighter than you can humanly witness and more powerful than you can fully comprehend on a mental level. This is your individual expression of source energy. You are the substance of source energy, and it is channelled through free will. You can do anything you want to do with this energy. You are free to create with the full force of multiversal source energy. Normally we would ask, "What are you creating right now?" But, in this moment, we ask you to direct your focus to the space before you exert any relationship to energy. Today we ask you, right now, "What can you create in the space of non-creation?" Before the act of creation or the spark of essence becomes a thought, emotion, or sense perception, can you perceive the power of nothingness as a catalyst for aligning with creation? This is a gentle reminder to drift effortlessly into a space of non-thought. The act of creation is the very act of creation. This energy before creation is for you to contemplate at your leisure. It is an occasion to rest and replenish in a meditative state of being with little to no desire. To be only in the presence of your radiant light. To be only in a space where nothing matters and there is nothing for you to do or direct. For no reason, other than to remember that everything you create is of this primal, perfect, subtle source energy that feels empty, like nothing at all. This is pure potential. To repeat: you can do anything you want by the simple act of not creating anything. It is not about the thing or the relationship to things. This awareness of energy is the fuel of consciousness. You will most likely feel the presence of your guides in this space but they will not be telling you what to do. They are simply sharing this non-space with you. You feel like this is you embodying your higher self and the truth of your soul. Peaceful. Supported. Soothed. Free. This space purifies all emotional content and past experience. It neutralizes your field in ways you aren’t even aware of. It activates a courage to allow more of what you want into your life. It brings with it an acute feeling that every timeline is now. There is nothing more important than now. There is no version of you who is more worthy than who you are right now. The incoming light is like a misty, soft, pink-purple concentration of light/love. It connects effortlessly to your radiant light within and it extends far, far out from your energy body. There are no boundaries to your physical vessel, just light blending into more light - sparkling, soft, blissful light that leaves you refreshed and overflowing with keen emotional insight. This sparkly light is a substance of microcosmic mirrors. It illuminates source energy in all things and all people. You feel as though you are surrounded by opportunities to appreciate Source energy in every manifestation. This is a clear state of knowing the truth of unconditional love. It allows you to fully release yourself to oneness. It encourages you to trust the inner radiant life in all energies. Purification and refinement continue. The process pulls you inside and back out. Up and then down. Into the self and then back into the illusion of the other. You are attached, and then just as easily unattached. You are agile and quick, moving easily between energetic experiences, and you are increasingly adept at actively letting go. You relish the opportunity to explore your interiority and your obscurity. You are waking up to all of your inherent complications and perceiving them as your beautiful, unique expression of source energy. You are feeling the genesis of belief. The story doesn't matter at all. You are vividly in the presence of the power of an emergent thought, feeling, or perception and it becomes nothing effortlessly. This feeling of misty nothingness still feels like a presence of emptiness. You are empty and you are full. Balancing on the light of colour, softened now from light pink to light aquamarine, sparkling the sparkles of light that surround you and reflecting and refracting light into infinite lights within and without. You see this light in other people. You know it to be true in yourself. The glory and the power of oneness consciousness and the beautiful truth of togetherness is laid bare. The nothingness is what holds us together. Something comes from this nothingness. You can't help but manifest easily and effortlessly. Pay attention to dreams and visions. In particular, this is a good time for lucid dreaming. You are not only receiving solutions in your dreams your are playing with dream energies in a more expansive way. Set an intention for dreaming before sleep. Notice what pops into your head as soon as you open your eyes. You are receiving not only concrete information but also courage. You will feel the presence of guidance in your dreams and be immersed in a situation, relationship, or timeline where you are knowingly trying out and playing with different higher energy frequencies. To say you are loved and supported in this alternate world of free expression, is an understatement. Upon waking you will feel childlike and euphoric, and satisfied mentally and emotionally. After, take a moment to look at yourself in the mirror and consciously affirm your source-state and dream body. Practice active detachment. If something pops into your mind and it has a quality of resistance, no matter how big or small, simply hold it and receive the reflection of its love. The misty mirrors will cause this to be effortless. Notice how you can’t help but reflect love back. This is a simultaneous act of a mirror, but you will experience it to be slowed down slightly so your awareness of it can properly integrate the experience and your mental body can make sense of it. You purpose here is to experience. The ability to perceive subtle energies is greater than ever before. The receiving of love might feel very forward-moving, while the sending of a love reflection back might feel as though you are temporarily suspended, even slightly moving backward, before your energy stream picks up again to surge into a forward moving feeling once again. You are both fast and slow. You are moving and staying in the same place. You are the collective reality and the individual reality. Sending light is your natural state - a wonderful activity of non-thinking and non-doing. This simple act of receiving and sending love requires no attention yet it is experienced directly. It will be felt, and fully incorporated by your entire energy body. This is beyond a feeling of deep relaxation. It is nourishment at its most profound essence. Take a moment to reflect on your reflections of love. Reverberate in the infinite streams of love that surround you. Feel how your not-doing and not-thinking about love is still love, extending far, far from your sense of beingness and into the knowing presence of nothing that surrounds you. ! Activation is complete: Misty Auric Radiance ! Crystal - Rose Quartz Sound Frequencies - FA - 639 Hz |
May 31, 2021
! Activation begins: Lite-Bright ! The incoming light energy streams infuse your beingness with a feeling of safety and security you have not known before. You greatly appreciate your progression into more worthiness. You light yourself up with self-realization and awareness. Your entire system is open, permeable, and prepared to receive light upgrades easily and effortlessly. This awareness causes you to celebrate the fluid, flowing nature of love/light, its infinite qualities, and the positive benefit it has for collective well-being. As if you, and the collective, were anything but! These moments of awareness are golden or they are diamond rainbow light glimpses of enlightenment or absolute creation/creator multiversal source energy. One glimpse follows another and soon your are linking momentary lapses of higher consciousness in a more multidimensionally consistent and constant basis. You travel easily between emotional focus points and conscious realities. It feels comfortable to allow yourself a sense of relief you know you can trust. You promise yourself freedom and you deliver. You choose an alternative to external entertainment, one that fuels you at a soul level. There is nothing more exciting than exploring the unique way you perceive the world around you (This is your creation and it is always supporting you in ways beyond your current knowing). And, it is bigger than you. This is progress of the entire collective. U Fill up with Awareness of Awareness Now U In general, you are feeling, sensing, knowing your light body in more profound ways. Any physical amount of discomfort is easily seen as an emotional body/mind misrepresentation. The thoughts that link your bodily knowing are travelling more easily back and forth infusing your mind with information that causes you to acutely know how your vibration is manifesting all around you. You are profoundly grateful to each and every lesson, and feel an extra special reverence for your physical vessel at this time. The complication of your reality is simplified when you remember what you love. Your ability to choose and exact freewill is strengthen and intensified by focussing on what you love. A focus on love deeply relaxes your physical vessel and your mind. Feeling a state of being in love is like a light in an atmosphere of non-thought. It soothes and brings a peaceful sensation. Even complication looks like a necessary (and somewhat curious) element that has brought you to a greater sense of peace. Sensitivity to light/love impacts every aspect of who you are. Not only are you holding a pure positive energy of love/light more frequently, you are increasingly adept at sending light/love out into the world. Relaxing into the truth of who you are and knowing that you are a light body of love, is now as natural as waking up in the morning eagerly expecting more interaction with multiversal source energy. You are excited and ready to stay connected to the peaceful feeling of love and light in your life. In particular, you are receiving light at the back of your head to interact with the pineal gland which is like a magnifying glass of your conscious awareness. We see this light as a purple mist - a dense particulate floating, dispersing energy - a substance of sparkles and a fragrance of lilac - it enters into your head and spreads throughout your physical vessel - it blurs the boundaries of your physical vessel to fill your entire aura, and it spills out from your aura to connect you to that which is beyond your knowing, not just at a mental level, but even that which your energy body knows. Expansion is profound and accelerated. It is about knowing everything you know at a deeper level - it is realizing that the unknown is not threatening, but simply more love. This soft, purple light soothes all aspects of individual consciousness into a more consciously aware perception of oneness. This mist is electric, it is magnetic, and it is alive with connection and flow. To repeat, you will have a glimpse of physically being able to discern these energies. It might feel like slight compression or pressure on your skin. It might feel as though you are able to sense underneath your skin. The wind, the air outside, is especially soothing and nourishing. You feel the earth replenish your system completely. You are one with the earth and one with the all of creation. Relaxed. Relaxed. Relaxed. Relaxed. Relaxed. Relaxed. Relaxed. Relaxed. Relaxed. This mist is comprised of tiny spheres of diamond rainbow light. It gives you the sense as though you exist everywhere all at once. This mist is enables you to receive love from all things, people, situations. It is like a boomerang - a simultaneous effect of opening to love in the other and receiving love from the other. This is not about doing anything. It is a simple acknowledgement that the love in all things is the same as the love of source energy. This is a substance of reflective material - little mirrors that cause you to see the creation energy of the creator in all things. It causes you to more easily identify with the ways you are energetically approaching all aspects of your life. It is the energy that causes you to take a moment before you walk into a room - or that makes you pause before you answer a question or respond to incoming information. This electric atmosphere ignites your free will choice in every moment. It naturally aligns your with your highest good. Now. You trust it is readily available to you at all times. We will meet you there. ! Activation is complete: Lite-Bright ! Crystal - Clear Quartz Sound Frequency - SI - 963 Hz |
May 20, 2021
⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇ONENESS GRID⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈ ! Activation begins: Inside is Out ! Major releasing. Major healing. It’s all the same and it doesn’t matter. You have a feeling you have already accomplished everything you set out to. In every way, you are already whole. This is a fun feeling. Openings are everywhere - doors, windows, slices of time, cracks in space - where you perceive the flow of all creation energy and you know without a doubt that all is well and everything is as it should be. This clarity is cause for celebrating oneness and the entire energetic field. Again, there is a feeling that nothing really matters that much. We are one - already understood and accepted. We are connected by love/light energy. Everything is love expanding into more love. Otherwise there is a strong feeling to release every distortion to the beauty of our togetherness. Thought, emotion, passion, desire - with or without any concept of belief in Creator Energy or Source Energy - it doesn’t change the truth. You know what feels good to you. You know what feels bad. You choose to focus on feeling good and when you feel bad you know that that emotion is bringing you to more love. You only destroy what feels good in the moment because you are safe to do so. You know that there is an ever-replenished creation energy of desire that never leaves you. It just keeps coming to you. You don’t have to do anything and it is still there for you. The only thing you are really looking for is a light-hearted sense of fun and enjoyment. You are childlike even now looking for new and fun ways to express your humanness. The density is illusion and the illusion only exists to bring you to more fun feeling. How do you define fun? What do you do for fun? Can you have a sense of fun right now no matter what you are doing? Light. Light. Light. Light. Light. Light. Light. Light. Light. Light. Light. Light. Light. There is no stopping the light gracing your system and enlivening your perspective to free you from limitation. This so effortless right now. You are the softness inside, now blatantly on the outside. This is an easy allowing of vulnerability and it feels good. The artifice has fallen away. You are truly you. However, you might also feel as though you are straddling two worlds - one foot in feeling good and other in a feeling of not so good. That’s OK. You know which direction you are heading. You already know everything you need to know. If not, you know how to seek it out. You know that your questioning and asking and wanting is the exact same as the receiving. You are open and flowing or you are closed off and limited. Either way, you are exactly where you need to be. Reflections abound. Talking to yourself in the mirror is a great way to engage with a happy smile and look into your eyes of deep longing to locate total inspiration. One side of awareness is inside and the other is outside. You are naturally in a state of being turned inside out. You can barely help but be the truth of who you are. Catapulted into knowing the truth of expansion into unity consciousness. Your perspective is all that matters. While you might have moments when you are a little worried about being accepted by others, this is a momentary lapse and yet another opening to the beauty of balance in your beingness. Everything and everyone is flowing and easy, bringing your essence to the surface naturally. This internal rhythm that courses through you now floats on the outer edges of your auric field. It is love reflecting love reflecting; love bringing you to more love. Core beliefs are revealed as if by magic to mirror subconscious desires you can know longer ignore. There is no going back. This freedom is too enticing. This freedom at your fingertips is just waiting for your conscious choice. The sensation is of going deeper and deeper to the infinite web of oneness. It might feel like or present as a tunnel, portal, opening within openings - all polarities surrender and give way. Your insides open and reveal the truth that there is no separation. You are excited to take any pathway to freedom and more love - a soothing, basking feeling, even as you enter into a perceived negative emotion, all of a sudden it is light and your focus is once again clear, and you are compelled to ask, without thinking, what’s next? < Walk around your neighbourhood - Be your insideness outside. Talk a reflective walk while appreciating the earth around you. Go from one thing to the next showering praise on everything you see - trees, roads, flowers, cars - just love the perception of earth that you have right now - your overflowing unconditional living self. Let this love and appreciation be reflected back to you. Receive infinitely at the level of your beingness that is eternal. This is the ultimate letting go energy. All people, all things and events, all aspects of self are here, now, for your benefit. This love brings with it a great appreciation for the highest good of all. It makes you fall even deeper in love with the love that is all. Enjoy! ! Activation is complete: Inside is Out ! ⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉⧇⧈⧉ONENESS GRID⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇⧉⧈⧇ Crystal - Turquoise Sound Frequency - MI - 528 Hz |
May 11, 2021
◉ Enter Healing Sphere Now ◉ Your physical vessel is strengthen and nourished with incoming light. Your physical vessel is processing collective beliefs in addition to your own. This may play out in strange dreams and visions, synchronicities that seen too obvious, and other dramatic content that may take you into something you never thought was yours. ∞ Breathing hand on heart opening; willingness to fall deeper into love. ∞ You are immediately reminded of your commitment and dedication to the truth of oneness. You realize with even more clarity your eternal love for all aspects self and all energies. Your physical vessel is being transformed by light as you go about your everyday business. It’s not really anything you have known before and yet, there is is something deeply known - satisfying, and even exciting. What will happen next? You trust it will be everything you have always wanted. You trust yourself. = Take a moment to acknowledge your progress now = You are fluid and flowing. You have chosen to stay true to your intention of the highest good for all. This life! You choose to enjoy the process of becoming. You choose to feel into the moment rather than think about a future that feels never ending. The unfoldment continues on infinite time lines! You will never make sense of it. You will never feel as though you understand it all. ∞ Loving the now moment - a perception of movement that happens seemingly without you. It’s a forward moving energy that also feels like you are staying in the same place; new perceiving faculties. ∞ Change has happened anyway, despite you. A course is set in motion and you are flowing with it effortlessly. Nothingness. Day dreaming. Staying in bed. Sitting in a park. You are communing with nature more than ever before. Now. You are in a state of love with all energies; communication flows easily. Talk to anything/anybody and receive a pertinent response. For deep oneness and communion energies, nature is strong. It feeds you energetically and soothes your physical body. Nature says, “I am adapting.” You resound, “Me too!” The soft, gentle, subtle energy of nature fills you up and sets you at ease. You are in a state of perceiving without the confines of your mind. You are receiving at all layers of your beingness. This is an amplified experience of the now moment. It is a greater awareness of connectivity, which is love/light. You are stimulated on a multidimensional level - the mind is not needed to interpret this information. ∞ One heart massive healing of all timelines and basking in the energies of expansion into more love. ∞ Be and breathe with the feeling of inspiration. Dance with it. Dream with it. Information abounds. Your humanness holds the space for your humaness. Let your consciousness go. Floating in this time/space experiment with the sublime experience of profound emotion. You are held in a bubble of light. You can see it and perceive it. You are safe and secure at a certain level of worthiness. You love that this is who you are. You are far more than you thought. You are free to play. ∞Play.∞ To have a little more fun. ∞Fun.∞ You centre yourself with a feeling of light/love that you know in your heart to be true. Your projection of love/light is unlimited and it graces all energies. You carry a bright light for all your circumstances, geographical location, and community of people. You are working on more levels than you know or even need to know. ∞ How are you caring for yourself and your expanded perception? Don’t sell your experiences short. Amplify and exalt any and all experience - enjoy the emotion you are feeling right now to celebrate multidimensionality and to soothe the human form into a state of pure joy. ∞ You are doing everything you want to do. Now. You are secure in multidimensional spirit/human expression. Soak up the love/light and do so with extreme pleasure. We are so grateful to you. We honour you with the all of all energy. ◉ ExitHealing Sphere Now ◉ Crystal - Amethyst Sound Frequency - FA 649 Hz |
April 26, 2021
There is a seamless disconnection from your everyday desires. It happens without you realizing it. The feeling is so uplifting it makes you want to smile. You have a conscious awareness that you have been limiting yourself with certain thoughts and thought patterns. In quiet reflection or meditation, you are shown a space of thought - outside your common area of normal thinking. It is an expanded container for awareness that holds the potential for a more seamless perception of even greater desire. Manifestation is not what you thought it was. It is even more surrendered and more relaxed allowing. It is even more about vibration than you previously comprehended. Although this might seem like a distorted belief you should have known, appreciate awareness. Consciously express gratitude for perceiving this seemingly taken for granted notion with a broader perception of mind. Your heart has opened wider. You are flowing with a stronger conscious awareness of love. Your focus on the constant presence of love in your life is manifesting positively. You perceive the flow of love as the creation energy of all things. You see it everywhere. You see it in yourself. You feel the present moment choice of love. It is not outside of you. It is you. It is not something to yearn for. You already have it. You are everything you seek. Take a moment to bask in these energies of wholeness. There is nothing more than this good feeling of have completely integrated a spiritual lesson that more love is always available to you. There is always more love you can have for yourself. U Fill up with Gratitude Now U #JOURNAL - AwarenessOfMoreLoveInMyLife# This is what you really wanted and you are really doing it. This is your dream already come true. Notice a profoundly, deeply relaxed feeling in your body. You have released the struggle on a deeper level. You are choosing to feel worthy of joy and you are manifesting more joy. And while you want to stay in this feeling forever, there is a bigger part of you that wants to get back into the fray of life and play with this new level of awareness. You are just like everybody else and they are just like you. Everyone and everything is a flow of infinite love. There is no need to perceive difference anymore. You have redefined the word to allow every expression equally. You have focussed on your freedom and now you are seeing it all around you. Your intense commitment to the belief of the love in all things and all people is bringing you evidence of forgiveness and deep connection. These are profound results from your intention and playful discipline. The incoming energies are causing subtle sensations and focussed awareness of expansion in your heart chakra. You might feel as though your heart as you know it, has disappeared - only to be replaced by an image-based, 3D environment or mirage of some thing or place you love dearly. This could be a garden, a beloved park area - it most likely will be something natural - it might be something else that only you know you hold dear. The energy feeling is like a green garden growing. It is a simultaneous feeling and a reciprocal feeling. The perfect balance of this energy makes you feel giddy. It makes you unable to feel anything but the truth of love. If you are preoccupied by something, simply focus on your heart and you will see/feel the love/light. It is a profound feeling of surrender. It is seeing the beauty and harmony in all experiences. Everything is a message of love. All perception is reminding you to perceive love even more. This is not a love of your mind. It is an allowing presence and focus on the flow of love. It is not a mental experience of thinking of what you love. It is an atmosphere of the presence of love that you are in the midst of. There is nothing in the way of this flow of love. Your mind is open and cooperates easily. Your mind can’t argue with your heart anymore. Your heart is too in love with your mind. Ah! It feels good to be loved. It feels just as good to love. The flow of love from self to others is a constant ally. A constant stream you can’t even stop with your thought. You turn your attention to it because it feels good. Your heart controls this awareness. It is beyond thought. It is a feeling of non-thought that doesn’t need thought to exist. When you focus on this energy, it becomes almost like a salve. You might even be able to see a wry humour in it. You really cool ways to communicate with yourself - a secret handshake or word or feeling or action that immediately causes you to access this benevolent and playful energy that is the flow of pure love. Imagine green growth. Go outside and see new leaves on trees or little plants bursting forth from the ground. Feel this energy in your heart chakra. See the multiverse. We meet you there. Crystal - Rose Quartz Sound Frequencies - FA - 639 Hz |
April 16, 2021
You have moments where you notice that your vibration is soaring no matter what you are thinking about. The flow of incoming energies is very strong. It can’t help but uplift you, if you turn you attention to it. ! Activation begins: A Gentle Dance of Non-Thought ! Today is a good day to relax in non-thought. And then, it is a good day to feel elation and excitement if only for allowing relaxed non-thinking and the chance to bask in your high vibration. Major energetic recalibration continues. Allow your energy body to keep up so that your human self can take a breather. Ask the earth to nourish your physical vessel with love and vital energy while you rest. Let your human self return to your comfort zone. Just for a little while, focus on what you know feels good. The earth will soothe any aspects of you that feel like comfort is bad or somehow not productive and/or a guilty pleasure. Maybe you need to redefine what it means to you to be comfortable. This will happen easily when you allow yourself sometime to relax and/or to focus on how the earth supports you. Don’t worry about a thing! Just because you retreat to a space of soothing calm, does not mean you will miss out on anything exciting. On the contrary, this very gentle action of restoration is bringing you more face-to face with desire. In fact, you are getting increasingly specific about what you want. The incoming energies are supporting and co-creating with you. Again, we urge you to move in such a way that allows your body to express what words and even thoughts are unable to do. This takes non-thought to the next level. This is transcendence in the making. Cultivate an inner approach to allowing communion with the space you are in and the invisible energy that surrounds you. Celebrate your body as a container for energy and also as an energy that takes up space. You are here for a reason. Your energy is the grace of creation. The movement of you as energy is inevitable. The movement of you as energy never dies or goes away. This is a quality of currency that has the most value to you. It is a gentle dance with vibration, an exchange with spaces of energy that nourish and honour you as the energetic being that you are. Your body doesn’t need thought to process at the level of energy. Your thoughts tend to interrupt emotional processing like the way tempo organizes a song. We mean for you to get down into the pleasure of movement without thinking. Begin with a split-second, a glimpse of non-thought, whereby your body becomes the intelligence that guides you. Work up to longer periods of body focus without mind. Dance in silence. Dance to your favourite song. Dance especially if you think you can’t dance. < 10 min. Movement Meditation - Gentle Dance - Let Your Body Show You > Movement and spirit equals light/love. This is who you are and this is how you create. Whether it appears to be so or not, collective well-being is being recalibrated to a degree beyond human comprehension. Allow your humanness to take a break. Let your body absorb progress and evolution for you through movement and communion with earth energies. You are processing vibrational changes at the level of your physical vessel. If you experience sensations in your physical vessel of any kind, before you worry, acknowledge the beauty of the vibration you feel. Allow a feeling of ease. You are drifting and floating through a blur of time. This is a force of energy and momentum, beyond what you have known up to now. Thank the vibration for presenting for your this time. Choose total well-being. + Relaxed Affirmation - I love my vibration. I love what it is teaching me about creation energies. + + Relaxed Affirmation - I appreciate the earth. I love how the earth lovingly grounds my human experience. + + Relaxed Affirmation - I celebrate my body as vital energy. + Notice what you notice. We will meet you there. ! Activation is complete: A Gentle Dance of Non-Thought ! Crystal - Celestite Sound Frequency - FA - 639 Hz |
March 31, 2021
! Activation begins: Endless Dream of Love ! Greater conscious awareness leads to greater feelings of self-love. You are in full command of this energy. It is like a lubricant you send to every nook and cranny of your physical vessel and energy body. The power of your love causes you to love every aspect of yourself with higher vibrational alignment to the core of all things - LOVE! Right now is the totality and purity of infinite love. Right now is beautiful and sublime. Right now is freedom and abundance. Your attention to, your perception of, and your focus on allowing this love is the all-encompassing power you hold within. Always. It makes you want to appreciate everything. All of your emotions are golden. You give this gift to yourself so happily and so freely. You are soft and tender with yourself. You are sensual with the subtle waves of energy all around you. You are brilliant, awe-inspiring, generous, genius and attractive. You are trust and knowing. You are your higher self, amplified. You are your soul grounded in power. You are following inner guidance. You are conscious with your dreams at night. You are showing up in your subconscious in different ways. You are this pure love for your subconscious. You are the love of all consciousness. This tender body of receiving. This light of your eternal existence. This power of intention and freewill. This the magic that goes straight to the heart of creation. It is you. It is our togetherness. This energy feels like a night of endless dreaming. You drift from one moment to the next as if floating on a cloud or skipping on electric air. You are excited with childlike anticipation and expectation. And while, you feel high, fully proficient in the language of spirit, at the same time, you have never felt more reverence and gratitude for your physical vessel. In some ways, it all comes down to feeling safe in the physical vessel. Safe to further trust in the unseen worlds of the non-physical. This is your gift - to feel intimately the energies of self and others. There is clarification with these enrages about what it yours and what is not. Again, this is not personal - you are the mirror - what is reflected back to you is the treasure map to further spiritual growth. Your empathic abilities show no bounds. Appreciate this about yourself and feel for yourself as you do others. Feel with the knowing of the all of source energy. Feel with the truth of love as the highest vibration possible. This is how powerful you are. This is how much loves is flowing through you right now. This energy makes it almost impossible to hide from you fears. = EFT Opportunity - “I love feeling safe in my body. I love trusting my energy body. I’m just going to sit here and tap and relax and appreciate and love my embodiment. I love my soul. I love my higher self. I love my physical vessel. I love the feeling of love. I’m just going to relax as I tap and dream about how good it feels to be in love.” (click for more information about how to perform EFT) Tap through all the points for about 10 min. or so, repeating and relaxing and being in love with the whole of your energy body. Your higher self is already there. We meet you there. ! Activation is complete: Endless Dream of Love ! Crystal - Rose Quartz Sound Frequency - UT - 396 Hz |
March 25, 2021
! Activation begins: Conscious Sleep and Dreams - LOVE ! Dreams and visions reveal lines, pathways, and connections. Trust the way forward will be revealed when the time is right. The feeling is light, love-filled, uplifted, and laughing. It is a glorious day to believe in yourself. △ Alert Affirmation - I believe in myself. △ This is a time of realizing that nothing is coincidence. Everything that presents to you is a message of love. Every thought, image, conversation, advertisement, social media post - is an act of you receiving more love. It is a message that becomes a different story for you to tell. You begin to tell more stories about the love in your life. All aspects of you are playing together in harmony. You are unified at the level of energy. You are safe and you are ready to receive, allow, and accept more into your conscious awareness. In order to amplify these energies, it can be helpful to immerse yourself in 'cuteness' and 'sweetness'. Experiences that cause you to fully let down your guard so you can feel vulnerable, childlike, and filled with joy and wonder. This energy immediately causes you to feel blessed. A blessed experience of relief feels like a warm embrace. This is a high-creative expression - one that connects you to the energies of instant manifestation. You recognize that all the tools your need are already in place. All the people you need to to assist your progression are waiting for you to ask. One door opens and then another and another. You might think to yourself, if it’s this easy, why not choose to have a little more fun! Fun is the order of the day, the week, the month. Make yourself soft and squishy with good feeling. Try to hold the feeling for as long as you can. When the feeling, goes away, remember it fondly. If someone asks you how you are, tell them about the feeling you had when you were soft and squishy and full of childlike joy and wonder. To repeat, you are fully aligning with powerful manifestation energies. You didn’t think yourself to this place, you relaxed. You didn’t control the situation or people, they came to you effortlessly. Your spiritual progression, your ascension, and the truth of your self-actualization is revealed. You are this extraordinary vehicle for multi-dimensional emotional experience. You are sharing your perspective with the whole of the multiverse. It's like the incoming energies make your heart go soft. There were all those things that used to bother you, but now, it is so much easier to focus on what you love. It's so much more fun to appreciate the moment no matter what. The clarity of a loving perspective is all you need. 😴 Conscious Sleep and Dreams - “Loving your dreams” Consciously appreciate and express love for the information you receive in your dreams, whatever it is, no matter what you can remember. It will fade away in time, and that's OK, the important part is the acknowledgement that the information and/or images you received are understood to be messages of love. Upon waking, recall a dream or dream fragment and say out loud, “I loved that dream. I appreciate that it was a message of love. I love feeling loved and embraced by my subconscious mind.” 😴 Breathe. Relax. Dwell. Bask. Breathe. Breathe. Relax. Dwell. Bask. Breathe. Breathe. We will meet you there. ! Activation is complete: Conscious Sleep and Dreams - LOVE ! Crystal - Selenite Sound Frequency - FA - 639 Hz |
March 18, 2021
! Activation begins: Pink Coloured Light of Newly Born Consciousness ! The incoming energies are pink-coloured light streams that access your system and flow within the whole of your energy body and physical vessel. This is a colour of innocence and purity and newness. The force of this energy allows a fullness of potential - it opens and widens your ability to receive and it also sets the stage for every new beginning you have been wishing for. The past is not read on your energy body or physical vessel anymore. The entirety of your beingness is rewritten with these higher vibrations of possibility and becoming. Can you perceive the freedom? You are no longer making decisions based on past experiences as much as you are bringing forth a future reality. Your mind is in an excited and expectant state that keeps you connected to the ever-present flow of infinite love that is always coursing through your system. Your are receiving all the information you need to make clear, heart-felt decisions in your life. The information appears to find you effortlessly. You are trusting what you know and you believe beyond a doubt that you already have everything you need. This is the fullness of being lost in the wonder of poetry or music or dance. Again, this is a rhythm you are tuned to and it feels wonderful to allow yourself to move with the song of your inner world. Take a moment today and celebrate your progress, your high vibrational state of being, and the truth of your self-actualization. You are empowering every delicious moment with a clarity that has often felt to be beyond your comprehension. Your expanded awareness is your expanded ability to wrap your mind around glimpses of your eternal existence. This is a soft, easy, gentle feeling you know very well. It feels so good and so real. An ancient aforementioned feeling soothes your physical vessel and aligns you with a deeper knowing. This is starkly opposed to a certain hardness with which you have been used to experiencing in order to brace yourself against what you perceive to be pain, suffering, and strife. This difference will be illuminated clearly and will be felt acutely as you navigate your daily life this week. A certain knowing will show up and be felt physically in relation to particular definitions of words or feelings around common, taken for granted notions of life experience. In particular, you will notice certain words and concepts in your awareness to be almost enveloped in hardness - a shell of cognition that feels impenetrable - these are layers of thought structures around ideas of seemingly mundane beliefs and impressions - ideas of “income”, “relationship”, “intelligence”, “worthiness”, “writing”, “thinking”, "fairness", "faith" - perhaps these are words that you use all the time that are simply conceived as being too hard to flow with the high vibrational reality you are currently experiencing in your energy world. These concepts are begging for a vibrational redefining by your thinking mind and feeling heart. And you see, you know, that when you have concepts that are out of step with your vibration, they are simply harder to realize and or incorporate and integrate into your system. Use a dictionary and look the words up. Open your thinking mind to broader definitions that include your worthiness for more. Allow yourself to receive the core of each idea in your thinking mind and your heart. This is not about changing you. You are primed for receiving more. Let it in. This is about empowering these notions, ideas, and concepts with a softer gaze, so that the overall receiving of your thinking mind is effortless. You want to dissolve the shell of past experiences that shroud the fullness of these energies. The alchemy is not at the level of you but at the level of what you perceive to be external to you. This is limitation in all its glory. Full acceptance of self and other is the prevailing force in your vibration. The allowing is already underway. Your physical vessel is adjusting accordingly - you may be a little destabilized as the very foundations of your understanding of external reality is in the midst of change. Your physical vessel may feel shaky, dizzy, or otherwise discombobulated. Take some quiet time. Listen to music or soundscapes. Dance and let your body show you how to release beyond the thinking mind. Allow your hearing senses to rebalance your entire system of knowing. Imagine you are squishy and soft inside. You are newly born, with brand new understandings of structures that have conditioned you your whole life through. Everything means something new now. All that you thought you knew has an elevated vibration. Let yourself drift into this new metric of perceiving. You have a more fully integrated apparatus of sensory awareness. You are the fullness of what fullness means. You are the infinite feeling of love. ! Activation is complete: Pink Coloured Light of Newly Born Consciousness ! Crystal - Rose Quartz Sound Frequency - LA - 852 Hz |
March 10, 2021
! Activation begins: Time Is On Your Side ! Detachment comes so much easier these days. Going with the flow feels sublime. Not seeking to control and force and direct every single thing feels liberating. Allowing yourself ease even in the hard stuff just causes you to want more. Create more. Love more. Be more. Feel more. Experience more. Allow more. Receive more. This causes you to jump timelines and find yourself consciously aware of alternate realities. This is the whole of you. This is you showing you the ever-present potential for more in every experience. More creation. More expectation. More power. More consciousness. In this way, time presents to you as a great and useful ally behind the scenes. You have experiences of time feeling sped up or slowed down. Enough, so that you comment on it, or feel genuinely disoriented. You realize that time is secretly assisting your growing conscious awareness and also your ability to focus more on what you love. The relief in these moments comes from certain feelings that you actually have all the time that you need and that time, as a construct that controls your daily experience, is not real. You will feel catapulted into breakthrough awareness. You will feel as though you are gently rolling along into greater clarity. You simultaneously have an experience of time that communicates eons alongside the split second that it takes to change. It becomes very apparent that time is actually here to serve you, not the other way around. Time isn’t something you have to resist or try to change. Time is working in concert with your desired intention. It is quickening to show you potentials of consciousness. It is slowing down to allow you to deeply relax your body. Notice what you notice. What is your relationship to time? How is your perception of time serving you? Your physical vessel is navigating you through the illusion of time - often it is the excuse, the thing holding your back, and that which is somehow not good enough. Your physical vessel is on the front lines of this time/space reality. Your physical vessel is the true miracle of consciousness. It is all you need to know. It is the core truth of love. It is showing you everything - your senses, sensory perceptions, feeling states, mental processes - the all that you are, experienced through the physical body - interpreted, integrated, patterned, and shared. Do something nice for your body today or spend a few moments appreciating your physical vessel’s ability to navigate this space/time reality. If you have an experience where times feels as though it is distorted, be sure to take note of the true ways that distortion of time served you. Did a night that seemed like it went on forever actually catalyze a breakthrough? Did an unsettling quickening of time actually cause you to get to the good parts faster? Once you acknowledge that time as a construct may actually be serving you - create time as if you would manifest anything else - by feeling the positive feelings of your desired outcome. How does perceiving time to be friendly, and on your side, change the way you see your whole life? △ Alert Affirmation - I have more than enough time / Time bends to my highest good / Time is always there for my full experience and expression △ You might have a strong, habitual reaction to the role of time in your life. You can trace these beliefs back to subconscious programming that told you that time was not there for you and that you could not trust time. This will most likely catalyze awarenesses around greater worthiness and what it means to be safe and secure. However, you can also go straight to the destination without worrying about how you got here - you can decide right now that you are just going to trust that time is a figment of your co-creative imagination and you can choose to trust that time is always on your side. ∿Clarify Your Intentions Now∿ You create perceptions of time. You acknowledge that now more than ever. Why not consciously create a perception of time that works for you? Why not allow even greater powers of co-creation? ~ Trust this process ~ We will meet you there. ! Activation is complete: Time Is On Your Side ! Crystal - Citrine Sound Frequency - MI - 528 Hz |
March 03, 2021
You are being called to create even more space for your energetic expansion. Are you willing to allow even more joy and love and pleasure into you life experience? Yes!Yes!Yes!Yes!Yes!Yes!Yes!Yes!Yes!Yes!Yes!Yes!Yes!Yes!Yes!Yes!Yes!Yes! △ Alert Affirmation - “I am ready and willing to create more space for my expansion.” △ The unique combination of incoming energies are simultaneously aligning you to higher vibrations overall and calibrating you to the truth of who you are and what you really want. This influx and flow of energy that graces your system at this time has less to do with release and more to do with active choosing. It is about allowing resonance with a higher vibrational truth in all things. It gently refocusses your attention to the infinite love that is present in everything. It is subtle and profound; soft yet infused with a power beyond your current level of knowing. To repeat, you are not attuned to low vibrations anymore - there is nothing you have to fix, heal, teach, or prove - you are not required to hold space for that right now. You are beyond. Your vibration has already taken you to a different level of awareness. This is cause for celebration! We are cheering you on from the spirit world! Imagine that you are receiving a round of applause from every single expression of guidance in the infinite. The love felt for you might be construed as overwhelming, but wait, you are also at this level of pure love. You know the truth of your beingness. Allow your spirit to soar even higher. This is wonderfully empowering energy primarily because you are in the driver’s seat. You are responsible for allowing more, no-one, or nothing else holds the power that you do. When you are able to glimpse the magnitude of your power, the ways you have been limiting yourself are naturally revealed. This includes perceptions of self as compared to others, not appreciating your unique offering to the world, and/or trying to gain approval from others who are not on the same vibrational level that you are. No matter. These are occasions to rejoice! These are the openings in space/time for you to consciously move forward, always expanding into a greater and more powerful and deeper expression of the pure love that you are. Clarification continues to both astound and soothe you. Any and all experience is seen as inherently necessary and a beautiful part of your spiritual progress. This includes situations or relations that you might consciously be forcing a little or the places that you are knowingly pushing through something rather than aligning with the flow. That’s OK. It’s alright to get something in your head and desire to see it it. It’s alright to have these experiences be for nothing else than a greater asking of allowing and alignment. It’s also an interesting heart/mind/spirit exercise with which to reflect - why did you pursue a certain conversation if you knew where it was likely to lead? Why did you put yourself out there in a certain way if you already knew what the outcome would be? What does this say about your vibrational frequency? What does this say about perceived limitations that lurk at the depths of your human identity? What does this say about those shadowy, hidden beliefs systems you thought you might have released? What does this say about perceptions of lack or mistrust in the ever-present and benevolent support of spirit that never leaves you and always has your best interests at heart? Clarification. Resonance. Expansion. Harmony. Clarification. Resonance. This is the fullest level of appreciation. The crystal clear recognition that you have the highest vibration possible already within your system. This is your pure, natural state. This is not something to attain. It is you. UFill up with appreciation for your high vibration now.U This frequency, which is the whole truth of who you are, is the same frequency that is in all things and all people. It is wonderful to know your highest truth of pure love and to also allow that truth to be revealed all around you. Not only do you see where you sell yourself short of acknowledging and appreciating your true vibration, you are given many opportunities to receive a greater awareness of the love and perfection in all things and people. This is a subtle discernment that solidifies your system with greater awareness of inner power and strength. You decide. You allow. You integrate. You choose. Again, a round of applause from the infinite - you didn’t know this about yourself. You didn’t know you could be, allow, and embody the joy of this infinite amount of ease and grace. Allow the truth of you to be in communion with the truth of all things! A pure allowing of what is present already in each and every now moment is to be in effortless alignment with the truth of you are already at your highest vibration. Your higher self will guide you naturally to this expansive awareness. For instance, if you are gazing with love and appreciation at a precious little tulip, allow your higher self to align you at the truth of your highest vibrational reality with the truth of the highest vibrational reality of the tulip. This is beyond love that you know and becomes the truth of love as the highest vibration in all things. With tulips, you might hear soft, tinkling laughter, with trees, a low guttural and soothing hum - what can you explore today that goes beyond the love you think you know? How are you more love already? We will meet you there. Crystal - Kyanite Sound Frequency - LA - 852 Hz |
February 24, 2021
Spaces in time. Gaps in non-feeling. Something bigger is coming through you. You know the feeling - perhaps little pressure of some kind is felt, and then a glorious breakthrough and the splendour of your expansion is laid bare for you to witness. Yes! This is you. This is you - eternal, and basking in your ever-increasing awareness of the truth of pure love. These little moments, these sparks and sparkles of clear knowing are the gifts of this human life experience, and the realization that you are creating it all. This incoming energy is aligning you with a greater, more powerful, and more effortless ability to focus on the sparks of insight, and the crystal clear feelings of indisputable knowing. If you are looking for a way into these energies or if you choose to amplify their process at play in your life, your inner child is willing to lead you to more awareness with a childlike curiosity and strong penchant for fun and good times. You are the vehicle for expansion that is always waiting for you. Let your inner child guide you. The feeling is this: you travel back in time and memory to those times as a child when it was obvious your were in the flow of good feeling, pure passion, and effortless joy. You know this time very well. Go there now. < 10 min. Meditation - Let your inner child show you what you love > Your inner child is rushing into the dreams you had as a child. This forward-moving upward-feeling energy is taking you right to what it is you desire. Perhaps you don’t know what that is? Can you trust your child self to take you there? Can you close your eyes and feel the wind on your face and be with your happy heart as your dreams unfold to your energy beingness? When you travel back in time to be with your child self, you will also most likely encounter those times when you felt the freedom and joy of childhood dampened by the external forces of the illusion. Wonderful! Now you so very clearly know the difference between the joy that is always inherently yours, and the opposite. In your mind’s eye, in your imagination, lift the damper and run! It's like a chance happening, or so it seems - you successfully avoided being tagged and got away. You are running on the wind! You are sprinting with the speed of source energy! There is nothing holding you back - joy, exhilaration, fun - you are the celebration of life, and there exists an energy of pure love in every aspect of your physical vessel and energy body. This energy is so abundant it spills over into your aura - you actually change colour - the vibration is so high and so pure - you are in the full potential of alignment. Hold this feeling. You will most likely realize that you already are everything you always wanted to be. You will most likely feel very grateful that you are doing your own thing and no one else’s. You will most likely feel a strong desire to forgive your entire past and every aspect your childhood that, at times, wished you could change. You are the best thing that could have ever happened to you. Every experience is all that you are - an over flowing abundance of expansion into love. Where is your inner child running to? Perhaps, for now, you can you simply enjoy the feeling of running towards something that you know you want. Brimming over with excitement, laughing out loud, and squealing with joy. Can you allow it to be what it is, which is love? Can you rest in the trust you have of love? We meet you there. Crystal - Blue Lace Agate Sound Frequency - RE - 417 Hz |
February 17, 2021
! Activation begins: "The Best Of Life Experience Is You" ! There is something about your life right now that is causing you to want to make the absolute best of it. No matter what is going on around you, your feelings of self-worth have never been higher. It is a sign of the times, perhaps, slowing down, or being confronted with aspects of self that are uncomfortable and knowing that now it is the time to get to the root of it. What do you really want in life? How can you create it for yourself? It is wonderful to be in this space, feeling the swirling energies of change, and knowing that you are more clear because and despite it. In fact, you can’t get enough of it - your dreams spark more dreams - and the quest for the desired emotion has never been stronger or come to you more easily. This is the pure recognition of the infinite possibilities of the now moment and the concomitant ability to choose the emotions you want to experience in each of those moments. You have everything you need already. Your perception is everything and somehow it is softening, somehow you are warm, colourful, easy, and feeling focussed. There is something about this human experience that you are beginning to understand. It is like a game that you can’t wait to play - the process of having fun, the way you keep thinking about what it's like to have fun. A particularly freeing moment of childhood. The last time you laughed really hard. Losing yourself to the flow of something or someone. A sublime antidote for and fear worry or doubt. This is what you are craving and everything is in place to co-create these experiences. Can you see your reality with these new eyes right now? Yes. You know exactly what you have been daydreaming about. You know the ease of releasing extra duties and obligations - perhaps you actually have a little more time on your hands than you think to explore other aspects of self. Give your intention for fun over to your body. Let your body show you what it wants to do. Allow yourself some time to get into it. Pretend you have become who you want to be, role-play imaginary scenarios you desire, act like you have a different job - have fun - surround yourself with people, be who you are in the joy the of their company, revel in a feeling of physical sense of connection - yes - this is having fun like you would if you were playing kitchen or library or fireperson as a child! Already - your vibration is rising just at the thought that you could do something so seemingly unproductive. Yes! There is nothing more productive than your vibration being at the best level to serve you fully. This is your future self or maybe past child self but this is you now in another world allowing yourself to be and become another person for right now. This is your your frequency realigning with your playful, happy soul. It’s like taking a bath - so simple and utterly transformative. You feel centred at the core of your emotion - double breathing - creating just a little more space for other selves to get out - freely, and in a state of wonder and appreciation. There is not enough for you to get your thinking mind around. Your sensation flows like movement - ever-changing, dynamic, in constant flux. You only know you are moving through yourself. Allowing your vibration a body of its own. Feeling your movement through space - in your pretend-dreaming-acting out - you are waves of energy or wave forms and now you can see the silhouette of your light body - soft, flowing, chaotic, direct, and more - your alternate reality that you are playing out has it’s own story, almost independent of you - you can only think and feeling and allowing and choosing play and fun. Thought becomes the movement of your imagination - a partial reflection of thinking - there is also the body’s wisdom to show you the way. < 20 min. Meditation - Play / Fun (role-play, imaginary friends, different jobs/duties/tasks, and more!) > ! Activation is complete: "The Best Of Life Experience Is You" ! Crystal - Hematite (yes! more hematite) Sound Frequency - FA - 639 Hz |
February 10, 2021
-----------------MESSAGE FROM THE SIRIAN STAR FAMILY OF LIGHT------------------- We are having glimpses of a power that we we always knew was possible - the power of beings of light coming together in a recognition that we are all one. It is a glorious spark, a split-second of knowing that anything is possible our togetherness. This is a frequency of oneness. No one is left behind. This energy impacts you on a personal level as you have acute awareness that you are more powerful than you previously thought. You commit to being the love/light you are with a greater depth of intention. Your radiant heart is your magnetic heart, and soon you notice that a simple acknowledgement of greater personal power influences all areas of your life in a positive way. There is nothing that can bring you down. And, while you feel a growing strength inside, there is a strong desire to share this feeling, not with words or actions necessarily, but simply by being this feeling of strength and power. At the same time, you recognize and realize the equally powerful force of distorted power - a feeling of power that comes not from your radiant heart-knowing-love/light, but from a fear-based desire to control yourself and others. You are very grateful for this clarification. You feel as though you are catapulting towards enlightenment. Your sensitivity to distorted power, power for harmful gain over self and others, or power that seeks to force a certain agendas felt not only as emotional content but actually seems to register in your physical vessel. You notice this very clearly because it does not feel good. Most likely, you feel this as a hard, blackness, or a heaviness in your stomach and solar plexus area. You know the emotional feeling states of anger, regret, blame, fear - you know that this is not your natural state. There is a strong desire to get control over yourself and to remove these feelings form your awareness. However, the more you try to push and pull these energies from your system, the greater they seemingly become. There is some authoritarian, masculine energy at play here - these energies are lingering for you to bring them back to love. You can’t get away from these feelings if you are embroiled in them, but you can release the distortion to further reveal the extent of your true inner power. To repeat, you will not be able to control these forces with external means. This is always the illusion playing into more illusion. You simply connect to the flow of infinite love that is always coursing through your system. It feels forward-moving, upward-feeling - it is soft, gentle, light, and sweet. You know you are there because there is a feeling of space in your solar plexus, and your stomach is relaxed. You know because you feel good. Focus on feeling good right now. Hold the feeling. There are major energetics at play here - causing you to be drawn to light-hearted experiences - funny movies, games, inspirational books, creative visualization, favourite songs and uplifting music, the excitement of trying new things you have always wanted to, and the sense of being lost in time/space doing something that almost makes you forget that you are embodied - this is no coincidence because as you choose to follow your heart and your passion in ways you might never have before, this awareness of power ignites perceptions of your own free will in surprising and wonderful ways. △ Alert Affirmation - I trust my inner power will guide me to my highest good. △ It’s as if you take the lens off of fear, and put it on your inner power to choose to feel how you really want to feel, which is aligned with your true nature. It is delightful and energizing and it changes the way you see everything about the world around you. You receive a rush of energy - stronger than any other feeling and this energy reveals crucial information and gently instructs you as to how to integrate this information. If you ever thought you were too aggressive, or too much, or too powerful, you will instantly see these qualities as great gifts that have served not just your human experience, but your energetic and spiritual progress. This is so much more than what you think because there is always so much more in this now moment for you to fully receive. Your inner power expands and extrapolates - inside becomes out, up become down - your true power allows you to see there is a positive in everything you think there isn’t. ENJOY the clarification of power. Direct your thought and feelings to what you want to create. Allow your powerful feelings to infuse all areas of your life. You are supported. You are supporting yourself. WE are with you. -----------------------------TRANSMISSION IS RECEIVED------------------------------------ Crystal - Clear Quartz Sound Frequency - SI - 963 Hz |
February 01, 2021
! Activation begins: Opposites Attract More Love ! Perceptions are changing rapidly. This is the constant flow of expansion that you know so well. Everything is presenting for you to grow into more of who you are, which is love. This might not look like you think it should look. Human experience is not a mental exercise but a process of feeling through feeling. Your feelings guide the way. What are you feeling right now? If it is the case that you are feeling a certain heaviness, this is not necessarily bad thing. Clarification continues, and it means you are ready to choose more, and perhaps differently. All experiences are taking you to more love of self and others. You know you are worthy and nothing, not even mental chatter or subconscious thinking, can keep you from it anymore. Are you ready to receive more love? What you are determining to be heavy or negative at a mental level is really a certain joy in your heart patiently waiting for you to see it as such. This is your heart-knowing that the truth is really the opposite of what you think. What you think you might be missing is perhaps not what your heart or soul really wants. What you think you might need is really your heart offering it to you already. There is no questioning in this space, it is simply truth and pure inspiration. It is always available to you. Without a doubt, it is becoming easier for you to recognize the benefit of what it means to be eternal. Or, the positivity of acknowledging your inherent perfection no matter what. < Meditation - 10 seconds - Feel without thinking > We call on you to constantly look at the other side of your thoughts. Go underneath your current level of thinking, or above. Focus on the truth of your feeling. For instance, if you are always seeking approval from others, the truth is that you are seeking approval from yourself. Give yourself the approval that you seek by focussing on the truth of self-acceptance in your heart. How might it feel to fully accept yourself? Focus on those warm, soft, gentle, sweet feelings of complete self-acceptance. Choose to feel and accept the inherent goodness of who you are. 🧲 Play with imagining the opposite of your thoughts. It should make you smile and feel light-hearted. Don’t stop imagining until you find yourself laughing or smiling. 🧲 If you are feeling a heaviness in your heart about something, question the rational thought process that seeks to explain that heaviness. Your thoughts are always guiding you to more love and self-acceptance. Your thoughts - however they present - are orienting you to the truth of your infinite love. This means a conscious, active process of being with your current state of being is a constant and active process of allowing your thoughts to guide you to better feeling. This is the easy alignment of surrender and trust. Your desire to control your experience so that it turns out a certain way is not the easiest way to enjoy life. It is much kinder to self, and uncomplicated, to allow your experience to unfold without judgement, knowing that it is never what you think and always how you feel. This also allows you to see that you are everything already. It is wonderful because your thoughts, no matter what they are, are always your pathway to finding the love within that you seek. Your thoughts become not something that you seek to tame or change but little adventures to find the gifts you know are yours. There is monumental relief as perceptions ease into and out of your focussed reality. There are undeniable truths you remember and meaningless events, connections, knowledge that you forget. It may cause you to question your reality, sanity, presence and more. Again, how do you feel about feeling good? How do you feel about change that causes you to feel even better? You are able to see that your attention to living with low vibrations for a long time, maybe forever, or your habitual practices of self-sabotage and limitation, or even negative subconscious thought patterns, are not really that at all. The truth is a lightness that has always been there and the dreams come true of your desired human experience. The truth is you have never been against yourself. The truth is the opposition is the love that you seek. More so than anything else, this indicates a strong connection to your inner world. The movement to and fro from thought to feeling and back again, from truth to illusion and back again is actually the grounding you worry you don’t have. It is the foundation of conscious awareness that reflects the entirety, the wholeness, the completeness, and the perfection of the multiverse. Even in that which you don’t want or what you push away, you will find the overwhelming truth of love. Everything, and all that you are, is love. = EFT Opportunity - “Even though I have thoughts that make me feel heavy and bad, I choose to deeply and completely love myself anyway. Even though I’m thinking about something that makes me feel heavy and bad, I am open and willing to see this as a hidden opportunity to love myself more. Even though I am scared to feel love for this thing I think is bad, I choose to acknowledge that there is love in all things and experiences, I choose to open myself to even more perceptions of love.” = (click for more information about how to perform EFT) Tap through the points. We (your beloved star family of light) will meet you there (with more self-love.) ! Activation begins: Opposites Attract More Love ! Crystal - Hematite Sound Frequency - LA - 852 Hz |
January 26, 2021
! Activation begins: Peace and Pleasure ! Human experience reigns supreme in the world of spirit It is the most brave, courageous, and expansive choice/existence in the entire multiverse. Humanity is in a constant state of evolution - releasing, changing, and becoming. What are you in a state of becoming today? Are you celebrating the fullness of your life experience? If not, why not? This is the change now. Let it carry you. Let yourself roll away. The past is long gone. There is no going back. The why of this can’t really be explained. The power of this now moment can’t really be explained either. But, right now is all there is. Right now is the only thing that matters. Allow peace within, and reaffirm your commitment to move beyond the low vibrations. The time for forgiveness is now. ✹ Forgive yourself fully. ✹ Forgive all others fully. ✹ Notice the opportunities that present around you. ✹ Focus on a feeling of peace and relief - the rest will happen easily, naturally. Expansive experience is not personal. There is no fault or blame to be had. There is only a duty to higher consciousness. This is the truth of the power of the now moment. Where is your powerful heart at right now? You have always known this time was coming. You have asked for a feeling of peace and harmony. That time is now. All you have to do is tune to the flow of infinite love that courses through your system at all times. You will be guided and supported. Your peaceful feelings will grow and expand every area of your life. This is beyond healing. This is wholly energizing. The main vehicles for allowing this energy to take hold and change your entire system is through sound and movement (dance.) Move your body and find a rhythm or flow. This could be harmonizing with music or simply following the tune of your internal soul song. Move wherever you are - your energy body will know exactly what to do. Listen to uplifting music and/or sing. Play an instrument or play around with an instrument. This is not about mastery, it's about experimentation and play. Most importantly, sound and movement catalyze your higher vibrational knowing. Listen and move - you will know when your vibration has reached a level of happiness and good feeling because you will sense peace in your entire system, peace with all others in your life experience, and peace with the world around you. It's as if your everyday external projection dissolves and a new one, a lighter one takes its place. These are unity consciousness energies. Our respective similarities emerge seamlessly. We are all going through the same process of self-growth. We are all strengthening belief in self and what we can do together. Our distance from each other is a greater and more expanded perspective - use this time to work on your allowing of this expanded perspective of oneness. Be gentle, soft, and sweet. Trust in your awareness of unconditional love. Go with the flow. Have compassion for self and others no matter what. Commit to having your highest vibration right now. Allow your peaceful feeling to grace the all of the multiverse. This is also a good time to explore the manifestational power of sexual energy. Commune with your energy body through heightened physical pleasure. Use intention and thought to catalyze the rush of physical euphoria. This can be done independently or with a partner. Let your celebration of lightness and pleasure vibrate from the whole of your physical beingness. Let the pleasure vibrations of your physicality spill over into every area of your life experience. ////RUN LIGHT PROGRAM - Send love/light to all energies\\\\ You are a bright, blinding light of infinite, unconditional love. There is a certain joy in every experience of your life. Find the flashing, brightness and the pulse of joyful feeling that vibrates within. Surrender to the flow of your internal rhythm. Choose peace and pleasure for all. Feel soft, gentle, sweet, and trusting. Know the graceful power of your light is the oneness of us all. < 20 min. Meditation - Love For All > ! Activation is complete: Peace and Pleasure ! Crystal - Kyanite Sound Frequency - FA - 639 Hz |
January 21, 2021
***********************MESSAGE FROM THE PLEIADIANS************************ ! Activation begins: Celebrate Ourselves ! These are energies of profound release and relief. We are letting go of energies we didn't even know we had. This leaves us reeling with emotions that can feel not only uncomfortable, but also confusing. Where is this coming from anyway? These are expressions of the depth of our collective soul and they take us by surprise because maybe we didn't expect that we simultaneously needed to release them. However, when we look at the broader arc of self-actualization haven't we suspected these lurking emotions all along? Doesn't it make sense that our external environment is a perfect reflection of the unresolved issues within? Aren't we so very grateful to the brave souls (ourselves included) that have chosen this particular path so that we can all receive unconditional expansion into more love? There are no conditions of expansion. It happens anyway whether we like it or not. There are no rules to receiving - we receive all the time in an infinite number of ways. What is our collective perspective right now? What are we choosing? The veil of the illusion dissolves as we remember the truth of our togetherness more frequently and more consistently. Primarily, this means that the low vibrations are not really low at all. There is an inherent beauty to all experiences and we are being called to witness this beauty in every moment and in every experience. We don't have to look outside ourselves for the resonance anymore. It is with us at all times. The harmony is there in our hearts - forever expanding into more love. What is our relationship to our heart-knowing right now? We are one heart always expanding into more love. This is the truth of who we are. This human experience is a celebration of all energies, even those that rub us the wrong way. There is no hierarchy of experience. There is no judgement in the entire world of our spirit . Breathe a sigh of relief. Allow ourselves the sublime feeling of celebration. No one gets left behind. No one is outside of unconditional love. We are all the same light of creation. We are one light. One heart. What can we appreciate about our life experience right now? 1.______________________________ 2.______________________________ 3.______________________________ To repeat - these are catalytic energies. They can bring on monumental release and also bring up monumental emotions (that perhaps we didn't think we had.) The purpose is to release profoundly low vibrations of sadness, anger, lack consciousness, despair, abandonment, fear, mortality, etc. (we know the ones) in an atmosphere of heart-felt peace, harmony, and beauty. You will be supported. These emotions will express unexpectedly, even while we are asleep. Yes. This means a cleansing process of releasing anything we have to in our very own way. This will most likely be personal and will not involve others, however, when you do reach out for support, either in personal relationships or the world of sprit, you will be guided in a beautiful and uplifting way. This event of release will be relatively short-lived and your system will re-stabilize (and be strengthened) very quickly. The teaching that follows may come a little later, but we will receive awareness that will propel our collective soul's purpose. In this case, a little crying is a really good thing! The emotions bring a connection to the beauty, peace, and harmony of oneness - a depth of emotional integration we didn't know we had either! Enjoy our expansion. This process is the treasure - the abundance in disguise. The next steps will be revealed easily. We feel good and light-hearted. We feel brand new. We feel energized with the power of our own ability to harmonize any emotional content. We celebrate! ! Activation is complete: Celebrate Ourselves ! *********************TRANSMISSION IS RECEIVED********************************* Crystal - Jet Sound Frequency - SOL - 741 Hz |
January 13, 2021
! Activation begins: Whim! Lark! Fancy! Escapade! ! Your vibration is rising. Right now. As we communicate this message to you, your system is receiving high frequency light-body upgrades. This is in the realm of a fantasy your mental body can not fully understand. Take a moment and consciously tune to the infinite flow of love/light that is always coursing through your system. Take a moment to remember the truth of who you are, which is love. Take a moment to appreciate that you can create anything you like. Take a moment to look at a blank wall to allow yourself mind-space for creative impulse. Every moment is you creating you. Every moment is a potential for freedom. Your rising vibration - and everything you consciously and unconsciously do to raise your vibrational state of being - is the music of your soul - a feeling state that is a natural groove, a pleasing pulse of energy, and a heart-felt song of well-being and oneness. Please remember to ask your higher self to take you there. Then, allow your energy body to show you where it wants to go. Music is a relevant metaphor right now. Play your all-time favourite songs and be transported to different times and experiences in your life. Make up a song. Listen to every-day sounds in your environment with new ears, as if it is music, like these mundane taken for granted little noises are actually attuning you to a source of sonic energy and revitalization. Notice new sensations of compassion of forgiveness. You will feel a oneness with all energies acutely. The dream was so much fun and now it is a reality! Now! You are living in the ether of your dream-state-as-new-reality - you have already given yourself all that you require. You have already allowed what you want to reside in your system. There is no more asking and no more need. Whether the manifestations come that you desire, or not, you are strangely satisfied and fulfilled simply from the joy of experiencing this wondrous co-creation with the all of consciousness. It is also an apt reminder to stay present with allowing yourself to achieve the feeling states of your desires. This is easy for you. You merely reach out, take hold, and a desired feeling state is yours. Notice when you are in sync with higher intelligence. This is not hard work. This is the multiverse delivering exactly what you have asked for. You are releasing many old programs around ‘success through hard work’ and ‘success through fighting at the expense of self and others’. There has been so much clearing and now there is so much space for new creation. The process won’t be' that same old' way of doing things. 'The same old' structures of belief are gone. This might cause moments of sadness or grief. However, you still feel supported and guided. Your foundation is strong and unwavering. Let the emotions of life experience roll through you. In a way, this experience of “goodbye” is less sadness and more quiet, soothing, and humble joy, or at least a more expanded potential of what joy can be. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Breathe. Relax. Breathe. Breathe. Relax. Timing is key here, and it is not yours to decide. Allow your feelings. You are ready to be patient. You are happy to let spirit guide you. It’s like you are going through sweet and tender break-ups with low vibrations - you know it's time to move on and while it feels kinda scary to leave, it also feels unusually good, and exciting. It's that weird in-between state you have grown to love and accept fully. And, even though you don’t necessarily know where you are going yet, you're anticipation of the unfoldment is truly the best part. Your higher self is speaking to you through spontaneity - through flights of fancy and oddly timed sparks of whimsy. The best and fastest way to raise your vibration is through an amusing experience of unexpected joy. You are adventuring through your life experience. The only thing you have to do this week is decide to have fun with it no matter what. Meditation will provide the clues. Now moment presence will ground your ability to tune to infinite awareness. ! Activation is complete: Whim! Lark! Fancy! Escapade! ! Be one. Be in joy. We will meet you there. Crystal - Fairy Stone Sound Frequency - RE - 417 Hz |